In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 157 The impact of bureaucratic reform

The list submitted by the Dali Temple and the Court of Justice had more than 10,000 people. After a busy morning of verification by the Court of Political System, their request was rejected and their opinions were re-approved.

Among the more than 10,000 people, there were more than 300 officials, more than 100 people were killed, and more than 200 people were not guilty of death. The lightest punishment was exiled to Lingnan.

A large number of gang members and evil forces, except for a very small number who were forced to join and did not have too many evil deeds, were mostly beheaded. There were more than 7,000 people sentenced to death. The rest were severely punished even if they were not guilty of death.

When the Court of Political System issued the review order, the Dali Temple and the Court of Justice were shocked. Since the Song Dynasty, even during the reign of Emperor Taizu, there had not been such a large-scale killing, not to mention so many officials.

Qian Zhengwei, the Minister of the Dali Temple, and Zhang Kui, the co-director of the Court of Justice, hurriedly reviewed.

At this moment, in the Dali Temple, the two gathered in the hall, looking at the reply documents issued by the Court of Political System, and their faces were not very good.

They didn't collude with the criminals, or have any other relationship with them. They just felt that the order of the Political System Institute was absurd and unacceptable to them.

"Since Taizu, it has been the iron law of the Song Dynasty that officials should not be punished. Before, the court sent the Imperial City Division to arrest officials, which was already intolerable."

Zhang Kui spoke first, looking at Qian Zhengwei and said: "Although he arrested officials who broke the law, he had to go through the Censorate, the Dali Temple, the Ministry of Justice and the Court of Criminal Justice. Now not only did he not go through, but he also overstepped his authority to issue orders. This is probably against the law!"

Qian Zhengwei glanced at him. Zhang Kui was actually a Jinshi in the same year as him. He was 48 years old and Zhang Kui was 46 years old. In addition, Zhang Kui had been a Shaoqing of the Dali Temple before, and he had worked with him for a while at that time.

It's just that Zhang Kui later resigned from his post and went home to recuperate because of illness. He had not returned to the officialdom for ten years and was only recently transferred back. Otherwise, he would not have only been a fourth-rank Tianzhang Pavilion attendant and a co-director of the Court of Criminal Justice.

However, the Criminal Court is also a powerful department, in charge of officials and the Dali Temple's criminal punishment review, so although his position is not as high as Qian Zhengwei's, his power is relatively large.

Therefore, Qian Zhengwei smiled bitterly and persuaded: "You have just returned to Bianliang to take up your post recently, so you may not know the recent rumors. The officialdom will be reformed, and all departments will obey the orders of the Political System Council from now on. Moreover, with the power of the Political System Council now, it can control all officials and issue decrees without exceeding its authority. Let's leave it as it is."

"How can this be?"

Zhang Kui said dissatisfiedly: "Isn't this against the ancestral precepts?"

"Forget it, the court doesn't care about the ancestral precepts."

Qian Zhengwei shook his head: "Now that many prime ministers and the government support him, the power of the Political System Council is inevitable. Haven't the civil and military officials in the court opposed it? Is opposition useful?"

Zhang Kui was silent for a moment and said: "Anyway, I won't sign this. I will go directly to the government for review and deliberation."

"If you don't want to sign, don't sign it."

Qian Zhengwei sighed and said: "All I can tell you is that it may be useless to go to the government."


Zhang Kui didn't say anything, snorted coldly, and got up and left.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Qian Zhengwei shook his head. Old Zhang had just returned to the court recently. Even if he heard something, he didn't see it with his own eyes. How could he know that the sky of the Song Dynasty had changed?

In the afternoon, the Dali Temple returned the ruling document to the Political System Institute. There were only signatures of several officials from the Dali Temple on it. This was the characteristic of the official system of the Song Dynasty.

Each department not only had supervisors and deputy supervisors, but also a large number of subordinate officials, with titles such as "goudang", "tidian", and "gouya".

A document or a decree requires the signatures of these officials to be implemented.

The result is that each department shirks responsibility and argues with each other. If any one of them does not sign, the policy cannot be promoted, and the administrative efficiency is extremely slow.

That is, Zhao Jun arrested some officials from the Dali Temple and frightened the Dali Temple, so these people dared not violate it. If it were someone else, it would be difficult to sign.

The Political System Institute read the new document but said nothing. It was sent to Kaifeng Prefecture and Imperial City Department. The formulation and judgment of the crime were generally done by the Dali Temple and the Criminal Court, and the execution was previously done by Kaifeng Prefecture, but now the Imperial City Department was added.

As for the Criminal Court, Zhao Jun did not start immediately, but wrote it in a small notebook. In the future, when the new system is promoted, various officials with poor performance will be criticized and recorded, and published in the official newspaper.

Under the new system, all those who have been recorded will not only be promoted slowly, but once they have been recorded three times, they will be dismissed from office. Therefore, this small notebook can be called the death note in the future.

