In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 148 Let them see the Song Dynasty under their rule (two in one)

The guards of Guifan Tower didn't hold out for long. They were almost vulnerable to the regular army.

The two sides fought for less than a quarter of an hour before Guifan Tower was defeated.

What followed was a one-sided massacre.

"Run quickly, the soldiers are coming in, and they will kill anyone they see."

"Go inside, don't worry about it anymore."

"Take your valuables and run directly, don't look back."

Everyone fled in panic.

The main force of the Imperial Guards continued to pursue, while the yamen runners in the rear rushed into the caves to rescue people.

In this battle, the Imperial Guards of the Imperial City Division and the Imperial Guards of the Imperial Dragon Division led by Di Qing were the main forces, totaling about 4,000 people.

Kaifeng Prefecture had about 5,000 yamen runners as auxiliary troops.

Although in terms of total number, Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower may have nearly 20,000 people combined, which is twice as many as the Imperial City Division and Kaifeng Prefecture.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, a group of rabble is far from being comparable to the regular army, and they can't hold out just by fighting head-on.

Under this offensive, the two factions were quickly destroyed, and a large number of evil elements fled everywhere.

Zhao Jun guessed correctly. Because the attack was launched suddenly and the nearest road was chosen, the people below had no time to transfer the victims.

Many victims were rescued.

The person in charge of Guifanlou was Fan Zhongyan. After learning the situation below, he issued the same task as Zhao Jun.

First, rescue the victims first.

Second, eliminate the remaining bandits.

Third, seize enemy supplies.

Fourth, pursue the fleeing enemy.

These four items are in order, representing the importance of the order.

Saving people comes first, and pursuing comes last.

But before the list was issued, Di Qing had already led dozens of people to chase Ma Zhiwu.

At the same time, Jiang Dalang was also wandering around in the cave, and he encountered many people in a reckless manner, but he did not take action.

They were all small fish, and there was no need to expose them immediately, so he was looking for important people in Guifanlou.

After wandering around for nearly half an hour, there were people coming and going everywhere, some of them were even soldiers. If they hadn't tied red scarves on their bodies, the government would know they were their own people and would have arrested them.

"Da Lang, it's not a good idea to keep looking like this. We've been underground for two months. Although we know the way, we don't know where the left and right whips and the left and right poles have gone."

One of Jiang Da Lang's brothers said, "Why don't we follow Fatty Huang first? It would be a great achievement to capture him."


Jiang Da Lang shook his head and said, "Eliminate all evil, that's what Zhisi said. The owner of the Guifan Tower never shows up. Only a few trusted people such as the left and right whips and the pole know about it. Only by catching them can we catch the owner of the Guifan Tower."

"How to find him then?"

Everyone looked at each other. Now the Guifan Tower was in chaos, and every passage was full of people fleeing. They had never found the location of the left and right whips and others.

Jiang Dalang thought about it, and suddenly remembered something that happened a few days ago. He said happily, "Come with me."

"Dalang, what's wrong?"

The brother said, "Do you know where they are hiding?"

Jiang Dalang said as he walked, "I followed Fatty Huang before, and occasionally heard him mention that Guifan Tower has many secret escape passages because its terrain is not as good as Wuyou Cave, and one of them is under the main building."

"Dalang means that the senior management of Guifan Tower did not evacuate from the open road, but took the secret passage?"

"That's natural."

"That's right, even Fatty Huang ran from the secret passage in the north, not to mention others."

Everyone thought so.

At that moment, Jiang Dalang and others went all the way to the main building.

The main building had been breached, and Di Qing was still wondering at this time. Just now, he chased the right palm whip Ma Zhiwu into the main building, but he disappeared after entering here, which puzzled him.

"There must be a secret passage."

Di Qing looked around. Although Guifanlou called itself Fanlou, it was not as good as Fanlou on the ground.

This underground cave was dug by humans. In order to prevent collapse, pillars were built to support the ceiling. However, since it was dug, it was naturally impossible to dig too much by manpower. The area was only one square mile.

The lower level was the ghost market of Guifanlou, which was used for human trafficking. Their internal personnel would also often traffic in human beings. There were fifty-four formal brothels in Bianliang, and there were countless secret prostitutes and brothels below. Those with good conditions could be sold to formal brothels, and those with poor conditions would naturally be sold in these places.

