In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 369 Di Qing's Pocket Formation

On the Yushui River, more than twenty Song warships formed a formation.

Directly east of them is Yuguan City.

To the southwest is Guangning City.

In this way, the entire Song Army's defense lines were three, forming a three-character shape.

However, because the terrain of Yushui is lower, it is almost difficult for artillery to hit the front, so the frontal pressure is almost entirely on Yuguan.

It's not that Di Qing doesn't want to go back, but he has three considerations.

First, if they retreat to Yushui, the enemy can take advantage of the situation to occupy Yuguan, condescendingly shoot at them on the water from the city, and the Song army will suffer a lot.

Second, this will reduce one line of defense and put much less pressure on the Liao army. If they are not careful, they will be forced back to the sea.

The last and most important point is that he immediately intercepted Yuguan, the central point, and cut off the traffic artery between Xijin Prefecture and Liaoyang Prefecture of Liao State in the middle, which was equivalent to cutting the two-headed snake in the middle. .

Since it is a two-headed snake, both the head and the tail have venomous fangs, so they must bite back from both ends. Then Di Qing is bound to be attacked from both sides by the Xijin Mansion and the Liaoyang Mansion, and will be in an unfavorable situation of being double-teamed from both front and rear.

If there are too few lines of defense at this time, there is only one result waiting for Di Qing - that is, the Song army is surrounded from all sides and is in a hurry, and it is very likely that it will be annihilated by the enemy.

Therefore, Di Qing must allocate troops reasonably, allowing Yuguan to deal with the enemies in the east, Guangning to deal with the enemies in the west, and the Song army on Yushuang to block the entire Yuguan passage to deal with the Liao army that detoured several kilometers north and south from Yuguan. Or rush to help Yuguan and Guangning at any time.

On the top of Yuguan City, Di Qing was looking at the Liao army galloping in the distance with a telescope. Their soldiers have already set up a formation at the top of the city. Although they don't have artillery, they do have muskets. It shouldn't be a big problem to stop this wave of enemies.

"They are not many in number, so we can mobilize another two thousand soldiers to defend them. The biggest problem is that there must be other troops behind them. If they are surrounded by a large Liao army, it will be very difficult."

Di Qing's command was determined, and he ordered his soldiers to line up at the top of the city, aiming their muskets downwards, and then said to Huyan Shouyong beside him: "Therefore, we must give them a head-on attack. After repelling this enemy, we immediately began to attack the city. Transport artillery and stop enemy troops."

"Yes, Marshal."

Hu Yanshouyong already understood Di Qing's good intentions and nodded repeatedly to express his understanding.

Then Hu Yanshouyong went over in person to direct the soldiers to fight.

Two thousand more soldiers came one after another from the ships outside the city, relying on the city wall for defense. Although the muskets were powerful in field battles, it would be difficult to defend them if the cavalry detoured to both sides, so a city was naturally the best choice.

Soon in the dust and smoke, Shuluchuiliji was already less than three miles away from Yuguan. He suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "Stop!"


The messengers in the rear shouted loudly. In fact, this kind of shouting was of no use, but they would wave their arms and issue military orders.

So the cavalry behind them reined in their horses and stopped their charge.

Lieutenant General Die Tatsuya asked: "Xiang Wen, what's the matter?"

Shulvchuiliji's official title was Xiangwen, which was equivalent to the commander of the first army of the Song Dynasty.

He looked around and saw from a distance that the Song army was already on guard on the city, with heads popping up densely. His heart sank for a moment, knowing that he was late.

Of course he knew the result of the cavalry attacking the city, not to mention that they were originally a marching team and did not even have supplies on them. When passing through the cities in various places, the local cities were responsible for the supplies.

This means that they don't have much food with them, and they don't have any siege equipment. If they can't attack when the enemy's foothold is not stable, it will be difficult to complete the siege battle.

Wait a minute.

I remember that the person who escaped before said that the enemy used artillery to destroy the west gate of Yuguan and enter the city. In other words, the west gate of the city was broken?

Shulvchuiliji squinted his eyes and scanned the city. There seemed to be a lot of people on it, but an experienced veteran could tell at a glance that there seemed to be only a few hundred people on it. Moreover, he could not attack the east gate and go around the west gate.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "The enemy has occupied the city. It is impossible for us to rush through from the front, but do you still remember? The man just said that the Song Army used artillery to blow down the west gate."

Die Cida also opened his eyes wide and said, "Xiang Wen means that we bypass the east gate and charge through the west gate?"


