In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 110 The government has really changed

After the two Jinshi of the Ma family were arrested, they caused a huge stir in the court.

Early morning on September 3rd.

With the encouragement of the Han family and after brewing for several days, Yushitai launched another attack.

In the Song Dynasty, the Yushitai and Jianyuan were collectively called Taijian. According to the official system of the Zhenzong period, there should be six Taijian each, for a total of twelve people.

But during Renzong's reign, the number of admonishing officials increased.

There are one Yushi Zhongcheng, one Yushi each, two people serving the Yushi in the palace, two patrol envoys on the left and right, one envoy in the corridor, one envoy in charge of incense, six supervisory censors, and twelve people below in the supervisory censorship. There are also several people from Sanjing Liusi Yushitai.

In this way, there can be more than twenty or thirty people on the stage alone.

The number of people in the Imonarium is relatively small.

Because the Taiwanese officials at Yushitai mainly inspect hundreds of officials, there are more people.

The admonishers supervise the emperor, and can also supervise hundreds of officials. Their duties are more important than that of the censors, so they are fewer in number. There are only six people, namely the left and right admonishers, the left and right admonishers, and the left and right Zhengyan.

At that time, Taiwanese officials were mostly recommended by the prime minister. Although they could play a role in supervising the prime minister, they were occasionally used by the prime minister as an offensive weapon against competitors. For example, Qingli's New Deal and Wang Anshi's political reform all had their participation.

Therefore, Han Yi, as the Deputy Prime Minister of the Privy Council, and Ma Yuan used to be the supervisory censor, had three or five friends of the censor, so naturally he could push the censor behind the scenes.

On the same day, Zhao Jun also walked out of the house early in the morning.

It's getting colder.

Zhao Jun went to the Salesian Bureau to look at the bottles.

The Salesian Bureau was only established in the Southern Song Dynasty; there was no such thing in the Northern Song Dynasty.

However, Zhao Jun confiscated the properties of many corrupt officials and gained a lot, so he allocated funds specifically to purchase real estate to house these victims.

The Wuyoudong branch was destroyed, more than 100 criminals were captured, and 31 victims were rescued. Only four of them found their families and were willing to go back.

The rest are either homeless or unwilling to go home. After all, many of them are women and have suffered so much. If they go home, they will only be criticized by their neighbors. It is better to stay.

At least the Imperial City Secretary was in charge of food and drink, and the Chief Secretary also promised to arrange some textile and other jobs for them in the future. After two years, they could heal their trauma and see if they could find a good family to marry and live a stable life.

The Salesian Bureau was placed on Cross Street in the outer city, covering an area of ​​several acres. This was to prepare for the complete destruction of Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower in the future and the placement of a large number of victims, so it was currently empty.

Zhao Jun hired several caregivers to clean the courtyard, and arranged for a team of imperial city inspectors to live in the front yard to protect their safety.

When Zhao Jun walked into the Salesian Bureau, the inspectors all came forward to greet him: "Chief Secretary."


Zhao Jun nodded and walked all the way to the backyard.

Everyone is having breakfast in the backyard. In the future, there may be thousands of people living in the Salesian Bureau, and it will definitely not be enough to just support these people.

It is the last word that everyone should make money by working with their own hands to provide enough food and clothing.

It's just that Zhao Jun still has more things to do, so he will live like this for the time being. After finishing the recent work at hand, he will start to make them self-sufficient.

Benches were set up in the courtyard, and caregivers helped to feed those with amputated arms and legs. Two little monkeys were jumping up and down inside. The monkey hair had grown together with the body. It would be too painful for them to peel it off. Can this be done first.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming, one of the little monkeys screamed strangely: "Uncle Zhisi is here, Uncle Zhisi is here."

Everyone suddenly stood up in panic.

Zhao Jun came here several times. At first he wanted them to call him brother, but then he thought that brother in the Song Dynasty also meant father, so he asked them to call him uncle.

Although uncle in the Song Dynasty also meant brother-in-law, it also meant uncle, and the meaning was almost the same as uncle in later generations.

He smiled and pressed his hands down: "Everyone, sit down, don't be restrained, this will be everyone's home from now on."

"Thank you Chisi!"

There was a woman who bowed slightly and saluted, as if she knew some of the rules of ladies before being taken away.

The others also said in the same manner: "Xie Zhisi."

A nursing mother-in-law said enthusiastically: "Chisi, have you eaten the morning meal?"

"Not yet."

"Then come over here and sit down."


Zhao Jun smiled and walked over to sit down.

The bottle is next to it.

There was plenty of food on the table.

Now the Imperial City Department has sufficient funds and the Salesian Bureau does not have many people, so every meal has meat.