The upper level was the main building of Guifanlou, which was actually a two-story building. It was not easy to build a two-story building underground, but it was quite luxurious inside. The main house was spacious, and the upper part was like a round shape, with many rooms and fragrance.

The whole building was full of candlelight. Before the enemy left, he wanted to burn down Guifanlou to stop them. However, since Guifan Building was built of bricks and tiles, only some silk curtains were burned, and the overall building was not damaged.

Di Qing searched around the main building. The front building was obviously where these high-level people enjoyed themselves, and the back building was the guest room, kitchen, etc. There was no trace of the secret passage at all.

At this time, Jiang Dalang and others also rushed into Guifan Building. Because they had red scarves tied on their hands, they were able to pass through unimpeded.

The two sides met.

Di Qing knew them. When Jiang Dalang went to rescue the daughter of a friend of his, he took Di Qing deep into a branch of Wuyou Cave.

Seeing that it was Di Qing, Jiang Dalang hurriedly went up and bowed and said, "Commander Di."

"Captain Jiang."

When Di Qing saw Jiang Dalang, he was overjoyed and said, "You came just in time. The bandit leader fled inside and disappeared. Do you know what secret passage there is?"

Jiang Dalang thought for a while and said: "I don't know the specific location of the secret passage, but I know the rooms where they live, the so-called Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit. Where they live, there must be a secret passage underground."


Di Qing thought it made sense and said, "Then which rooms do they live in?"

Jiang Dalang said: "I have never been here, but I definitely don't live on the second floor. You can search from various rooms on the first floor."


Di Qing issued military orders.

After a while, more than a hundred soldiers searched the Guifan Tower and found several secret passages.

Then the two of them each led their men to pursue them, going all the way deep.

Jiang Dalang didn't go very far here, he only walked about twenty or thirty feet in the secret passage, when a faint light appeared in front of him.

"Extinguish the torches."

Jiang Dalang still vaguely heard human voices, so he whispered to the brothers behind him to put out the torches.

Soon the secret passage became dark.

The road is very narrow, allowing only two people to pass side by side, and in some places you even have to bend down.

Jiang Dalang walked cautiously in front, and after walking another seven or eight feet, there was a corner in front of him. He stuck his head out and took a look inside.

I saw that this place turned out to be a secret room. There were many supplies hidden in the secret room, including gold, silver and jewelry, as well as bags of food and luggage. More than ten people were carrying things to another passage in the secret room.

There was also the faint sound of running water coming from below the passage. Apparently this secret passage was also connected to the underground river in the canal below Bianliang. As long as they escaped, it would be difficult to catch them.

Jiang Dalang noticed that the leader of this group of people was actually Scarface's left palm whip. It seemed that this was where he hid his supplies.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle."

"The officers and soldiers suddenly killed them. You can leave those women and children alone, but our money and food must be moved away."

"Brother, where should we move our things? There are officers and soldiers everywhere now."

"For the current plan, we can only go to the original poster."

"Is the original poster still in Bianliang?"

"Don't ask any more questions."

"It would be great if I could join the landlord."

"Well, move quickly."

Scarface just responded and said nothing else.

Jiang Dalang outside was overjoyed when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, the owner of Guifan Tower is still hiding in Bianliang. If we catch them, we will definitely catch the owner.

This is a great achievement.

At that moment, he thought for a while, thought of a countermeasure, and suddenly rushed out, with a look of surprise on his face: "Left Palm Whip, I didn't expect you to be here."


Scarface was shocked. He built this secret passage himself, how could others break in.

Jiang Dalang shouted: "Zhang Whip, you forgot, my eldest brother is Huang Song. The officers and soldiers attacked just now and got separated. I panicked and ran into the main building and found this secret passage in a room."

"I remember, you are indeed the one behind Huang Song. Are the officers and soldiers chasing you?"

Scarface asked quickly.



Scarface was shocked and angry.

He never expected that this man would accidentally rush into his secret passage and attract the officers and soldiers.

If the officers and soldiers chase him now, all the money he has saved for so many years will be lost.

At that moment, Scarface was furious, pointed at Jiang Dalang and yelled: "You straight thief! You really killed me!"

