In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 297 Taking Zhang Yuan as a scapegoat

December 8, the fourth year of the Qingli period.

It snowed heavily in Bianliang, and the streets of Kaifeng Prefecture organized a large snow-clearing work.

The government funded and hired some unemployed old people and young men in the outer city at a price of 90 wen per day to clear the snow.

This salary is definitely not high.

Because before the Qingli period, the daily wage level in Bianliang reached more than 100 wen.

According to the "Dongjing Menghualu", at that time, the dock porters earned 200 to 300 wen a day, a chicken butcher at the street corner earned 150 wen a day, and the tea shop clerk earned 4.5 guan a month, about 120 wen a day.

Basically, the average salary of employees was about 100 wen. Except for the Xiangjun, whose average daily salary was only 50 wen, the salary level of ordinary people remained at 100 wen.

Now the salary level of ordinary people has increased slightly, averaging about 120 wen, which is about 20 wen higher than before.

This is because since the great reform in the first year of the Qingli period, the business environment of the Song Dynasty has been getting better and better.

The commodity economy has reached a new level, and because commodities are sold not only to neighboring countries but also to Central Asia through the five major trade routes, they are sold to Europe by Arab merchants.

The economic and business environment has improved. The number of new businesses, that is, companies, registered by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce every year is countless, and workshops are opened every day inside and outside the city.

Not only textile factories, but also various paper mills, tea processing factories, iron processing factories, agricultural tool factories and countless other workshops, capital began to sprout gradually.

After the establishment of the workshop, it is natural to recruit people on a large scale, but in the ancient society with underdeveloped information, Bianliang can basically attract workers from Jingji Road and the surrounding areas, and it is impossible for people from far away to work in Bianliang.

For example, people from Hebei who want to work in the city will definitely give priority to Damingfu, and people from Huainan and some Henan people close to Yingtianfu will definitely give priority to Yingtianfu, and so on, resulting in a shortage of workers in Bianliang.

This is a normal fluctuation in the market. The normal increase in wages and the continued increase are what the court hopes to see most, because this will inevitably cause the workshops to continue to move out.

In the future, in the era of steam engines, a large number of factories will move to coastal cities, which will also drive the development of coastal cities such as Guangzhou, Guangxi, and Fujian.

Therefore, the court will also find ways to regulate the market and force employers to raise wages.

However, Kaifeng Prefecture employs people who are unemployed or lack working ability. This salary is basically a normal salary level, which is considered to be a care for the poor to a certain extent.

The organizers are the street offices under Kaifeng Prefecture.

Now that the Song Dynasty is moving towards urbanization, Kaifeng Prefecture, as an official agency, must have a certain degree of control over the grassroots.

Therefore, the court officially established the street office. Except for the director of the street office who is a ninth-rank official, the rest of the clerks are clerks, and the main affairs they manage are also household registration, health, community management and other work.

For example, the court will visit the elderly and widows this year, and rice, oil, and grain will be distributed. In the future, it will not be handled by Kaifeng Prefecture and the Imperial City Department, but by the street office.

The superior leaders mainly supervise the implementation of the work and determine the distribution of various grain and oil materials. In addition, the court is now building low-rent housing, and the street office will also implement the poor households in the future and give priority to living in low-rent housing.

There will definitely be corruption, such as the street office not implementing its work seriously, or embezzling money, distributing low-rent housing and materials to the rich or even their relatives instead of the poor in need.

Therefore, Zhao Jun ordered Kaifeng Prefecture to supervise as the superior leadership department, and asked the Imperial City Department to conduct secret visits, investigate at all times, and hold people accountable in real time, which is considered double supervision.

Let's do it this way for now.

Even if there are problems in the future, at least after the establishment of the street office, the work pressure of Kaifeng Prefecture will be reduced a lot.

At the call of Kaifeng Prefecture, the whole prefecture was cleaned up.

Zhao Jun, accompanied by Bao Zheng in the morning, inspected the cleaning work in the inner city, outer city, and even outside the city.

Kaiyuan Gate, that is, outside the West Water Gate. This is the entrance of the Bian River. Because the canal brought back a large amount of steel, cattle and sheep fur and other raw materials from the north, many workshops of Liao gathered here.

The imperial court is now gradually moving official workshops in the city to outside the city, such as textile factories, forging factories, ironware processing factories, etc., and the relocation began two months ago.

