In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 247 Why is it you? Da Song is really small

Just after the New Year of 1041, Emperor Zhao Zhen of the Song Dynasty changed the reign title to Qingli.

At this time, the war with the Western Xia and Liao Kingdoms had been decided.

With the foreign invasion just eliminated, the problem of solving the internal troubles was naturally put on the agenda.

In diplomacy, Zhao Zhen sent envoys to Goryeo and Japan to promote the prestige of the Song Dynasty with the momentum of defeating the Liao Dynasty.

In military terms, hundreds of thousands of troops were still stationed in the northwest and Hebei to deter the Liao Kingdom and the Western Xia.

In terms of reform, Zhao Jun promoted the Jingyou reform, and established a strict order of superiors and subordinates in the officialdom with the Political System Institute as the core.

In terms of economy, the state-owned market system was reformed and privatization reform was promoted.

In education, many modern schools were established in Bianliang to teach Confucian classics, as well as mathematics, physics and chemistry knowledge from elementary school to junior high school.

However, these are just the surface, and the real large-scale reform has not yet begun. Everything has to wait for Fan Zhongyan to officially preside over the new policy.

On the 19th day of the first lunar month, Zhao Jun just attended the highest meeting in the Political System Institute this morning and delivered an important speech.

The content of the speech was very simple. With the war already decided and the internal troubles of the reform imminent, every member of the Political System Institute had to be prepared to welcome the new storm.

He also arranged the tasks and the main direction, such as Lü Yijian, Wang Zeng, Sheng Du, Cai Qi, Song Shou, and Yan Shu mainly handled national affairs.

As the co-director of the Political System Institute, Jia Changchao also served as the Minister of Education. He had to promote the development of national education, establish new schools across the country, and preside over the reform of mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

As the Minister of Punishment, Li Di was actually the Minister of Justice in later generations. He had to re-enact the laws of the Song Dynasty and firmly adhere to the concept of governing the country according to law and abiding by the law.

The Ministers of Rites Jiang Tang and Zhang Shixun mainly focused on the promotion of officials of all sizes in the Ministry of Personnel and the Court of Examination, as well as the inspection of the Censorate and the Remonstrance Office.

Needless to say, Fan Zhongyan had to preside over the new policy reform.

In addition, it was more important to start placing people, put the reform generals in important departments, and promote the development of reform.

The first reform of the new year is naturally the administration of officials. The administration of officials consists of two points: one is to clarify the duties of officials, and the other is to assess the duties of officials to see whether they meet the requirements.

In simple terms, the tasks of officials are constant, mainly to govern the local area well, and to measure whether the official is qualified and whether he has done his job by setting deadlines and standards for the things that officials should do.

So who is responsible for the verification?

Naturally, it is the Censorate.

There are relatively few people in the Censorate, and they mainly inspect and advise the prime minister and the emperor.

The Censorate not only has a large number of people, but also has a wider range of responsibilities.

After the Jingyou reform, the staff of the Censorate was increased, and the Censorate was set up all over the country.

The performance evaluation method of Zhang Juzheng in the Ming Dynasty was mainly handled by the six ministries and the Censorate, and the performance evaluation method in the Song Dynasty was also handled by various departments and the Censorate.

At the same time, inspection departments were set up within each department to work together with the Censorate to achieve the purpose of mutual supervision.

Then these personnel must be arranged by people who are trustworthy and fair in law enforcement. Otherwise, it is nonsense to let heroes investigate heroes and good men investigate good men.

So on the eve of the reform, Fan Zhongyan transferred Yu Jing, Yin Zhu, Ouyang Xiu, Cai Xiang, Li Hong, Wang Zhi, Wang Zhu and others to the Censorate, and replaced many unqualified censors in the Censorate with many upright censors.

Not only Fan Zhongyan, Zhao Jun also placed people.

He was very busy these days. He held court meetings in the early morning, handled government affairs and held meetings in the Political System Council in the morning, and met with his confidants in the afternoon.

Wang Su, Yang Cha, Yang Gao, Zhao Yan, Chen Xiliang and others came to Beijing one after another this year.

Since last year, the transfer order has been issued. The first to arrive in Bianliang was Wang Su, the governor of Suzhou. He was promoted to the Palace Censor because of his political achievements.

In the Song Dynasty, the Censorate had always been in a low position with great power. From the eighth-rank Palace Secretary to the highest-rank fifth-rank Palace Secretary, none of them had reached the status of a fourth-rank official.