Jiang Dalang then said: "Don't rush with the whip. I will seal the secret passage when I come down. Maybe they haven't come after me yet."

"Really? Let me see."

Scarface rushed over to see if the officers and soldiers behind him had poured into the secret passage.

Almost at the moment he rushed over, Jiang Dalang smacked his hand over, hitting Scarface just under the back of the head.

Scarface's combat prowess was actually quite good, but he had met Jiang Dalang before and knew that he was Fatty Huang's confidant. He didn't expect that he was an undercover agent, and he thought that the other party had just stumbled in by mistake.

As a result, he was caught off guard and received a hard slap. The back of the head is a weak point of a person. If the force was stronger, it could even kill the person directly.

He saw Scarface groaning and falling to the ground.

The men who were moving around were stunned, and then they came back to their senses and cursed: "Are you looking for death, you rotten sheep head?"

"This old man Chi has long since seen that he doesn't look like a good person. Brothers, chop him down."

"Plain Bird Lan helps the boy, come and die for me!"

Everyone cursed with common curse words in the Song Dynasty, then dropped what they were holding and took out knives and daggers.

As a result, a large number of people poured out of the rear passage in the next second, including Jiang Dalang's brothers and government officials from Kaifeng Mansion. In an instant, there was a chaotic fight in the room. Everyone was killed and captured, and Scarface's belongings were all confiscated.

Jiang Dalang ordered everyone to take everything back, monitor each other, and not hide it privately. He caught Scarface, a big fish, and exited Guifan Tower under the protection of several imperial guards.

Soon Scarface was quickly transferred to the Imperial City Department's Zhenfu Department in Nancheng.

The governor of Nanzhen is Wang Ze, who turned out to be Cao Xiu's confidant. Due to his outstanding performance, he was promoted to the governor of Nanzhen. He has torture experts under him, and if he falls into Wang Ze's hands, Scarface will not end well.

In the third year of Jingyou's reign, in early October, it started to rain lightly in Bianliang.

The sky has been gloomy recently, and it occasionally rains in the middle of the night, but basically not too much.

But today it was drizzling, with sporadic raindrops falling from midnight.

Then at dawn, the drizzle began to turn into moderate rain, and Bianliang was shrouded in mist and rain.

The sky became brighter and brighter, and a light mist rose on the river in the early morning. Zhao Jun still stood on the high platform, looking at the channel not far below.

Although the people were evacuated from Yunqi Bridge at this moment, a large number of people gathered on the second floors of the houses on both sides of Caihe River, looking out and watching.

There were also Hengzi Bridge in the northwest and Xuantai Bridge in the southwest. The streets and buildings nearby that could see the situation here were densely packed, all of which were Bianliang people who came to watch the excitement.

The fighting lasted all night, or rather, the fighting only lasted for a while. The government spent the night mainly rescuing hostages, searching for remaining bandits, transporting seized supplies, and clearing out the remaining evil forces except Wuyou Cave and Guifan Tower.

Wuyoudong and Guifanlou are only the two main gangs in Bianliang. In addition to them, the Beggars' Gang, Ghost Market, and Wharf Boat Gang also have bases underground. They do different illegal activities and often gather together to harm the people.

In addition, except for the headquarters of Wuyoudong, the rest of the branches must be destroyed one by one.

It is estimated that although all underground forces cannot be completely wiped out this time, at least they can be seriously injured, one by one, hiding in the gutter and continuing to be dark.

When the flood comes in the spring of next year, Kaifeng Prefecture will basically be able to completely annihilate the underground forces and return a bright and sunny day to the security of Bianliang.

In the continuous rain, boats kept rowing out.

Some boats were loaded with gangsters tied up, and some boats were ragged victims, most of whom were children and women. These two vulnerable groups are also the main targets of gangsters.

A small boat docked, and several women with numb faces walked down from the boat. They didn't even wear much clothes, just covered with dead people's clothes.

Zhao Jun had sent people to buy a lot of clothes from the nearby market before, and then an old woman took them to the tent set up on the river bank to change into women's clothes, which was considered to be somewhat decent.

A child with ragged clothes and wounds was carried down, and the doctor next to him walked over and took him to the tent to treat him on the spot.

