In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 152 Zhao Zhen has a son and the Yuanfeng Reform

After discussing the promotion of cotton planting in Lingnan, Hainan and other places, everyone continued to deal with today's government affairs.

At present, the overall reform of the Song Dynasty has not been carried out, but since Zhao Jun plans to carry out a certain range of official system reform next year, there are still many changes in the officialdom.

First of all, there are some new departments, and secondly, there has been a rumor in the officialdom that some departments will be rebuilt in groups next year.

In the new departments, the Statistics Department, Firearms Department, Creation Bureau, Jiaozi Department, Geology Department and other departments have been almost established, especially the Statistics Department and Firearms Department, which have already started to operate.

According to Zhao Jun's original intention, the Creation Bureau actually hopes to become a scientific research institute, gathering talents from all aspects to carry out scientific research and development.

However, it is still difficult at present, and it is estimated that it will take hundreds of years to become an academy of sciences.

For now, it will be the Intellectual Property Office.

Newspapers have published news encouraging inventions and creations in various places in Bianliang. As long as the inventions and creations are beneficial, they can get rewards from the Creation Bureau.

For a time, the inventors of the Song Dynasty heard the news and started invention and creation activities one after another.

After the emergence of high-purity gunpowder, the Firearms Department began to use the new gunpowder in the originally invented firearms, and the power was doubled.

Prime Ministers such as Lu Yijian also inspected the Firearms Department and expressed great satisfaction with the huge power caused by gunpowder. Batch grenades are being manufactured.

The Ministry of Geology has also been established, and hundreds of officials have established two Caos and six cases.

The left Cao is mainly responsible for geological exploration, including data storage cases, mineral exploration cases and ore research cases. The right Cao is responsible for environmental protection, mainly hydrogeological cases, engineering geological cases and environmental geological survey cases.

Although it seems stupid to mention environmental protection in ancient times, in fact, during the reigns of Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi, environmental protection was carried out in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and trees were planted to slow down the flooding of the Yellow River.

So whether in ancient or modern times, environmental protection is very necessary.

Especially when the Three Changes are about to return to the river.

The current main work of the Ministry of Geology is to investigate the situation of the Yellow River along the river, while continuing the policy of the Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi eras to plant trees in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, while investigating the possibility of flooding in the lower reaches.

This is to prepare for governance to avoid the Yellow River changing its course twelve years later.

In addition, the Geological Bureau has also begun to organize fleets and personnel, and the plan to go out to sea to find America has entered the preparatory stage, and it is expected to set off in two or three years.

Needless to say, the Jiaozi Department will probably start promoting the Jiaozi business in major commercial cities across the country starting next year.

After all, the money that can be leveraged is still too little if Jiaozi is only laid in Bianliang and Chengdu.

If Jiaozi shops are opened in all commercial cities across the country, it may not take long for the deposits in Jiaozi shops to exceed tens of millions of guan.

As long as Japanese silver can flow into the country and use silver as an anchor, perhaps in the future Jiaozi shops will be fully open to the people of the Song Dynasty, and the deposits may become hundreds of millions of guan or even tens of billions of guan.

The establishment of the new department naturally attracted the attention of officials in the court, but rarely did anyone oppose it.

Because it does not involve their own interests.

In fact, Zhao Jun has not caused a situation like Fan Zhongyan's Qingli New Deal, where more than 90% of the officials in the court opposed him.

The reason is that he did not touch the core interests of those officials, that is, the possibility that officials would be eliminated or dismissed.

The main focus of the Qingli New Deal was on official administration. Those who entered the government through family connections would be strictly required, and those who did not do well would be eliminated. This was naturally a disaster for the redundant officials of the Song Dynasty who were overstaffed and had family connections.

So they would try every means to prevent the Qingli New Deal from being promoted.

What Zhao Jun did could only be regarded as touching the interests of some officials. For example, the establishment of the Imperial City Department touched the power of the Dali Temple, Kaifeng Prefecture and the Ministry of Justice.

When he took office at the Political System Council, it could only be said that the procedures were not quite compliant and he was impeached by the censors, but it did not make the officials feel threatened.

Not everyone is a corrupt official, and not everyone will blindly make enemies without knowing why they are not threatened. Liu Yuanyu was hostile to Zhao Jun, and Zhao Yunrang came to test Zhao Jun. They all had their own reasons.

For example, Liu Yuanyu was afraid of being found out by the Imperial City Department because he had done something illegal. Zhao Yunrang felt that Zhao Jun's surname was Zhao and he was in an important position in the Political System Institute, so he was worried that it would affect his son's status.

The rest of the people were not so stupid as to jump out and make themselves uncomfortable when the emperor and the prime minister supported the same person at the same time. That was really unnecessary.

However, the officialdom reform might have some impact on them, so there were many voices of discussion in the court. It's just that it's just a rumor at present, and the reform has not been actually carried out, so it hasn't caused too much waves.

After eating lunch sent by the imperial kitchen in the Political System Institute in the afternoon, Zhao Jun went to the back garden to teach the children as usual. In the afternoon, everyone gathered again in the Guanjia Hall to start today's class.

