In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 146 The destruction of Wuyou Cave

"Damn it, how could the soldiers be so fast? What are those sentries doing outside?"

"These bastards must be lazy."

"Don't worry about it for now. The headquarters has been lost. Let's escape to a hidden place first."

"No, I can't run anymore. They shouldn't be chasing us. Why don't we take a rest first?"

"We're just ahead of the dark river. Let's go to the boat and rest."

In the deep cave, in the dark and narrow passage, five or six people were running breathlessly.

These senior staff of Wuyou Cave have been pampered for many years, but they are not strong enough. They are exhausted. Only the deputy cave owner Li You is calm and calm.

The cave is very humid, the ground is uneven, there are often pits and gravel, and the air is filled with a cold and smelly smell.

Li You glanced at the surroundings. There are many forked entrances around. The underground passage is complicated. Wuyou Cave has also dug many forked roads by itself, making the underground more exaggerated than a maze.

It's also thanks to staying underground for many years that he knows the way. Otherwise, if it were someone else, even if the cave owner came, he might get lost and lose his way.

"Go over here and you'll be there."

Li You pointed to a passage on the right and said, "Let's hide in the dark cave we prepared before."

Everyone had to cheer up and move forward again.

After walking about thirty or forty meters, they heard the sound of the river flowing.

There are four canals on the surface of Bianliang, but in fact there are a large number of underground rivers, said to be as many as twelve, and the water resources are extremely rich.

In addition to food, these sewer rats hiding underground can rely on rivers for water and excretion, and they don't need to go outside at all, so they can hold on for so long.

However, Li You also knew that the government would not let it go and might launch a surprise attack. But he couldn't give up the headquarters. There was no place to hide so many people, so he could only hold on for now. It's just that he didn't expect the government's attack speed to be so fast.

Fortunately, he kept a backup.

The group walked a few steps forward, and sure enough, an underground dark river appeared in front of them.

Under the illumination of the torch, the underground river was about three or four feet wide, and the water flow was not fast. There was a small river beach several feet wide from the exit of the cave, and there was a boat on the river beach.

As the saying goes, a cunning rabbit has three burrows. Li You also prepared several small caves in the cave below, which not only hid food and money, but also identity documents. If they really couldn't bear it, they would choose to leave Bianliang and flee to other places.

Although leaving Bianliang meant giving up everything they had run in Bianliang for many years, there was no way to do it if it really came to that. Anyway, they hid gold, silver and jewelry worth hundreds of thousands of strings of cash, which was easy to carry, enough for a lifetime.

Several of Li You's confidants set up the ladder and were about to go down. The man in front had already jumped onto the river beach, took the torch handed over from above, and then walked to the boat, intending to drag the boat into the underground river.

As a result, at this moment, Li You suddenly whispered: "Who!"

"Deputy cave master."

Tian Sanlang came out from the secret passage at the back door and said coldly: "We are the people in the rivers and lakes who value friendship the most. Brothers live and die together, but you abandoned everyone and escaped alone. Isn't it a bit unfair?"

Li You frowned, and then saw that Tian Sanlang had only five people, so he relaxed again and said with a smile: "It turned out to be Sanlang. Since you are here, let's go together."


Tian Sanlang clenched the sharp knife in his hand and asked with a smile: "Deputy cave master is willing to take us with you?"

"Of course, the boat below is a little big, and we need people to help tow it. Sanlang, you guys are just in time, come and help us tow the boat to the river."

Li You waved his right hand, and at the same time, his left hand made a hidden gesture to his men behind him.

He has eight people on his side.

Tian Sanlang said happily, "Really? That's great. I'll help the cave master right now."

As he said this, he seemed to be walking forward with his men without any defense.

Soon the two gangs approached. When Tian Sanlang approached less than one meter away, Li You's eyes instantly became grim. Then he pulled out a sharp horn knife from his waist with his left hand and stabbed Tian Sanlang fiercely.

He only prepared a small boat, which was basically enough for his few confidants and himself. Most of these confidants were brothers who had followed him for many years, and one was even his younger brother.

If Tian Sanlang and his gang were allowed to board the boat, the boat would be in danger of capsizing.

More importantly, the gold, silver, jewelry and a large amount of supplies they hid were to hide underground for at least half a year. If Tian Sanlang and his gang were added, the supplies would not be enough to share, and he had no habit of sharing with others.

So Tian Sanlang and his gang must die!

However, just when Li You thought he could suddenly assassinate Tian Sanlang by surprise, a sharp blade quietly stabbed his chest in the darkness.

At the same time, the hand that stabbed Tian Sanlang was also firmly grasped by a strong and powerful hand, as if it was clamped by a pair of pliers and could not move at all.

Li You felt a pain in his chest, and looked up at Tian Sanlang in horror, only to find that the other party's face was also full of ferocious expressions.


Before he died, his eyes were full of disbelief. Who would have thought that Tian Sanlang actually wanted to kill him?

You know, only he knew the hiding cave. If he was killed, Tian Sanlang himself would not be able to find the location of the hidden cave.

Even if the other party guesses that he has bad intentions, how can he kill him? Isn't he afraid that he will not be able to find the hiding place and be wiped out by the government in the end?

Tian Sanlang smiled ferociously in his ear and said, "Chisi asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."


"Cut them!"

"Do it!"

Almost the moment Li You and Tian Sanlang fought, the two sides started fighting in the small cave.

When Li You heard those words before he died, he fell down with eyes wide open.

Tian Sanlang drew out his knife and joined in the fight with his men.

