In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 221: For the sake of innocence, please die.

Inside the Xihua Gate, Zhao Jun blushed hotly when he heard Zhao Zhen's inquiry. It's as if a child caught by his parents while watching a movie wants to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

The reason why he is so shy is because he has the baggage of his personality.

His usual style is a good image of caring about the country and the people, and dedicating himself to the country of the Song Dynasty.

Open your mouth every day to the people, but keep your mouth shut to the world.

The demeanor and magnanimity he displayed were like an example of a saint, a gentleman, and a role model for all officials.

The result was private.

This is just like a good man who is considered a model husband and has no stains in the eyes of everyone, but one day he is found to have cheated on his wife. It is really the scene of a house collapse.

Therefore, after Zhao Zhen discovered his little secret, Zhao Jun almost collapsed on the spot.

Strictly speaking, he is certainly not a true saint.

Zhao Jun also has his own hobbies and shortcomings. He also likes beautiful girls. He has also fantasized about having three wives and four concubines, embracing each other, and reaching the pinnacle of life.

But after the Song Dynasty, he was walking on thin ice, holding back his desires at all times, and devoted all his attention to the construction of the country and the welfare of the people at the bottom.

It's not that he deliberately expressed or created such a persona.

But there is really no other way.

In the final analysis, it was because I was too bullshit when I was blind and couldn't get off the stage.

So that after his eyes recovered, he could only continue to maintain that kind of persona and stand on the highest moral level in everything to ensure that he would not be looked down upon by Zhao Zhen, Lu Yijian and others.

In addition, when CPU Zhao Zhen scolded Lu Yijian, Wang Zeng and the others until they were bloody, he stood up for the sake of honor and justice every time.

Criticizing their feudalism and bureaucratic conservative interest groups are the most popular, and they have no regard for the life and death of the people.

Then his image will be even more majestic and upright.

If he was blind just a moment ago, he was bragging that if he could go back to ancient times, he would definitely be able to govern the world.

The next second he had the power in his hands, he immediately began to "live in romance, live in drunkenness, and dream of death." What would Zhao Zhen, Lu Yijian and the others think of Zhao Zhen, Lu Yijian and the others who had nothing to do today?


You just talk nice, but in fact you are no different from anyone else.

Isn’t this a double-standard life, extremely hypocritical?

Therefore, Zhao Jun really had no choice but to put on that selfless face and display this mask in front of the world, not daring to do anything that violated morals and principles.

After all, if you can't even do well yourself, how can you be qualified to blame others? How can we still stand on the highest moral level?

But what Zhao Jun never expected was that his only little secret would be discovered by Zhao Zhen after all.

This made Zhao Jun blush like a bubble teapot and feel ashamed.

So embarrassing.

He was literally killed on the spot!

In fact, Zhao Jun also hesitated at the beginning whether to delete all these things.

Finally, after much thought, I decided not to delete it.

After all, they are all excellent small films that he carefully selected, both in terms of filmmaking skills and the quality of the starring roles.

If it's in the Hereafter, it doesn't matter.

But now there is no Internet, so I can’t bear to delete one piece and miss another.

The result is now.

Zhao Jun's complexion has changed from red to green, from green to purple, from purple to white, and from white to black.

Zhao Zhen saw something wrong with his face and was frightened for a moment, so he didn't dare to say anything. But he was worried that something would happen to Zhao Jun, so he had to ask tentatively: "Dasun, what's wrong with you?"


It was okay that Zhao Zhen didn't speak. As soon as he spoke, Zhao Jun yelled loudly and Sayazi ran in the direction of Chongzheng Hall.


Zhao Zhen was startled by him. When he realized what he was doing, Zhao Jun had already run seven or eight steps away, so he quickly chased after him.

But it is obvious that Zhao Jun has been traveling around mountains and rivers in the past two years. Although his hair is gray with worry, his physical fitness is much better and his feet can run very fast.

On the other hand, Zhao Zhen was addicted to women all day long, and his body was exhausted by wine and sex, and he couldn't keep up at all.

Seeing that the other party was heading towards Chongzheng Hall, Zhao Zhen obviously thought of something and shouted: "Wang Shouzhong, hurry up, stop him quickly, don't let him go to Chongzheng Hall!"

Wang Shouzhong originally followed Zhao Zhen from a distance, but when he heard Zhao Zhen's words, he swung like a monkey and directly passed Zhao Zhen and ran far away.

He was like a martial arts master. He caught up with Zhao Jun in no time. The strength in his hands was like a pair of pliers. He grabbed him and tightly hugged Zhao Jun with his body.

This man is considered a fierce man in history. When Zhao Zhen was assassinated, in addition to Queen Cao's good command, Lao Wang also came to the rescue immediately with a knife.

