In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 229 Joyful laughter in the tent

On the 22nd, Fan Zhongyan, who was crawling like a tortoise, led the main army and finally arrived at Baosai.

In addition to him, reinforcements from Hejian Prefecture, Cangzhou, Yongjing Army and other places of the Song Army, about 30,000 people, are also rushing here.

In this way, it can be said that the Song army gathered half of the entire Hebei Road force here, with a total of more than 200,000 troops. It was obvious that they came to fight the Liao army for a life-and-death battle.

Still the same as the previous routine, after Fan Zhongyan arrived at the battlefield, he did not start a battle directly, but prepared a camp step by step. The main army was on guard outside, and the craftsmen in the rear quickly began to build camps, dig tunnels, and continue his bunker tactics.

At this time, the Liao army was at Jintaiyi, northeast of Baosai City, more than ten miles away from the city. The defenders joined Fan Zhongyan. One of them was in the city, and the other was setting up camp outside the city. They were like horns to each other.

Due to the large number of the Song army, the team was huge, the flags covered the sky and the sun, and the fences erected outside the camp stretched for more than ten miles. There were countless soldiers fetching water from the Qingyuan River, which was majestic.

The Liao cavalry on the periphery watched from a distance. Fan Zhongyan showed a tough attitude and refused to even look. He sent the Song cavalry to suppress them and drive them away.

Yelv Zongzhen, the leader of the Liao Dynasty, originally wanted to take advantage of Fan Zhongyan's unsteady footing and the camp had not yet been set up to try to attack.

However, the Song army relied on the defense of the city and arranged troops. Not only did they use baggage chariots and horses on the outside as defensive shields, and behind the chariots were a large number of crossbowmen, they also deployed Song heavy cavalry on both wings. There were cannons, catapults, and Bed crossbow.

This heavily armed one is scary to look at.

Yelu Zong really didn't have the guts to risk the Song army's firepower and attack, but it would be detrimental to him to waste it. So after Zhang Jian's persuasion, he finally decided to send an envoy to talk first.

On December 23, Yelu Zongzhen sent a messenger to ask for peace talks. At this time, Fan Zhongyan was in the camp with Wang Deyong, Zhao Bin from Hebei Road, Xia Shouyun from Gaoyangguan, Liu Huan from Baozhou, and Zhao Zhen from Ningyuan. More than 20 generals including Wang Huaixin and Wang Huaixin of the Hebei Road Soldiers and Horses Command discussed the war.

Lao Fan now has a strong army and a large number of talents, including generals Wang Deyong and Zhao Zhen, and generals Zhang Kang in Ansu at the front, as well as Di Qing, Guo Zun, Zhou Mei, Zhe Jimin, Zhang Qi, and Wang Xin in the middle and lower ranks. , Fan Ke, Yang Wenguang and others are also brave and good at fighting.

In addition, the Liao army's attack was frustrated and its morale plummeted, so he had already planned to carry out an encirclement plan. Taking advantage of the current situation when the main force of the Liao army was advancing and retreating and losing ground, they launched an attack at Baosai and defeated the Liao army here.

The Song army lacked cavalry, and Fan Zhongyan only brought 30,000 cavalry from the northwest. Including the original cavalry on Hebei Road, the total number did not exceed 50,000. Even if the Liao army was defeated, it would definitely not be possible to keep them, but it would severely damage the Liao Kingdom. , which made them afraid to go south, but they were still very confident.

At this moment, Fan Zhongyan looked at the generals at the meeting and said: "The Liao army is coming fiercely, but our army has been operating on Hebei Road for many years. There are countless cities and strongholds in various places. They are impregnable. If they cannot attack for a long time, they will inevitably be frustrated. This time they are at Baosai again. Encountering artillery, morale plummeted, it was a good time for us to attack, what do you think?"

Wang Deyong first expressed his opinion: "My lord, I think this is indeed the case. The Liao Kingdom today is no longer the Liao Kingdom before the Battle of Chanzhou, and the Song Dynasty today is not the Song Dynasty before the Battle of Chanzhou. The morale of the military is high. , The soldiers dare to fight with their lives. If we don't follow the trend and go north, how can we avenge our shame?"