Twenty-seven people, all had two meat dishes, two vegetarian dishes and one soup. However, the breakfast was not that rich. Today it was soup dumplings and noodles, as well as mutton soup.

In the past, when the food was served, everyone would get started. But today he was very reserved. Zhao Jun sat down and no one moved their chopsticks.

Compared to the hell in Ashoka Cave, this place is like heaven.

Even Ping'er has regained some of his sanity and is no longer as confused as before. He can only maintain a numb smile and instinctively recite his lines.

So everyone is afraid of going back to the past for fear of offending Zhao Jun.

There was a girl on Zhao Jun's left hand. She was looking at him pitifully. He smiled and said, "Eat them all."

That's what he said, but no one took action.

Zhao Jun had no choice but to take a soup dumpling himself and handed it to the little girl.

The little girl was so hungry that she instinctively took a bite. The soup splashed out and smeared her mouth, but it wasn't that hot, so she laughed stupidly.


The children around looked at the little girl's appearance, and they all laughed and started moving one after another.

Zhao Jun picked up two leaves on the ground and wiped his hands, turned his head to look at Ping'er, and touched Ping'er's head with his other left hand that was not holding the bun.

Ping'er narrowed her eyes and was enjoying herself like a kitten. The nurse beside her was feeding her something to eat. Zhao Jun asked her, "Ping'er, how are you doing here?"


Ping'er chewed the soup dumplings in her mouth and said vaguely: "Grandma Li treats me much better than Grandma Cai."

"Don't mention that Granny Cai anymore, and don't call her grandma."

Zhao Jun warned: "That person's life is worse than death now. She will die after a while. Just forget her in Ping'er."

Ping'er fell silent and asked, "Grandma Cai. Will she die?"

"Yes, Ping'er doesn't want her to die?"

"Ping'er doesn't know"

"Why don't you know? Shouldn't Ping'er hate her?"

Zhao Jun frowned.

Ping'er stopped talking, was silent for a moment, and whispered softly: "There are good times."

Zhao Jun stopped talking.

Being helpless in that kind of place, Granny Cai mistreated her as if she was in hell.

But in order to survive, Ping'er can only rely on her, and even develop feelings for the criminal. This is the so-called Stockholm syndrome.

Maybe it takes Ping'er a lifetime to heal, or maybe it can't be cured in a lifetime.

The little girl next to her had healthy limbs. She was originally sold by her parents, and the people in Wuyou Cave planned to sell her to a brothel.

This was a common situation at the time.

She happily ate the noodles and sipped the mutton soup. Then she raised her head and raised her face and asked Zhao Jun: "Uncle Zhisi, will we have food to eat every day from now on?"


Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Yes."

"No more bad guys will take my daughter away in the future."

"No, but there are indeed some worse people now, and they don't want Nannan to have a good life."


Nannan's expression suddenly became aggrieved, as if she was about to cry: "Did Nannan do a bad job?"


Zhao Jun touched Nannan's head again and looked towards the imperial city in the distance: "It's their hearts. They are inherently bad, but Nannan can rest assured that Uncle Zhisi will not let them get what they want."

some people.

When you become an official, you raise your head to the sky.

I thought that I was high up, had a noble status, and was completely different from ordinary people. I had long been unable to see the sorrow at the bottom.

This kind of people are actually the saddest, because they will never live in the hearts of the people.

The morning session lasted for more than an hour.

First, handle official affairs in various places and do national affairs well.

Then there are other reports, such as where the disaster occurred, where local officials were appointed and dismissed, and border trends.

When all kinds of state affairs are almost settled and according to normal procedures, it is time to announce the dispersal of the dynasty.

Yang Ruoyun, who was supervising the censor's office, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I have something to report!"

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Zhen asked.

Yang Ruoyun said: "Taizu said, the punishment is not good enough for the doctor. I would like to ask, does your majesty want to violate the ancestral system?"

here we go.

The Manchu officials suddenly became energetic.

Zhao Zhen's face was as dark as water and he said, "Why did I violate the ancestral system?"

Yang Ruoyun said: "Both Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu became officials through the imperial examination and were born as Jinshi. There is nothing serious between them, but the Imperial City Secretary ransacked their homes and arrested people. It is said that the officials were cruel, just like the cruel officials in the former Tang Dynasty, who beat them severely. Didn’t your Majesty violate the ancestral system?”


Liu Wencai, the supervisory censor, also stood up and said: "Your Majesty is always kind and kind, and you must never do anything cruel to officials. Please also ask your Majesty to abolish the Imperial City Division and release Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu to calm the hearts of the people."

"Your Majesty, please think again!"

Then several more censors came forward to plead for Erma.

Only Fu Bi, the admonishing officer, said: "The evidence of Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu's crimes is conclusive. Although they cannot be punished as high officials, they cannot be released. I think they should be exiled."