But Wang Shouzhong obviously underestimated Zhao Jun's determination. Even though he was already very strong, Zhao Jun dragged him to continue running forward.

He was still shouting: "Wang Shouzhong, you damn don't pull me, don't pull me, do you hear me, don't pull me!"

"Quick, someone come and stop Zhiyuan!"

Wang Shouzhong shouted.

The surrounding forbidden troops had actually noticed the movement a long time ago and surrounded them one after another.

But seeing that Zhao Zhen was not assassinated and that the person to be controlled was Zhao Jun, the magistrate who was second only to Zhao Zhen in power in the Song Dynasty, he did not dare to take any action for a while.

Just kidding, Zhao Zhen couldn't bear to scold them if they offended them. The petty Chiyuan was offended, and he was afraid that if he stepped into the palace gate with his right foot when he went to work tomorrow, he would be expelled because he didn't step in with his left foot.

How dare they do this.

But obviously Wang Shouzhong's words still had an effect. After all, someone was already standing in front of him. No matter how cautious Mr. Zhiyuan was, he would only make trouble for the princes and not them.

Thinking of this, many forbidden soldiers rushed over, dragging their hands and pressing their feet one by one. Wang Shouzhong even pressed Zhao Jun on the grass and held him tightly to prevent him from moving.

"Wang Shouzhong, let go of me, you idiot!"

Zhao Jun collapsed even more and struggled desperately, but no matter how determined he was to destroy the evidence, it was still no bigger than the seven or eight people holding him down.

I'm afraid that if Tyson comes, he won't be able to get away if he's pinned down by so many big, muscular, and powerful warriors.

Wang Shouzhong said helplessly: "Xiao Lang, I beg you, please stop struggling."

Zhao Zhen arrived late at this time, and he did not dare to speak directly to his grandson in front of many forbidden troops. Instead, he asked: "Han Long, what do you want to do?"

"I must smash my notebook today. I am not afraid of being shattered into pieces. I want to leave my innocence in this world!"

Zhao Jun almost cried.

Society is dead!

What a shame!

How can I survive like this?

However, when Zhao Zhen heard that he wanted to smash his notebook, of course he stopped.

The notebook is his life now.

Immediately, his face changed, and he said to the surrounding guards: "Zhiyuan is a little hysterical, tie him up quickly and take him to Yanfu Palace."

"Let me go, I'm not sick, let me go!"

Zhao Jun's current mental state was clearly in trouble, and he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

The surrounding imperial guards had no choice but to hold him down, find ropes, tie him up with five-flowered buns, lift him high, and carry him all the way to Yanfu Palace.

Zhao Jun kept yelling and yelling on the road. Although it was not a big deal to die on the spot, as long as he was thick-skinned and pretended that nothing happened, the matter would be over.

But Zhao Jun is a very thin-skinned person. He would definitely dare to let him watch movies secretly at home. It would be impossible for him to go out to hang out, go to the pink house, and date girls. Otherwise, he would not always have Liuwei Dihuang Pills.

So with a strong sense of shame, Zhao Jun was obviously a little too excited.

Soon he was imprisoned in Yanfu Palace. He was tied tightly to a pillar inside the palace by the Imperial Guards, who also had some rope skills. I don't know where the Imperial Guards who tied people learned the bad skills.

"Okay, you all go out, I will talk to Zhiyuan alone."

After Zhao Jun was tied up, Zhao Zhen waved his hand for everyone to go out.

Wang Shouzhong hesitated and asked, "Your Majesty."

"It doesn't matter."

Zhao Zhen said: "He will calm down."


Wang Shouzhong retreated and closed the door.

Zhao Jun slowly regained his senses at this time, but the expression on his face seemed to be one of despair.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Zhao Zhen clicked his tongue and said in surprise: "Dasun, I didn't expect you to be such a person. At first, you said that I was an old pervert, but now it seems..."


Zhao Jun's face turned red again and he struggled.

"calm down!"

Zhao Zhen didn't dare to provoke him anymore and quickly comforted him: "Actually, it's normal for men to be lustful, so you don't need to take it to heart."

"How did you find out!"

Zhao Jun glared angrily.

"If I tell you that I clicked wrongly and accidentally clicked on a hidden item, would you believe it?"


"Well, that's true."

Zhao Zhen scratched his head and said: "I didn't expect that there are people and nature inside."

"do not talk."

Zhao Jun lowered his head, truly hopeless.


Zhao Zhen smiled and patted his shoulder and said: "The matter has come to an end. God knows and the earth knows. You know and I know. Why should my grandson worry?"


Zhao Jun looked down at his toes, his face was already hot and red, and his toes were about to dig out a villa.

