In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 232 If you run slowly, you will die!

In the battlefield between Song and Liao, the Liao army showed the top resilience of the army of the same era.

Yelu Zongzhen ordered that as long as this battle was a great victory, the soldiers would be allowed to plunder the entire Hebei Province, and all the money obtained would be used to reward the three armies.

This order undoubtedly greatly inspired morale, so that even if thunderbolts, fireballs, crossbows, grenades and other things were flying all over the sky, they had to continue to advance despite the powerful firepower of the Song army.

On the contrary, the Song army was a little frightened by the Liao army's fearlessness of death. Some Hebei troops with poor combat quality showed signs of collapse when they were about to fight the Liao army head-on.

Obviously, the elite troops of the founding of the Song Dynasty were defeated by Zhao Guangyi in the Battle of Gaoliang River, and then the Liao army's overwhelming force in the Battle of Chanzhou frightened the emperor and ministers of the Song Dynasty, which had made the army of the Song Dynasty from top to bottom naturally fear the Liao army.

But this fear didn't last long. The Liao army launched a charge. Almost in just a dozen seconds, the front armies of both sides collided with each other like roaring tanks, and huge sparks burst out.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will see that the dense sea of ​​people on both sides merged together in an instant. The Song army continued to throw grenades to the Liao side, and the dust and smoke of explosions continued to rise from the Liao army formation, blowing the Liao soldiers upside down.

But it's still the same sentence. It's hard to kill people with grenades. At most, the impact of the explosion will stun people. But on the battlefield, this is deadly enough. Many people are not even killed by the explosion, but trampled to death by their own people behind them.

All kinds of roars, screams, wails, weapons colliding, and explosions continued to sound. From a few miles from the east city of Baosai to a few miles from the west city, the continuous battle line was stretched into a long river, and there was no end to the fighting.

Soldiers on both sides either chopped with knives or stabbed with guns. Grenades and crossbows were fired from behind. The Liao people were not to be outdone and also fired back with crossbows. The sky above their heads was covered by these dense arrows.

A Song Dynasty general was self-confident and brave. He rode a heavily armored warhorse, wielded a golden hammer, and smashed a Liao soldier's head fiercely. But just after the smash, his legs were grabbed by the Liao soldiers on the other side. Seven or eight people dragged him off the horse like a zombie and drowned him in the waves of the sea of ​​people.

Another Liao general was even worse than him. Before he got close to the battlefield, a grenade was thrown from somewhere and landed right at the foot of his warhorse. With a loud bang, he was swept away by the huge impact.

The whole person tilted backwards and fell off the horse. The heavy armor crushed a soldier to death. Then the people behind him didn't even have time to pull him up, and he was trampled to death by the crowded crowd.

And things like this happen all the time on the battlefield.

Yang Wenguang stood on the mountain and looked into the distance. The battle had just begun not long ago, and the Liao army was charging forward with huge casualties.

He had just asked the general to fight on the front line, but was rejected, which made him very unhappy.

There was no way.

He was the guard sent by Zhao Zhen to test the artillery.

The gunners under his command were crucial.

So Yang Wenguang had to stand on the hillside to protect the safety of the artillery.

This hill was not high, about four or five feet high, about one mile away from the battlefield, and could overlook the situation of the entire battlefield.

"Zhu Zi, aim over there, don't hurt your own people."

"Lower the muzzle a little bit, this time it's not a super long-distance upward shot, but a horizontal shot, you have to blast it several miles away with one shot, do you hear me?"

"Daniu, you go in that direction like Zhu Zi, and try to defeat them all the way first!"

Yang Wenguang commanded impatiently.

He was very talented in military affairs in history, which surprised Fan Zhongyan.

But as a family of generals, it is his duty to rebuild the glory of the Yang family.

Just commanding two cannons from behind obviously did not let his superiors feel his bravery, nor did he let the Liao people know how powerful he was.

Even if these two cannons could play a decisive role on the battlefield, Yang Wenguang still felt that after firing the shells, he must charge forward and fight fiercely.

After the two cannons were ready, they were adjusting the firing direction. In fact, there was no need to aim too much on such a large battlefield, but only to adjust the position of the muzzle.

As mentioned before, if you are shooting at a super long-distance target a few miles away on the city wall, you need to raise the muzzle for upward shooting.

The artillerymen found that the distance that could be fired in this way was very far, but after the shells were fired, the potential energy would be reduced a lot after the parabola and air resistance, and it would be easy to fall directly into the ground with a "bang".