Official workshops have also led to the relocation of many private workshops. It is expected that by the year after next, most of the workshops in Bianliang will be moved outside the city to form an urban-rural junction.

So the land price here has also slowly risen, which is naturally a good thing for the people living in the slums outside the city.

Because the current household registration work of the imperial court is to allow people to settle in Bianliang and allow them to buy the land and houses they live in outside the city now.

Perhaps decades later, the first batch of migrant workers who came to Bianliang to work will become the old Kaifeng of the Zhenghong Banner by owning real estate in the urban villages outside the city.

But that is decades later. At least the land price outside the city is still relatively low, and it is basically in the hands of the imperial court. It is also restricted to sell, and those who are interested are not allowed to hoard on a large scale.

Zhao Jun planned to complete the military restructuring in two years, incorporate the Xiang Army into the Construction Corps, and then set up a state-owned construction enterprise, leaving all the real estate development outside the city to them.

At that time, the Song Dynasty would suck blood from the outside, no, trade. Internally, we would carry out large-scale infrastructure construction, add real estate to stimulate the economy, allow the banking and financial industries to develop, open Jiaozi shops across the country, and allow private lending.

With all four measures, wouldn't the economy soar?

There is no need to even consider inflation. The Song Dynasty only needs to print money without thinking.

Because when the time comes, the copper coins of the Song Dynasty will become the global hard currency like the US dollar. It is a bit outrageous to think of buying foreign copper mines and then turning them into copper coins to buy copper mines.


That is still a matter for the future.

At least now, although the Song Dynasty is prospering, it still has not transcended the order of ancient feudal society.

The level of productivity and technology needs to be improved to a higher level, and the age of steam engines needs to arrive to complete greater internal reforms.

"Zhiyuan, it has snowed for more than ten days, covering the roads and freezing the rivers. The Kaifeng Prefecture funded and hired 13,674 people, which cost about 2,000 guan per day and six In the next day, the heavy snow will be cleared from the whole city and the ice surface will be broken.”

On the edge of the Bianhe River outside Kaiyuanmen, Bao Zheng, the general magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture, introduced to Zhao Jun the recent construction activities in the city.

After the reform of national and local taxes, Kaifeng Prefecture, as the capital government, also has certain financial powers. Expenses generated by Bianliang's commercial activities and urban management will be paid to Kaifeng Prefecture, thus generating tax funds.

Although this has seriously reduced the court's tax revenue, it allows the local government to have money, so it can do a lot of things, such as snow clearing work, which is a good thing that benefits the country and the people.

"Hire more than 10,000 people? Then the salary per person per day seems pretty good."

Zhao Jun said with a smile.

He looked around in the distance. Ships from the Bianhe River in the northwest were coming slowly, much less than in spring, summer and autumn, but this was winter. In the past, water transportation was completely stopped in winter.

Now it seems that the Yellow River management work and ice-breaking operations are still done well, at least ensuring the navigation of Bianliang.

"It's embarrassing to say that I only have 90 Wen per day."

Bao Zheng shook his head and said.

"90 Wen per day? It's a little less. What about the extra 300 Wen?"

Zhao Jun wondered, did he start to take action so soon?

This is too fast.

"It's used to buy tools."

Bao Zheng said: "I'm afraid these tools will have to be stored once they are used up."

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said, "Then leave it to the street office. Your Kaifeng Prefecture should set up a sanitation department and hire sanitation workers for a long time to clean the city to make the city clean and tidy."


Bao Zheng nodded: "I will report this matter to Magistrate Liu about the Magistrate's intention."

"In addition to sanitation work, there are also street planning, infrastructure, urban roads, green environment, business environment, shop improvement, etc., which are all the responsibilities of the Kaifeng government. Your burden is not small."

"This official will not let down the court's expectations."

"That's good, Lao Bao, do your best. I leave this position of Kaifeng Prefect to you. I'm very optimistic about you."

Zhao Jun patted Bao Zheng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

At present, the position of Kaifeng Prefecture Yin is still relatively fluid, and it is mainly used to accommodate officials who are about to be promoted to ministers and ministers in various ministries.

Bao Zheng handles all the specific affairs in the house, which can be regarded as an unspoken rule to some extent.

Everyone knows that this is actually the purpose of the magistrate to accumulate political qualifications for Bao Zheng. In addition, his work ability is obvious to all, so the successive magistrates of Kaifeng Prefecture have entrusted his work to him.