Immediately, someone said angrily: "Even trivial matters require exile. The admonishing officer of Fu Yanguo did so with great authority."


Fu Bi sneered and said, "Is it true that there are still officials in the world who have committed crimes but are returned to their posts?"

"Oh, I don't believe that rich and powerful officials never get into trouble accidentally."

Someone also sneered.

Officials of the Renzong Dynasty were notoriously arrogant.

But they obviously don't know that today's Zhao Zhen is completely different from the original Zhao Zhen.

After Zhao Jun's CPU many times, Zhao Zhen no longer only knew how to cover officials' crimes as before, but had other considerations.

"Okay, I know what you want to say, and I just have something to say today."

He looked around, seeing silence below, and said expressionlessly: "During the late emperor's time, he issued an edict: "From now on, officials in various states are guilty, as long as they surrender themselves before being exposed, they can be ignored." I think it is inappropriate, when? , if the officials are guilty, they can just turn themselves in and no questions will be asked. If this is the case, wouldn’t it mean that the officials in the world are allowed to commit crimes?”

"In the fifth year of Tiansheng's reign, Fan Xiwen wrote the "Shang Governing Letter", stating that today's officialdom is corrupt, with a high probability of corruption. Many other officials from the Qing Dynasty also wrote to me, informing the world that officials are corrupt and bend the law, and the demand for bribes and the acceptance of bribes are becoming increasingly strict. Harsh. The ancient methods of carving and peeling are all available in this dynasty."

"It is said that if officials are unclean, politics will be undermined, and if officials are not honest, the people will suffer. Therefore, fishing for small profits, and beetles depleting the people, are just doing it. I believe that to govern the country, we must punish corrupt officials and respect the law to prevent chaos and chaos. The source of this. But we must not tolerate rape.”

"Therefore, the Imperial City Division is given the ability to arrest and investigate. Be strict with the criminal law and prevent it before it happens. From now on, officials in various states who are guilty and surrender now can be dealt with lightly. But if there are those who are guilty, they should be treated as serious crimes, and the stolen goods will be treated lightly. If the crime is not pardoned, the punishment will be to rectify the name. In the lightest case, he will be dismissed from all positions, dismissed from office and exiled, and in the worst case, he will be sentenced to jail, or even his home will be confiscated and his head will be executed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole place was in an uproar.

The expressions of Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng and other three figures changed suddenly.

After three generations of Taizong, Zhenzong and the current dynasty, the scholar-bureaucrats finally made the emperor stop killing scholar-bureaucrats.

Moreover, no matter how serious the deeds committed by corrupt officials are, the most severe punishment is dismissal from office and exile. Even basically, they are no longer dismissed from office, but demoted and then promoted after a while.

Good now.

It directly reversed the efforts of three generations of scholar-officials and returned to the time when Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin could kill scholar-officials at will.

Not to mention those corrupt officials, even those honest officials are a bit unacceptable.

After all, even if you are incorruptible, you can't protect your family members, disciples, old officials, etc., and it's common to have some behind-the-scenes transactions.

Corruption does not simply refer to people who are greedy for money, but also refers to those who bend the law for personal gain.

In the Song Dynasty, there were actually very few people who embezzled public funds. They used their power to oppress the people and show off their power. After becoming officials, they instigated their relatives to do business, and then attacked their competitors to ensure that officials had a monopoly and obtained more legitimate profits.

Strictly speaking, Er Ma only received money from Ma Yi. Sending money between relatives was nothing in the Song Dynasty. Su Shi even gave away his pregnant concubine, let alone money.

The real reason for Erma's failure was to use his power for personal gain, using his official power to rob other people's property and valuable calligraphy and paintings.

Therefore, in the Song Dynasty, there would definitely be very few people who embezzled public funds, but if the officials tracked down those who violated the law for personal gain, a large number of people would go in to pick up soap, and even the Lu family might be implicated.

So Zhao Zhen's words immediately caused an uproar.

One by one, the censors stood up and said: "Officials will suffer from hunger and cold if their salaries are not enough. At the time of the late emperor, he was considerate of the fact that the salaries of officials all over the world were not enough to support their families, so he issued this edict to protect the dignity of nurses and doctors. And after this edict, "There are very few officials who are corrupt. This is the best policy and cannot be changed."

"The Song Dynasty was founded with loyalty, and the punishment for all crimes was mitigated. The late emperor once said: "Those who have stolen a lot of stolen goods and harmed their moral integrity will be awarded the title of joining the army in various states, and others will be awarded the title of judge, official in the capital, ministerial post, Linglubuwei, etc. "Zhen Xu". This is not to condone officials, it is all because of the kindness of the late emperor."