A beggar without legs was carried out.

There were also some things that were not even human. "They" were covered with monkey hair, dog hair, and snake scales, like a group of animals. Their throats were hoarse and made a creaking sound.

It was still drizzling in the sky, and a new batch of bandits were brought up from the canal, crying, begging, screaming, and begging for mercy.

Compared with the victims, even the injured bandits did not get good treatment. Basically, they were taken to the prison car on the shore and locked up, and then sent to the Imperial City Division for trial, and they would be executed at the end of the year.

Most of them were strong men. These people were the controllers below, and there was a clear class division from bottom to top.

The second is some old women. These people are the most hateful. They often take advantage of people's sympathy to kidnap women or children. Many underground prostitutes in Bianliang are supervised by these old prostitutes.

When dealing with women, the old prostitutes who are also women are more cruel than men.

Groups of bandits were roughly tied up by the guards and yamen runners and taken to the prison van. Many bandits made desperate begging sounds. Some of them shouted, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I confess everything."

Some shouted, "Sir, I still have some savings in my hand. As long as you let me go, I will hand it all over. I also know the hiding place of my family's stall."

Others knew that they were going to die, and shouted loudly, "After 18 years, I will be a hero again."

The victims still hid in the tent with a look of fear, just like before, they opened a gap in the tent and looked out carefully, and from time to time they could grit their teeth and curse in a low voice.

A woman saw the old woman who abused her among the people being taken away, and rushed to bite her like crazy, and was dragged away by the guards.

As a large number of hostages and bandits were brought to the shore, all kinds of stench, fragrance, and medicinal smells were emitted.

Corpses floated out of the channel canal from time to time, and the strong smell of blood made the smell near the surrounding several dark canals strange and unpleasant.

Zhao Jun stood on a high place with his hands behind his back and looked down.

Fantai Chunxiao is a riverbank lawn. At this moment, at least thousands of victims under the willow trees have been rescued, and their cries gradually spread in the camp. It was the joy of seeing the sun again.

Everything in the world seemed to be quiet, so quiet that it seemed that only their cries were left.

In the blocked streets and markets in the distance, a large number of people also rushed over. Many people wanted to break through the blockade and rush to the tents by the riverbank to take a look, to see if there were any of their missing family members inside.

In the market next to Yunqi Bridge, the Imperial City Department set up roadblocks. But at this moment, some people were still crying and begging: "Please, let us in, I just want to find my daughter."

"My child, there must be my child in there. Ali, don't be afraid, mother is here."

"My wife may be in there, last autumn, she went shopping with the neighbor's daughter and disappeared, our two families are going crazy, she may be here too."

The people were wailing, and people kept crowding in from the back, and the wooden fence roadblocks were already shaky.

The soldiers of the Imperial City Division had no choice but to explain impatiently: "Don't worry, everyone. The Imperial Court has issued an order. The victims will be registered one by one and the government will escort them home. They are safe. Don't worry."

"Everyone understands the mood, but the person has been rescued, so don't rush. If you attack the roadblock now, it will only make the scene chaotic, and the government will punish you."

"Step back, step back, don't rush forward any more."

the soldiers maintaining order shouted.

If it were in later generations, this would definitely appease the emotions of the people.

But in the Song Dynasty, the status of soldiers was really low, especially in Bianliang, almost no one took them seriously.

An old woman spat and said: "Bah, where are the thieves and soldiers who can kill a thousand swords? Let us in quickly."

"Why are you so ignorant, old woman?"

The soldier was spat on and became furious. However, he did not dare to take any action due to the Imperial City's Imperial Guard's military orders.

"Can you afford the punishment for delaying me in finding my child?"

shouted the old woman.

With her taking the lead, the people behind became more noisy, and the scene became even more chaotic.

However, this side was relatively close to the embankment, which quickly attracted Zhao Jun's attention. He turned his head and glanced at the market situation behind him, then walked down from the high platform and headed this way.

After a while, he came closer, and the soldiers around him quickly raised their hands and said, "Zhiyuan!"

The noisy people all became quiet when they saw an official wearing a purple robe arriving.

Compared with soldiers, the people of Bianliang were more afraid of officials.

