In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 163 This is your home forever

Zhao Jun planned to leave Beijing after the Chinese New Year, so he made some plans before leaving Beijing.

First, Fan Zhongyan was arranged to go to the northwest to take charge of military and political affairs.

Di Qing was also going to go.

There was also Wang Deyong. Fan Zhongyan was the chief officer, Wang Deyong could be the chief general, and Di Qing was still young and needed training.

Secondly, everyone was allowed to develop the economy and pilot state-owned enterprise operations and lending businesses in Bianliang.

Now the public security in Bianliang has improved a lot. Women and children dare to go out to play on the streets, and the business environment is much better than before. It is a good time for development.

The Qingmiao Law cannot be promoted for the time being, because if the external threat is not eliminated, the Qingmiao Law will definitely cause internal turmoil if it is directly implemented.

Only when Fan Zhongyan defeated the Western Xia and Liao Kingdom in one fell swoop, causing shock to the whole country, and with this prestige, with the support of Zhao Zhen and the Political System Institute, Fan Zhongyan presided over the reform, and there was a possibility of success.

And it was not just the Qingmiao Law, but also Zhang Juzheng's reforms, including the Kaocheng Law, the Yitiaobian Law, and even the policy of the Yongzheng period, which was to achieve the policy of spreading the capitation into the land.

Only by reducing the burden on the people on a large scale and collecting silver and minerals from the outside can the country be maintained.

Finally, there is the issue of education.

In addition to the primary school courses, there are actually quite a lot of Zhao Jun's information in the notebook.

In the D drive, there are teaching folders, game folders, information folders, software folders, entertainment folders and nature folders.

Needless to say, this teaching folder is where he downloaded a lot of primary school courses, and plans to use it as a reference for preparing lessons in the future in combination with the primary school textbooks issued by the Education Bureau. There is a lot of primary and secondary school knowledge.

There are many stand-alone games in the game folder. He is afraid that there is no network in the mountainous area, so he thinks that if he is free and bored, he can play stand-alone games to pass the time.

The information folder contains a lot of information from his school days, including foreign history, domestic history, and Marxist philosophy, as well as some notes he made in class before.

Zhao Jun is copying the information here, using a water-based pen and his own notebook. In addition to the books, he also brought some paper and pens, which are all things that teachers often use in class, so it is impossible that they are not there.

The quotations of great men given to Fan Zhongyan some time ago were copied down in this way. The reason for copying is that many things in it cannot be shown to Zhao Zhen and Lu Yijian, and it is not good enough for Fan Zhongyan to see.

After all, the thoughts of great men can be said to be shocking and awe-inspiring, and it is a well-known dragon-slaying technique.

So who is the dragon?

Zhao Zhen.

Isn't it nonsense for Zhao Zhen to see his own things?

So Zhao Jun must hide it, and this part of the things is also re-directed, and many small folders are created, one layer after another, and then put in the system disk, and then in the folder properties, check the hidden!

I don't believe it can still be found.

The rest of the useful information is copied out, and it can be used to copy and publish in newspapers, or as a reference.

The software folder is some software needed by the notebook, such as drawing software, security guards, anti-virus software, driver updates, wallpaper software, browsers, etc. Without the Internet, basically you can only clean up the system garbage.

The entertainment folder is mainly novels, movies, and music. Like stand-alone games, it is used to kill time. It is worth mentioning that there are also some other things hidden in it..

The natural folder is where Zhao Jun downloaded a lot of popular science videos before coming here, mainly natural science, such as cosmic analysis, plant growth, interesting physical phenomena, basic nature, chemistry, and biological knowledge, etc., mainly to cater to the natural science courses that already exist in elementary school courses.

After Zhao Jun left Beijing, the notebook would be handed over to Zhao Zhen and others. He also made his own plans in it, mainly to let Zhao Zhen and others learn new popular science knowledge, and the notebook would do it when he didn't teach them in the future.

But he was also worried that these people would operate improperly and cause accidents to the notebook, so he still had to copy down some important information. He was mainly doing these things during this period.

It is estimated that these things should be copied before leaving Beijing next year.

After making plans for next year in the back garden in the afternoon, it was almost time to adjourn. During this period, Zhao Zhen was still very diligent. While supporting the decision of the Political System Council, he was also working hard to review memorials and actively participate in state affairs.

Many prime ministers left one by one. According to convention, Zhao Zhen personally got up and sent Zhao Jun to the direction of Xihuamen.

Since there were no government affairs in the morning and no classes for the children in the afternoon, it was actually quite early today, just around four o'clock in the afternoon. The flying snow had stopped for the past two days, and the whole world became crystal clear.

Zhao Zhen and Zhao Jun stepped on the snow, making a creaking sound.

Looking around, the back garden was covered with snow. A thick layer of snow formed on the palace wall on the right, and some small icicles grew under the tiles. The wheat field not far away was covered with snow at this moment.

The grandfather and grandson stepped on the edge of the field. Zhao Zhen wore a red dragon robe inside and a velvet jacket outside. He lowered his head and stepped carefully in the snow, while saying to Zhao Jun: "Grandson, how are you recently? I heard that you were quite depressed some time ago. What's the reason?"

"Serious mental exhaustion."

Zhao Jun sighed, shook his head and said: "The whole person's mental state is very bad, very depressed, but I don't know what to do. I really want to lie there, don't care about anything, don't do anything, the blue bar is exhausted."

Mental exhaustion?

Very bad condition?

Blue bar exhausted?

A series of unfamiliar words left Zhao Zhen confused.

But he also knew that there might be something wrong with Zhao Jun's thinking, so he still consoled him: "Maybe he is too tired from working on state affairs. Just take a short rest."

