Lü Yijian guessed correctly. Zhao Jun actually wanted not only to limit the imperial power, but also to make laws and firmly grasp the right to interpret the law in his hands.

To be honest, for the bureaucratic scholar-official class, limiting the imperial power and increasing their power is what they originally wanted to do. How could they help the emperor to remove the imperial power?

So if it is just to make a constitution to restrain the emperor, I believe that Lü Yijian and others will definitely agree with it.

But Zhao Jun is not only talking about the emperor, but also the officials and the basic rights of citizens.

In other words, the laws he makes in the future will be his final say. For example, the landlords of the Song Dynasty tried to occupy the people's land, which was a common thing in the Song Dynasty.

But what if the land becomes a basic right of citizens after the constitution is made? At that time, the landlords obviously bought the land, even if they used means, it was legal on the surface. Would it be considered an infringement of the basic rights of citizens?

Therefore, at that time, the right to interpret the law became Zhao Jun's words. At that time, what he said was the law, and everyone had to listen to him.

Zhao Jun's power is now equivalent to that of the prime minister in ancient times. If he holds the right to interpret the law in his hands, he may be comparable to the emperor.

No one can control him at that time.

So when Lü Yijian realized this, he hurriedly wanted to remind Zhao Zhen.

However, facing the threat of Zhao Jun's cold eyes, he could only admit defeat.

If he offended Zhao Zhen, the worst that could happen was that he would be dismissed and go home.

If he offended Zhao Jun, what would happen, Lü Yijian didn't dare to think about it.

Because Zhao Jun's identity was already invincible.

A time traveler.

A descendant of the royal family of the Song Dynasty.

Knowing the future historical trends.

He still holds the system of basic education in his hands.

The entire Song Dynasty will need him to reform and design in the future.

It can be said that once Zhao Jun is gone, even if the Song Dynasty knows history and knows how to move forward, they can't do it.

Just like gunpowder, there is no need to add so many fancy things, no need for messy proportions, and the simple three things in the right proportion can exert the greatest power.

What they lack is not gunpowder, but the correct formula of gunpowder.

Therefore, in the current situation where Zhao Jun is the only one in the Song Dynasty who knows the correct formulas for the industrial revolution, basic education, capital market, business reform, political system, etc., Zhao Jun has already stood in a high enough position.

Unless Zhao Zhen is so crazy that he doesn't want his ancestors' country, otherwise, even if Zhao Jun draws a knife to kill Lu Yijian, Zhao Zhen will probably rack his brains to find a way to suppress this matter.

So Lu Yijian can only swallow his words in the face of Zhao Jun's threatening eyes.

Forget it.

Anyway, it's their old Zhao family's world.

I am a person who is half buried in the ground, and I don't have many years to live, so why should I fight for power with Jun boy?

Lu Yijian sighed in his heart and had to keep silent.

The rest of the people are also smart, and they didn't expect that Zhao Jun was going to make a set of rules for himself, and then play his politics in that set of rules.

But to be honest, how could they not understand what Lu Yijian could understand?

Lu Yijian cares too much about power.

So he fought with Li Di, Ren Bu, and Wang Zeng for the position of prime minister, and even fought with the queen when she offended him.

Now he met someone he couldn't fight with, and he himself would be defeated, let alone others?

Therefore, everyone kept silent tacitly and stopped talking.

Then Zhao Jun briefly talked about the rules and regulations that modern countries should have, and the power given to the people by the state.

As the highest constitution, there are actually not many articles. In later generations, our country only has 143 articles. Unlike the laws, which have more than a thousand, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of articles, the laws are piled up frighteningly.

The meaning of the constitution is to safeguard the fundamental laws of a sovereign state or region.

The main provisions are the social system, national system, national institutions and basic rights and obligations of citizens of a country or region.

Other laws and decrees of a country or region must not conflict with the constitution, which is the basis for the formulation of other laws.

It is definitely not feasible to talk about democracy in the Song Dynasty, but the country still has to give citizens basic human rights, and then the legislative power is in the hands of the Political System Institute, which is concentrated in the hands of Zhao Jun.

In this way, Zhao Jun got the legislative power, and he could make rules in the future, thereby indirectly manipulating the entire country.

Two hours passed quickly, and the time came to seven o'clock in the evening.

Because they had to attend the morning court at four o'clock the next morning, everyone said goodbye and went home to rest as usual.