After setting the tone, Fan Zhongyan stood up and looked down at the large table placed in the main hall of the tent. There was a map on it. He pointed at the map and said: "The leader of the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Zhenzong, is leading an army to the north of us, and Zhang Kang is behind to intercept him. When we are fully prepared, After that, when the army approaches the border, I will send a message to Hejian Prefecture, Cangzhou, Qingzhou and other places to reinforce the army and capture it from the east!"

Zhao Bin, who was deployed in Hebei Road, said: "My lord, the army of Yelu Zhongyuan, the brother of the Liao Kingdom, is besieging Beiping at this time. The reinforcements from Wangdu will definitely not come. Even if we defeat Yelu Zongzhen, if he does not flee north, Instead, what should we do if we flee northwest to meet up with Yelu Chongyuan and flee to Yizhou?"

Fan Zhongyan smiled bitterly and said: "There is nothing we can do about that. The terrain of Hebei is flat and endless. It is surrounded by two roads from the south and east, and coupled with the siege from Suicheng and Ansu, it is already extremely difficult and it is impossible to cover everything. ”

After all, plains and grasslands are the most suitable terrain for cavalry. As infantry, it would be good if they could defeat the Liao cavalry in field battles on the plains, but don't expect them to catch up.

You must know that the cavalry was still the mainstream army during World War I. If you want to make the nomadic tribes on the grassland sing and dance, it is not enough to invent Maxim. You must at least have mechanized troops that can catch up with the cavalry. Otherwise, with machine guns alone, people can't hit them and just run away, making it almost impossible to annihilate them.

"Yes, the Song Dynasty was short of horses. The Liao people often prohibited the flow of war horses to the south when trading with us. Even though we had traded horses with tribes such as Xixia, Xisiluo, and Tubo for many years, we could only buy them without having a suitable horse-producing land. After all, Subject to others.”

Wang Deyong also sighed: "The Liao cavalry has two to three hundred thousand people. Even if they cannot defeat us, they can leave at any time. This is the reason why we have suffered losses time and time since the decades of war with Liao."

"Well, it's very difficult to defeat them. Don't even think about annihilating them all. Kill as many as you can. This battle will be planned like this."

Fan Zhongyan finally said: "Set up camp first, wait for the reinforcements to arrive, and then push the army northward. Arrive at the Liao army's stronghold, place the artillery, and fire a few cannons at him first to let him know how powerful he is, and then annihilate the Liao army in one fell swoop. I have brought all the grenades this time, and I must let Yelu Zong really understand its power!"


All the soldiers agreed with a roar.

Fan Zhongyan then announced the adjournment of the meeting and asked the generals to return to their respective camps to make preparations.

Wang Deyong originally wanted to return to the city first, but Fan Zhongyan left him behind to discuss other matters. As the two of them were talking, a soldier came in from outside and said: "Report, the Liao Kingdom has sent an envoy!"


Fan Zhongyan glanced at Wang Deyong and asked, "Yuan Fu, what do you think the Yelv Sect's true purpose is in sending an envoy here?"

After Wang Deyong pondered for a while, he replied: "My lord, I feel that Yelu Zongzhen may be in trouble at this time, and I am afraid in my heart."


Fan Zhongyan smiled and said, "Tell me what you think."

Wang Deyong continued: "If the final general is Yelu Zongzhen, he will think that now in the Song Dynasty, there are cannons in the distance, catapults throwing thunder closer, crossbows and crossbows even closer, and even under the city. Hand grenades, can they take this city?"


Fan Zhongyan nodded slightly. He had also thought about this question. Fortunately, they were the side with cannons, thunder and grenades.

Otherwise, if the war is still like before the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and city defense battles rely on crossbows, rolling stones, wood, hot water and even gold juice, then the Liao Kingdom can completely rely on infantry in addition to cavalry to break through the cities of the Song Dynasty.

In the Battle of Suiyang, if Zhang Xun had had cannons and grenades, there would have been no need for the rebels who were so afraid of Anlu Mountain. After a few cannons, the rebel infantry collapsed, and it was enough to charge directly.