Instead, the chief officer will participate in the daily affairs of each department in order to join the department in the future.

However, even if this is the case, Lao Bao is already on a rocket. From the eighth grade in Jingyou's fourth year to the fifth grade now, the promotion speed is basically one level per year.

Zhao Jun planned to wait until Lao Bao had accumulated enough money in two years, and then raise the political status of Kaifeng Mansion from the fourth rank to the second rank, equivalent to the deputy ministerial level.

He also served as an alternate magistrate of the Second-Rank Political Academy, which raised the political status of the Kaifeng Prefecture to a high-ranking official, and also increased the importance of the Kaifeng Prefecture Yin, allowing him to participate in the management of national affairs.

After all, Kaifeng Mansion is equivalent to Beijing in later generations. If the level is only the fourth level, it will still be difficult to convince the public in Kaifeng where there are many powerful people, and management will be more difficult.


Just when Zhao Jun was inspecting the recent developments in Kaifeng Mansion, a pair of palace guards hurried over not far away and reported to him: "Your Majesty, please inform me to return to the palace."


Zhao Jun turned around, came to the guard and asked, "What happened?"

"It's said that the Western thieves sent a letter asking for surrender."

"Haha, Li Yuanhao can't hold on any longer."

Zhao Jun smiled and said to Bao Zheng: "Okay, Old Bao, you should do a good job in city management first, and I will go back first."


Bao Zheng has long been accustomed to saying some words that he understands but not quite understanding from Zhao Jun's mouth, and bows his hands.

At that moment, Zhao Jun sat back in his carriage, and the honor guard marched back to the palace.

He has had his own guard of honor since he became the magistrate, with proper standards for a prime minister. The horse team clears the way, holding signs saying "Quiet" and "Avoidance".

Coupled with the protection of the Imperial City Division, there are hundreds of people following him around at all times, and everyone in Bianliang knows about his team.

There were even people who stopped the sedan chair to complain, but Zhao Jun solved them one by one, which made the people praise him.

Soon Zhao Jun returned to the palace and went all the way to Chongzheng Hall.

Everyone has arrived.

He first saluted Zhao Zhen and then sat back in his seat.

"Hanlong, look, this is Yuan Hao's watch."

Zhao Zhen knocked on the official document on the table. No one was allowed to come in during the Chongzheng Hall meeting. Even Wang Shouzhong could only guard outside the door, so Zhao Jun could only walk over and get it by himself.

He picked up the document and glanced at it, then smiled and said, "As expected, I didn't expect Li Yuanhao to lose this battle. He will definitely not be able to hold on."

"According to the current situation, Yuanhao has already given up. But it's not easy to make him pay the price. What if he refuses?"

Zhao Zhen asked.

"It's easy to refuse."

Zhao Jun smiled and said, "Although the national military reform has not been completely completed, most of the bad apples have been eliminated, and elite troops have been selected to fill the gap. The basic combat effectiveness can still be maintained. Let's fight. It's just right to destroy Liao and Xixia."

It's not that Xixia can't be destroyed, but it's more troublesome to destroy it now.

It's like you can wait a few years, let the combat effectiveness become 120, and then destroy an enemy with 20 combat effectiveness plus 50 combat effectiveness.

But you have to deal with Liao and Xixia, two opponents with a combined combat effectiveness of 70, at the same time when the combat effectiveness is 80.

Even if the Song Dynasty is stronger than them, the combat effectiveness of the army before the reform is still poor.

It is necessary to wait until the complete reform is completed, the old and weak are eliminated, and military training is put on the agenda. In addition, cold weapons and armor are popularized, and cold weapons are combined with hot weapons of the firearms camp to exert the maximum combat power.

At that time, it will be much easier to fight against Liao and Xixia.

But Li Yuanhao took the lead in provoking. If he does not fight back, where is the face of the Song Dynasty?

So he must be taught a lesson.

Either cede land and pay compensation, and pay annual tribute.

Or the Northwest Army of the Song Dynasty will be dispatched to force him to cede land and pay compensation.

There may even be a risk of national destruction.

It depends on what he chooses.

"Well, let's make him pay compensation according to the original plan."

Zhao Zhen also toughened up for once. This matter has been discussed long ago, and he can respond to the other party.

Since the war started in September, the Song Dynasty has not been eating dry food in the past three months.

Although there is no large-scale deployment of troops, the war machine is running, and the Hebei Steel Plant produces tons of weapons every day.

