In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 16: The Shame of Jingkang

After Zhao Jun finished speaking, there was silence in the room.

Everyone looked at each other with different expressions.

Zhao Zhen frowned, Wang Zeng, Wang Sui and others were thoughtful, while Yan Shu and Cai Qi were frightened.

Lu Yijian's hair stood on end, and cold sweat fell from his back.

Everyone said that Fan Xiwen had an upright personality, but they didn't expect that this guy was more sinister and vicious than anyone else. He was really extremely sinister.

"Lu Yijian?"

When Fan Zhongyan heard the name he wanted to hear, he perked up and immediately hit the snake on the stick and asked, "Didn't you say that Lu Yijian was a good person before?"

"He is a good person, but good people also have different opinions."

Zhao Jun said: "Lu Yijian has controlled the government for so many years, and he has so many disciples and grandsons. Doesn't Fan Zhongyan's reforms cost the lives of his group? So for his own benefit, he must oppose it."

Hearing these words, Lu Yijian actually started to tremble, and stood up from the chair trembling unconsciously. He no longer felt the privilege of being able to sit on the stool.

He caught a glimpse of Zhao Zhen next to him and glanced at him calmly. There was no sign of his eyes, he just glanced at him calmly.

Almost expressionless.

But it is precisely because there is no fluctuation in that look that it is the most silent and wonderful look.

This sight made Lu Yijian frightened and uneasy, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Then according to your opinion, was it Lu Yijian and others who blocked Fan Zhongyan's reforms that led to the final demise of the Song Dynasty?"

Fan Zhongyan asked again.

Lu Yijian was sweating from behind, thinking that you, Fan Xiwen, are so vicious!

"You can't say that."

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "Although in his later years, Lu Yijian played a conservative role in the Qingli New Deal and had conflicts and struggles with reformists such as Fan Zhongyan, which made him have a poor image in the eyes of later generations and the reformists at that time. But at that time, the entire The imperial court and scholars still have a very high opinion of Lu Yijian, at least the history books have a very good opinion of him. "

"There are many reasons for the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty. Failure to rectify the official system is one of them, but the main reason is the army's combat effectiveness and the stupidity of the upper-level emperors. During the Jingkang Disgrace, Jin soldiers surrounded Bianjing City. The resistance of the 300,000 soldiers and civilians in the city was very high, which frightened The Jin soldiers did not dare to attack, so they proposed peace."

"As a result, that loser Song Huizong immediately passed the throne to Song Qinzong. Song Qinzong did not dare to go to war and sent people to sue for peace. Instead, the Jin soldiers asked Song Qinzong to go to the Jin camp to negotiate in person. That idiot Song Qinzong actually went, and then the Jin soldiers detained Song Qinzong. After Song Qinzong was arrested, he was forced to order all the Qinwang soldiers to stop marching to Kaifeng and suppress the people who organized themselves to resist. "

"Later, because the two idiot emperors of the Song Dynasty compromised and surrendered and attacked the anti-Japanese generals, the Jin soldiers began to attack Bianjing and finally succeeded in breaking the city. The Jin soldiers burned, killed and looted Tokyo for four months, and Kaifeng was completely plundered The people were mercilessly attacked by hunger and cold, and countless people died of freezing and starvation. The canals and rivers were filled with corpses. "

"The most disgusting thing is that the Jin Army made a demand for compensation. One of them required two emperors, four ancestors, four clan girls, 2,500 palace maids, 1,500 female musicians, and 3,000 craftsmen. Give it to Jin Jun. If the compensation cannot be delivered on time, sell the royal woman to Jin Jun to pay for the gold and silver."

"The specific price is, the Emperor Ji and the Princess each have one thousand gold ingots each, the Zong Ji has five hundred gold ingots each, the clan concubine has two hundred gold ingots each, the clan wife has five hundred silver ingots each, the clan wife has two hundred silver ingots each, and the noble relatives One hundred silver coins for each woman."

"In other words, as long as the payment of gold and silver cannot be completed, almost all the women of the Zhao family will not be spared. The majesty and dignity of the Zhao and Song royal families are gone. This is a unique event in the entire ancient Chinese history. , which is why the Song Dynasty was the most rubbish dynasty.”

