Zhao Jun's passionate speech was met with silence.

Are you kidding? This is the Song Dynasty.

How should they respond to insulting the Song Dynasty in front of its monarch and ministers?

Even Zhao Zhen lived in Bengbu. His face flushed red. Finally, he couldn't help but say, "Teacher, this is not right. I think the Song Dynasty is so powerful because the land area is not one-third of ours now."

He is no longer the invisible man who couldn't speak before. He has a personality and is the only young man in Nini Village.

"Who are you?"

Zhao Jun was happy to hear a younger voice. Could there be someone of the same age in the village?

Yan Shu hurriedly introduced, "This is Wazamuguo, from our village."


Zhao Jun said, "Well, we are teaching the children now. If you want to talk about history, we can talk about it later. Let's go to class first."

He didn't want to take up class time to talk to others about some strange issues.


Zhao Zhen had to shut up.

Zhao Jun continued: "Our country has a very large area on the earth. Many small and medium-sized countries have an area equivalent to a province, a city, or even a county. So how big is our country compared to the earth?"

"The area of ​​the earth is 510 million square kilometers, which is equivalent to 53 Chinas. However, the land area is only 150 million square kilometers, which is about 15 and a half times the area of ​​China."

"If you calculate it this way, our country doesn't seem to be too small compared to the whole world."

"Then if the earth is placed in the solar system..."

Before he finished speaking, a child asked: "Teacher, what is the solar system?"

"The solar system is the galaxy where the earth exists. Let's watch the video."

Zhao Jun fumbled and pressed the space bar.

The video quickly began to demonstrate animations, and with the explanation, some basic knowledge of the solar system was briefly explained.

Such as the movement of celestial bodies and the entire model trajectory of the solar system.

It's just that the video is limited by the length of time, so it doesn't go into so much depth. Things that people in later generations know, but everyone is confused and doesn't quite understand.

"We live on Earth, specifically in the People's Republic of China, Muli Tibetan Autonomous County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. We are just a tiny dot on the entire Earth, and we have to magnify it many times to see it."

"Then all the people, animals and plants in all countries of the world live on Earth, and Earth is a planet orbiting the solar system. There are eight planets in the solar system, and Earth ranks third from the sun."

"The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. To Earth, humans are very small, like countless dust particles. And to the sun, Earth is also small."

"In terms of volume, Jupiter is the largest, and can hold 1,300 Earths. Earth ranks fifth, and the volume of the sun is The largest in the solar system would require 1.3 million Earths to fill it up, so you can imagine how big the sun is. "

"Many people look at the stars in the sky at night and think that they are very small. In fact, any star in the sky may be larger than the earth or even the sun, but they are too small in the universe, so the solar system is just a speck of dust in the Milky Way. The Milky Way is no different from dust in the entire universe."

"The speed of light is very fast, and it can travel 300,000 kilometers in one second. It can cross the entire earth in an instant. In one second, it circles the entire earth 7.5 times. But even at such a fast speed, it takes 8 minutes to reach the sun. "

"Because the sun is 150 million kilometers away from us, it will take 82 days with the fastest rocket now, but if we want to leave the Milky Way, even if it is Even light takes 100,000 years to travel. Compared to the entire universe, we humans are really very small, not even a drop in the ocean, but only a quark in the solar system. "

"But even if we are just a group of dust in the universe, we still have established what may be the first civilization in the universe. This is inseparable from the thriving human civilization, hard work, and eager learning of knowledge. "

"So knowledge is the ladder for human beings to strive for progress. With knowledge, we can see the world of the universe and understand what it looks like outside the earth. "

"And I tell you about the vastness of the universe and the insignificance of human beings, because I want to let everyone understand that life is very short compared to the universe. But it is precisely because of its shortness that it seems great. "

"The universe was born more than 10 billion years ago, and human civilization was born only a few thousand years ago, but In just a few thousand years, humans have observed everything in the universe and have made their own cry to the universe. "

"The development and innovation of science and technology are changing every day. In just a few decades, we humans can land on the moon and begin to yearn for Mars. So who can guarantee that in a few hundred years, we can explore the entire solar system? "

"And if we want to get out of the earth and see the outside world, it is inseparable from our children's hard work. Only by learning scientific knowledge from generation to generation can we yearn for a wider world. "

"Just like the students in the mountains, they should also be eager to see the outside world and broaden their horizons. "

"Not only look at the tall buildings outside, but also look at the world outside our county, our city, our province, and even our country, our earth. "

"Only by walking out of the mountains can you have a future."

"So how can you go out into the world?"

"Just study hard and get into an ideal university. If conditions permit, continue to study, take the postgraduate entrance examination, study for a master's or doctoral degree, become a scientist, and contribute to the prosperity and development of the country."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to be a scientist. Getting into a good university and finding a good job is also a good way out."

