In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 235: Straighten your back and connect your spine

In January of the first year of Kangding, Fan Zhongyan wrote a memorial on Liao's hope for peace talks and sent it back to Bianliang.

He even proposed in the memorial that the increase in coins could be reduced to 100,000.

That is to say, the original annual coin was 300,000 guan. The Liao Kingdom asked for an increase of 200,000 guan. He thought that only an increase of 100,000 guan would be enough.

What was Zhao Jun doing when the memorial was sent back to Bianliang?

He was attending a funeral.

Wang Sui's funeral.

The old man never got through it after all. Even though he was given some medicine and survived through the end of the year, he still died in January.

At the funeral, Li Di was so sad that he burst into tears, which made Lu Yijian's mouth twitch.

In fact, since the establishment of the Constitutional Yuan, the number of members has been constant, and Zhao Jun stipulated that it should be elected every five years. Even if the performance in the past five years is unsatisfactory, there will be no change, unless it violates the law.

And with Fan Zhongyan’s great contribution in the next term, it is natural to remove the alternate and put him up. Now that Lao Fan has brought it up, should Yan Shu bring it up?

Lu Yijian must have hoped to bring Yan Shu up again to strengthen his own power, but he knew very well that if Yan Shu was brought up, Zhao Jun would definitely bring up Li Di to check and balance the growing Lu Party.

So in the end, it will turn into a political exchange. From now on, everyone will get rid of the title of candidate fellow intellectual and officially become a fellow intellectual of the Constitutional Yuan, on an equal footing with him, Lao Lutou.

However, he is satisfied with having three votes in the Constitutional Yuan. When Zhao Jun is away, he will still be the number one person in charge of power.

After the funeral, Li Di went to see Zhao Jun, but Zhao Jun did not give a positive answer. Now he also knew how to play politics. He just said some ambiguous words and hints, and then let Li Di leave happily.

In the afternoon, Fan Zhongyan's notes were delivered to the Constitutional Yuan. In the Constitutional Yuan, Zhao Jun was handling government affairs in various places in an orderly manner. Reform matters had been sorted out during this period.

Although Wang Sui died, it did not affect the operation of the Constitutional Yuan. In fact, the work pressure of the Constitutional Yuan is no longer as great as before. Each department can handle ordinary matters by itself. What the Constitutional Yuan has to do is to supervise and make large-scale planning.

It's just that these old men are too power-minded and fight for power. They not only form cliques in the Constitutional Yuan, but also want to replace the ministers nominated by their own people, which makes Zhao Jun extremely annoyed.

It was fine when he was around, but once he is gone, will this group of people be in trouble in the future?

But he didn't bother to care.

Because Lu Yijian and the others are no longer here, he is living well. Being young is an advantage.

The old men have suffered a lot, and from now on the Constitutional Yuan will still be able to cover the sky by itself.

"The Ministry of Industry has a good plan. It mobilizes people along both sides of the Yellow River to dig and build small canals. One or two may not have any impact, but what if there are thousands of them."

Zhao Jun looked at the project in his hand and said: "Hundreds or thousands of small projects have accumulated into one large project, which should temporarily alleviate the possible diversion problem of the Yellow River in the future. The most important thing is that it can also irrigate Hebei, which is one county. The land can also bear its workload.”

"Didn't we dig a lot of ditches like this before?"

Lu Yijian turned around.

"We still have to dig. It would be better to dig more canals. There are also canals. Our future generations will have such convenient transportation in the new era, so we still have to dig more."

Zhao Jun said: "My university friend is from Jiangsu. There is a canal there called Tonglu Canal. This canal also connects many other canals. It was excavated in the 1950s and 1960s and is still there after the millennium. The inland canal has not lost its significance because of the increased accessibility.”

"Yeah, but I'm still short of money now."

Wang Zeng responded.

"It will happen in the future. Didn't Lao Fan win a great victory? They all fought in the Liao Kingdom. It would be a good thing to save this little money and build more canals."

Zhao Jun smiled.

At this time, the official who hurried in to deliver documents said: "Zhiyuan, urgent report from the front."


Zhao Jun turned his head and looked at the crowd and smiled: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, let me see what surprise Lao Fan has given me."

As he spoke, he took the document, opened it, and began to read.

Everyone was also curious and came to the side, but before they could take a look, they saw Zhao Jun's face suddenly dropped, and he looked very unhappy.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Yan Shu saw that his expression was wrong and asked quickly: "Did Fan Xiwen underestimate the enemy and rush forward, and the attack on Yanjing was frustrated?"


Zhao Jun threw the official document in his hand on the table and said angrily: "This guy has relapsed."

"Take a look, old man."

Lu Yijian took the document over.

A large group of old men also came over, their white heads staring at Zha Zi.

After a while, Lu Yijian's face darkened and she said, "Fan Xiwen is confused."