"The Jin soldiers who plundered a large number of treasury inside and outside the Song Dynasty palace, as well as gold, silver, money and silk from officials and private households did not return until winter with the two captive emperors and a group of royal nobles. Many emperors and concubines were bullied. Even the two idiots themselves were forced to dance for the Jin people. The surrender policy of the corrupt rulers of the Song Dynasty caused unspeakable disasters to the people of Kaifeng. "

"Afterwards, these idiots were escorted to Shangjing, where they held a ceremony of offering prisoners and leading a sheep. The captured Song Huizong, Song Qinzong, palace concubines, clan members, ministers and others were forced to go naked to the waist, covered with sheepskins, and their necks. They were tied with ropes and led like sheep to worship the ancestors of the Jin Kingdom. The face of the Han people was completely lost by these bastards."

"Forget it, the most shameful thing is that the Jin army captured a large number of Han women. Thousands of women died on the way to the abduction. I can't imagine the abuse, rape, and humiliation they suffered. There were also envoys from the Southern Song Dynasty who went to the Jin Kingdom When I was there, I saw Di Ji who had become a singer and dancer. These Jin people are really a bunch of beasts. "

At the end, Zhao Jun's own blood pressure was rising. He slapped his thighs with his hands covered in chicken fat and cursed: "But in the final analysis, the emperor of the Song Dynasty was the more beastly one. Even if someone like Song Huizong died ten thousand times, he would not be able to forgive his hatred." . The Song Dynasty was rotten from top to bottom. Thanks to the many famous ministers in the Northern Song Dynasty and the many famous generals in the Southern Song Dynasty, how could it not be destroyed if the useless emperor and the system did not change? What a rubbish dynasty! Shame!”

Everyone was scolded so that they didn't dare to say anything, because they didn't know how deep the shame of Jingkang Shai was until now.

Even the dignified emperor and concubine were captured and played with, and the majesty of the emperor was completely wiped out.

There was silence for a long time.

No one spoke.

Even though they had not experienced the Jingkang humiliation, just listening to Zhao Jun's words made them clenched their fists, and they could feel the humiliation of the hatred of enemies in this country.

After a while, Fan Zhongyan sighed: "The great Song Dynasty has suffered such humiliation."

Yan Shu said softly: "It turns out that Jingkang Shai's inner story is so tortuous."

Zhao Jun's mood had calmed down at this time.

He remembered that Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan were fans of the Song Dynasty, so he softened his attitude and said: "Uncle Lari, Uncle Nima, I have never liked the Song Dynasty. I don't know why you are interested in the Song Dynasty, but at least you all know "Man Jiang Hong" by Yue Fei."


Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan looked at each other. Yan Shu thought for a while and said, "I know, keep talking."

"I am so angry that my head is full of anger, and I can see the mist of rain resting in my head. I look up, look up to the sky and roar, my heart is strong. Thirty years of success and fame are dust and dirt, and eight thousand miles of road are filled with clouds and moon. Don't wait for your youthful head to turn white, and feel empty and sad."

"The shame of Jingkang has not yet snowed. The hatred of the ministers, when will it be extinguished? Driving a long chariot, trampling through the gap in the Helan Mountains. The ambition is to eat the meat of Hulu when hungry, and laugh and drink the blood of Huns when thirsty. Let's start over, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky."

Zhao Jun recited "Man Jiang Hong" with passion. At this point, the chicken legs in his hands no longer smelled good. He sighed longly: "Yue Wu Mu was born in the wrong era. A garbage dynasty like the Song Dynasty does not deserve to have someone like Yue Fei and Di Qing." "Heroes."

"If they had been born in the Han and Tang Dynasties, even in the Ming Dynasty, they would have been able to seal the wolf as a vassal and beat the barbarians so that they would not dare to look south. Why would they let the barbarians bully the Han people like this?"

"Many people say that the Song Dynasty was rotten at its roots. The underlying army had no combat effectiveness and was just a ragtag group that pretended to be nothing. Furthermore, the Jin soldiers were all heavy armored cavalry and heavy armored infantry, and the weapons and equipment of the Song army were worse than those of the Jin soldiers."

"For example, in February of the first year of Jingkang, Emperor Qinzong of the Song Dynasty ceded territory to seek peace. Zong Wang, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Route Army of the Jin Army, sent 17 Jurchen cavalry to escort the peace documents back to China. When passing through Cizhou, they encountered 2,000 soldiers from the Northern Song Dynasty and 2,000 Song troops. They were defeated by 17 heavily armed Jurchen soldiers."

"The words "If there are not even ten thousand Jurchens, they will be invincible" spread throughout the south, making the Song army fear gold as much as a tiger!"

