In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 126 Da Song and Penguin Joke

Eastern pole strategy?

Everyone listening to the lecture was confused and did not understand what kind of strategic framework Zhao Jun wanted to construct.

In the Guanjia Hall, ten people gathered around a large table, and the computer screen on the table showed a map of the world.

Zhao Jun drew a circle with his finger around China and several surrounding countries, and whispered: "To put it simply, the Eastern Pole Strategy is a strategic plan to create a hegemonic country in East Asia."

The dominant country in East Asia?

Thinking of the hegemony of Emperor Mildew that everyone had been hearing about during this period, everyone had a slight understanding.

Yan Shu asked tentatively: "Han or Tang?"


Zhao Jun nodded and said: "The Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty were the undoubted overlords of East Asia during their heyday. However, the problems of the Han and Tang Dynasties are also obvious. It is more difficult to achieve what I call the Eastern One-Pole Strategy."


Zhao Zhen couldn't help but ask: "The Han Dynasty was magnificent, the Tang Dynasty was Zhenguan, the Kaiyuan was prosperous, all nations came to court, and all directions surrendered, couldn't one dominate one side?"

"It is possible, but it cannot encompass the whole of East Asia. It can only dominate, but not even one pole of the earth."

Zhao Jun explained: "Because the productivity of the Han and Tang Dynasties was not enough, and the domestic basic education, capital accumulation, and development capabilities were far from adequate. In fact, it was difficult for the Song Dynasty to achieve this. The best era was actually the Ming Dynasty."

Zhao Zhen was unhappy and asked: "Why is it the Ming Dynasty? Isn't it the same as the Song Dynasty?"

"Of course not."

Zhao Jun glanced at him with disdain: "In the early Ming Dynasty, they were invincible in the world. There were no countries in the four directions who refused to surrender. Moreover, the productivity and technological level were close to the peak of the feudal period. Could the Song Dynasty do it?"


Zhao Zhen looked embarrassed.

The others looked at each other and remained silent.

The biggest problem of the Song Dynasty was that its military force was too weak. Not only was it beaten by the Liao Kingdom, but it was also bullied by the Xixia Dynasty.

To dominate one side is like a fantasy.

"The so-called Eastern Pole means that when the entire Western world, and even the global science and technology, productivity, technical level, educational talents, and political systems are relatively backward, they have completed a comprehensive evolution and are far ahead in the entire world. In this way You can complete the Eastern Pole.”

Zhao Jun continued: "To put it simply, the West is still in the Middle Ages, where demons and ghosts are rampant, and everything is backward. Not to mention other places, many places are even still in tribal primitive societies, such as the Americas, South America, Australia and other places. What would happen to the Industrial Revolution if we took the lead in improving productivity at this time?

"Then it will definitely dominate the world?"

Zhao Zhen said instinctively.


Zhao Jun shook his head: "Don't say what's in your heart. Although you have to have dreams, they are far away. At least our generation may not be able to achieve them."

Zhao Zhen asked: "What will happen?"

Zhao Jun said: "It will form a dominant position in the entire East Asia region, because even if you complete the lead in the industrial revolution, will it take time for you to annex Tubo? Will it take time to annex Xixia, Liao, Dali, Goryeo, and Japan? Such a huge country Territory does not belong to you if you conquer it, but it must be managed and digested.”

"That's true."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Later generations thought that the wider the territory, the better, but in the eyes of the ancients, the more appropriate the territory, the better.

Because it may not be able to be managed after being beaten.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Huo Qubing to attack the North Sea, that is, Lake Baikal, but he did not rule the grassland. They just sent the Zhonglang general to protect the Xiongnu, which was regarded as a half-control rule and a nominal occupation.

Just because of such a large territory, it was impossible to rule with the productivity of the Han Dynasty. It could only eliminate the hidden danger of the Huns going south, and they had to retreat when they should.

Therefore, the size of the empire seems comfortable, but it must be based on the actual situation.

Zhao Jun said: "The Ming and Qing Dynasties were almost the limit of the feudal dynasty. In my plan, if we want to break through this limit, we must first upgrade internal industries and complete a certain industrial base. Then you can look at the surrounding situation."

He pointed to the surrounding areas in East Asia and said: "Look, does Japan look like our mines? Does Australia below look like our mines? Does Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand look like our granaries?" ? Does the Monan Grassland look like the source of our wool, cows and other textiles, meat, eggs and milk? "

After Zhao Jun said this, Wang Zeng understood it in an instant.

Wang Zeng was relatively resourceful in history and was a strategic advisor. He said excitedly: "What you mean is to first become a big country that dominates East Asia like the Han and Tang Dynasties, and then gather the resources of surrounding countries and let the surrounding countries, Raise us up, break through the limits of the feudal era, complete the industrial revolution, and finally unify the entire East Asia and dominate the East? "


Zhao Jun slapped the table and laughed and said: "That's it! Lao Wang, there is something, you can understand what I mean so quickly."

Wang Zeng also smiled and said: "That's what Teacher Zhao said well."


Everyone laughed and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

It seemed that at this moment, everyone was back to the time when Zhao Jun was listening to his lectures before his eyesight healed.

"As the saying goes, one bite cannot make you fat. Even if you have the knowledge of future generations, it would be a dream to dominate the world within a few decades."

