In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 374: Destroy Liao and swallow Xia, Northeast China's century-long plan


Xia Song, Du Yan, and Zheng Jian were stunned, not knowing what to say.

Originally, Du Yan and Zheng Jian wanted to scold Zhao Jun instinctively.

After all, in an ancient feudal dynasty, it might still be justified if you scolded the previous dynasty or an earlier emperor.

But you are criticizing the emperor of this dynasty, who is still the grandfather of the current emperor. That is scolding a bald donkey in front of a monk, which seems a bit excessive.

However, they saw that no one of the other prime ministers stood up to stop them.

Even Zhao Zhen himself didn't look angry at all.

They had no choice but to swallow their words.

Both of them had been in Yushitai and Jiantai before. They had upright personalities, and it was true that even the prime minister dared to pull him down.

Maybe someone who can reach the level of a second-grade official is not a fool himself.

You can naturally tell what the atmosphere at the scene is like.

What's more, even Zhao Zhen's family members didn't say anything, so why did they worry about the emperor's grandfather?

Isn’t that a dog meddling in other people’s business?

"Well, you don't need to be too surprised. This can be regarded as a problem left over from history."

Zhao Zhen was a little dumbfounded, and then simply told the three people that Zhao Jun came to the Song Dynasty, but was temporarily blind, and they used other identities to inquire about information.

At that time, they were also worried that Zhao Jun would not care about the authenticity of the identity of future generations. If it was true, he would speak of his own will after learning that he appeared in ancient times.

After all, as the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, the only thing Zhao Zhen could be sure of was that the imperial doctor had seen that Zhao Jun was indeed blind and could not see.

Once he is told the truth and Zhao Jun fabricates the facts wantonly, will they believe it or not?

There is nothing we can do about this.

Later, Zhao Jun was able to understand their caution.

"Anyway, it has been thousands of years since the Song Dynasty. It is normal for future generations not to have too much respect for their predecessors, just like we see the Qin and Han Dynasties now."

Yan Shu also helped Zhao Jun.

"That shouldn't be the case."

Du Yan muttered softly.

Xia Song said: "No wonder Zhiyuan is so knowledgeable and talented. It turns out there is such a reason."

As he spoke, he gave a thumbs up, grinned, and showed his triangular teeth and said: "I have long seen that the magistrate is a good person among people. When the magistrate was elected to take charge of the Constitutional Yuan, he was really welcomed by the public."


Zhao Jun looked at him with a half-smile.

"Heaven and earth can be used as lessons!"

Xia Song didn't care about his face at all and patted his chest in assurance.

In fact, as a smart man, he has completely seen Zhao Jun's status after today's meeting.

That was no longer status, it was simply imperial status.

He scolded his grandfather in front of the emperor, and the emperor could only smile awkwardly but politely.

Pure enough to shit on the emperor's head.

If you don't hug such thick thighs tightly, then how long will it take?

In the future, in the Constitutional Yuan, even if he has become the prime minister, he will only have to obey the leadership of his chief minister.

"Since everyone happens to be here, and the three newly admitted husbands are also here, let's just have a meeting and save having to talk about things in the afternoon."

Zhao Zhen suggested.

"But today's government affairs have not been dealt with yet, what should we talk about?"

Cai Qi asked.

In the past, everyone would handle today's government affairs and summarize important matters in Chongzheng Hall in the afternoon.

Today's government affairs haven't started yet, so naturally I don't know what to talk about.

Zhao Zhen waved his hand in disgust and said, "We talk about government affairs every day. I'm almost tired of listening to you even if you don't say I'm tired of it."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Jun again, his eyes almost shining, and said: "Dasun, tell me, can you pacify Xia and destroy Liao in a few years?"

"Brother, are you tired of waiting?"

Zhao Jun smiled.

"Yes. I didn't even sleep well last night when I learned that Zhang Kang and Jingtai had captured Qingtang, Zhuoluo and Nan."

Zhao Zhen is still a little excited now.

This was the achievement of opening up territory and expanding the territory, and the achievements of the entire dynasty were somewhat worse than those of the founder.

Zhao Jun muttered: "Within three to five years, there is no need to worry anymore."

Zhao Zhen also asked a few years ago, but Zhao Jun did not give a reply at that time. He just said that he would support Liao and Xixia as raw material producers.

This was originally his plan. After all, a feudal society that only wanted to gain territory but did not expand the cake could not hold on.

What's more, except for the land of Yanyun, most of the areas in Xixia and Liao are inhabited by foreigners. When they are ruled by the Han people, it is easy for them to resist.

Just like the Jurchens overthrew the Liao Dynasty and the Mongols overthrew the Jin Kingdom, uprisings and rebellions were everywhere in the occupied areas. It would be strange if they could develop peacefully.

However, plans always fail to keep up with changes.

His original plan was to deal with Xixia and Liao in twenty or thirty years. During this period, he would let them work obediently as coolies for the Song Dynasty and be a stepping stone for the Song Dynasty to set sail.