"Yelü Zong would really think that the city would definitely be unbreakable. If it continues to be depleted, the national power cannot be compared with that of the Song Dynasty. Now, the grain and grass supplies stored in the cities on the border are enough to last for a year. Even if the Liao army is besieged, our army can Calmly deploy troops and horses to block the attack. "

Wang Deyong said: "So despite the fact that the Liao army has broken through so many of our fortresses and military strongholds at this time, it has not hurt our roots. As long as these cities stand on the border, it is impossible for them to bypass the cities and go south. There is nothing we can do after all.”

"So they are here to negotiate with us?"

Fan Zhongyan asked back.

Wang Deyong smiled and said: "With the consistent style of the Liao people, I am afraid that even if they come for peace talks, they will come with a lot of conditions."

"That will meet them."

Fan Zhongyan looked at the door and said, "Let the envoy from Liao come in."

The soldiers went out.

After a few minutes, the Liao envoy came in.

Still old acquaintances, Liu Liufu, a Hanlin scholar, and Yelu Renxian, Lin Ya from the north.

After Liu Liufu came in, he looked around the situation in the tent.

The people of the Song Dynasty were very particular and did not like to arrange soldiers to scare each other like the Liao and Xixia envoys.

There were a few soldiers standing in the corner of the entire tent, and then Fan Zhongyan and Wang Deyong were sitting on chairs. The layout was similar to that of Han people's houses.

After Liu Liufu came in, he first bowed his hands to Fan Zhongyan and said, "Liu Liufu, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom, has met Mr. Jinglue."

Yelvren also raised his hands in a gesture.

Fan Zhongyan smiled and said: "The visitor is a guest. Please sit down and serve tea!"

He did not neglect etiquette. Etiquette is not only indispensable for great righteousness, but also for small gifts.

"Thank you, Mr. Xian."

Liu Liufu and Yelvren sat down first.

After they sat down, the soldiers brought tea.

The two of them looked at the steaming tea and the scent of tea, neither of them had much mood.

Fan Zhongyan glanced at Wang Deyong, and Wang Deyong said: "Now that the two armies are fighting, what is the purpose of your sudden visit by your envoy?"

Liu Liufu did not speak, but took a sip of tea. It was a bit hot to the mouth, but he still swallowed it.

Yelv Renxian had been appointed as the deputy envoy before he came, and he had to obey Liu Liufu's arrangements, so when Liu Liufu didn't speak, he just sat there stupidly without saying anything.

Fan Zhongyan squinted his eyes, picked up the tea cup and said with a smile: "Since there is nothing to do, why don't you invite your envoy back? In the decisive battle in the future, we still have to be a little far away from the battlefield. The cannons of the Song Dynasty can blast dozens of enemies with one shot. Liyuan.”

This seemed to be information revealed inadvertently, but it made Liu Liufu feel threatened, and he narrowed his eyes and looked at Fan Zhongyan.

Yelv Ren couldn't sit still anymore and spoke first: "Does the Song Dynasty really want to fight to the death with Daliao? Humph, we have millions of armored men in Daliao. Even if your Song Dynasty can defend, you still have the ability to fight. Come to Liao Kingdom?”


Fan Zhongyan and Wang Deyong both laughed.

Liu Liufu sighed.

Originally, the status of the Liao Kingdom was higher than that of the Song Kingdom, and Liao envoys would often seize the initiative.

But now that Yelvren has spoken first, the initiative has been lost.

And the most important thing is that Yelvren's first statement that you are still capable of attacking the Liao Kingdom is equivalent to the Liao Kingdom admitting that they cannot break through the barriers of the Song Dynasty.

In the past, the relationship between the Liao and Song Dynasties was like the strongest spear and the strongest shield. The shield could only defend, but the spear could also continuously attack. The initiative was always in the hands of the Liao people, so the Song Dynasty was only afraid of the Liao. .

Now that powerful firearms have come out, cannons and grenades have been able to shake the status of the Liao Kingdom.

Yelu Renxian's words were already telling the people of the Song Dynasty - your shields now have the ability to fight back, and our spears can no longer take the initiative to attack.

As a result, he fell into a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

Liu Liufu could only sigh: "Mr. Jinglue, I think you should also know that the Liao and Song Dynasties are countries of brothers after all, and there is no need to fight to the death."