If it was fired horizontally, it would be amazing. Even if it could not be fired that far, the potential energy of the shells would not decrease after landing, and they would bounce high to form a ricochet and continue to shoot forward.

Human flesh and blood can't resist its pace of ricocheting. Facing the enemy in front, it is enough to smash hundreds of wooden boards with one shot.

Gunners Zhuzi and Daniu were a little excited at this time. The last ultra-long-distance upward shooting was just an appetizer. Now it's finally time to shoot horizontally. Before, they only tried to hit wooden boards. Now they will try the armored soldiers that the Liao army is proud of.

After a while, the position of the muzzle was adjusted almost. They aimed at the Liao army, which was about 1.5 miles away. In this way, even if the shells deviated from the expected direction, they would not hurt the friendly forces nearby.

"Commander, the muzzle has been adjusted."

"I have adjusted it too."

Zhuzi and Daniu reported one after another.

Yang Wenguang shouted: "Then why are you still standing there, boom!"

"Load the shells!"

The two soldiers immediately lifted the bowl-sized iron bullet and stuffed it into the barrel.

The barrel had hand-polished rifling. In history, neither the rifle rifling nor the cannon rifling was invented at the beginning, but was later figured out by people.

But with Zhao Jun around, this was naturally not a big problem. Even the research and development of the musket directly skipped the inefficient matchlock gun, and studied the production of the flintlock gun based on the shooting principle of the musket.

As the shell was successfully stuffed into the muzzle, Yang Wenguang used a plunger to poke it hard to the bottom. After making sure it was a tight fit, he looked at the soldier holding a torch next to him.


He shouted.


The soldier immediately lit the fuse.


The moment the fuse was inserted, the cannon burst into a loud noise, and the barrel seemed to retreat a bit.

The soldiers standing next to them could feel the ground shaking under their feet, and the huge sound was like a shock wave. Even if the ears were stuffed with something, they were still deafening and their heads were buzzing.

Sometimes, this thing makes the soldiers who fired it feel that if they hurt 20 of their own for every 1,000 enemies they killed, they would be deafened after being artillerymen for a few more years.

But its effect is indeed amazing.

The artillerymen standing on the slope saw two huge iron balls flying out of the two barrels spewing flames, and flew into the enemy's formation at a very fast speed.

Wherever the iron ball passed, people and horses fell to the ground, and it passed through countless enemy bodies along the way, with broken limbs and fragments flying all over the sky. When it stopped, the artillerymen on the hillside only saw an extremely spectacular scene.

Where the shell passed, it actually blasted out two blood lines, and that line became a vacuum zone. No one stood there anymore, only fallen corpses, and pieces of broken meat and broken armor.

In fact, standing on a high slope in the distance, you can't directly feel the power of the cannon. Only those standing near the gun line can understand what happened just now.

At this time, wherever the artillery line passed, all the Liao soldiers were stunned. Many people even stood there in a daze, completely unaware of what had just happened. They only felt a whistling wind around them, followed by a hot stream covering their faces, and accompanied by the feeling of something falling on their bodies.

When they came to their senses and looked to the side, they could only see that the ground was full of broken meat, limbs and clothing fragments everywhere, at least more than 30 incomplete corpses, and the blood on the ground gathered into a small river.

Their bodies were also stained red with the blood of their comrades, and some of them still had the bodies of their teammates hanging on their heads. There was a row of people missing on the entire artillery line, leaving a long line around.



"Witchcraft, this is witchcraft!"

This group of Liao soldiers were Bohai people. They wore warm animal skins and had fierce faces.

But when they saw this scene, even the fiercest people could only collapse.

Because they had the courage to fight the enemy, but it was unclear, and they didn't even know where the enemy was, which would only bring them fear.

Many people opened their mouths wide, staring blankly at the remains of their teammates. After they came to their senses, they felt that their souls had flown away, their eyes were filled with fear, and then they instinctively crowded in the surrounding direction.

Their crowding immediately caused the gap near the long line to become larger and larger, and then a large number of people who did not know why also squeezed to both sides, and the formation was scattered and in chaos. Even the leader's suppression had no effect at all.

Less than four minutes later, two more shells completely destroyed the psychological defenses of these soldiers. Many people simply threw down their weapons and turned around to run, and the battlefield was in chaos.

The Bohai soldier regiment in the northwest of Baosai City was directly hit by four shells and turned into a mess, and even the panic had spread to the rest of the legions next to it.