"So classmates, what I want to tell you here is that just like scientists are working hard to get out of the earth and explore the solar system. You are also scientists in the mountain village. Study hard and don't think about staying in the mountain village for a lifetime. Get out of this village and see the outside world."

"I don't expect everyone to be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, but I hope that everyone will not give up any opportunity to study, leave the mountains, change their poor and backward fate, and strive for a better future for themselves and their families!"

"This is my only hope. I also hope that all children can remember these, set a goal of getting out of the mountains and changing their own destiny in their hearts, so no matter what the outcome is, they will not let down their efforts!"

Zhao Jun finished this paragraph with passion and emotion.

He is not a student of astronomy, but he is still full of deep awe for the vastness and greatness of the universe.

Because only when people know how small they are, they will understand how magnificent the world is.

And in this vast world, small humans are still working hard to explore the universe unswervingly, which makes people feel that the world is so big and that humans are changing the world by themselves.

The spirit of Yugong moving mountains is probably like this.

When Zhao Jun talks about the universe, he is not simply popularizing the vastness of the universe and the smallness of the earth to children.

Instead, he wants to use the human spirit of trying to break out of the earth and explore the vast universe to illustrate that children in mountain villages should also work hard to learn knowledge and explore the world outside the mountains.

Scientists on the earth are also dust in the universe, but compared with the world of children, they at least have dreams and a spirit of exploration.

Children live in poor mountainous areas, and what they see at first glance is barren land and a life without a future.

Such a life is a road of no return.

So Zhao Jun hopes that children have dreams and their own goals of cognition.

Even if you can only get into an ordinary first-class or second-class university and find a good job in the city, it is better than staying in the impoverished mountainous area with no future.

This is what Zhao Jun wanted to express.

This is also the reason why the country is working hard to vigorously develop education and actively change the current situation of education in backward mountainous villages.

Like the respected teacher Zhang Guimei, she is a typical representative.

Zhao Jun does not expect that an ordinary volunteer teacher who has only been in Nini Village for two years can be as great as Principal Zhang, but even if he can only change the students of a village primary school and prevent them from dropping out of school, getting married early, or going out to work, it would be great.

This will change the lives of many people.

At the end of the speech, Zhao Jun thought there would be applause from the audience, but the result was silence, which made him doubt his life.

Is it because he spoke too profoundly and everyone couldn't understand?

It doesn't make sense.

Isn't it just using human beings breaking through the solar system to explore the universe to illustrate that children in mountainous areas should yearn for a wider world?

It should be understood.

For a while, Zhao Jun fell into deep self-doubt.

But what he didn't know was that his words were basically talking to a cow.

The children were confused, and the old women didn't know what the master was talking about. Only Zhao Zhen and Lu Yijian looked at each other with a bit of surprise.

In the final analysis, this was not in the impoverished mountainous area more than a thousand years later, but in the palace of the Song Dynasty a thousand years ago.

If it were children and parents in the mountain villages, they might empathize with these words and encourage their children to study hard by imagining the vast world outside, hoping that they could go out and take a look.

But these children were all children of high officials. According to the saying of the Song Dynasty, they would all be the second and third generations of officials in the future. How could they empathize with Zhao Jun's words about breaking out of the impoverished mountainous area and heading for the vast world outside?

Only Zhao Zhen and Lu Yijian, who stood at the top of the power of the Song Empire, felt shocked. They were not shocked by Zhao Jun's chicken soup, but by the first time they realized the smallness of this world and the vastness of the universe.

It turned out that the Celestial Empire they thought of was just a small piece of land in the whole world.

And this world is just a speck of dust in the solar system.

The solar system is also very small in the Milky Way.

The Milky Way is still so small that it is almost invisible in the entire universe.

In comparison, time and space become unimaginable in their eyes.

Even if the Song Dynasty is vast, it is not even a speck of dust compared to the entire universe.

Such a world and the insignificance of human beings have deeply shocked Zhao Zhen and others who think that the Song Dynasty is the center of the world.

It turns out that compared with the vast world, they are nothing.

Recommended novel: My younger brother Zhuge Liang.

This is a story about "Zhuge, the model teacher of all ages".

In Xuzhou in the first year of Jian'an, Lu Bu sneaked into Xiapi and Yuan Shu attacked Huaiyin. The time traveler Zhuge Jin was trapped in Huaiyin City by Yuan's army and had to help Liu Bei, who was in desperate situation, to kill the enemy.

Since those usurpers of the Han Dynasty have offended me, don't blame me for pulling out my second brother Zhuge Liang ten years in advance and dealing with them one by one.

An upgraded version of "Longzhong Strategy", a Zhuge Liang whose wisdom is even more than historical facts, what kind of new world will it create?

As we all know, the IQ of the writer determines the upper limit of the character's IQ. Because Luo Guanzhong's IQ is not as good as Zhuge Liang, he failed to perfectly interpret Zhuge's wisdom, and instead left behind the regret of "being too wise to be a demon".

Although I am not as good as Zhuge Liang, let us try to make up for this regret.

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