"Well, I hope so."

Zhao Jun said without comment.

Seeing that he was not very interested, Zhao Zhen changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, eldest grandson, it's time for you to get married and have children."

"This is it."

Zhao Jun touched his chin. As a qualified post-00s generation, he actually didn't want to get married and have children that soon.

Because in future generations, you have just graduated from college, and then you have no car, no house, no savings, and it is difficult to support yourself, let alone start a family, start a business, and support your parents, children, and wife.

Therefore, many people after 00 and 00 will just lie down and focus on their own efforts to survive first. As for the matter of marriage, let’s talk about it later.

But it's different now.

He is in a high position and needs money and a house. He is still in the second ring road of the capital Tokyo. The car is a bit crude, not a Lamborghini or a Ferrari, just a horse-drawn carriage.

But in the Song Dynasty, when there was a serious shortage of horses and scholar-officials often had to use donkey carts or ox carts to travel, there was a carriage that was simply the most beautiful thing outside Donghua Gate.

With such conditions, it is more than enough to marry the daughter of any scholar-bureaucrat. As long as he spreads the news that he wants to get married, the matchmakers sent by the rich, nobles and prime ministers in Bianliang may have to cross the threshold of his family.

Therefore, it is not impossible to get married and have children.

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "I am twenty-three years old this year and will be twenty-four soon. In the Song Dynasty, I am considered an older unmarried young man. It would be good to have a wife."

Zhao Zhen perked up after hearing this and said: "As the eldest grandson, she must be the legitimate daughter of the prime minister's family. Unfortunately, all the daughters of Prime Minister Lu are married, but his ten-year-old granddaughter is the only one."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Jun interrupted: "Brother, the one you don't know is Lu Suizhu."

"You have seen Suizhu before"

Zhao Zhen said without confidence that Lu Yijian had done something bad again recently. He used to persuade Zhao Zhen to have more sons, but now that Queen Cao and Zhang Meiren were pregnant, he started to persuade Zhao Zhen to persuade Zhao Jun to marry and have children.

Moreover, he also recommended himself and moved out his own granddaughter, who was also the eldest daughter of his eldest son Lu Gongchuo.

Lu Gongchuo is only thirty-seven years old this year. He got married early. Normally, his daughter should not be ten years old. However, as in the ancient times, children were prone to die young, even high-ranking officials were no exception. Of the previous ones, only two sons survived. It wasn't until she was twenty-seven that she gave birth to a legitimate daughter.

Although the Lu family actually had several concubines, the concubines obviously did not dare to take action, so Lu Yijian had no choice but to push out his legitimate daughter who was only ten years old, just like he married with other families, hoping that Married to Zhao Jun.

But after hearing this, Zhao Jun almost lost his temper and said: "Brother, Lu Yijian is crazy, why are you acting like him? Have you forgotten that I told you that a woman cannot get married until she is at least eighteen years old?"

Zhao Zhen then explained: "Dasun, it's not like you don't know the situation in ancient times. Farmers often sold their children as child brides at a young age. People who got married at the age of twelve or thirteen abounded. I just When she succeeded to the throne, Queen Mother Liu chose several concubines for me, all of whom were only eight or nine years old. This is really normal. "

"Of course I know this, but I also have my own bottom line."

Zhao Jun shook his head repeatedly and said: "As a young man in the new era, it is the ethics and responsibility that we should not harm minors, and our three views must be correct. Even in the Song Dynasty, if the situation in the Song Dynasty is the same, I still have to abide by my own values. This It’s a matter of principle.”

"But there are not many women who are over twenty years old, unmarried, and in good conditions."

Zhao Zhen said: "Nowadays, when women are generally older than their hair, they often work as matchmakers. Those who are still unmarried at the age of twenty are either extremely ugly and no one cares about them, or they are widowed or divorced, and it is probably difficult to get married." Find the right person.”

"It's okay, just look for it slowly. My main focus right now is on state affairs. Seeing that the people of the Song Dynasty are in dire straits, I feel very anxious."

Zhao Jun was not anxious at all and spoke with high-sounding words.

Generation Z is not in a hurry. Many Generation Z have no desire to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, let alone get married, so he can afford to wait.

Seeing him like this, Zhao Zhen had no choice but to say: "Then you make the decision yourself."


Zhao Jun responded.

The two people had arrived at Yanfu Palace.

Zhao Zhen continued: "The New Year is approaching. This is also the first New Year that Da Sun has spent in the Song Dynasty. How does Da Sun feel?"

Zhao Jun thought for a moment and said, "In addition to being homesick, what else could there be?"

"My eldest grandson, come celebrate the New Year with me."

Zhao Zhen turned his head, looked at him, patted Feng Xue on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "My grandson is in the Song Dynasty. Aren't I and many other members of the clan named Zhao the only relatives?"


Zhao Jun responded noncommittally.

For relatives like our grandparents, talking about relationships is a bit unrealistic.

At most, it's just a bit of a blood relationship.

Moreover, this good impression was not much due to the useless situation in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty. It was purely for Zhao Kuangyin's face.

"I know it may not be possible to get married to an ancestor I haven't met a thousand years ago."

Zhao Zhen looked at him sincerely and said softly: "But at least for me, I still say that, this palace will always be your home, grandson. Even if you are away from home and feel homesick, you can come back at any time. ”

Zhao Jun was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "Yes."

This time it was no longer as perfunctory as before.

Although it's winter outside.

But in my heart.

But it is warm.

Alas, I am so exhausted that I don’t even want to check after typing the last word. I just post it directly. Only then can I breathe a sigh of relief. My left hand hurts too. I just want to rest now. Good night everyone. I hope November will bring good luck to all of us.

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