The morale of the Song army in front was not greatly boosted because it was too far away, and they still needed to deal with the nearby enemies.

However, the war was basically a battle of attrition at this point. After less than ten minutes, the infantry regiment in front was blown to pieces by grenades, but the Bohai regiment in the rear was slow to make up for it, which also made the balance of war in this area quickly tilt towards the Song army.

At the same time, on the hillside a few miles away from the battlefield in the north, Yelu Zongzhen also quickly noticed the commotion over there. Although the distance was extremely far, he could only see that there seemed to be a problem over there, but he didn't know what the problem was.

The main reason was that the cannons were behind the Song army, at least seven or eight miles away from Yelu Zongzhen. At such a long distance, it was almost impossible to see the situation over there except with a telescope.

Moreover, the explosion of grenades and thunder fireballs also covered the explosion of cannons. Unless Yelu Zongzhen went to the front line of the battlefield in person, it would be impossible to see clearly.

Now he could only vaguely see that in the distant battlefield, in the direction of the Bohai army, a large number of people were crowded, rising and falling like waves, which was extremely rare in the disciplined rear corps.

So he could only react normally immediately, and said anxiously: "What's going on over there? Did the enemy's grenades and thunder fireballs blow up their formation? Quick, go over now and let their tribal leaders stabilize the formation and don't let it get chaotic."


Tang Qi rode forward to convey the order.

How difficult is it to convey the order in a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people?

At least when Tang Qi galloped away, the two artillery pieces on the Song army side had already aimed at the next target, and several more shells were fired.

Not only the Bohai army could not bear it, but even the brave and warlike Jurchen army could not bear it. They screamed and fled around like ants on a hot pot, trying to avoid the baptism of artillery fire.

But in fact, there was no need for the survivors to panic, because there were only two cannons, and their target was only the corps arranged in formation. Once such a corps of three to five thousand people was defeated, they would immediately change to another target.

So as long as there was chaos, the remaining people could be guaranteed to be safe.

But the enemy didn't know.

Soon the riot continued to expand, but because the scale of the war was too large, such riots could not immediately become the fuse for the enemy's defeat.

Fan Zhongyan keenly noticed that the enemy's central army had a riot due to the cannons, and it was still expanding.

Especially in the northwest corner, several corps had not made up for the front line, causing the Song army to blow a gap with grenades.

A large number of Song soldiers poured into the enemy's front army formation, hacking and killing everywhere, and the Liao army's front army in the northwest corner had already been defeated.

Old Fan made a prompt decision and said, "Pass my order, the cavalry in the west will immediately press forward and break through their front army."


Tangqi conveyed the order.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield became more and more serious for the Liao army.

After about half an hour, the northwest corner of the Liao army completely collapsed.

Especially with the arrival of the Song cavalry, the trend of defeat was obvious.

Even Yelu Zongzhen noticed this and immediately sent the Liao cavalry in the rear to try to stabilize the situation.

But after two huge explosions, the Liao cavalry was also thrown to the ground and in chaos. They were scared back by the artillery while on the road.

Time passed by minute by minute, the war lasted from noon to afternoon, and when it was close to dark, the Liao people could no longer hold on and were defeated in large numbers.

On the front line of the battle between the two sides, there were dense corpses of enemy and our soldiers. The Liao people threw away their armor and fled in a panic like a tide, and the Song soldiers in the rear waved their weapons and chased them excitedly.


Fan Zhongyan seemed to have let out a breath of anger, and his mind was full of thoughts. After laughing wildly, he said loudly: "Order, the whole army will attack, chase, chase for a hundred miles!"


The Tangqi next to him also shouted excitedly.

"Woo woo woo woo woo!"

"Boom boom boom!"


The desolate horns and drums kept ringing.

Countless Song soldiers bravely chased forward, and they were everywhere in the mountains and plains.

Coincidentally, the reinforcements from Cangzhou, Qingzhou, and Hejian Prefecture arrived, and suddenly gave the Liao people in the east a heavy blow from the flank.

There were no more Liao people who dared to fight back on the battlefield of more than ten miles. Only Liao soldiers who abandoned their weapons and fled in panic were left.

A large number of Liao cavalry abandoned the infantry team and fled north all the way, with smoke and dust rolling behind them. Countless infantrymen were caught up by the Song cavalry behind them, and then drowned in the crowd of Song soldiers. Now they have only one result-if they run slowly, they will die!

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