Shulvchuiliji nodded, then waved his hand and said, "You lead two thousand people and detour from the north gate, and I will detour from the south gate. Do you understand?"


Repeated assassination should also be carried out.

Immediately in the wilderness, five thousand cavalry soldiers from the Liao Kingdom divided into two groups and rushed toward Yuguan in a mammoth manner.

There was a burst of exclamation at the head of Yuguan City, and someone shouted: "The enemy has taken a detour."

"General, are we going to the west gate?"

"Do you still need me to tell you? Go to Ximen immediately and start running."

Hu Yanshou shouted almost roaring.

A large number of Song soldiers panicked and put away their firearms aimed at the east gate and headed towards the west gate.

Only Di Qing still stood there calmly, while Hu Yanshouyong hurried over and said, "Commander, it's just as the commander said, they went to the west gate."

"Have you hidden everything?"

"Well, we have already asked them to hide under the river slope. Once the Liao people come over, we can rush out."

"Let the people on the boat fire a few cannons. The Liao people are not fools and will not be easily fooled."


Hu Yanshou hurriedly ran to the west gate again. He was really exhausted.

Just now he went to arrange the two thousand ambush troops, and then came to the top of the city to set up the array, and had to run up and down the city.

Fortunately, the Song army has now abandoned the heavy armor and is lightly equipped, with at most a rifle on his back, otherwise he would definitely be exhausted.

At this moment, the Liao army split into two groups, bypassing the east city of Yuguan and heading towards the west gate.

Just when they arrived near the two corners of the southwest and northwest walls of Yuguan, they heard the roar of artillery and more than ten black shells fell from the sky.

However, these artillery had almost no lethality. Except for an unlucky guy who was knocked off his horse by a stone splashed by a falling shell at a distance of more than ten feet, there was not even a single casualty.

The reason is that the Liao people ran away in a scattered manner, and the most important point is that the water level of the Yushui River is relatively low.

Under normal circumstances, unless the water level rises sharply, the river cannot exceed the city, and there will be a slope of the river bank. Moreover, it is early winter now, and the Yu River has entered the dry season. It is already very good for the ship to enter, not to mention that the ship can float.

Therefore, in this case, except for the two Flying Tiger frigates that are two stories high, the cannons on the second deck can barely fire, and the rest of the ships cannot hit the Liao cavalry.

However, the river bank is originally high and low, some places are slightly lower, and some places are slightly higher, so except for some places, most areas can still be taken care of by ships, so that Shanhaiguan can be blocked and the Liao people cannot cross the river.

‘They really didn’t have time to prepare for it. Now they just need to rush over and enter the city from the west gate of Yuguan to clear the enemies in the city. It’s a pity that the bridge was destroyed by them. ’

Shulu Chuliji saw the Song army hurriedly changing their positions on the top of the city, and he was relieved, which meant that the Song people were really unprepared.

The only bad news is that the bridge over the Yu River was destroyed by the Song people, and there are Song warships floating on the river. Even if he recaptures Yuguan, they can retreat to their ships, and then they can only sigh at the river.

‘Forget it, let’s recapture Yuguan first. As long as Yuguan is recaptured, we can also mobilize artillery from the rear to drive away the ships on the water at Yuguan or on the riverbank. ’

Shulu Chuliji thought.

There are only a few hundred Song soldiers in Yuguan City. Although the Song army’s muskets should not be underestimated, and the city gate is narrow, if the Song people use musket formations to attack them, it will indeed make them feel difficult, but they are not without countermeasures.

Shulu Chuliji touched the grenade on his waist. At present, the Liao Kingdom has only muskets that have not been developed. Simple firearms such as grenades, artillery, and thunderbolts have long been copied by them.

As long as they rush to the city and throw grenades into the city, even if they can’t kill many Song soldiers, they can disrupt their formation. They only need to rush into the city to win.

"Hahahahahahahaha, the Song people's artillery is just so-so. Boys, kill them."

Dieci Da saw that although the Song people's artillery looked fierce, it could not hurt them at all. He suddenly felt heroic and shouted happily, and rushed forward fiercely under the artillery fire.

Thousands of war horses galloped and shook the earth, and the roaring sound on the ground was as if the whole ground was shaking.

Smoke and dust lingered, they quickly bypassed the north and south gates of Yuguan, and soon gathered near the west gate. The Song army who hurried over from the west gate opened fire on the city.