Zhao Jun spread his hands and said, "Isn't it?"

Lu Yijian smacked his lips: "How can he lower his price to 100,000 guan at once? It's better to keep it at 200,000 guan."


Zhao Jun's expression became even worse. He looked at Lu Yijian and said, "What do you mean? Are you happy to lose power and humiliate the country?"

"But it is not a loss of power and humiliation of the country. The annual coins have not increased. They have just restored the birthday rituals given to Queen Mother Xiao. It is a good deal to exchange 200,000 coins for our development."

Lu Yijian argued: "Actually, I can understand your feelings, but from a national perspective, this is the best solution."

"What about you guys? Do you think so too?"

Zhao Jun looked at the others.

Wang Zeng said in a deep voice: "If there is no other solution, this is the only way."

"Liu Bang chose to marry during the siege of Baideng. Li Shimin was beaten to Chang'an by the Turks and signed a treaty under the city. Sometimes, short-term compromise is also an inevitable trend."

Yan Shu also said.

"Yes, 200,000 strings of cash is not a lot, and this is also a good thing for us."

"Unless there is a better way to prevent the Liao Kingdom from fighting to the death, otherwise, this is indeed the only choice."

"The Liao Kingdom is now desperate, but my Song Dynasty cherishes its life."

Song Shou, Cai Qi, Sheng Du and others also expressed their opinions.

In fact, this is the truth. They think that the Liao Kingdom is now a bachelor and is ready to play jade and stone with the Song Dynasty, but they don't want to.

Unless there is a solution, but from the current situation, it seems that there is no other choice.

Zhao Jun was so angry that he laughed at them. He said, "You guys are really a dog that can't change its nature. Liu Bang and Li Shimin knew shame and then became brave, but you have no idea what integrity is. After winning the battle, you continue to give money. Isn't that nonsense? So all the things I have said to you in the past few years have been in vain."

"Don't say such harsh words."

Lü Yijian was unhappy and asked, "Then tell me, how should we solve the Liao Kingdom's threat to fight us to the death?"

"First of all, he is just threatening."

"Secondly, even if it is true, is the Song Dynasty afraid of him?"

Zhao Jun said in a deep voice, "The six countries were defeated because of bribery to Qin. Appeasement policies such as giving money will never solve the problem. My Song Dynasty is a peace-loving country, and the Han people are also a peace-loving nation, but we cannot agree to bullying us!"

"So in the end, you still don't have a solution?"

Lü Yijian spread his hands.

"Ask the emperor what he thinks."

Zhao Jun frowned.

He thought he had helped them change a lot in the past few years, but he didn't expect that these guys were still capitulationists and spineless.

As the saying goes, it's easy to change a country, but it's hard to change one's nature.

In the past, Zhao Jun could always give them solutions, so he could support them.

Once there was a problem that even Zhao Jun couldn't solve, coupled with the threat of national destruction, they soon showed their true colors and exposed their true weakness.

Even Zhao Jun thought that the guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, Old Fan, could agree, which really made Zhao Jun feel embarrassed and unhappy.

But Zhao Jun actually let it go a long time ago.

Although Old Fan was in the same mind as him on the surface, he was actually the essence of a feudal bureaucrat.

So in the final analysis, only those who have received the ideological education of the new era can understand what it means that the national dignity cannot be insulted and the dignity of the country is above everything else.

It was rare for everyone to stand on the side of others, and Zhao Jun was the only one who opposed.

If they couldn't reach a consensus, they could only find Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen was holding a child. Zhao Fang was two years old this year. He was just learning to speak. He walked around the room with a staggering step, mumbling something.

It was windy outside, but he didn't dare to let him go out. Generally, children can walk at the age of one and a half. Zhao Zhen held Zhao Fang in his mouth for fear that he would melt. He held him every day, so the child learned to walk at the age of one and a half. Now he can walk steadily, and he is not afraid of delaying the child's growth.

When Zhao Zhen learned that Zhao Jun and others wanted to see him, he felt that something might have happened, so he quickly asked Wang Shouzhong to take the child to the back room, and he met everyone in Chongzheng Hall.

"Your Majesty!"

Everyone came in and greeted them one by one.

Zhao Zhen asked curiously, "What's going on today? It's rare for everyone to gather together."

"There's news from Fan Xiwen."

Lü Yijian handed over the official document in his hand and said, "Liao is facing internal and external troubles. The Liao lord hopes to negotiate with us."

"Peace talks are a good thing."

Zhao Zhen took the official document with a smile and said as he read it, "Now that we have lost the battle, we are thinking about peace talks. What have we been doing before?"

A few seconds later, Zhao Zhen couldn't laugh anymore.

He put down the official document in his hand calmly and looked at everyone, especially Zhao Jun's face.

Seeing Zhao Jun's unhappy face, he asked cautiously, "What do you think, Grandson?"

"What do you think?"

Zhao Jun asked back.