As night fell, a silver moon slowly rose in the eastern sky. There was still a trace of sunset in the west, but the sun had completely set, leaving only a trace of afterglow shining on the western sky.

Zhao Zhen and Zhao Jun walked steadily on the way to Xihua Gate. Lü Yijian and his group of old men left. They were old and had to attend the morning court again tomorrow morning, and their bodies were a little bit unable to bear it.

"Every time I look up at the sun and the moon, I feel that human existence is so insignificant. Compared with the universe, human beings are nothing."

Zhao Zhen put his hands behind his back, and the wide long-sleeved robe covered his hands. He looked up at the sky and sighed.

They walked in Yanfu Palace. Inside the palace wall on the left were Shouchang Pavilion (Baowen Pavilion), Tianzhang Pavilion and Longtu Pavilion. It was the place where the royal books, collections of essays, classics, antiques, paintings, treasures, as well as the rosters and genealogies of the royal family submitted to the Zongzheng Temple were kept.

There are big trees planted under the palace walls, covering the sky with greenery. On the right side is the continuous Yanfu Palace. The road paved with bluestones is so clean that there is no dust mixed with it. On both sides are white walls with gray tiles, brackets and eaves, and tall towers.

The breeze blows through the clusters of palaces, making the bamboo horse bells hanging under the eaves ring crisply and jingle.

Zhao Jun glanced at Zhao Zhen in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Zhen could have such a great understanding when he talked about the knowledge of the universe.

Thinking about it, in these days, he was able to easily delegate power, not only because of the urgency of the demise of the Song Dynasty, but also because he saw the vast world and felt insignificant and powerless, so he looked away a lot.

After all, people will die and dynasties will perish. Compared with the outer universe, the earth is just a drop in the ocean, so why bother with power?

It is better to give up power and help Zhao Jun, a descendant of the next generation, who might be able to live for another few hundred years for the Song Dynasty, which would be considered a meaningful life.

Thinking of this, Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Yes, the universe is vast and great. Even a thousand years later, when technology has reached that point, people can only doubt and guess that the earth's civilization is the first civilization in the universe. No one knows for sure whether there is another Earth millions of light years away.”

"There is no end in heaven and earth, and human life is like the morning glow. Although I am the emperor of the world, it is as short-lived as the morning glow."

Zhao Zhen sighed.

Zhao Jun said: "Although the morning glow is short-lived, it is bright. If you think about it, even if you live in your lifetime, you will not be able to do many things. But every generation has a mission. What we have to do is to build a better world for future generations." Good foundation. Foolish Old Man can move mountains, and his descendants will be endless! This is the meaning of life."

"I know this truth clearly, so I allow my eldest grandson to take charge of the Constitutional Yuan, even to make laws."

Zhao Zhen gave him a meaningful look.

Zhao Jun was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "So I already know it?"

"I know it."

Zhao Zhen smiled and said, "You told Lu Yijian and others before that under the New Deal in the future, officials would not be dismissed on a large scale, but only in a gentler way. You must have lied to them."

Zhao Jun smiled bitterly and said: "I can't hide anything, brother. The gentle method is slow to take effect and may not be effective. The administration of officials in the Song Dynasty is already very bad, so we must treat them in a harsh way. Although I I’m not so crazy as to kill everyone, but if those people do nothing, then they can’t blame me for removing them from office.”

"So as long as an official has done something good, he will not be dismissed from office?"

Zhao Zhen groaned.


Zhao Jun nodded: "The Song Dynasty has a serious redundancy of officials and huge annual expenses, especially for the prime ministers. There is a huge gap between the monthly salary of the prime ministers and the lower-level officials. I plan to start from the beginning and cut off at least half of their salaries to subsidize the lower-level officials. . It is best if lower-level officials are willing to do their jobs and shine. If they are too busy or collude with others to cause harm to the people, they will naturally be punished severely. "

The salaries of officials in the Song Dynasty were indeed high. Even if they were from the ninth rank, they could earn two to three hundred dollars a year, which was much better than ordinary people. But the main ones are senior central officials, whose annual salary is basically around 20,000 guan, and the rest of the middle- and senior-level officials, all in all, also have an annual salary of 10,000 guan.

If it can be cut in half, it can reduce the expenditure burden on the government by one to two million every year.

And even if it is cut in half, the income of mid- to high-level officials is dozens of times that of mid- to high-level officials in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Especially since many officials have businesses at home, it is not difficult to continue to maintain their luxurious life.

