In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 38 Lack of Natural Resources

"Old man, it's time to eat."

"Come back soon."

"The food is getting cold."


"Teacher Zhao, let's go home and eat first. You can sit down first."

"We'll come over and chat with you after dinner."

Just after Zhao Jun finished talking about the scientific system needed for industrialization, Zhao Zhen calculated the time and decided to take a rest.

He waved to Wang Shouzhong in the distance. Wang Shouzhong understood and arranged for the old ladies to shout in the distance.

At that moment, King Lu Yijian Zeng and others made an excuse to go home for dinner.

This is also a way for them to go back and have meetings after the lecture to digest the content.

Zhao Jun didn't know it and greeted them with a smile.

"Okay, okay, please walk slowly."

"It's okay, I'll get some sunshine first, and I'll go back to sleep later."

"Okay, let's talk later."

After sending these old men away, Zhao Jun lay on the chair and continued to bask in the sun, asking Fan Zhongyan for a glass of water.

At this moment, he was sitting in the yard outside Guanjia Hall, with farmland and fences next to him.

There is a cool breeze blowing in Bianliang today, and the afternoon sun is shining warmly. The air is mixed with the fragrance of soil and grass, soaking into the heart and spleen.

The air in the mountains is so good!

Zhao Zhen and the others returned to the Guanjia Hall. After everyone arrived, Wang Sui said anxiously: "Guan, this fertilizer can double the yield per mu!"

"Yes, if we can double the food supply of the Song Dynasty, why worry about not being able to bring peace to the world and prosperity to the world?"

"Looking at what Zhao Jun means, he seems to know how to make fertilizer?"

"Ask him then."

Zhao Zhen said: "What do you think of this mathematics? According to Zhao Jun, mathematics is the foundation of science, and science can cause the industrial revolution and greatly enhance national power."

"Officials and ministers believe that mathematics is not only the foundation of science, but also the foundation of the nation."

Sheng Du, who is quite economical, said: "Arithmetic was not popular in the Song Dynasty. Many people could only add and subtract within ten, let alone multiplication and division. Except for scholars who had read poetry and books, only merchants could learn it. This This resulted in many people being injured due to lack of arithmetic.”

"I remember that I encountered a case when I was sent to Jeju. Zhou Xian, a grain merchant in Luqiao, teamed up with several scholars in the town to make false accounting books when collecting grain. Through extremely complicated accounting methods, they stole a lot of money from the people. "

Wang Zeng recalled an incident from that year and said: "When the people encounter a good year, they want to sell some grain to exchange for money and buy other items. They don't know arithmetic, so they often ask scholars for advice. The scholars join forces with businessmen to deliberately reduce and omit calculations. , turning the grain that could have been sold for 1 pound into 900 or even 800 or 700 cash, seriously hurting people's livelihood. "

This is a typical case where intellectuals and capitalists join forces to harm ordinary people. The ordinary people may know some addition and subtraction such as finger-picking, but they cannot do more complicated multiplication and division, so they often ask scholars who know arithmetic to teach them. When encountering bad scholars, they will work with the capitalists to deceive the people.

Such cases abounded in ancient times because mathematics was not developed as a popular education in ancient times.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, intellectuals from poor families rose, but it was only a rise. Compared with all living beings, the proportion of scholars was still a small number.

It wasn’t until the literacy campaign in New China that the literacy rate increased.

And this is literacy.

Mathematics was only a niche subject in ancient times. In the Tang Dynasty, at least there was a science of mathematics, which would recruit some talents who studied mathematics to serve as officials. But in the Song Dynasty, the content of mathematics examinations was cancelled, and there were many fewer people who specialized in mathematics.

It's just that because the Song Dynasty paid more attention to industry and commerce, there were many people who independently studied basic mathematics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

But generally they are just some scholars and businessmen. Ordinary people cultivate their own three-thirds of an acre of land. It is considered good if they can have enough to eat, let alone have the spare time to study and do math.

Therefore, the foundation of mathematics is not only missing the intermediate system, but also not officially promoted among the people.

However, there was still some mathematical soil in the Song Dynasty. During the Song Dynasty, the economy was prosperous and the sprouts of capitalism had emerged. Capitalism was inseparable from mathematical calculations. If the Song Dynasty government promoted it properly, science might not be able to take root among the people.

"Do you think, gentlemen, that promoting mathematics is beneficial and harmless?"

Zhao Zhen asked.

Lu Yijian thought: "There is great resistance to Fan Zhongyan's reform. If you are not careful, it may cause opposition from officials all over the world. But there seems to be no disadvantages in mathematics. What's more, the Tang Dynasty promoted arithmetic and set up arithmetic subjects to admit officials. Our Song Dynasty commerce Prosperity also requires arithmetic to penetrate the people, and it doesn’t hurt.”


Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Then according to Zhao Jun, we should indeed widely promote mathematics, so how should we promote it?"

Everyone looked at each other and said in unison: "Added to the imperial examination."

This is the simplest and crudest method.

Zhao Zhen pondered: "Incorporating mathematics into the imperial examination can indeed be widely promoted, but Zhao Jun said that the mathematics of the Song Dynasty lacked a system and there was no intermediate derivation process."

Lu Yijian smiled, pointed to Zhao Jun who was still chatting with Fan Zhongyan not far away, and said: "Guan family, isn't there someone there who can help us improve the system?"

Everyone smiled knowingly. With Zhao Jun here, are you still afraid that you won't be able to perfect the scientific system?