Zhao Zhen looked at Lu Yijian and the others and said, "What about you?"

"I think we can agree to it."

Lü Yijian said in a deep voice, "The Liao Kingdom must be fighting to the death this time. There is no need for the Song Dynasty to fight to the death with them."

"Yes, the Liao army will all go south, bypass the city, and fight us to the death. In the end, the people will still suffer. This is unbearable for us."

Wang Zeng also said.

"Your Majesty, I also think we can agree to it. Taking 200,000 strings of cash in exchange for long-term peace is also very beneficial to us."

"Besides, it is not an annual tribute in name, but a birthday gift for Empress Dowager Xiao. It not only saves our face, but also prevents the two countries from fighting again."

"Yes, this is something everyone can accept."

The others also responded.

But surprisingly, Zhao Zhen did not express his opinion immediately, but said without hesitation: "Grandson's opinion is my opinion."

Instantly, Zhao Jun's expression eased a lot, and he smiled and said: "Your Majesty is wise."

"Hanlong, this is not necessary."

Lü Yijian jumped up and said: "Do we need to fight to the death with the Liao Kingdom?"

"I really didn't want to bother with you just now, but now I am doing it for your sake, otherwise I would have scolded you severely."

Zhao Jun looked at Lu Yijian with disdain and said: "It's okay to lie to others, but don't lie to yourself. First of all, the name of a birthday gift is just a fig leaf, just deceiving yourself and others. Your bones have been broken, you have been in vain. I also wanted to help you connect your spines, but in the end it was of no use."

"Then tell me, what should I do if the Liao people come?"

Lu Yijian said angrily.

"Let him come if he comes. At worst, we will destroy Liao and Xixia first. Even if our Song Dynasty is severely damaged, it is better than continuing to kneel down!"

Zhao Jun looked around and said in a high voice: "You have already lost your momentum before the fighting started, and the Liao people will only become more unscrupulous. Don't say that they are just a threat. Is it really what they want?"

"This time the Liao Kingdom's coalition forces belonging to the state and tribes suffered heavy losses. Will they really be willing to follow the Liao Kingdom southward?"

"The Liao Kingdom is not a completely unified country and political power. There must be different opinions within them. If all of their 500,000 people are not afraid of death, I will agree to this peace negotiation and treat it as Liu Bang's siege. Li Shimin's alliance will fight back when it becomes stronger in the future. "

"But I don't believe that Liao's so-called half-million-strong army is all tough. After seeing the power of grenades and artillery, they still have the courage to come and die."

"Do you think what they say is true?"

"Wrong. In fact, the Liao people are used to bluffing, and every time you believe it and are afraid, so they think that any intimidation can be effective. They have tried and failed to make you feel that you can continue to compromise, but they have forgotten that they This is a big defeat. If we continue to fight, they will definitely lose!"

"So I never think that compromise can bring long-term peace. Only by being tenacious to the end can they truly feel fear. Tell Fan Zhongyan that if they want to fight, they will fight until the end."

"I can allow a Liao Kingdom to exist, but I cannot allow a Liao Kingdom that has oppressed us for a long time to exist. If they want to recover their economic losses, then they can exchange for horses, iron for iron, and copper. We can open the border at the border We can trade with them, but we will never give them gifts again.”

"The annual coins will be cancelled, and any gifts given to the enemy Emperor and Queen Mother for their birthday will also be cancelled. I can only tell the Liao Kingdom that it doesn't cost money but lives. Our lives depend on whether they have the life to take it."

At the end of the sentence, Zhao Jun looked at Zhao Zhen and said seriously: "Guan family, if the bones are broken, they can be reconnected, but if the spine is broken, it can never be reconnected. I hope you can stand up for yourself. More Use Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty to brand yourself, stop listening to these bastards, and don’t think of yourself as Shi Jingtang!”

"Dignity never comes from others' charity, but from your own strength!"

This last sentence is so resounding!

I admit that I made the comment out of context, but aside from the facts, are you right? Um, just kidding. In fact, it's really just me who made the comment. I hope you can analyze it ideally and give me some reference opinions. It turned out that there was no ideal discussion, only abuse. In fact, many disciples speak harshly, for example, threatening to delete their books. I can understand these people, after all, I lied about the comments in the first place.

But many trainees and apprentices directly launched attacks on their lives, and I couldn’t stand it anymore.

It’s not that I have a glassy heart, Chun Chun is writing about the real situation of the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty. If I were to write about these tough guys, it would not be a historical novel, but a science fiction novel.

The protagonist really wants to help the Song Dynasty monarchs and ministers connect their backbones, but this cannot be achieved by winning two wars. What is needed is for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty to send troops to the grasslands and sweep the north in one fell swoop.

So this is reality and reality.

What I write must be true to the truth, but before the protagonist even appears, people are directly attacking me personally. I think it is too much and outrageous.

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