"what happened?"

Zhao Jun asked.

The soldier who had been spat on before immediately pointed at the old woman and said, "Zhiyuan, this man encouraged the people to attack the roadblock and spit on us."

Zhao Jun glanced at the past with stern eyes and shouted: "Those who dare to attack the roadblock are contemptuous of the government. Moreover, the soldiers also said that all the victims will be sent home afterwards. The provocation must be caused by the gangsters' accomplices. Civil turmoil, rescue the gangsters in the chaos, arrest them!”

Some people were dissatisfied and said: "We also want to find our children, why do you arrest us?"

"I know the Constitutional Yuan by virtue of my authority!"

Zhao Jun looked over and said in a cold voice: "I caught the corrupt officials in Kaifeng Mansion, and I also cleared the ghost fan tower in Wuyou Cave underground in Bianliang. I can understand how you want to see your relatives. ” But this is not the reason for you to attack the government roadblocks.”

"What, is this Zhao Zhiyuan?"

"Oh my god, we actually acted wildly in front of Zhao Qingtian."

"Zhao Qingtian, this has nothing to do with us, it's all the fault of that old woman."

"Go quickly, go quickly."

All of a sudden, the people were shocked. Some people were shocked on the spot, some knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and some wanted to leave when they saw that the situation was not good.

Zhao Jun waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him immediately rushed forward and captured those who made the most noise.

Among them was the spitting old woman, who was still wailing and rolling around, insulting Kaifeng Mansion and the Imperial City Division for arresting people indiscriminately, hoping to stir up public sentiment and attract the sympathy of the people around her, so that they could help stop her.

But they didn't know that Zhao Jun had long been famous among the people of Bianliang. Before seeing him coming, no one dared to make any mistakes. There were even people who blocked the way of those who wanted to escape and captured them all.

After investigation, it turned out that except for a few ignorant people, the rest of the people who made noise were basically related to the following.

The old woman's son was being held in a nearby prison car. She just wanted the people to rush in so that she could take advantage of the chaos and rescue her son.

Time gradually passed, and basically all the hostages were rescued, and all the gangsters who could be caught were sent to the shore.

Wait until noon to start moving supplies.

Boxes and bags of grain, coins, gold, silver, jewelry and other items were carried to the bow of the ship and sent to the river, where they were moved to the carriage by the soldiers.

Zhao Jun left Cao Xiu to continue to guard the Yunqiqiao area, while he went to inspect other water canals.

The Yunqiqiao area is only the Wuyoudong headquarters, and there are a large number of branches in the rest. Due to lack of manpower, Zhao Jun even asked Zhao Zhen to mobilize 10,000 forbidden troops from the Dianqian Division to help control the entrances and exits of various channels.

The fighting in most Worry-free Cave branches has basically ended, and many victims have been rescued. After those victims saw the light of day again, they hugged each other and cried bitterly, and many kowtowed to the soldiers who rescued them.

When Zhao Jun arrived at the Tuqiao area under the Bian River and the Guifanlou area where Fan Zhongyan commanded the attack, he saw the same scene. Countless women and children were rescued, and the screams spread throughout the countryside.

"I really hope those gentlemen in the court can see what the Song Dynasty is like under their governance."

Fan Zhongyan saw a touch of sadness on his face when he saw Zhao Jun coming over.

The situation down there was really miserable. The victims were treated inhumanely. Many soldiers even wiped away their tears quietly when they saw their miserable appearance, with sympathy on their faces.

Zhao Jun looked down indifferently. It wasn't that he didn't sympathize with these victims, but he was almost numb because he had just rescued three more bottles in Wuyou Cave.

"There will come a day."

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked at the sky, and said softly: "Find a place first and resettle them properly. Tomorrow I will take Lu Yijian and the others to have a good look and see how "prosperous" the Song Dynasty is under their rule. "

Today I can't stand the two-in-one work. I wanted to take a leave, but I decided to hold on. I don't know if I caught a cold or something, I feel dizzy, have a runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, and my mental state is not very good. I took cold medicine in the morning and fell asleep until noon. I barely coded it from afternoon to now. After this plot, there will be a new plot. It's a problem that I'm sick again. I have a headache. I hope the cold will get better soon.

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