Fan Zhongyan frowned and said: "Aren't you the ones who started the war this time? Isn't this the Song Dynasty? Is it me who is invading your land of Liao Kingdom? You are talking about a country of brothers, and you, Liao Kingdom, bully your brothers like this?"

Liu Liufu argued: "When Yuan Hao raised troops to attack the Song Dynasty, he submitted his credentials to my lord and invited us together. My lord just gave Yuan Hao's credentials to the Song Emperor for the sake of the country of brothers. Could it be that he gave Yuan Hao's credentials to the Song Emperor?" Isn’t this an end to the friendship between brothers? The clinker Emperor Song wrote back to ridicule our lord, and it was reasonable for our lord to go south. "

This is to put the responsibility on Da Song Dynasty.

However, Fan Zhongyan was unhappy and said calmly: "Although the Lord of Liao sent Yuan Hao's credentials, he verbally threatened me, the Song Dynasty, to make money and efforts. This is not the kind of friendship between brothers. Besides, my Majesty has never I have ridiculed the Lord of Liao, is it also wrong to greet Empress Dowager Xiao? "

Liu Liufu choked suddenly.

At the beginning, Li Yuanhao invited Yelu Zongzhen to attack the Song Dynasty. Yelu Zongzhen didn't really want to fight with the Song Dynasty, but he wanted to gain benefits from the Song Dynasty, so he used Li Yuanhao's incident to threaten the Song Dynasty and asked him to spend money.

Historically, he succeeded and completed "Chongxi Increasing Coins". But now that Zhao Jun didn't agree, Zhao Zhen had no choice but to refuse, and in a rare act of toughness, he mentioned Empress Dowager Xiao in the letter.

Originally, it was normal etiquette to greet Empress Dowager Xiao, but everyone knew that Yelu Zongzhen had imprisoned Empress Dowager Xiao only a few years ago. At this juncture, everyone knew that he was mocking him for being unfilial.

But that's something everyone knows secretly. On the surface, it's just a normal greeting, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Therefore, Liu Liufu naturally found no reason to shirk responsibility.

Seeing Liu Liufu's poor words, Fan Zhongyan laughed and said: "There is no doubt that this battle was the result of the Lord Liao breaking the covenant signed under Chanzhou City without authorization. You betrayed the covenant first and invaded me later. The Song Dynasty is behind, so you can't blame us." The Song Dynasty mobilized troops to attack and rectify their reputation!"

Liu Liufu said: "This time I also come to talk with the Song Dynasty in detail with the sincerity of my lord. I hope that Mr. Jinglue can think about it carefully and report the matter to the Emperor of Song Dynasty first. I am willing to go to Bianliang to talk in detail."

"No need, His Majesty the Emperor has given me full authority to handle all matters related to Hebei Road. I will not be able to accept the orders of the foreign emperor. It is up to me to decide whether to fight or make peace."

Fan Zhongyan cupped his hands to the south: "Otherwise, if during the peace talks, you deliberately delayed the time and brought grain, grass, soldiers and horses from the rear, insisting on invading our Song Dynasty, what should we do? I have the ability to do things cheaply, but if If the Lord of Liao really wants to talk, there is still room for peace talks. "

No one wants to go to war, and if we can have a good negotiation, we naturally hope for a good one. The most important thing is that even if the Liao State's national strength could not bear it, the Song Dynasty would not be able to bear it. They fought first with Xixia and then with Liao, allocating a large amount of manpower and material resources, and the consumption of national power was visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, if the Song Dynasty can return to the negotiating table and let the Liao Kingdom retreat in the face of difficulties, the Song Dynasty will not only gain valuable time for reform, but also reduce the casualties of countless soldiers and prevent countless civilians from having to pay additional taxes due to the war. Knocked down by heavy taxes.

This is also a good thing for Da Song.

When Liu Liufu saw this, he gritted his teeth and said, "My lord said that if the Song Dynasty's annual tribute is increased by 200,000 guan, and ten counties in Guannan are ceded, he will withdraw his troops!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Fan Zhongyan and Wang Deyong looked at each other again, and then, joyful laughter burst out from the tent.

Even the air is full of joy.

The true conditions of the Yelv Sect.

It's really funny.

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