"But is the root cause the underlying soldiers and weaponry?"


"Yue Fei's three hundred men at Sishui Pass defeated the Jin soldiers who were several times larger than his own. In the great victory of Yancheng, he defeated hundreds of thousands of Jin soldiers with only tens of thousands of people. They could not find the north. The Jin soldiers were known as the invincible Iron Buddha Tu, The whole army was almost wiped out."

"The Song army is not without heavy armored infantry. The Jurchens can defeat many with fewer troops, and Marshal Yue can do the same. This proves that there is no difference in arms or equipment between the two sides."

"So where is the root of the problem?"

"The root cause lies in the royal family of the Song Dynasty. They castrated their own army with their own hands and made their army lose its blood!"

"When I was studying "History of the Song Dynasty", these idiots from the royal family of the Song Dynasty got very angry when they saw me. There was a Qin official in the Qing Dynasty who visited the Yuewang Temple and saw Qin Hui and his wife with their hands tied behind their backs and kneeling towards the tomb of the Yuewang. The poem says, "People since the Song Dynasty have been ashamed to be named Hui, and I am ashamed to be named Qin when I go to the grave."

"I don't know if Master Qin is a descendant of Qin Hui, but I know about DNA testing. When everyone in our village was descended from the Zhao family of the Song Dynasty, I was so ashamed that I wanted to die. If my parents hadn't allowed me to change, I would have wanted to change my surname."

"Song Huizong was fatuous and incompetent, Song Qinzong was weak and cowardly, and Song Gaozong betrayed his country and sought glory. He obviously had a group of capable generals and soldiers under his command, but he wanted to destroy the city walls and kill Zhongliang."

"These stupid and incompetent Song Dynasty emperors should all use them to light sky lanterns!"

"So in the final analysis, it was not Lu Yijian who harmed the Northern Song Dynasty, but the emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, except for Zhao Kuangyin, Zhao Zhen, and Zhao Xu who were barely qualified, the others were all a bunch of garbage and moths, without any responsibility or action."

"Our Chinese nation advocates the spirit of martial ethics. Today, thousands of years later, we still yearn for the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties, not the ugly Song Dynasty that "considered Hangzhou as Bianzhou"!"

"A dynasty like the Song Dynasty was not worthy of being an orthodox dynasty of the Chinese nation because of its unfair governance! There was something wrong with their upper-level power structure. The emperor had no blood and was not as good as a eunuch. Such a dynasty deserved to perish. It deserves to be here." Today, more than a thousand years later, countless people are calling it one of the most rubbish dynasties!”

After the rant, Zhao Jun was no longer as elated as when he had just eaten chicken. His face was blood red and he was furious. His eyes were obviously covered by bandages, but everyone seemed to be able to see his eyes from his facial expressions. It seemed like it was spitting out flames!

People around have different expressions.

Lu Yijian wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Fan Zhongyan was thoughtful.

Zhao Zhen stood there calmly, saying nothing, but his body was shaking slightly.

Azolla, Azolla.

He clenched his fists and sighed softly.

Ninety-one years later, the Jingkang Revolution and the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty turned out to be like this.

The emperor was captured and the people were massacred.

Even Di Ji was raped.

The mighty Song Dynasty could only separatize the south.


The most terrifying thing is that the mighty Song Dynasty, more than a thousand years later, is a symbol of weakness and incompetence.

Even if the emperor of the Zhao family ceded territory again to seek peace and whitewash peace, he still could not cover up the infamy left for them by that stroke of history.

Tears shed from the corners of Zhao Zhen's eyes.

The veins on his fists popped again this time, and it was no longer because Zhao Jun insulted him.

But he could feel how desperate the humiliation of the Jingkang Shame was from Zhao Jun's recitation of "Man Jiang Hong".

Anger, grief, anger at his descendants' failure to fight, all kinds of emotions swirled in Zhao Zhen's mind.

In the end, all turned into a sigh.

As Zhao Jun said, the emperors of the Song Dynasty were all trash.

Only Taizu was qualified for martial arts.

I only have civil governance.

If I were to think about strengthening the army and enriching the country, defeating the powerful Liao and Xixia, and later the Jin Dynasty, I'm afraid.

Can I really not change the fate of the Song Dynasty?


There must be a way!

Zhao Zhen glanced at Zhao Jun and had the answer in his heart.

He turned around and resolutely stepped out of the house and went to the Guanjia Hall.

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