Soon, the decree for the approval of the death penalty was issued, confirming that the first batch of criminals with serious crimes would be executed starting from December.

This process may take a long time.

Perhaps when Zhao Jun left Beijing, the execution ground outside Tokyo was still sending people there every day.

The next day, the notice of the reform of the Ministry of Justice was quickly issued. The former Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Xia Song, was changed to the Grand Secretary of Baohedian. Because the previous six ministers were officials with salary, they only needed to change their official positions.

But now the Ministry of Justice is obviously going to become a powerful department. Li Di is no longer the deputy envoy of the three salt and iron departments, but is changed to the Minister of the Ministry of Justice. He is sent to the post, leaving only his original position.

If it were in the past, people would definitely think that Li Di was dismissed from a sinecure, but now with a new notice, the officialdom is in an uproar.

This day, it happened to be time for the monthly official report.

In the past, Di Bao was issued by Jinzouyuan. Simply put, this department was the publicity and distribution agency of the imperial court. It forwarded the decrees issued by the imperial court to various roads, and also forwarded the official affairs submitted by the various roads to the various ministries of the imperial court.

The headquarters of Jinzouyuan is in Bianliang, and it is also distributed in various roads. It is equivalent to the Propaganda Department of later generations and the Propaganda Offices and Propaganda Bureaus of various places. The current instructions of the Constitutional Yuan are also issued by them.

At present, the major offices in Bianliang include the Privy Council, the Third Department of Salt and Iron, the Ministry of Revenue, the Duzhi, the Zhongshu Province, the Menxia Province, the Yushitai, the Jiantai, the Yintai Department, the Tongjin Department, the Fachi Department, and the Sanbanyuan. Among the dozens of government offices in , Kaifeng Mansion, and Jiu Temple Six Prisons, officials performed their duties and ran errands as usual.

It’s just that the efficiency of officials in the Song Dynasty was indeed not high. Many officials worked lazily all day long. Although there were many who worked seriously, at least most of them worked slowly. Even if they encountered something, they would just do it. Procrastinate as long as you can, rarely efficient.

This is the current situation of administrative efficiency of officials in the Song Dynasty.

But soon as the Di report continued, these officials couldn't sit still after seeing the latest news.

Because they never expected to really have to restructure.

In the Privy Council, some officials were talking about it: "I didn't expect the recent rumors to be true. The Constitutional Yuan is going to be reorganized into a single chamber with multiple ministries."

"A large number of new departments will be added, and idle officials will be selected. Isn't this a great thing?"

"That's true, but Prime Minister Cheng is not happy. He is the Prime Minister. Now it is going to be changed to the Ministry of Finance. The original Ministry of Household Affairs is only responsible for the population. From now on, the Ministry of Finance will be responsible for the revenue and expenditure of the treasury."

"Salt and iron also need to be separated and placed under the Ministry of Geology. This Ministry of Geology is the department in charge of the country's mineral resources. It seems to be very similar to the Shaofu in the Han Dynasty."

"The Ministry of Etiquette has also been divided into the Ministry of Education. From now on, the Ministry of Etiquette will be responsible for etiquette. All matters related to schools and imperial examinations across the country will be under the control of this Ministry of Education."

"Fortunately, we at the Privy Council have nothing to do."

Everyone said.

Other departments also have their own discussions.

And the news spread quickly, making many officials who were idle at home overjoyed after hearing about it.

Many idle officials rushed to tell each other, telling their colleagues about the official restructuring. The imperial court would add a large number of departments, and they, the idle and idle officials, could also be employed.

For a time, officials were everywhere in Bianliang, using their connections to find out the news. Many people had even begun to take action to see if they could transfer themselves to a department with real power through some connections.

Although Zhao Jun's relationship cannot be found, Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng, Wang Sui, Song Shou, Sheng Du, Cai Qi and even Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan, which one of them is not a disciple, former official, colleagues and friends?

So after the notice was sent out, the threshold of these people's homes was almost broken, and all kinds of relatives and friends came to the door to inquire about information.

The third division next to the Privy Council had another scene.

In the Du Branch, Xia Song, the deputy envoy of the Third Division Du Branch, was correcting documents in his office.

He is quite diligent, after all, the person in the Constitutional Yuan can't tolerate sand in his eyes. If the government affairs are not handled properly, it would be too bad to end up like Liu Yuanyu.

Xia Song is a man who is determined to enter the Constitutional Yuan.

At this time, an official who entered the memorial hall came in, informed him first, and then placed today's Di newspaper on his desk.

Xia Song put down the official document in his hand and took the Di newspaper over.

There has been a lot of news in the court recently, so he really needs to pay attention to the official news at all times.

When he opened the Di newspaper, the first thing he saw was a letter written by Zhao Jun himself about reforming the official system.