"In the Song Dynasty, we have our own Taiyuan, Dianyuan, Chaoyuan, Remonstrance Yuan and other places to supervise hundreds of officials. There is little corruption among officials at the top and bottom. How can your Majesty insist on delegating power to outsiders and letting juniors manage the court? Such a country is unworthy of the country. also!"

"Taizu left a stele and shared the world with the scholar-bureaucrats. The officials hired scholars from the people, and the scholars supported the people. Why should I criticize you harshly? Your Majesty must not listen to the words of villains and ruin the style of a gentleman!"

Many censors signed a letter, and even other officials also spoke out.

If the power is given to the Imperial City Division, it can hardly be said to strengthen the imperial power. But now the lack of pardon for corrupt officials is a knife hanging over the heads of all scholar-bureaucrats, making them tremble with fear.

How can they still be so unscrupulous and do whatever they want?

However, Zhao Zhen just looked down expressionlessly. Now that he had been convinced by Zhao Jun, even if he couldn't bear it and did not want to violate the intentions of the officials, compared with the Song Dynasty, the latter was naturally more important.

He waved his hand, and Wang Shouzhong and Yan Wenying took out a large pile of official documents from the side, followed by one pile, two piles, and three piles. Piles of official documents were piled on the ground like a hill.

Cao Xiu dragged out a table from the side, and someone brought him a chair. On it were placed the four treasures of the study, pen, ink, paper and inkstone. He just sat there, taking some time off, polishing his ink and looking at everyone with a smile, as if he was watching a good show.

These things were all done silently by the chamberlains, leaving all the officials confused as to what they wanted to do.

Zhao Zhen waited for everyone to finish speaking, waited for Cao Xiu to prepare pen and paper, and waited for all the official documents to be piled on the ground. After waiting for a few more minutes, no one spoke anymore, and then he said, "These are the officials of the Imperial City." You can take a look at the evidence found by many criminals in Kaifeng Prefecture."

Everyone looked at me and me, but no one went over to get those official documents. Only Fu Bi stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Imperial City Division has made these evidences public to the public these days."


Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Then it seems that you all know what Kaifeng Mansion has done. The majestic Kaifeng Mansion, under the emperor's feet, abused the people and was cruel and cruel. Ma Yuan and Ma Zhongfu, a supervisory censor and a third division judge, Accepting bribes and supporting Ma Yi and others in Kaifeng Prefecture, as well as Han Zong! "

He slapped the case and yelled: "Look at the crimes these people have committed. They supported Wuyoudong, Guifanlou and other evil folk societies, causing many people to lose their wives and families. Kaifeng Mansion has harbored filth and evil, and has harshly blamed the people for many years. Tens of thousands! Why are you so harsh? Are these tens of thousands of people not my people, not the people of the Song Dynasty?"

Han Yi turned pale in an instant, raised his hands and saluted: "Your Majesty, I have failed to teach my son well, please forgive me!"

"These people's crimes cannot be pardoned. Where is Fan Xiwen?"

"I'm here."

Fan Zhongyan came out of the queue.

Zhao Zhen said: "I order you to conduct a joint investigation with the Imperial City Division, and be sure to clean up the many corrupt officials and evildoers in Bianliang."


Fan Zhongyan went back expressionlessly.

Zhao Zhen looked at the many officials below who were already silent, and said coldly: "Cao Xiu."

"I'm here."

"Record the people who plead for Erma and go back to the Imperial City Division to check to see if there is any money exchange and whether there is any record of bending the law for personal gain for Kaifeng Mansion. If not, it doesn't matter. Let them make the matter of interceding for Erma public. to the people.”


Cao Xiu agreed.

In an instant, all the officials' expressions became uncomfortable.

You must know that the Imperial City Division acted preemptively. Not only did they find many witnesses and evidence, they also made all the evidence of the crime public.

First of all, everyone in Bianliang knew that Kaifeng Mansion was harboring filth and evil, or they knew it before, but no one lifted the lid. As a result, everyone knew about it, but they could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

But after Zhao Jun took action, Kaifeng Mansion suddenly became a rat that everyone wanted to beat. Now even if there are grievances, people tend to go to the Imperial City Department instead of Kaifeng Mansion Office.

If Fan Zhongyan hadn't still had his former reputation and had straightened things out after returning to Kaifeng Mansion, otherwise the current Kaifeng Mansion Office would have become a completely deserted place, with no one interested anymore.

If Zhao Zhen follows Zhao Zhen's approach now, when the reputation of Er Ma and many officials in Kaifeng Prefecture is notorious, and the people know that they are interceding for Er Ma and Kaifeng Prefecture, they are afraid that the spit will immediately drown them, and the pressure of public opinion will soon Come.

This move of the official family is really unique.

This is to punish Er Ma, Han Zong and the officials of Kaifeng Prefecture to death!

Official family.

It’s really different from before!

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