If the money saved can be used to subsidize middle- and lower-level officials who live in poverty, especially civil servants, so that they can have extra income, and then increase the anti-corruption crackdown, let them be afraid of strict anti-corruption laws and have enough money at the same time. If you live with money, I believe that official governance will be much better.

This is also how later generations of countries treat civil servants.

Why does everyone want to take the public exam?

In addition to the monthly fixed income, there are also considerable bonuses at the end of the year to ensure the livelihood of most civil servants.

Although there are certainly some who are not satisfied with this and take desperate risks.

But there will be far fewer borers.

After hearing Zhao Jun's words, Zhao Zhen asked: "Lower-level officials are indeed the ones who have the most direct contact with the people. Cutting off the monthly salary of higher-level officials to subsidize lower-level officials will indeed make them a little more restrained and treat the people much better. "


Zhao Jun said: "The key is that the lower-level officials should benefit and be willing to obey. After all, if all officials are dismissed or killed, who will do the work? So not doing evil is the first element, and the second element is obedience. As long as If the decree can be issued, everything will go much smoother.”

“Just go ahead and do it.”

Zhao Zhen raised his head and looked at the dimming sunset in the west, and said softly: "I know that without my great grandson, the Song Dynasty would not have been able to survive for many years. It is better to give it a try. I believe that the great grandson's wisdom will surely bring great benefits to the Song Dynasty." It brings about a different situation.”

It seems that these days of continuous CPU plus Jingkang humiliation, Yellow River flooding and other threats have not been in vain.

Zhao Jun thought to himself, with a solemn look on his face and said: "This road may be difficult, there may be countless opponents, a large number of corrupt officials may be discovered, and many people may even be killed. But as long as there are If my brother supports me, then I will risk my life to make a way for the Song Dynasty.”

The two of them walked and arrived outside Xihua Gate.

Zhao Zhen patted Zhao Jun on the shoulder and said, "I trust my eldest grandson, just like my eldest grandson can trust me."

Sorry, I don't really trust you.

Zhao Jun cursed in his heart. He felt that Zhao Zhen seemed to be against the CPU.

Does this guy just want to take advantage of himself and wait until everything is on the right track in the future? Then he will burn the donkey and burn the bridge?

An idea popped into my head unconsciously.

But then it dissipated.

No matter what, just continue to act according to your plan.

In the future, you will finally be able to control the army and be in an invincible position.

Zhao Jun thought.

Then he said seriously: "With these words from brother, I am satisfied. I want to take a day off tomorrow."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Zhao Zhen was puzzled.

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "In addition to the officialdom, many people will be killed in the future, and many people will be killed tonight. It's time to clean up the Bianliang underground."

"Well, the Bianliang underground has embarrassed the Song Dynasty. If you want to mobilize the front secretary, you can ask Cao Xiu to inform me."

Zhao Zhen said.

"Okay, if we don't have enough troops, let's talk about it later."

Zhao Jun did not refuse.

The power he has in his hands is only the Imperial City Division's three thousand Imperial Guards.

In addition, there are probably thousands of people in Lao Fan's Kaifeng Mansion, and they may not be able to annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop. It would be much easier if the Palace Chief could mobilize.

The two chatted for a few more words and finally parted.

When Zhao Jun left Xihua Gate, Cao Xiu followed him on horseback. The carriage did not go to Qingtai Fang, but headed south towards Kaifeng Mansion.

The time displayed on the watch was already 7:23 pm, which in ancient times was 2:00 pm. The streets did not become desolate due to the arrival of night, and there was still an endless flow of people coming and going.

The summer night market in Bianliang is the busiest time, but the early winter night market is not so popular. However, there were lanterns and colorful decorations, countless vendors setting up stalls, and the crowds of people were just a little smaller than during the day.

The carriage was mixed in with the night market and slowly stopped outside Kaifeng Mansion.

The gate of Kaifeng Mansion opened at this moment, Zhao Jun got off the carriage, Di Qing walked over and showed his waist badge, and all the government officials outside bowed their hands and saluted: "Prefect!"

Zhao Jun nodded slightly, and the purple robe on this young man showed his majesty.

Compared with the last time I came to Kaifeng Mansion, this time there was less tension, and all the government servants and officials were respectful. Because the government servants and Kaifeng government officials who were rude to him before were now sent to prison.