The content is hundreds of words long, but the core idea is actually only one - the current official system is chaotic, administrative efficiency is low, and the division of responsibilities is unclear, so the officials ordered the Constitutional Yuan to undergo restructuring.

After the restructuring, the official status was redefined. It was no longer in the form of sending salary and dispatch as before. Instead, officials were the officials they were supposed to be. The superiors and subordinates were clearly defined, and the powers of the chiefs of each department increased. Unless it was important to sign, Otherwise, the documents are basically signed by the chief official.

But at the same time, the responsibility system has also been determined. For example, if the chief officer of a department has signed a certain document, then this person will be responsible for the document. Once there is a mistake, it will range from a demerit to dismissal, or even violation of laws and disciplines. , there is a risk of being jailed and beheaded.

"It's really going to be restructured."

Xia Song narrowed his eyes. There was so much news these days that it was hard to tell the truth from the lies.

At present, the restructuring has been confirmed.

Because the Di newspaper said that a new Ministry of Punishment will be re-established, and the new Ministry of Punishment will formulate the charters of other departments. Around the end of November, the restructuring of various departments will officially begin and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Therefore, except for the Privy Council, the entire officialdom system must undergo major changes. Judging from the current situation, the new department minister seems to be second only to the prime ministers of the Constitutional Yuan.


Xia Song suddenly noticed something. He was the Minister of the Ministry of Justice. Although the Ministry of Justice was just an empty shell, he was still the Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

Why was it that the Ministry of Punishment was the first to undergo restructuring, but he didn't get any news?

Thinking of this, he quickly put down the official document and was about to leave.

At this moment, a chamberlain led several guards into Xia Song's branch office, went straight to his office in the backyard, and said, "Is Deputy Xia here?"


Xia Song walked over, frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

The chamberlain said: "Your Majesty has a decree."

Xia Song quickly handed over his hand.

The eunuch took the imperial edict and said, "Due to the reform of the Ministry of Justice, the Political System Council has discussed that Li Di, the former academician of the Zizheng Palace and the deputy envoy of the Three Departments of Salt and Iron, will be the minister of the Ministry of Justice, and Xia will be changed to the university scholar of the Baohe Palace. This is the imperial decree!"

Xia Song's hands trembled, and after a moment of calm, he said, "I accept the order."

He did not ask why it was Li Di instead of him, because it was useless to ask, this was the order of the Political System Council, or perhaps it was the order of Zhao Jun.

After the eunuch left, Xia Song's face was more serious.

Although he hid well last time, Liu Yuanyu's confession alone could not pose any threat to him, but it was obvious that Zhao Jun was very dissatisfied.

This made Xia Song a little regretful why he was so mean and had to mention it to Liu Yuanyu casually.

The main reason was that he did not expect the emperor to trust Zhao Jun so much.

You must know that the current emperor has always been suspicious and extremely wary of party struggles. Therefore, once someone holds power, he will often be dismissed and demoted.

Even prime ministers like Lü Yijian, Li Di, and Wang Zeng had been in and out of the court several times, and had almost never held real power for a long time.

Therefore, when Zhao Jun suddenly came to power, it shocked the court. Countless people in the court did not want to see a political system with such great power, and also controlled the law enforcement department like the Imperial City Department, so there were so many opponents.

However, Xia Song was proud of his qualifications, but he was only the deputy envoy of the three departments. Whether it was the prime minister, the prime minister, or even the assistant minister, he had nothing to do with him. Naturally, he was dissatisfied and wanted to see if he could put some eye drops and put some obstacles.

Originally, I thought that Liu Yuanyu would create some trouble for the Political System Court, let the government see that the Political System Court was not capable, and deposed him and promoted him. Who would have expected that the power of the Political System Court was so terrifying.

It was terrible that a deputy envoy of the three departments, plus the entire department was deposed.

Now Zhao Jun not only holds great power, but also has the strong support of the government and many prime ministers, and has established a huge force in the court.

Although he was not exposed, Liu Yuanyu had already betrayed him. Obviously, whether Zhao Jun believed it or not, he would be afraid of his existence.

It seems that he should be more restrained during this period and not act rashly.

Xia Song pondered.

At the same time, the attitudes of other departments were different.

Cheng Lin, the Three-Division Envoy, was naturally annoyed. He was a Three-Division Envoy with a high position and power. In the blink of an eye, he was not even the Prime Minister. He was going to become the Minister of Finance.

From the current situation, the status of each department is slightly lower than that of the Three-Division Envoy and Privy Envoy in the past, and is about the same as the Deputy Envoy.

Cheng Lin was naturally unhappy about being "demoted" suddenly, so he planned to oppose it at the court meeting the next day.

The officials of other yamen were different. Some complained that the court was looking for trouble this time and had to reform the system.

Some were overjoyed and felt that the opportunity had come.

Others held an indifferent attitude. Anyway, they were messing around before and in the future.

But they didn't know that many officials here would regret it in the future.

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