In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 209: Thousands of people see him off

In December of the first year of Baoyuan, Zhao Jun stayed in Tanzhou for four months. He spent three months here from the flood in August to the reconstruction of the disaster area in September.

Dispatching food and grass materials, organizing production and reconstruction, cracking down on illegal activities, preventing human trafficking, and establishing a sound system.

For people like Qin Sanniang and Zhou Wu who had almost no labor force at home, the government rented their original land and allocated a certain amount of newly reclaimed land to rent out to ensure their basic survival.

Although they could not reclaim land, they could still barely make ends meet by growing vegetables at home or doing odd jobs, and the government rented out the land they had at home every month.

To some extent, such people are almost equivalent to the five-guarantee households in later generations. Since there is no young and strong labor force in the family and there is no farming to maintain, they enjoy the basic survival guarantee provided by the government.

Although it sounds unrealistic to provide such welfare in ancient times.

But in fact, with the developed economy of the Song Dynasty and the productivity improvement after the introduction of Champa rice, even in the case of serious problems of three redundancies, it was barely possible to explain that everyone would not starve to death.

Because Cai Jing, one of the six thieves in the late Northern Song Dynasty, had established a national social charity and relief system when the court's finances were already quite tight at that time.

Not only was there a nursing home specifically for the adoption of "widows, widowers and orphans", but there was also Anjifang, which was specifically for the treatment of the poor, and the public cemetery Louzeyuan.

In addition, there were even orphanages and adoption systems, named Ciyou Bureau and Infant Bureau.

So the prosperous business environment and the fact that the Song Dynasty was rich were not empty words. As long as the court had such a welfare policy, as long as the local government implemented it properly, and as long as the grassroots governance could ensure that these welfare benefits were distributed to these people, it might really be possible to ensure the basic survival needs of the people.

But unfortunately, such a situation is almost impossible to achieve. Even if the court had such a policy, the implementation of the local government and the grassroots governance would never reach the most ideal state, including Cai Jing's welfare system, which was basically rotten in the middle and late stages.

If Zhao Jun hadn't been watching over Changsha, it might not have been able to achieve such perfection. I just don't know how long such help can last for poor families like Qin Sanniang and Zhou Wu.

However, the good news is that the officials in Jinghu South Road are quite reliable.

In addition to Chen Xiliang, who is extremely outstanding in both ability and political achievements, Wang Yao, the transport envoy of Jinghu South Road, Li Suzhi, the chief of criminal justice, Wang Han, the governor of Tanzhou, and Liu Yuan, the transport judge, are all reliable people.

Although his ability and political achievements are slightly worse than Chen Xiliang's, his character and morality are worthy of recognition. His governance level cannot be said to be particularly excellent, but it is also at the upper-middle level.

So after Zhao Jun saw with his own eyes that the local government had properly resettled all the victims, he continued on his inspection tour.

In the first year of Baoyuan, that is, at the end of 1038 AD, Zhao Jun went north to Jinghu North Road.

The departure was in mid-December. At the end of the morning of that day, before it was completely light, Zhao Jun packed up his luggage and, under the protection of many guards, said goodbye to Wang Yao, Li Suzhi, Wang Han, Liu Yuan, Chen Xiliang and other officials, and set off for the dock.

He originally wanted to leave quietly without notifying local officials. But Chen Xiliang thought that no matter what, he still had to tell Wang Yao and the others, otherwise it would be a bit unreasonable to leave without saying goodbye.

Zhao Jun thought it made sense, so he had a quick meal with them last night and gave some advice on the governance of Jinghu South Road. The next morning, he was surrounded by people and headed all the way to the dock.

This time point was actually about seven o'clock in the morning. Because it was winter, the sky was still gray. Although there were pedestrians on the street, there were not many.

Suddenly, a large group of people came out of the county government, and some people stopped to watch curiously.

Someone quickly recognized that it was Zhao Jun and many senior officials of Jinghu South Road, and they talked about it: "Where is the governor going again?"

"Maybe he is going to inspect other counties and towns."

"But it is not so early in the morning. The governor has been exhausted recently."

"Yes, I really feel sorry for the governor. I saw him when he first came to Tanzhou. He was full of vigor and vitality. But recently, the governor seems to have aged several years."

"Let's go and take a look."

There are probably some people who want to follow and take a look even though they will soon have to go to work.