Steel weapons began to be distributed. Even though they were not yet popularized throughout the army, tens of thousands of people were using them first, and they were enough to deal with the Liao army with the firearms battalion.

When the time came, they would go all out to attack Xixia, and Li Yuanhao would be beaten to a pulp?

So the hardliners in the court also had the upper hand.

This was related to Zhao Jun's attitude.

Soon everyone discussed the details and immediately sent people to give instructions to Yang Xie.

By mid-December, Yang Xie knew what the court meant, so he immediately summoned Li Yuanhao's envoys and expressed to him that the court needed sincerity.

He did not directly say that the Song court wanted Li Yuanhao to pay compensation, because this was too purposeful, and it would be difficult to negotiate with each other and bargain.

The highest level of negotiation is for the other party to take the initiative, so that he can open his mouth and negotiate the conditions step by step.

A few days later, Li Yuanhao received a reply from the envoy.

In Zhuolao City.

Li Yuanhao has not had a good time these days.

The Tangut nobles benefited from the trade between Song and Xia, and they didn't want to offend the Song Dynasty, so they joined forces to put pressure on him.

The civil service group kept silent because of the defeat, so the truce faction had the upper hand.

Although Li Yuanhao himself was a pro-war faction, he couldn't resist the power below, and he and the Weiming tribe behind him couldn't suppress it alone.

So he had to win over a group of obedient nobles to stabilize their mood.

This day happened to be the time when he was holding a council with the leaders of several major domestic tribes, including Fei Ting, Fang Dang, Xi Feng, and Po Chao.

"Your Majesty, this is not a solution. The Song people are strong, and it is not a good thing to be their enemy."

"Yes, it is best to make a decision as soon as possible. It will be disadvantageous to the country if we delay any further."

"This year's winter food is all bought from the Song State. Although the Song State has not cancelled the trade, what should we do once they cancel the trade?"

"If you ask me, Your Majesty should not listen to Zhang Yuan. This person must be an insider sent by the Song Dynasty to harm our Great Xia."

"Yes, since this person came, our Great Xia has been defeated repeatedly. Before, we did not go to war with the Song State. We only needed to provide a few hundred cattle and horses every year to get countless rewards. What about after he came?"

"Your Majesty, kill this person and send him to the Song State. I believe that he will be favored by the Song State, and then we will not need to go to war again."

"That's right."

Several people persuaded in Tangut language, and some people shouted to kill Zhang Yuan.

Li Yuanhao had to appease him, saying, "I have sent people to discuss with the Emperor of Song. I believe there will be a result soon."

He did not want Zhang Yuan to die for the time being. After all, he was a pro-war faction. If Zhang Yuan died, the pro-war faction in the country would be gone. Who would encourage him to be an enemy of the Song Dynasty in the future?

"Well, I hope so."

Someone sighed.

In the Song-Xia War in history, the Song Dynasty cancelled the trade, the domestic economy of Xixia collapsed, and the people were living in poverty.

It is not so bad now, but they have tasted the sweetness of the trade for too long. They sell cattle and sheep to the Song Dynasty, resell the goods of the Western Regions to the Song Dynasty, and buy tea from the Song Dynasty and sell it to Western Regions merchants in exchange for huge profits.

While the middlemen make a profit from the price difference, they can also make a lot of money through buying and selling trade, and can also buy food, tea, and ironware from the Song Dynasty to maintain the development of the tribe, killing three birds with one stone.

So although the situation in Xixia is not bad now, no one wants things to develop to the worst. Anyway, the Tanguts are not like the Khitans who always dominate the world. Continuing to maneuver between the Khitans and the Han people is their best choice.


At this time, soldiers outside reported: "The messenger is back."

"Let him in quickly."

Li Yuanhao said quickly.


Soldiers go out.

After a while, the messenger who had been waiting for the news in the West Market came in, bowed to Li Yuanhao with a party ceremony and said, "Your Majesty."

"How about it?"

"I am fortunate to have fulfilled my mission and have received the reply from Emperor Song."

"Great, what did he say?"

Li Yuanhao perked up.

The envoy said: "The Emperor of the Song Dynasty means that they do not want to use force. The Song Dynasty has always advocated peaceful governance and turned conflicts with neighboring countries into friendship. However, Daxia recklessly attacked Qingtang and provoked a war with the Song Dynasty. This matter Unforgivable."