After the Jingyou reform, each rank was linked to the official position, and the Censorate was transferred to the directly affiliated Political System Institute, at the same level as the various ministries, and the title of observation candidate Tongzhi was added.

If the observation candidate Tongzhi was not added, it would mean that the rank of the Censorate was raised to the second rank.

At the same time, the assistant of the Censorate was the third rank, followed by the Palace Secretary, the fourth rank, the left and right patrol envoys, the fifth rank, the corridor envoys and the incense supervisors, the sixth rank, the sixth rank of the supervisory censors, the sixth rank of the supervisory censors, the Palace Secretary was the seventh rank, and there were also local censors from the fourth to the eighth rank.

Zhao Jun met Wang Su a few days ago, encouraged him a few words, and told him the responsibilities he would bear in the future.

After that, he met with Yang Cha, Zhao Yan, and Chen Xiliang. The three of them were promoted to different degrees according to their original official positions, namely, Supervisory Censor, Supervisory Censor, and Palace Secretary. All of them entered the Censorate.

The only one who didn't enter was Yang Gao. Yang Gao was originally a fourth-rank shipping envoy. If he was promoted to the Censorate, he could only be a third-rank assistant censor.

But the assistant censor was the assistant of the Censor-in-Chief. There were only two vacancies, which were given to Cai Xiang and Yin Zhu by Fan Zhongyan. Zhao Jun didn't intend to compete with Fan Zhongyan for the position, so he arranged Yang Gao to enter the Ministry of Personnel as a third-rank assistant minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

On the 19th, Zhao Jun met Su Huan again.

Su Huan was also an official he admired. As the fifth-rank Xiangfu County Magistrate, he had outstanding political achievements in the past two years, so he planned to promote him to the Palace Secretary and frantically fill the Censorate with people to prepare for the new policy.

Zhao Jun did not call Su Huan over, but went directly to the Xiangfu County Government Office. One reason was to conduct a surprise inspection, and the other was that he liked to walk around like this.

All the way into the Xiangfu County Yamen, Su Huan learned the news and hurriedly came to greet him.

"I have seen the magistrate!"

In the county government courtyard, Su Huan and another man in his thirties bowed to him.

Zhao Jun nodded and said with a smile: "The public group, suddenly interrupting, I hope it doesn't hinder your work."

"Where is it?"

Su Huan smiled and said: "The Imperial Academy is here to make Pengpi shine. Come on, the Imperial Academy invites you to come in."

Zhao Jun entered the inner hall.

He didn't sit in the main seat, which was a bit of a prestige.

He didn't take the main seat, so Su Huan didn't dare to do so. He first bowed his hands to Zhao Jun and sat on the second seat opposite him.

"Who is this?"

Zhao Jun looked at the man standing next to Su Huan who dared not sit down.

Su Huan introduced: "This is Xiaguan's brother, his name is Su Xun, and his courtesy name is Mingyun. He will go to Beijing to take the exam this year."

"Xun has met Zhiyuan."

Su Xun quickly bowed to Zhao Jun.


Zhao Jun looked him up and down and said, "Are you Su Xun?"

When Su Huan came to report on official business, he brought Su Xun's article to him to read. Zhao Jun praised it, saying he didn't expect to see him so soon.

"It's the grass people."

Su Xun greeted him again.

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Sit down, your brother showed me your article. It was very good. I heard that you also had an insight into my strategy?"

Su Xun sat next to Su Huan. Hearing Zhao Jun talk about this, his face lit up and he said, "Zhiyuan's clever plan was a stroke of genius. Even the Liao Kingdom did not dare to act rashly and had no choice but to negotiate peace with us."


Hearing Su Xun's bragging, Zhao Jun was so happy that he couldn't reach the level of elegance.


Su Xun said quickly: "This is a grand plan, an eternal strategy, a conspiracy that cannot be violated, and it is definitely not a trivial trick."

As he spoke, he continued: "I once wrote an article. The destruction of the six countries was not caused by military disadvantages, but by bad fighting, and the disadvantage was bribing Qin. Bribing Qin and losing its strength was the way to destruction. Or it can be said: The six countries lost each other and took bribes. Qin Ye? He said: If you don't bribe, you will lose. If you lose strong support, you can't defeat Qin alone. "

"The Liao people are like Qin, and the Song Dynasty will add more money, just like the six countries bribed Qin, bribed Qin and lost their strength. Then it will just let the Liao people continue to be strong and attack the Song Dynasty again!"