Although there are fewer of them than the other party, they are all good fighters in the Qinglong Club.

In contrast, the people on Li You's side are all high-level leaders of Wuyou Cave. They rarely go to battle anymore, and their physical strength and combat power are not at the same level.

Four people were chopped to the ground in just one encounter, and the other four were frightened half to death. They quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Spare your life, spare your life! Sanlang, don't kill us, I even treated you to dinner."

One of them was Li You's younger brother. He shouted: "Sanlang, I know where my brother is hiding in the cave. As long as you don't kill me, I can take you there. There is gold and silver worth four to five million guan." Jewelry is enough for you to live a lifetime of glory and wealth.”


Tian Sanlang put down the knife he originally raised, and asked in surprise: "Where is it?"

"I don't know exactly where it is. He goes in personally every time he delivers something, but I know the approximate location."

Li You's brother said anything to save his life.

Tian Sanlang thought for a while, then swung his knife and hacked the remaining three people to death. He escorted him and said, "Take us there. Don't worry, we are from the Imperial City Division. As long as you obey, we promise not to kill you, and we can still Let you be punished and make meritorious service!”

"Yes Yes Yes."

Li You's younger brother didn't dare to do anything when faced with several blades on his neck, so he had no choice but to obey.

However, he did not know the specific location of Li You's cave, but he still knew the approximate location. In the past, every time Li You transported supplies, he asked him to help drive the boat and carry them, so he knew it very well.

A group of people got on the boat. Tian Sanlang tied the hands and feet of Li You's brother with the belt of the dead man and asked him to point the direction. The group drove the boat deep into the underground river.

This underground river is also criss-crossed, with countless forks and twists and turns. If no one guides the route, you really can't find the place.

Finally, they stopped at another small river beach. Tian Sanlang asked two people to watch Li You's brother on the boat. He took the other two people to the river beach, then found a ladder nearby and climbed down from a pit. Got in.

Sure enough, there were secret passages inside, but fortunately there were not many secret passages. The three people searched for about half an hour, and finally found Li You's hiding cave by accident. There were indeed countless gold, silver and jewels in it.

And just when Tian Sanlang got rid of the deputy cave master Li You of Wuyou Cave, the battle at the Wuyou Cave headquarters was coming to an end. At least thousands of Wuyou Cave black villains were killed and two to three thousand people were captured. Above, countless people jumped into the river to escape.

The imperial guards of Kaifeng Mansion and Imperial City were doing the finishing work. Since this place was relatively close to the ground, the news was quickly reported.

The market at the intersection of Dongzhi Street and Nanheng Street in Caihe Yunqiao was blocked. The government suddenly made a temporary move and ordered all the shops in the street to be closed. Stalls were not allowed to set up. Citizens and neighbors immediately went home.

Although this has affected the overnight economy of Fenlingfang street, it is worth sacrificing this little bit in order to eliminate the cancerous Wuyou Cave below.

Zhao Jun was wearing a purple robe with a young and handsome face. He stood on a high platform beside the bridge with his hands behind his back.

At the dawn of spring in Fantai on the other side, willow branches by the river are blowing in the wind. The seven-story iron tower of Fantai Temple is hidden in the darkness, and the moonlight shows a dark reflection.

At the exits of several canals under the shore, there were densely packed boats outside. In addition to the imperial guards and Kaifeng government officials who were waiting on the boats, there were also temporarily recruited doctors from nearby medical schools.

No one knows how many victims there are down there.

Zhao Jun had seen these victims before. Many of them had wounds on their bodies. In order to look pitiful so that the people could donate money, the people from Wuyoudong would beat them severely after their wounds healed. Got bloody.

Therefore, doctors must be on call at all times.

The entrances and exits of several canals were in chaos. Most of the people who jumped into the river to escape swam in, but there were still some who rushed out without fear of death and were stabbed to death with harpoons by the soldiers on the boat.

There are also people who are fighting inside, then fall into the water and are washed out of the canal by the current.

There were already more than twenty or thirty corpses on the water, and they were fished out. The channels flowing out gradually turned red.


A new commander emerged from the cave and climbed to the shore to report to Zhao Jun: "The headquarters of Wuyou Cave has been wiped out!"


Zhao Jun was surprised: "So fast?"

Cao Xiu, who was following them, smiled and said: "Zhiyuan, Wuyou Cave is too close to Cai River, and we launched a sudden attack. They had no time to escape and had to be caught."


Zhao Jun responded first, and then asked the commander: "How is the battle situation?"

The commander replied: "We only suffered twenty or thirty casualties. At least a thousand people were killed in Wuyou Cave, and thousands more were caught and escaped. Most of them jumped into the river and went deeper. I ran away, but the terrain down there is too complicated and dark, so it’s really hard to chase.”

"It doesn't matter if we didn't catch them. Our main task is to save people."

Zhao Jun nodded and said, "Save all the victims as soon as possible, organize people to clean up their headquarters and branches first, mainly to save people and take away their supplies, money and tools. Don't leave them anything, let them continue to hide down there."


The commander went back to continue to execute the order.

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked at the moon.

It was a huge gain to be able to wipe out the Worry-Free Cave this time.

There was nothing the escaped people could do.

The terrain down there was too complicated. Without hundreds of thousands of troops, it was impossible to wipe out everything inside.

However, as long as their main base was removed, all the victims were rescued, and all the supplies were moved away, the remaining people were short of food and clothing. I believe that the people down there would not be able to hold on for long. When the flood in Bianliang happened next spring, this cancer could be completely eradicated.

Chapter 2 may be later because I have to watch the game 0.0

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