It is a pity that Xixia and Liao were restless and always provoked the Song Dynasty, thinking that they could challenge the authority of the Song Dynasty by developing a few artillery pieces.

Now have to deal with them too.

Otherwise, where is the majesty of the Song Dynasty?

After finally accumulating the hearts and prestige, but still not fighting back in the face of repeated provocations by the enemy, the people in the country and the rest of the countries around the world may have other thoughts.

Therefore, we can only destroy Liao and Xixia in advance.

Fortunately, the seeds had been planted as early as Kangding year, and the peace agreement had been signed for seven years.

In this short period of six or seven years, Xixia and Liao fell into the resource trap and economic trap of the Song Dynasty. Once the Song Dynasty launched sanctions, Xixia and Liao soon fell into trouble.

In a few years, they will probably become lambs to be slaughtered.

"I won't go into details about how to destroy Xixia and Liao. If you have time, you can explain it to the three ministers. Then today I will talk about what happened after Xixia and Liao were destroyed."

Zhao Jun went to the bookshelf behind Zhao Zhen's desk, pulled out a map from it, spread it out and said: "This is a rough map of our East Asia region. Take a look."

Everyone stood up from their chairs, walked to Zhao Jun and formed a circle, all looking at the beautifully crafted map of East Asia.

Especially for Xia Song and the other three, these maps are top secret. Except for the fleets that go out to the ocean, each copy is marked and must be handed in when returning from the sea. If it is lost or damaged, other departments will be held accountable. Impossible to have.

Once Liao and Xixia get these maps, it will cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, even Xia Song and other former second-level officials had never seen such a detailed map, and all of them opened their eyes wide.

"The area of ​​Xixia is about 800,000 square kilometers, and the area of ​​Liao is 5 million square kilometers. Where is the area we need to focus on?"

Zhao Jun pointed to the northeast and said: "Liaodong!"

"The area of ​​our descendants is very large, including the current Dali, Tubo, Xixia, Western Regions and most of the Liao Kingdom, covering an area of ​​nearly 10 million square kilometers."

"My idea now is that before I die, I want to take back these places, including Outer Mongolia and Treasure Island, and unify them completely."

"But judging from the current situation, I should be able to live for a long time. And with the current productivity and national strength, rashly annexing such a large land is not a good thing."

"The territory is too big and our scientific and technological capabilities cannot keep up. Once unrest breaks out in remote areas, the cost of our suppression will be very high and it will seriously drag down the government's finances."

"So the food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step."

"Tubo is close at hand, and the civil strife continues. There is no unified political power at all. It is very easy to capture it, but I have no idea about them."

"Because from a practical point of view, capturing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is of little value and will be detrimental to ourselves. Therefore, capturing Tibet is something I will do only in my later years."

"Now that we are going to take action against Xixia and Liao, we have to consider what we should do after winning these two countries to maximize our interests."

"The answer I give you is to develop the Northeast. Taking advantage of the end of the Little Ice Age and the global warming, we will desperately develop agriculture and technology, and then fill the Northeast with people."

"The Northeast is not only vast in territory, but also extremely rich in products. It has considerable mineral, fishing, hunting, nomadic, and forest resources. In later generations, our country's first heavy industrial production base was located here, and it was known as the eldest son of the Republic."

"As long as we develop the Northeast, our hands can continue to move north in the future, reaching out to Siberia, which is still uninhabited and full of polar bears, where there are rich oil and natural gas resources."

"It just so happens that the population resources of our Song Dynasty are booming, and the cotton industry provides cotton products to keep out the cold in the Northeast. After the Liao Kingdom is destroyed, we can find ways to attract a large number of people to the Northeast to pan for gold."

"As for the Mongolian grasslands, of course I want to take them all back. But for now, we should still mainly rule the Mongolian grasslands and let the nomads live their own lives."

"It's not that I favor one over the other, that I only want to revitalize the Northeast and ignore the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Mongolian grasslands. But from a realistic perspective, only by getting rich first can we drive wealth later. The situation in each region is different and the production conditions are different. It is impossible to do it all at the same time. Be rich."

"The other thing is that the land of Xixia, even in our later generations, was a very poor province in Gansu. It is not easy to develop. We can only rely on the land Silk Road to develop trade. When the country becomes rich in the future, it can slowly fill the gap."

Zhao Jun said a lot in one breath, and finally he set his sights on the Northeast.

Many people think that our country will be rich and powerful in future generations, just as it was in ancient times. So to conquer a huge country, isn’t it just a matter of having the right hands?

In fact, it is easier to conquer a country than to defend it.

Mongolia is great at conquering the country, but how about defending it? The shortest of the four khanates only lasted for more than 50 years, and the Yuan Dynasty only lasted for more than a hundred years. The longest-lived Chagatai Khanate also suffered from internal and external troubles.

Moreover, productivity was insufficient in ancient times. After conquering the country, the people lived in poverty. What was the point of not being able to develop?

Therefore, what Zhao Jun has to do is not just to conquer the country, but to manage the country well while conquering the country. Only in this way can the national power soar and have the foundation to dominate the entire East and dominate the world.