As it was about to enter November, it was almost December according to the solar calendar, and the weather was getting cold, so everyone was not outside, but moved inside.

The Guanjia Hall had already been lit with incense charcoal, and it was warm like spring.

Zhao Zhen sat on the chair with a slightly rosy face, and said with a bright face: "Everyone, I have good news for you."


Everyone saw Zhao Zhen's happy face, and Lu Yijian asked curiously: "Your Majesty, what good news?"

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "The Queen and Concubine Zhang are pregnant."

The beauty Zhang he spoke of was not the daughter of Zhang Shouying, the observation envoy of Dengzhou. This beauty Zhang died of illness in the sixth year of Tiansheng.

It is not the later Empress Wen Cheng Zhang, the current Empress Zhang is only 13 years old.

There were a total of four Zhangs in the history of Zhao Zhen's harem, and the rest of the concubines were either unmarried or married at a very young age.

For example, Master Miao, later known as Concubine Miao, is only 14 years old now. Master Attendant Yu, later Concubine Yu De, is only 15 years old now. Yang Meiren, later Yang Defei, is now 17 years old.

In the entire harem, there are only 19-year-old Queen Cao and another 21-year-old Zhang Meiren who are over 18 years old.

This Zhang beauty was later posthumously given the title of Concubine Zhang Xian in history. She was a bit older and was not favored by Zhao Zhen.

However, because Zhao Jun did not allow Zhao Zhen to attack underage concubines, he was afraid that the child would die due to the young mother's body, so Zhao Zhen could only stay in love with Empress Cao and Zhang Meiren.

From April to September this year, for five months, Zhao Zhen abstained from sex, took Liuwei Dihuang Pills, and exercised.

Who knows how these five months have passed.

In September, I finally got Zhao Jun's permission and was allowed to sow the seeds. As a result, Empress Cao and Zhang Meiren became pregnant successfully.

This is much luckier than the eldest son Zhao Fang, who was conceived at the same time in history but died at birth in June of the following year because his mother was the 15-year-old Concubine Yu De.

After hearing the news, everyone was stunned, and then they looked happy and stood up as if their wives were pregnant. They raised their hands and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty. Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"Now that the country's foundation has been preserved, this is a great thing."

"Han Long said before that the mother's body should not be too young. The queen and the beauty are already around 20 years old, so the offspring they will give birth to will be healthy."

"If the official family can give birth to a dragon son next year, and at the same time I defeat Xixia and Liao in the north, your majesty, the power of the dragon will shake the sky."

The last words were spoken by Fan Zhongyan, and Zhao Jun was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Fan Zhongyan, who is usually serious and unsmiling, would flatter everyone and even brag about himself. He was also awesome.

Zhao Zhenle said: "Yesterday, Meiren Zhang told me that she felt like vomiting, so I suspected that she was pregnant, so I asked the imperial doctor to take a look. Unexpectedly, the imperial doctor said that it was indeed a happy pulse. Although there was no movement from the Queen's side, I also sent the imperial physician there. Seeing it, it’s also a happy pulse, what a blessing.”

Zhao Jun poured cold water on him and said: "Don't be too happy too early. You still need to be prepared for safety. Although I don't think much about conspiracy theories, but if a healthy prince is born next year, who do you think is the greatest threat?"


Zhao Zhen calmed down immediately and said hesitantly: "Da Zongzheng?"


Zhao Jun said: "Zhao Yunrang sent someone to contact me, probably because he wanted to test my attitude. He has been a spare tire for two generations, and he has been thinking about the throne his whole life. If your child is born and his hope is shattered, who knows what he can do. Things are coming.”

Zhao Zhen hesitated and said: "No matter what, my prince will be very safe in the palace."

"I think too much. There are stories of emperors falling into the water and being almost assassinated by palace maids. And in history, you were almost assassinated. I remember it happened in the eighth year of Qingli. I forgot who specifically did it, but I used to read history books. I’ve seen this happen occasionally.”

Zhao Jun said: "If Queen Cao hadn't been calm and composed, and dispatched the guards at the palace gate to resist, I would have been dead at that time. There is nothing wrong with being careful. We must ensure the safety of our children!"

"All right."

Zhao Zhen thought for a while and said, "If I give birth to a healthy heir, I will leave it to my grandson to protect him."

Zhao Jun: "."

If I had known better not to remind him, I would have had the task of being a baby daddy again, which was outrageous.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem too bad.

The next generation of princes was raised by himself, so why should he call himself daddy?

Although Zhao Zhen's children are still his ancestors, he and Zhao Zhen have their own names anyway, so daddy will be daddy.

In the future, Zhao Zhen's son will also have to be pressed to the ground and rubbed by him. Then he will still do whatever he wants in the Song Dynasty and be lawless. Isn't it beautiful?

"Speaking of which, what are Da Sun's specific plans for next year?"

Zhao Zhen turned his head and said: "Now that the new year is approaching, tomorrow is November, and the Chinese New Year is just one month away. With the new year and new atmosphere, are you planning to do something big?"