"The Imperial Academy naturally understands the ruthlessness of the Liao people. If the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty continue to send money to Liao affairs, the Liao country will soon recover from its defeat. At that time, they will definitely invade our country again. The Song Dynasty tried to restore the failure of Baozhou and its majesty."

"Among the entire dynasty, only the Zhiyuan saw through all this, and angrily rebuked the princes, and also set up such an eternal strategy to make the Liao Kingdom retreat in the face of difficulties. This not only saved the Liao Kingdom from being frightened and lost the battle to protect the state. The situation of great victory also made the Song Dynasty no longer bribe the Liao Dynasty to make the Liao Dynasty strong and the Song Dynasty weak. This is a plan that benefits the country and the people! "

Su Xun's compliments almost blew Zhao Jun to the sky.

On the other hand, Zhao Jun was thinking, am I really that powerful? On the other hand, I was a little embarrassed.

Because he discovered something very ugly.

That is, he did not expect Su Xun to write "The Theory of Six Kingdoms" so early.

"On the Six Kingdoms" is one of the "Book of Quan" written by Su Xun.

In 1056 AD, the 48-year-old Su Xun led his two sons to Bianliang and visited Ouyang Xiu with the "Book of Quan", which was highly praised.

Paper was expensive in Bianliang for a while, and officials and officials in the capital rushed to recite it, which made Su Xun's literary reputation flourish.

This means that the Book of Quan was written before 1056 AD.

It contains a variety of methods for governing the country and the military, including governance, military art, historical theory, strategy, etc. It is quite comprehensive.

But now there is an embarrassing situation. Zhao Jun has participated in the imperial examination and the article he wrote is "Theory of Six Kingdoms".

Now the original author of "The Theory of Six Kingdoms" has come and told him in front of him.

Li Gui met Li Kui.

Fortunately, the provincial examination articles were not published to the public at that time. After all, hundreds of thousands of people across the country took the exam. Even if they passed thousands of exams every year, how could they all be published to the public?

So now there is still a chance to resolve this embarrassment.

Zhao Jun's expression did not change, and he said thoughtfully: "Shan, all the princes in the Manchu Dynasty are opposed to it, but you, a private scholar, are the only one who has such insight. This shows your talent."

"Zhiyuan is full of praise."

Su Xun cupped his hands and said: "The common people only analyze after the fact, and are far less aware than the Zhiyuan."

"Well, quite humble. This is the quality of a good official."

Zhao Jun smiled and turned to look at Su Huan: "Gongqun, this is your fault. Since your brother is such a talented person, why didn't I recommend him earlier when I was in Langzhou?"

Su Huan smiled bitterly and said: "At that time, Mingyun was studying hard in his hometown in Meizhou. It was too far away from Langzhou, but we couldn't call him over immediately."

"It doesn't matter."

Zhao Jun nodded, and then said to Su Huan: "Take the exam well this time. With your talent, it will be easy to pass the Jinshi exam. Make bold decisions and don't have any worries."


Su Xun was very excited.

Zhao Jun had no intention of opening the back door for Su Xun.

Historically, he failed the exam because his policy was too radical.

The whole dynasty was full of compromisers towards Liao and Xixia. How could he be allowed to pass the exam if he was a radical who wrote "On the Six Kingdoms", insinuating that the imperial court's giving of annual coins would lead to the subjugation of the country and threatening to abolish the annual coins?

But it's different now.

Although there are still many compromisers in the country, they have won the battle and are more confident.

In addition, Zhao Jun is a radical, so even if he caters to his superiors, the people in the Ministry of Rites should also understand the court's current attitude towards foreign enemies.

Simply put, the tide has changed.

He used to be conservative and compromising, but now he is determined and radical. If the people in the Ministry of Rites try to send radical scholars to the court again, it depends on whether Zhao Jun dares to send them all to Qiongzhou.

Then Zhao Jun said to Su Huan: "Gongqun, do you know why I came to you this time?"

"Please inform the court to make it clear."

Su Huan said.

"After the imperial court has solved the foreign troubles, it must solve the internal troubles."

Zhao Jun said in a deep voice: "Nowadays, the government of the Song Dynasty is corrupt and corrupt officials are rampant. We need capable ministers and generals like you to clear up the world and clean up the world's corrupt and stupid officials. Therefore, I plan to let you go to Yushitai, Are you willing?"

Su Huan said happily: "Of course I am willing."