Li Yuanhao was shocked and said: "Didn't you tell them that we were only fighting against Xisiluo and did not want to become an enemy of the Song Dynasty?"

"I said it, I don't know how many times I said it."

The envoy smiled bitterly and said: "But the Song Dynasty has been accusing me of signing a mutual offensive and defensive alliance agreement with Qingtang. Daxia's attack on Qingtang is an attack on the allies of the Song Dynasty, and it is an attempt to proactively provoke a war."

"What can we do?"

Fangdang Qiu Hu patted his legs and said bitterly: "The soldiers of the Song Dynasty are strong and strong, how can we defeat them?"

Everyone also looked sad.

No one thought that attacking Qingtang would provoke the now powerful Song Dynasty.

If things were fine before, the Song Dynasty had grenades and artillery. They gritted their teeth and had the support of the Liao Kingdom, and it was not impossible to build hundreds or even thousands more.

But now the Song Dynasty has muskets, and there are more than 10,000 such troops in the northwest. Coupled with the cannons and grenades that the Song Dynasty already has, how can they withstand it?

"But things have taken a turn for the better."

The messenger said quickly.

"Say it."

Li Yuanhao suppressed his anger.

The envoy said: "What Commander Yang means is that the Song Dynasty can cease the war, but I, Daxia, must show sincerity to compensate the Song Dynasty for this loss."


Everyone suddenly showed a confused mood.

Under normal circumstances, everyone should be able to think of things like war reparations.

But that's what Song people can think of.

This is not the case for nomadic peoples such as Dangxiang and Khitan.

When defeated, run away and go to Saibei.

Is it possible that the Song Dynasty people can still pursue them as far as Saibei?

They will come back after the Song people leave.

So the first thing they thought of was not apologizing enough.

Someone immediately said: "Why don't your Majesty no longer pay tribute to hundreds of cattle and horses every year as before, and become ministers to the Song Dynasty in exchange for rewards from the Song Dynasty."

"That's good too."

"Yes, this is the only way the king can calm down the anger of the Song Dynasty."

"I don't think so."

Fei Tinggu said carefully: "The Song Dynasty hated traitors the most. After the war, the Song Dynasty offered a reward for Zhang Yuan's head in the border market. I am afraid that only Zhang Yuan can be exchanged for the Song Dynasty not to use weapons."

Li Yuanhao's eyes suddenly widened.

He could actually understand what Da Song meant.

After all, his vision is different from those of the people under his command.

As an ambitious monarch who tried to transform from a nomadic tribal system to a feudal system, Li Yuanhao naturally had a vision beyond ordinary people.

So he understood that the Song Dynasty did not actually want Zhang Yuan's head, but wanted Xixia to cede territory and pay compensation.

The specific amount cannot be negotiated in one or two envoy negotiations. It must go through a long period of pulling and pulling, just like when Song and Liao signed the agreement.

But Li Yuanhao actually doesn’t want to pay compensation.

The compensation will definitely hurt his prestige in the country.

Secondly, it also depletes Xixia's national strength.

Xixia was originally weak. Even though it had made a lot of money using the Silk Road in recent years, its national power was still far different from that of the Song Dynasty.

Therefore, if you can avoid losing money, you definitely don’t want to.

The problem is that Da Song will definitely insist on not letting go, just to make him pay compensation.

how should I do it?

You can't fool him by pretending to be stupid.

When the time comes to fight, it will be uncomfortable if he can't beat him.

Then the best option is to introduce a scapegoat.

The Song Dynasty really hated Zhang Yuan.

The noble leaders of various tribes in the country were also annoyed by him.

It would be great if Zhang Yuan was killed not only to appease the country, but also to calm the anger of Song Dynasty and give Song Dynasty an explanation.

And doesn’t the Song Dynasty require sincerity?

Then push the Xixia military advisor out as a sign of sincerity. Isn’t that enough?

At that time, even if the Song Dynasty explicitly wants compensation, Zhang Yuan has already been handed over to them, will they have the nerve to ask for more compensation?

Maybe now is the time when Zhang Yuan is needed.

Although there will be no Zhang Yuan in the future, many strategies will be difficult to formulate, and the core of the main war faction will be missing.

But sometimes, he has no choice.

Li Yuanhao sighed.

There was a sinister look in his eyes.

Zhang Yuan.

No wonder I am.

I can only blame Daxia for not being able to defeat Song in recent years.

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