Zhao Jun nodded: "From the end of the year to the beginning of next year, department restructuring will be carried out. After the restructuring is completed, I will leave Bianliang and work at the grassroots level. If I encounter any corrupt officials by then, I will kill them. Don't Blame me."

Zhao Zhen: "."

Everyone: "."

Lu Yijian said angrily: "Why do you always have to fight and kill? It's all about one life. Isn't it good to give someone a way to survive?"

"Then we have to see if these people can give the people a way to survive."

Zhao Jun said with a stern look: "Those people in Kaifeng Mansion don't regret their death. They will all be slaughtered at the end of the year. This is to serve as a reminder to the civil and military officials of the court that you don't have to be an official to bully the people."

Kaifeng Mansion, as well as Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Yushitai have arrested many officials. There must be hundreds of people involved in this major case.

From Han Yi, who is at the level of deputy prime minister, to the official affairs of the ninth-level government, those who are dismissed are dismissed, and those who are imprisoned are imprisoned.

It's been on trial for several months.

The crimes have almost been tried, and then they will be submitted for review. The Constitutional Yuan will mark off the ones that deserve to be killed, those that deserve to be jailed, and those that deserve to be exiled. Anyway, it cannot be ended so easily.

In addition to the officials, the evil elements below also wanted to be massacred. Just like the severe crackdowns in later generations, they would be shot if caught, and they would never be allowed to survive.

The purpose of this is naturally to shock the officialdom and the people, and at least the sea, Yan and rivers in Bianliang will be cleared within a few years.

In the future, not only will the officialdom be cleaner, public security will also be much better. It has great benefits for policy implementation, economic growth and other aspects.

"Let's talk about the issue of officialdom restructuring."

Zhao Zhen then changed the subject and said: "What is the situation of this officialdom restructuring? Will it have the consequences of the Qingli New Deal?"


Zhao Jun shook his head: "The Qingli New Deal is because it affects the interests of most officials. The officialdom restructuring only clearly divides their functions and powers, but it does not mean to remove them from office. Did I say anything about Yuanfeng's restructuring?"

"Yuanfeng restructuring?"

Everyone looked at each other. Zhao Jun seemed to have never said anything about this. He only mentioned Qingli's New Deal, Wang Anshi's Reform, and even Zhang Juzheng's later reforms, but he didn't mention this.

"Maybe it was ignored when we talked about Wang Anshi's reform before. In fact, Yuanfeng's reform was an officialdom reform that was launched at the same time as Wang Anshi's reform."

Zhao Jun said.

Zhao Zhen asked in confusion: "Is this different from Wang Anshi's reform?"

"Of course there is a difference."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Wang Anshi's reform is a national policy of the imperial court and a national policy. Yuanfeng's reform is just a reform of the official system, and there is no conflict between the two parties."

"Then tell me in detail."

Everyone became interested.

Zhao Jun said: "Let's talk about the background of the restructuring first. Due to redundant officials, the Song Dynasty had overlapping institutions. There were no fixed staff, no full-time, and many idle institutions and officials who had nothing to do but had names; secondly, they came to Officials do not fulfill their duties, and there is a discrepancy and confusion between the official positions and their official positions. It is very common for officials to pass the buck and argue with each other. At the thirty-seventh level, sometimes subordinate departments are managed by several superior departments at the same time, but none of them can really manage effectively, so that there is a strange phenomenon that subordinates do not know who their superiors are. Therefore, in order to increase administrative efficiency, they were abolished. Some redundant staff and disorganized organizations reduced financial expenditures and clarified the responsibilities of each position and organization. Song Shenzong carried out the Yuanfeng restructuring. "

"sounds good."

Zhao Zhen asked with interest: "Did he succeed?"

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said, "Brother, do you know what was the most difficult task for the generals of the Song Dynasty?"


Zhao Zhen was confused, where was this going? Didn't he ask Yuanfeng for restructuring? Why did he become a Song Dynasty general again?

But he didn't understand what Zhao Jun meant, so he had to say: "What is it?"

"The most difficult task for the generals of the Song Dynasty was not to recover the lost territory, but to recover the lost territory before the court sued for peace."

Zhao Jun said happily: "The same goes for the officials of the Song Dynasty. Their most difficult task is not how to cooperate with the emperor to govern the country, but how to govern the country well before the emperor intervenes."

Zhao Zhen's expression changed and he said, "So is this another Song Dynasty joke?"


Zhao Jun nodded affirmatively: "Song Shenzong said on the surface that he wanted to reform the official system, but in fact it was essentially to centralize power. The two contents of Yuanfeng's reform basically weakened the power of the prime minister and allowed the emperor to directly participate in government affairs. Reform has no effect at all. Isn’t this nonsense?”

Everyone looked at each other and thought, "Hey guys, Zhao Jun is going to start scolding the Emperor of Song Dynasty again."

I seem to be alive again. I feel a little more comfortable. I am stepping up my coding to resume my second update.

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