In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 121: Taizu's descendants cannot become emperors

The new Constitutional Court did not immediately give orders to various departments, but focused on collecting data.

There were less than three months left before the end of the year, and Zhao Jun made some requests.

First, he asked each department to submit the internal data statistics of the department this year, second, he asked the Ministry of Personnel to submit the current list of officials, and third, he established several new departments.

The new departments currently decided mainly include the Statistics Department, the Geology Department, the Firearms Bureau, the Creation Bureau, the Jiaozi Department, etc., which are used for statistical data, exploration and development, firearms research, invention and creation, and banking and finance.

As for the dismantling of other departments, the division of responsibilities, the responsibility system of officials, and new national policy issues, it will probably have to wait until next year.

However, Zhao Jun has asked Lu Yijian and others to spread the news, which is considered to give various departments time to react.

And by the way, he can also see the direction of other departments.

If some departments want to make trouble here, and some people want to make trouble, then take this opportunity to solve them all at once.

In order to avoid the situation that when they really start to do business in the future, they will pretend to obey and disobey, and say one thing in front of them and another behind their backs.

It must be said that his way of handling things is still quite experienced.

This is due to the fact that I took the elective course "Political History" in college, which studied ancient and modern politics.

In fact, there is no need to study it specifically. Just compare the functional departments in ancient times with those in modern times, and you will know that there are similarities.

For example, the functions of the ancient Ministry of War and the modern Ministry of National Defense are almost the same. The Ministry of Revenue is in charge of finance, which is almost the same as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Civil Affairs in later generations.

So the comparison between ancient and modern times is basically just a change of name.

What Zhao Jun did was not a drastic reform, but to clarify the functions of the chaotic officialdom in the Song Dynasty, to correct the chaos and return them to their proper departmental tasks.

Instead of passing the buck everywhere, the Political Affairs Hall had to deal with even the smallest matters.

Therefore, the resistance in this regard should be much smaller.

The specific division of functions is Zhao Jun's next task, but he already has some ideas.

For example, the current three offices and six ministries can be completely dismantled and reorganized.

Change the three ministries into the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, make the Ministry of Households in the six ministries the Ministry of Population Statistics and Taxation, split the Ministry of Works into a Ministry of Geology, change the Ministry of Criminal Justice into the Ministry of Justice, change the Dali Temple into the court system, and add a procuratorate system to achieve the separation of the three powers of the judiciary.

Then, make the Censorate into a supervisory department, the Ministry of Personnel into the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Organization, the Ministry of War into the Ministry of National Defense, and the Ministry of Rites into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Propaganda, etc.

Strictly speaking, these departments all had corresponding powers in ancient times, but the division of responsibilities was not so clear, and the powers were large and small.

Now, some of them will retain their original functions, some will separate some new departments from the original functions, and some will simply add some departments. If the original chaotic powers and unclear responsibilities are clearly divided, the national development plan will be much clearer.

In this way, the power structure of the Song Dynasty will be headed by the Political System Institute, and the following departments will be divided into the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Finance (formerly the Three Departments), the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Propaganda (formerly the Ministry of Rites), the Ministry of Geology (formerly the Ministry of Works), the Dali Temple (court system), the Procuratorate (procuratorate system), the Censorate, the Bureau of Statistics, the Bureau of Firearms, the Bureau of Creation, the Ministry of Jiaozi, etc.

These departments are equivalent to the high-ranking official units in later generations, and in ancient times they were also equivalent to the original three provinces and six ministries. There is not much change in responsibilities and functions. It is to clearly define the functions and what departments do what, instead of the chaotic situation in the past where you can manage and I can manage, you can ignore, and I can ignore it.

So in general, the first thing Zhao Jun did after taking over was still very planned. There was no drastic reform, nor was there a large-scale elimination of officials, just sorting out, and even adding some official positions. Just like if you want to repair the computer room, you have to clean up the lines in the computer room first.

After the meeting, everyone went back to their desks to deal with their own affairs. Now that the Political System Institute has been newly established, there is no direct policy transfer, so it will continue to follow the authority of the previous Political Affairs Hall.

Fan Zhongyan is a candidate, and his original job is the prefect of Kaifeng Prefecture, so he went to Kaifeng Prefecture, and Yan Shu also went to the Three Departments.

Zhao Jun now has the power of a prime minister like Lü Yijian and Wang Zeng, but he did not immediately intervene in government affairs. These things were more handy for Lü Yijian and others to deal with, and going there alone would be a mess, so he did not stay in the Political System Institute and went out to do his own things.

And just when the Political System Institute was newly established, the Song Dynasty was in ruins and was about to usher in the dawn.

What happened in the morning court also spread quickly throughout Bianliang.

The fact that Zhao Jun was the youngest son of the previous emperor was a commotion, which alarmed many people.

The first one was naturally the Grand Master Zhao Yunrang.

Because Zhao Zhen was 26 years old and still had no son, in order to avoid the loss of the country, Zhao Zhen adopted Zhao Yunrang's son Zhao Zongshi into the palace at the suggestion of court officials as early as last year, and was raised by Empress Cao.

So Zhao Yunrang was shocked by the sudden news of the emperor's youngest son.

At noon, Zhao Zongyi hurriedly walked into the hall of Zhao Yunrang's house in Xuanpingfang. Zhao Yunrang was drinking tea. He liked flower tea the most.

The autumn wind outside blew the leaves, making a rustling sound.

Seeing his eldest son rushing in rashly, Zhao Yunrang put on a stern face like Zongzheng and said in a low voice: "What's the matter with you being so flustered?"

Zhao Zongyi hurriedly said: "Father, something big has happened."