At this time, Zhao Jun left the West City and slowly arrived near the dock.

His guards have been assembled. Two large transport ships hired from the local area can carry hundreds of people each. The entire team of 1,400 to 1,500 people can be easily accommodated.

After going north to Jinghu North Road this time, he did not plan to go to Nanyang. At most, he would go to Xiangyang along the Han River and then go upstream to Sichuan.

According to the route, after he inspects Sichuan in the first half of next year, he will continue to go north to Guanzhong, Shaanxi.

That time was also a critical moment in the Song-Xia War. Zhao Jun did not intend to cause trouble, but it was okay to comfort the soldiers and do some ideological or political work.

Along the way, Zhao Jun chatted with Wang Yao and others while looking at the river surface at the dock.

After the restoration of governance, Tanzhou gradually played its role as a transportation hub connecting Guangdong and Hubei. At this moment, dozens of merchant ships have appeared sporadically on the dock.

Although it is not as magnificent as the later Republic of China period, when there were hundreds or thousands of ships on the Changsha dock, it is a good thing to have a beginning.

After all, there were only six cities with a population of more than 200,000 in the Northern Song Dynasty, namely Bianjing, Jingzhaofu, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Quanzhou and Tanzhou. Economically, Changsha's commercial tax ranked fourth in the country, second only to Hangzhou, Bianjing and Chuzhou along the Grand Canal.

As long as the economy can recover, Changsha will soon return to its original prosperity.

"Okay, that's all I have to say."

Zhao Jun stood on the dock, and the soldiers next to him had begun to board the ship one after another. He told everyone: "Governance and development are indispensable. Guangdong Road is now an important channel for overseas trade, but most merchant ships will only continue to sail to Fujian and Hangzhou even if they arrive in Guangdong."

"This time I went south to Lingnan, and I also told local officials to actively open up to the outside world, create a better business environment, attract more foreign businessmen, and it would be best to form a fleet and send people to the West to take a look."

"As long as we can continue to expand the scale of foreign trade and open up more overseas markets, Guangdong will continue to absorb foreign trade. The gold, silver and copper coins from outside the country brought countless wealth to the Song Dynasty. "

"What Hunan needs to do is to seize this opportunity. If we can make water transportation more smooth, merchants from Guangdong can directly transport goods to the Yangtze River by water transportation, and then send them to Xiangyang through the Han River. Going directly to Bianliang by land is much closer than going to Jiangdong. "

"At the same time, we must also actively develop local handicraft manufacturing industries, transport Hunan's goods to Guangdong, and sell them abroad. Going out and bringing in are my most basic requirements for Guangdong Road and Hunan Road. I hope you can seriously achieve them. "

These days, Zhao Jun has also popularized some basic vocabulary knowledge, such as trade, market, and outlet. In fact, these words existed in ancient times, but the meaning is a little different from that of later generations, so they need to be explained.

Everyone nodded repeatedly.

And just as Zhao Jun was talking, more and more people were outside the city.

Because some of the people who followed him out looked more and more wrong.

In the past, Zhao Jun never brought troops when he inspected the disaster-stricken counties around Tanzhou, and at most he brought dozens of guards.

After all, it is inconvenient to have more than a thousand soldiers running around, and it will add burden to the local area.

So usually these troops stay in Changsha to help the disaster-stricken people in Changsha clean up the silt, dig the fields and build dams, and they will not follow Zhao Jun at all.

But what is going on now?

The people almost immediately thought of a terrible thing-the governor is leaving Tanzhou.

For a while, many people ran into the city and shouted everywhere.

"Something happened, the governor is leaving."

"Get up quickly, go to the dock and see, the governor is leaving Changsha."

"What tea are you still drinking, hurry to the dock now."

Those people called their friends and caused a sensation in the whole city.

Changsha County is not a big city, but the population is very dense and very large. By the time of Song Huizong, it had surpassed Hangzhou and was second only to Bianliang.

At this time, when they heard the news of Zhao Jun's departure, the whole city seemed to come alive in an instant. Many people were still in bed, and when they heard about this, they quickly put on their clothes and walked out of the house, and then ran towards the west gate.

Zhao Jun's soldiers had almost boarded the ship, and they also gave instructions to Wang Yao and others. As they were talking, they turned around and boarded the ship to leave.

At this time, they suddenly heard all kinds of chaotic sounds coming from the direction of the city gate in the distance.