That is to say, there is no hole in the ground now, otherwise I really want to get into it.

This feeling of having your browsing history and short movies in your computer folder discovered in public makes you want to die for a moment.

No wonder there are many jokes in later generations, such as at the scene of a car accident, before a man died, he desperately took out his mobile phone, not to call an ambulance, but to delete his browsing history.

Also in court, when faced with the crime of murder, the defense lawyer asked to check the computer browsing history, and the defendant directly confessed, saying that I was the one who killed him!

Even death is better than social death.

Seeing that Zhao Jun was still like that, Zhao Zhen said: "Men, be more generous. You look at me, and I will look at you every day. What is there to do that is shameful?"


Zhao Jun didn't want to listen to Zhao Zhen's words seriously at all. He could only speak loudly, just like a child caught by his parents for doing something wrong, lowering his head and keeping silent.

"Then I will let you go first, but you must promise me that you will never think about smashing the notebook again."

Zhao Zhen said.


Zhao Jun responded again.

Zhao Zhen untied the rope for him.

Zhao Jun was actually much calmer at this time, and did not move much after being let go.

Zhao Zhen pulled him to the side, pressed him on the chair, and then also sat on the Taishi chair next to him. As he sat down, he comforted him: "By the way, you haven't told me how to make black silk. I want people to make it into silk." Black silk, but it’s still a bit difficult.”

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Jun kicked him, pushed him to the ground and punched him in the eye, and said viciously: "I called you Heisi, and told you to watch short movies every day. I asked you why you became so thin. It turns out that I am not dealing with state affairs every day, but I am indulging in women. I am working tirelessly outside, all for who, and you are just there singing and dancing, enjoying life, right?"

"Damn it, Da Sun, are you serious?"

In a hurry, Zhao Zhen could only protect his face with his hands, and shouted while hiding: "You can't blame me, you have that thing inside yourself, what should you do if I see it? And the women inside are all beautiful. , and wearing such strange clothes, it is fascinating, how can you blame me, if you want to blame, you can only blame yourself. "

What he was talking about was a series of sexy uniforms. There were COS, Lolita, secretaries, and nurses. It wasn’t that Zhao Zhen couldn’t play with the Seventy-Two Concubines of the Three Palaces and Sixth Hospital, but that there were so many tricks in the short movies, and the level of excitement was beyond imagination. It's cost-effective.

Hearing Zhao Zhen's words, Zhao Jun became even more excited. He strangled his neck and said, "You still said that!"

"Dasun, you don't really want to murder me, do you?"

Zhao Zhen did not yell for the guards outside to come in, but grabbed Zhao Jun's hand with both hands. He actually felt that although Zhao Jun looked fierce on the surface, he actually didn't use much force.

"In order to leave innocence in the world, we have no choice but to let our ancestors die. Don't worry, when you die, I will commit suicide immediately."

Zhao Jun said fiercely.

Zhao Zhen couldn't laugh or cry and said: "What's the matter for this matter? I promise you that apart from me, I will never let any third person know about it."

"Hmph, you know what's going on."

Zhao Jun then climbed down from Zhao Zhen backwards.

I was running and sprinting just now, and now I am fighting and making trouble. I am covered in sweat and have no strength left. I lie on my back and gasp for breath: "Anyway, if this matter gets out, I promise to fight you to the death!"

The same goes for Zhao Zhen. He was already weak, but now he is even more weak. He crawled to his side and lay on the ground as well. He laughed and said: "I also like to see this. How can I let outsiders know? And our ancestors and grandchildren are worthy of being Grandparents and grandchildren all like the same things, which shows that the legacy of our Lao Zhao family is still engraved in our bones.”

"Stop talking, it's too embarrassing."

Zhao Jun covered his face with his hands, feeling that his family, the old Zhao family, had been completely humiliated by Zhao Zhen.


Zhao Zhen lay on the ground and laughed with relief.

He did not feel offended by Zhao Jun's actions, but was pleased with Zhao Jun's current attitude.

Zhao Jun was also very good before, but for some reason, he felt that there was always a layer of cloth between them.

Even if they had a heart-to-heart relationship, they never got to the point where they knew everything about each other and talked about everything.

Even if Zhao Zhen really wants to rip out his heart and let his descendants see it, tell him, grandson, I trust you 100% and hope that you can preserve the country left by your ancestors.

But Zhao Jun still made him feel like he was wearing a mask that kept strangers away, and he could never get into his heart.

And now.

Zhao Zhen felt that his eldest grandson was also a living person.

They have their own emotions and desires, and their own joys, anger, sorrows and joys.

Instead of being aloof, every word and deed is a god who fulfills the promise he made when his eyesight was not yet healed.

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