"Well, now the Constitutional Yuan is recruiting people for the Yushitai. In addition to the Bianliang Yushitai, there are also Yushitai from various places."

Zhao Jun said: "The Censor's Office needs to go to various roads to inspect, and the local Censor's Office also has to go to the state capital once a month to check accounts and assess government performance, as well as the state and road government offices, and it is a double step. Supervision, your task is very heavy.”

Su Huan said: "For the sake of the country's great interests, I am willing to go through fire and water."

"Well, okay, do it well."

Zhao Jun stood up and said: "I have to go to the palace. You can go to the Judge's Court tomorrow to go through the formalities. The affairs of the county must also be handed over to the new county magistrate. In a few days, you can go to the Yushitai to report. ”


Su Huan said hurriedly: "I'll send you to the imperial court."

At that moment, Su Huan and Su Xun sent Zhao Jun out of the county office. Seeing him get on the carriage and leave, Su Xun sighed: "Zhiyuan is really a person who does great things."

Su Huan smiled and said: "That's natural!"

The two brothers watched Zhao Jun's carriage disappear at the corner of the street before going back.

Zhao Jun, on the other hand, returned to the palace.

Today is another blind date.

Zhao Jun is not a workaholic, but important national affairs cannot be taken lightly, so after the last blind date failed, it was delayed for a while due to busy government affairs.

But Zhao Zhen was quite anxious. This time he asked Cao Cong to bring his niece into the palace to attend the banquet in the name of Empress Cao.

A banquet in name is actually a blind date.

Soon the carriage slowly entered the palace.

It was late January, the weather was getting warmer, and the snow had long since melted. Although it was still a little cold, the back garden was already green.

Zhao Jun, led by Wang Shouzhong, slowly walked into the back garden.

At this time, in a pavilion in the back garden, Zhao Zhen and Queen Cao were sitting on the table, with Cao Cong and a girl sitting next to them.

The girl was about 20 years old, with a sweet face, and she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Her expression was unswerving, as if she was uncomfortable, as if she was being forced to come, and her expression was very reluctant.

This woman is Cao Cong's niece and Queen Cao's cousin Cao Miaoxin.

She was originally unwilling to come, but the daughter of the Cao family had no right to choose, so she had no choice.

Facing the Emperor and Queen of the Song Dynasty, Cao Miaoxin had no choice but to lower his head and dare not speak.

At this moment, she heard the sound of footsteps next to her. She raised her head and saw a figure that haunted her dream. She bowed her hands to Zhao Zhen and said, "I have met Your Majesty, the Queen!"

She was so excited that she couldn't help but said: "Why is it you?"

Zhao Jun turned around when he heard the voice and saw Cao Miaoxin, who seemed familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen him before, so he couldn't help but wonder: "Who are you?"

Cao Miaoxin was a little disappointed, but quickly said: "We met at Zhangjia Soup Cake Shop four years ago, and you even touched Taotao's head at that time."


Zhao Jun was stunned, thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "It's you, who is that woman?"

Only then did he remember that this was indeed the case. There was a girl who looked at me frequently, and even called a child to come over and want to strike up a conversation with her.

In fact, Di Qing is more handsome than him, but the words on Di Qing's face affect his appearance, otherwise the girl might have to fall in love with Di Qing.

However, he himself was not bad looking, and it was normal for a girl to like him when he went out. Since it was at a critical moment, Zhao Jun had no intention of falling in love and did not respond to the other party's advances.

I didn't expect to see the girl here again.

"That's my eldest sister Cao Miarong, and the child is my niece Gao Taotao."

Cao Miaoxin said.

Zhao Jun couldn't laugh or cry and said: "The Song Dynasty is really small."

Good guy, that year he had just wiped out the Bianliang Mansion and became the magistrate of the Constitutional Yuan. At the end of the year, when he went to eat wontons with Di Qing and others, he could meet the Cao family and the future Empress Dowager Gao. It was really unexpected. .

However, when he looked at the child, he thought he was seven or eight years old, but he did not expect that he was only six years old. As for Cao Miaoxin, he thought he was fifteen or sixteen years old, but he did not expect that Cao Miaoxin was only fourteen years old at the time.

Perhaps it's because the Cao family's genes tend to be military generals and they grow faster.

But the good news is.

Cao Miaoxin is not ugly, she is very beautiful, and has a slender figure, at least 1.7 meters, which is his type.

The bad news is that the Cao family likes to dance with guns and sticks, and their force value is quite good. If the blind date succeeds, will the family home be uneasy in the future?

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