Everyone looked over and saw that many people had come to the city gate at some point, and they shouted: "Don't leave, magistrate", "Stay", "Stay a few more days".

Everyone was stunned.

And not only at the city gate, but also in the suburbs in the south, people were still running over, shouting that they hoped he could stay.

Zhao Jun was already on the ship at this time, and was a little surprised to see this scene.

He had actually encountered such things in other places, such as Huainan, but the scene and the number of people were much smaller than the current situation.

After all, he benefited the entire Huainan Road in Huainan, and when he left, he was in Zhenzhou. The people in Zhenzhou were not very touched by what he did, and the people from all over Huainan who had benefited from him could not come.

But now he was granting favors in Tanzhou. The people of Tanzhou had seen what Zhao Jun had done these days, so when they knew Zhao Jun was leaving, they would definitely come to see him off.

"Zhiyuan, are you going to sail?"

Jiang Dalang asked next to him.

Zhao Jun saw that the people had already flocked to the dock and many of them had already run to the dock, so he smiled bitterly and said, "If you leave directly, it will hurt the people's hearts. Stay here for a while and say goodbye to the people."


Jiang Dalang ordered not to sail first.

In a moment, the dock was already crowded with people, and countless people on the shore stretched out their hands and waved to Zhao Jun.

Someone shouted loudly: "Zhiyuan, stay a few more days, the people of Tanzhou have not thanked you yet."

"Zhiyuan, you are the lifesaver of my family, please accept my courtesy."

Some people knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Zhiyuan, please take care of yourself after this farewell."

Some people cried out loudly.


Others simply didn't know what to say, and only knew to shout Zhao Jun's position.

More people raised their hands and shouted something.

Various noisy voices filled the surroundings, and the entire dock seemed to be drowned by such sounds.

Zhao Jun could only stand at the bow and wave, shouting: "Go back, folks, go back."

No one left.

Some people took off their hats to salute, some knelt and cried, and some stood on tiptoe and patted the hull desperately, trying to shake hands with him.

Seeing more and more people gathering at the dock, Zhao Jun was afraid of a stampede, so he had to say: "Start the boat, if it goes on like this, something will happen."

The boat started slowly, and the people became more enthusiastic and kept shouting.

As the big ship slowly left the port, the crowd was far away. Because the news was received too late, Qin Sanniang, who came late, dragged her eldest son, carried her youngest son on her back, and bowed slightly in the direction where Zhao Jun left with red eyes.

Zhou Wu ran so hard that he was sweating all over. Seeing that he was one step late, he burst into tears and murmured why he couldn't run faster so that he could catch up with the magistrate and leave.

Not only them, many people were like this.

The subordinates of the county and state yamen in the crowd recorded this scene.

Tens of thousands of people came to see him off, cheering like thunder, and the people took off their hats and saluted, with tears streaming down their faces.

And there were still people coming. The people who came to see Zhao Jun off lined up from the West Gate to the South Gate Street, and there was no end in sight.

Many people saw him on the boat looking at the dock below, and they waved desperately. More people cried and wailed, hoping that the governor would not leave them and that the governor would have a safe journey.

Zhao Jun stood at the bow, watching this scene getting farther and farther away, and couldn't help but sigh.

It turned out that this was not a scene that only appeared in later generations when people supported the People's Liberation Army. Such things actually happened in ancient times.

But it seems that the people can best know who is good to them.

Whoever loves the people the most, the people also love him the most.

For example, when Fan Zhongyan governed the northwest, he treated the local people well. When he left, not only the local Han people, but also the local ethnic minorities such as Qiang and Di hoped that he would not leave.

When he died, the local Qiang people learned the news, and "hundreds of Qiang chiefs cried like fathers and fasted for three days before leaving."

And why is Bao Zheng so famous even though he only served as the prefect of Kaifeng for one or two years?

It is because he can sincerely do things for the people.

Zhao Jun's good deeds can be said to have saved countless lives. He toured the disaster area and comforted the people with all his heart and soul. His visible haggardness was also seen by the people.

Therefore, it is natural that he was supported by the people of Tanzhou.

Even after he left.

Many local people in Tanzhou built a shrine for him, which is the same treatment that Fan Zhongyan received in Bin and Qing states in history. It can be said that it is the highest respect that local people can give to an official.

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