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Yunrang put down the teacup in his hand.

Zhao Zongyi said: "This morning, the government set up the Political System Institute to control all officials, and its position is comparable to the prime minister in ancient times."


Zhao Yunrang frowned when he heard the news and said: "How can this be? The prime minister is already powerful, and now he is restored to the position of prime minister. Has the government forgotten about Cao Cao?"

Zhao Zongyi smiled bitterly and said: "The key is that the Political System Institute is set up, but the director of the Political System Institute is Zhao Jun."

"Zhao Jun?"

Zhao Yunrang widened his eyes and asked: "The Zhao Jun of the Imperial City Department?"


Zhao Zongyi said: "Now it is said in Bianliang that Zhao Jun is the youngest son of the previous emperor, so he is valued by the government."


Zhao Yunrang stood up from the chair, put his hands behind his back, and frowned.

Zhao Zongyi hurriedly said, "But now Bianliang is spreading it."

"What's the point of spreading these things? As long as he is not a member of the royal family, it is just a person with the surname Zhao."

Zhao Yunrang was not too panicked. He was the chief of the royal family. No one knew better than him whether there was a person named Zhao Jun in the royal family.

Zhao Zongyi saw that his father was quite calm, so he calmed down and said, "It was the child who lost his temper."

Although Zhao Yunrang said this, he was still a little worried. After thinking for a while, he immediately asked Zhao Zongyi, "What's going on in the palace? How is your thirteenth brother?"

Zhao Zongyi said, "There is no news from the palace. The thirteenth brother is raised by the queen. Yesterday, the queen sent someone to say that the thirteenth brother is very cute."


Zhao Yunrang pondered for a moment, then said, "Don't worry about this matter, let me deal with it."


Zhao Zongyi responded respectfully.

Then the father and son talked about some other things, and Zhao Zongyi left.

After the eldest son left, Zhao Yunrang walked slowly in the house.

Although he was sixteen years older than Zhao Zhen, he was actually of the same generation as Zhao Zhen. During the reign of Emperor Zhenzong, there was no son, and he was sent to the palace to be trained as a prince.

As a result, when Zhao Zhen was born, he was no longer useful as a spare tire, so he was sent out of the palace in disgrace.

This incident always made him feel very ashamed.

After all, he was only one step away from that position, but he missed it because of Zhao Zhen's birth.

So Zhao Yunrang hated Zhao Zhen all his life.

But he hid it very well and never showed it in front of outsiders. He was always respectful to Zhao Zhen and didn't give Zhao Zhen any handle.

Now he finally got the chance.

In recent years, Zhao Zhen has followed his father's old path. He was 27 years old and had no children. At the suggestion of court officials, Zhao Yunrang's thirteenth son Zhao Zongshi was taken to the palace last year.

Although he did not ascend to the throne, it seemed good to pin his hopes on his son.

This made the thirteenth son the greatest hope of Zhao Yunrang in his life.

So now Zhao Jun suddenly appeared?

"Zhao Jun?"

"Zhao Jun!"

Zhao Yunrang thought carefully in the hall, muttering a few words.

This Zhao Jun could not be the son of the previous emperor.

Otherwise, there would be no rumors for so many years.

And this person is not a member of the royal family.

At least in his memory, there is no one named Zhao Jun in the royal family, including the lineage of Taizu.

So what is this person like?

Will he pose a threat to Zongshi's position as the crown prince?

Zhao Yunrang narrowed his eyes.

To be honest.

He felt that the threat would not be great, or even basically no threat.

After all, Zhao Jun's origins were unknown, and he was not included in the royal family genealogy, so he could not become the heir to the emperor.

Even if Bianliang was full of rumors, when was there no rumor in Bianliang?

Even if he was a member of the royal family, the royal family was divided into the lineage of Taizu and the lineage of Taizong. At least in the lineage of Taizong, there was definitely no one like Zhao Jun.

So Zhao Yunrang did not think that Zhao Jun could bring him any trouble.

The only problem was.

This person is in charge of the Political System Institute, controls all officials, and becomes the head of all officials. Will he pose any threat to my son's succession to the throne in the future?

If this person has great power and can influence the emperor's decision, what should I do if I bring someone back to the palace to adopt?

Zhao Yunrang pondered carefully.

In his opinion, Zhao Zhen is 27 years old, and there has been no movement in the palace. I think he should be infertile.

If his thirteenth son goes well, there is a great possibility that he will become the crown prince.

But I am afraid that Zhao Jun will make trouble.

After all, in addition to their Shang Gongjing Wang lineage, Taizong's descendants also have descendants from Zhen Gongyi Wang, Chu Gonghui Wang, and Zhou Gongsu Wang, and there are many descendants.

Especially Zhou Gongsu Wang, that is, Jing Wang Zhao Yuanyan.

At the beginning, his descendants were also brought into the palace by Empress Dowager Liu, and they were his strong competitors.

If this Zhao Jun persuaded the official family to send other descendants into the palace, then his situation would be very passive.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yunrang did not hesitate and immediately went back to the study to write a memorial.

He wrote the memorial for two purposes.

First, he used the rumor that Zhao Jun was the son of the late emperor everywhere in Bianliang as an excuse to ask the emperor whether this was true, in order to test Zhao Jun's background.


If this person is really a royal family, then he can have a good talk with Zhao Jun. If the other party supports his child, then everything will be fine.

If the other party does not support it, then he will have to announce the matter and then request that Zhao Jun be allowed to return to the royal family.

Anyway, Zhao Yunrang was certain and certain that this man named Zhao Jun was not from the lineage of Taizong, even if he was from the lineage of Taizu.

The descendants of Taizu could not become emperors.

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