Zhao Jun picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water, and then said: "So within a hundred years, first dominate the East, just like Emperor Mold, and become the pole of East Asia. After a hundred years, use the influence of the Eastern Overlord to intervene in the whole world. This will This is a feasible strategy! It is also an extremely long-term plan. To put it bluntly, I may not see this plan come to fruition in my lifetime.”

"Even so, it's amazing."

Lu Yijian smiled, stroked his beard and nodded, "I think Jun's strategic plan is feasible."

"It does work."

"If it takes a hundred years to achieve just this step, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Young boy Jun's vision is indeed outstanding."

Everyone praised him one after another.

However, Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "Actually, there are still big problems."

"what is the problem?"

Everyone looked at him without knowing why.

In just a few decades, the Han and Tang dynasties dominated Asia.

Why can't they do it?

As long as we can first achieve the basics of the Han and Tang dynasties and have future knowledge, there is no need to worry about not being able to do what Zhao Jun said.

However, Zhao Jun said: "In our later generations, there is a famous football joke."

Zhao Zhen's face turned green when he heard the word joke.

The others also opened their eyes wide.

Good guy.

It’s about to start again!

This joke is so hard to pass.

"What are you doing? It's not a joke from Song Dynasty. What are you afraid of?"

Seeing that everyone looked ugly, Zhao Jun said dissatisfiedly: "Do you think I just like telling Song Dynasty jokes so much?"

We see you really like talking about it.

And he talks about it every day, chasing after us.

Everyone secretly cursed in their hearts.

However, he didn't say anything, but remained silent.

Song Dynasty jokes are no longer something they can evaluate. Only Zhao Jun and Zhao Zhen are qualified to mention them.

So every time they hear it, they just shut up and pretend not to hear.

When Zhao Zhen heard that it was not a joke from the Song Dynasty, his expression softened a little and he asked: "What kind of joke."

"It's like this. There was a sport called football in later generations. It was similar to Cuju in the Song Dynasty. It was played with leather balls, but the rules were slightly different. I won't go into details."

Zhao Jun said: "Although our country's national strength is booming in later generations, it plays very poorly in football and keeps losing, which makes the fans very dissatisfied, so there is a famous penguin joke."

Zhao Zhen felt that since it was a football joke, it had nothing to do with the Song Dynasty, so his expression completely relaxed and he smiled with interest and said: "Tell me about it."

"It's very simple, one, through operation, let FIFA allocate a spot to Antarctica, Antarctica is this place."

Zhao Jun first pointed to Antarctica on the world map, then used the mouse to zoom out the map, pointed at the penguin pattern on the desktop and said: "There is a group of penguins living here. They look like ducks, walk very slowly, and are cute little animals that shake their heads. See my desktop. This icon?”

Everyone came closer and asked, "I saw it, what next?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Two, the Chinese men's football team is assigned to the Antarctica Division. Three, the Chinese men's football team competes with the Penguins for the right to qualify. Four, the away game draws with the Penguins. Five, the home game is arranged in Sanya, and the Penguins will qualify directly after killing the Penguins."

"So your football team is going to kick a bunch of duck-like animals around?"

Everyone was speechless.

Zhao Jun shrugged and said: "So it's a joke, and judging from the current actual situation, the only difficulty in this five-step plan is the fourth step."

Zhao Zhen laughed dumbly and said: "In the minds of future generations of you, a group of people can't kick a group of ducks?"

"Yes, it's all a joke."

Zhao Jun looked around at the crowd and said: "And my plan for the rise of the Song Dynasty is also divided into five steps. The first is to make the Song Dynasty strong through internal reforms, defeat Xixia and Liao, and restore the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties."

"The second is to use the status of East Asian hegemon to intervene in neighboring countries and make them our resource-producing areas to support the Song Dynasty."

"The third is to complete the transformation after obtaining the support of the resources of the entire East Asia, and lead the world in productivity, technological level, basic education, and political system. It does not need to be a big step, it is enough to have the level of the first industrial revolution. "

"After the fourth country has the technological achievements of the first industrial revolution, it will be able to have enough power to intervene in more distant countries. From then on, the surrounding areas, even India and Central Asia, will become the back garden of the Song Dynasty."

"Wuzhe expects to achieve the accumulation of the second industrial revolution within two to three hundred years, monopolize the world's ocean channels, and completely become the overlord of the entire world. In this way, at least within five hundred years, the Song Dynasty will The strength will be at its peak and it will become the global leader.”

"Based on the current actual situation, the only difficulty in this five-step plan is the first step."

Zhao Jun stretched out a finger.

Zhao Zhen said with a bad expression: "So... this is still a Song Dynasty joke?"

"Don't be embarrassed."

Zhao Jun shrugged and said: "This is a fact, so I said that the best time is the early Ming Dynasty. The first step has been achieved in the early Ming Dynasty, and only the second step is needed to grab resources from surrounding countries. If everything goes well, relying on Japan's Gold, silver, copper mines, grassland, and Australian coal and iron mines can complete the first industrial revolution within fifty years. For the Song Dynasty, my plan is for a hundred years!”

Everyone's faces became even darker.

Good guy.

This means that it will take fifty years to complete the first step and become the most powerful country in East Asia like the Han, Tang and early Ming Dynasties.

How much does this boy Zhao Jun underestimate me, Da Song.

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