"Hanlong, here we come."

Fan Zhongyan was in the main hall of Kaifeng Mansion, surrounded by several officials.

When they saw Zhao Jun, they all stood up and saluted.

"I've met Zhiyuan."

Everyone is careful and respectful.

These people are all fellow magistrates, judges, and officials of Kaifeng Mansion, and they are basically all new to their posts.

Their predecessors are now dying miserably, like Liao Yu, who was sentenced to halving and is still on death row. It is said that he will have surgery at the end of the year.

Therefore, no one dares to be careless when facing the Supreme Court of the Constitutional Council, which can really decide their life and death.


Zhao Jun nodded, then walked over and sat down.

Sitting next to Fan Zhongyan.

Cao Xiu, Di Qing and others stood behind him.

This is Kaifeng Mansion, and it is Lao Fan’s territory after all, so it’s better not to dominate the place.

"Hanlong, this is the map below."

There is a large map on Fan Zhongyan's desk, with a large number of densely crisscrossed lines drawn in it, and the major strongholds of the various forces below are also marked on it.

Zhao Jun nodded and said, "I've seen it. I had someone send you this picture."

"Then I won't say more."

Fan Zhongyan pointed to the location on the map and said: "This is the headquarters of Wuyou Cave, surrounded by sixteen entrances and exits. This is the headquarters of Guifan Tower, with thirteen entrances and exits. This is the ghost market."

He mentioned several major underground forces, and then added: "I thought we could block these cave entrances, and then the army would go deep in from other cave entrances and raid their lairs."

Zhao Jun looked over.

The Wuyou Cave Ghost Fan Lou and other forces are cunning and the cave entrances are very hidden. If he hadn't sent an undercover agent in, he wouldn't have been able to find so many entrances and exits.

Some entrances and exits are even not far from their headquarters. If they block the exits, wait outside, and then send a large army to attack from other entrances and exits, it is estimated that a large number of evil forces can be killed.

But Zhao Jun frowned, thought for a moment and said, "No, Lao Fan, your starting point is wrong."

"What's the meaning?"

Fan Zhongyan was puzzled.

Zhao Jun said: "Our first task is to rescue the hostages. If you do this, it will easily push them to a dead end. It is very likely that they will be cornered and the hostages will be damaged."


Fan Zhongyan thought for a moment and said, "What do you think?"

"Go directly through the passages closest to their headquarters, catch them off guard, and push them deeper."

Zhao Jun pointed at the various entrances and exits on the map and said: "We have rescued all the hostages. They are all villains below. Then we can calmly start our third step of the plan and wait for the right time. If you do this, not only the hostages will The losses were heavy, and they could easily escape through various channels, so the gains outweighed the losses.”


Fan Zhongyan pondered for a moment, nodded slightly and said: "Well, that's true. Although my plan can kill a large number of them, the hostages cannot be saved. And there may be unknown passages below, which may not necessarily be able to catch them all, so follow the steps Do whatever you want."

Zhao Jun looked around and said: "In that case, I will give the order. Have all your people gathered?"

"All gathered."

Cui Yuanming, the governor of Kaifeng Prefecture, replied: "More than 4,000 people from the government office have been summoned just now. Now they are all here. The torches, weapons, and bows and crossbows are all ready, and we are waiting for the order from the governor."


Zhao Jun pointed to the more than fifty entrances and exits on the map and said: "In these places, the army will directly enter. If the bandits resist, they will be killed. Remember, our first task is to rescue the hostages and raid all the places where the hostages are held below." , instead of chasing the gangsters, understand?"


Everyone was shocked.

Then Fan Zhongyan assigned tasks, and each judge, judge, and judicial officer led the troops to assemble in each passage.

Zhao Jun turned his head and said to Cao Xiu, Di Qing and others: "You have heard it, let's go."


Cao Xiu, Di Qing and others suddenly became excited and walked out.

The entire Bianliang City was different at this moment.

The government officials and patrolling guards of Kaifeng Mansion and Imperial City Division who were on the streets all disappeared.

In addition to the necessary personnel on guard duty, a large number of people were gathered.

The soldiers all held torches and marched through the market in neat steps, leaving the people of Bianliang scratching their heads when they saw this scene.

Only in Kaifeng Mansion, Zhao Jun and Fan Zhongyan issued the order for a general attack, then left the mansion, got on their carriages and left.

Tonight is destined to be an uneventful night.

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