However, if the firearms did not form a firepower network, they would have no power at all. Facing the swift and fierce Liao cavalry, the accuracy was very poor. Among the 5,000 Liao cavalry, only a few were hit by bullets.




The Liao people roared fiercely, howling like wild wolves, and roaring in various Liao languages.

They arrived outside the city quickly. The troops at the front took out grenades from their waists and threw them over the city wall almost before they even got close to the city gate.

Except for the city walls of Chang'an, Luoyang, Bianliang and other capital cities that were more than seven or eight meters high, the walls of other ordinary county towns were generally only three or four meters high, and at most five or six meters high, which ordinary people could easily throw over.

After a while, various explosions were heard in the city. When they ran to the west city gate, they saw that the outside of the west city gate was in a mess, with bullet holes everywhere, and shells embedded in the masonry walls.

But whether it was rammed earth walls or masonry walls, they had great resistance to artillery, and there was almost no phenomenon of artillery collapsing the walls. Therefore, these shells only made the walls dented, but the entire section of the wall did not suffer much damage.

On the contrary, the city gate had been blown down. After all, compared with the heavy city wall, even the iron city gate could not withstand the baptism of artillery shells. At this moment, through the city gate, you can still see that many Song soldiers have already lined up in the streets.


Dieci Da, who rushed over first, also roared.

Then a large number of Liao soldiers began to rush in from the west city gate, and then the Song people's muskets began to fire, and some people took out grenades and threw them, and various explosions were heard.

Shulü Chuoliji had also arrived, and it was not until this time that he noticed the terrain behind the Yuguan city.

Yushui is less than a mile away from the city. The terrain is a continuous small steep slope terrain. The slopes of each layer are not very high, but many small reverse slopes are folded, making it impossible to see the situation in the direction of Yushui.

Only two tall warships floating on the river surface were sinking and floating. It can be vaguely seen that the black muzzles on them are aimed at the direction of Yuguan, but no one fired.

The reason is that if it fires, it is easy to accidentally injure friendly forces.

'Sure enough, as I thought, after arriving at the West Gate, they did not dare to continue firing artillery. ’

A flash occurred in Shuluchuiliji's mind, and he immediately rushed towards the city gate.

At this critical moment, he was already relatively cautious. He saw the panicked Song army in the city and the Song warships on the Yushui River. If it were an ordinary opponent, the Song army would probably be defeated.

It's a pity that he met Di Qing.

Di Qing was still standing on the east gate tower at this moment. There were still about a hundred Song soldiers on the east gate, guarding against the possibility of a small group of Liao troops attacking.

Then I saw scouts coming over and reporting: "Report, the Liao people have passed through the south gate."

"Report, the Liao people have passed through the north gate."

"Report, the Liao people have approached the west gate."

"Report, the Liao people are attacking the west gate."

The scouts kept reporting the battle reports from the front to Di Qing, when they heard that the Liao people had begun to attack the west gate.

Di Qing raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Have they all gathered at the west gate?"

"Already gathered."

the scout replied.

"Blow the trumpet."


At that moment, the messenger sounded the trumpet.

The horn sound from the East City Gate sounded, and another messenger blew the horn a hundred meters away. Then, the horn sound was passed from layer to layer, and the horn sound was also heard from the West City Gate.

The desolate trumpet sound seemed to spread throughout the world, causing the Liao army's offensive to stall, because the Liao army behind was quite surprised.

This rhythm is not the horn rhythm command of the Liao people.

Shulu Chuiliji looked around in confusion. He knew that this was not their horn, it could only be the horn of the Song people. What was the sound of the Song people's horn?

While I was puzzled, I suddenly heard someone shouting heartbreakingly: "Song people, they are Song people!"

Before Shulvipiliji could follow the sound, he heard gunfire from behind.

When he turned his head, he saw that in the direction of Yushui, under the continuous gentle slopes, thousands of Song army heads emerged from nowhere. They pointed their guns at the Liao army that was attacking the city, and kept firing. Shooting bullets.


Shulu Chuiliji's eyes were filled with tears. He never expected that the Song people would actually be lying under those gentle slopes, quietly waiting for their arrival!

It's also his fault that he didn't know much about the terrain near Yuguan and suffered such a big loss.

But it's obviously too late now.

It was seen that as these ambush troops continued to fire, a large number of Liao soldiers fell down, and the rear was in chaos. The front did not rush in for the time being. The entire Liao army was already in extreme chaos.


Falling into the pocket formation deliberately prepared by Di Qing!

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