After a while, after they had determined the time to finish their meal, they came out one after another, sat in the yard one by one, and continued chatting with Zhao Jun.

First, they chatted about family affairs for a while. After the pretenders arrived, Fan Zhongyan, who had been taking notes and accompanied Zhao Jun, guided Zhao Jun again to continue the previous topic.

Now that Yan Shu is away because his wife is seriously ill, Fan Zhongyan is now doing Yan Shu's previous work. Although Fan Zhongyan's temporary reaction ability is not as good as Yan Shu's, his advantage is that he is mostly taciturn.

Talking less means making fewer mistakes. Even if Zhao Jun took the initiative to chat with him, he would at most say um, um, um, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, and ah, even if Zhao Jun took the initiative to chat with him.

"Teacher Zhao just said that we were unable to establish an industrial revolution in ancient China because of the lack of scientific system, as well as the institutional and natural environment. We just learned about the scientific system. What is the situation of the institutional and natural environment?"

Fan Zhongyan asked while looking at his notes.

"Yes, Teacher Zhao, we are quite curious. Just tell us."

"Teacher Zhao is really knowledgeable and talented. We don't know these things."

"That's for sure. Teacher Zhao is a top student at the National People's Congress."

When Zhao Zhen was praising, he deliberately emphasized the word "National People's Congress", which seemed to be quite mocking.

In fact, he was not mocking, but gnashing his teeth, secretly hating that rotten student from a great university. Why did he scold his ancestors every day?

Zhao Jun was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear when he heard the praise from everyone.

These days, Yan Shu has also figured out his temper. He is a good young man with a kind heart and a delicate mind. The only disadvantage is that the city is too shallow and he can easily get carried away.

This is probably a common problem among teenagers. When others give them a little flattery, they become so happy that they can't find anything to say, and everything they say is taken away.

Perhaps this is the so-called clarity that reveals stupidity.

Zhao Jun saw that everyone still wanted to continue listening, so he reluctantly said: "Okay, I will continue to talk. In addition to the fact that our ancient scientific system did not form a complete standard, resulting in the fact that although it is more than a thousand years ahead of Western civilization, it has not been completed. In addition to the industrial revolution, there is also the issue of geographical environment. "

"Geographically, we have a huge disadvantage."

"Professor at the University of California and historian Pomeranz believes that the reason why China cannot have an industrial revolution is that the distribution of China's natural resources is not suitable for efficient exploitation and it lacks some key resources."

"None of China's large coal mines are located near river transport routes, and the geographical landscape itself hinders China's rapid industrialization."

"At the same time, Chinese agriculture was too prosperous because of Champa rice in the first millennium, and there was an agricultural revolution, so that there was no need for further innovation. On the contrary, Europe's starting level was lower, so there was a stronger desire to rapidly develop science and technology. need."

"In addition, the four basic raw materials for industry: rubber, steel, coal, and oil are in short supply. The main ones are rubber and oil. We don't have rubber at all. It wasn't until the 1950s that the first large oil field, the Karamay Oil Field, was discovered. The Daqing Oilfield was discovered only in the 1990s.”

"The West entered the colonial era earlier, by plundering rubber from South America and oil from Central Asia, using the primitive capital accumulated in the early stage to rapidly industrialize."

“So under the influence of the natural environment, unless the government promotes it artificially, such as building canals in coal and iron ore producing areas, going overseas to search for rubber, and getting shallow oil from the Middle East that can be dug out with a shovel, and purposefully promote industrial development, Otherwise, it is impossible to complete the industrial foundation with the private free market alone.”

Zhao Jun himself felt helpless when it came to this.

In fact, ancient Chinese technology was not bad, and there were even many black technologies that were a thousand years ahead of the West.

For example, the incense balls popular in the Song Dynasty had a gyroscope inside. The waterborne observatory manufactured by Su Song was the world's first mechanical clock and first astronomical observatory. Needless to say, firearms are the originator of firearms.

But rubber and oil were missing.

As a component with sealing, shock absorption, buffering and other functions, rubber can be used as sealing rings in tires, machines, pipe belts, etc. It is especially important for seals in high-temperature water vapor environments.

Steam engines and internal combustion engines require rubber very much.

Oil is even more important, and has been the most important resource until the 21st century. Mold has grown everywhere in the Middle East for the sake of oil, which can be said to be the main factor in the chaos in the Middle East.

However, in ancient times, rubber was only available in South America. China did have oil, but it was all underground oil. The Daqing Oil Field is located 1,300 meters below the surface.

Let alone ancient times, this position was not at that level even in the late Qing Dynasty. Xiaoli used the most advanced exploration equipment to explore only one thousand meters away, and was still three hundred meters away from the oil field.

Therefore, although there were certain sprouts of capitalism in the Song Dynasty and the late Ming Dynasty in ancient China, it might be possible for a capital market to be born, thus giving rise to the Industrial Revolution.

But in fact, limited by natural resources, this possibility is still unlikely.

Everyone, please don’t give up. You must continue to pursue your studies. Otherwise, if you don’t pursue your studies, there will be no recommendation and no grades. The vicious cycle will easily end. I am also an unlucky person. The old book ended in July and a new one started in August. I met great masters one after another and was brutally suppressed. It is already very miserable. If you still want to support it, there will be no hope of progress, so you must continue to support it. You can’t stop reading, giving rewards, collecting, recommending tickets, and monthly tickets!

In addition, if you are worried about the protagonist's delay in regaining his sight, don't worry too much. It will be soon and you will be able to see it soon.

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