Otherwise, the country's national strength will not develop, and there will be civil strife and turmoil everywhere, and troops will have to be sent everywhere to suppress it. The final result will be nothing more than the fate of the Mongolian and Yuan Empire.

So the countries to be conquered now are Xixia and Liao Kingdoms. Of these two places, one is Gansu in later generations, and the other is the three northeastern provinces plus Mongolian grasslands, and large areas such as Khabarovsk and Sakhalin in later Russia.

These places were all bitter and barren in ancient times. Even in later generations, the natural conditions were not favorable. How easy is it to develop them?

Therefore, Zhao Jun must consider making use of areas with rich resources first, and then wait until national strength and technological productivity reach standards before building and transforming poor and backward areas.

This is also the development strategy of our country in future generations.

We will develop the eastern coastal cities first, and when the eastern cities become wealthy, we will begin to support the western region and engage in the development of the western region. Develop industries suitable for the construction of the western region, such as photovoltaics, wind energy, solar energy, etc.

In ancient times, the Northeast was rich in products. In addition, the area from Liaoze to the Song Dynasty had become smaller and smaller, exposing the fertile Northeast Plain.

Zhao Jun plans to fill in people in the Northeast first and develop the steel industry, agriculture, mining and animal husbandry in the Northeast. When the steam age becomes popular and the second industrial revolution occurs in the future, Hebei and Northeast China will be the two regions rich in coal and iron resources. , vigorously carry out the construction of heavy industries such as automobile and train manufacturing.

"Well, although it is an old way for later generations of countries, it is an old way that can stand the test. We must believe in the wisdom of future generations. When a huge empire is created in the new era, the people above must look very far away and full of hope. Vision.”

When Zhao Zhen heard Zhao Jun's plan, he nodded and said: "There is nothing wrong with following that great man. The only difficulty we encounter now is that the speed of technological development is still too slow. In later generations, Western countries have built huge industries System, we can find out the experience by crossing the river in Western countries, but now we are in the process of starting from scratch.”

"This process is definitely not easy, but it is also a process that we must go through. Now the steam era can be fully rolled out. In the next ten years, steam equipment will be everywhere in the Song Dynasty, and the electrification era of the second industrial revolution will , and how far will it be?”

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Faraday discovered the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in 1831, and then obtained a method to generate alternating current. In 1875, the world's first thermal power plant was built at the Gare du Nord in Paris to provide power for nearby lighting. From discovery to application, however, Forty years have passed, and we have now reached the end of Faraday’s journey.”

Now the Song Dynasty has invented electricity, and Faraday's electromagnetic induction experiment will now become Zhao Zhen's electromagnetic induction experiment. In other words, the Song Dynasty could generate electricity, and could even use electromagnetic induction and glass manufacturing technology to make light bulbs from tungsten filaments.

The only thing missing is power reserve technology, which is currently being studied by the Academy of Sciences. With luck, if a battery pack can be developed, Song Dynasty will soon be able to build a power plant to supply power.

But if we are unlucky and the technology fails to break through, the era of electrification may last for a long time.

But Zhao Jun was not too worried.

Although he didn’t know about battery technology, he did know that batteries have two levels: positive and negative. When he was a kid, he used Nanfu batteries when playing racing cars, and the packaging bag had the words carbon-zinc battery on it.

This means that the components of the battery must include carbon and zinc. As long as we follow this idea and find other component materials, it may not be long before a battery that can store electricity will be available.

"The next research direction of the Academy of Sciences is mainly to break through battery storage technology and telegraph technology that can enable long-distance communication, especially telegraph technology. This is actually not difficult. Electricity and conductive wires can be used for wired communication."

Zhao Jun said: "As for radio technology, I don't understand that thing, and the technology must have difficulties. It may not be easy to overtake in corners, so it is better to focus on technologies that can achieve and make breakthroughs."

"Well, I've made a note of this. When the time comes, I will start exploring telegraph technology in the research room."

Zhao Zhen nodded. He was now a physicist, chemist and biologist in the Song Dynasty.

Except for the slightly inferior mathematics level, which is about the ability of a junior high school to high school student, the rest of the chemistry and physics levels are basically at the high school level or above.

Recently, he has even begun to study microscopes and astronomical telescopes, trying to make breakthroughs in biology and astronomy.

It can be said that Zhao Jun is responsible for governing the country, and he is responsible for academic research, and they complement each other.

"Then today is the content of the meeting I want to talk about. This may be a long-term plan, but it will not be long before it can be realized, so I think the Constitutional Yuan should make plans early to start operating Liaodong as soon as possible after the destruction of the Liao Kingdom."

Zhao Jun finally concluded.

The country's own development needs to be done, but at the same time, the aftermath of the destruction of the enemy country must also be done.

The grasslands can be temporarily ruled by Jisi, but the Northeast must be included in the territory.

The first is the premise of development, and the two can also curb the rising Jurchens.

This is a century-old plan for the country and cannot be taken lightly.

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