In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 388 The Song Dynasty Entrusts You

When Zhao Jun and other prime ministers heard the news and rushed to Lu's house, they saw that Lu Yijian's face was rosy and his mental state seemed to be good.

But everyone knew that this was just a superficial phenomenon.

Because in ancient times, if there was no special accident, the nobles would often have a period of last moments before dying of illness, even close to death.

This is not because of their special status, so God gave them more time, it was purely because they were rich.

With money, you can hire the best doctors and use the best and most expensive medicine.

Even if you are about to die, the doctor can give you acupuncture, plus let you take some hundreds of years of wild ginseng, Angong Niuhuang Pills, etc., to keep you alive for a while.

Lu Yijian was already in a critical condition at the time. If he was not rescued in time, he would probably not wait until his family sent a letter to the palace, and then wait until Zhao Jun and others heard the news and rushed over.

But the Lu family is a real wealthy family. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that they are rich enough to rival a country, but it is definitely not an exaggeration to describe them as piles of gold and jade.

So when they found that Lv Yijian was in critical condition, the Lv family quickly paid a lot of money to hire the best Chinese medicine doctor in Bianliang City. He first gave him acupuncture and then fed him some precious life-saving drugs, and only then did he recover.

Lv Yijian's face soon became ruddy. After his cloudy eyes opened, his mind seemed to be clear. Except that he couldn't get out of bed, he looked much better.

Only the doctor knew that this was actually acupuncture and drugs that stimulated Lv Yijian's physical potential, and he had a last burst of vitality.

At most a few days, at least one or two days or even half a day, when the overdrawn physical potential is exhausted and the vitality dissipates, Lv Yijian may die completely, and even the gods can't save him.

Therefore, the doctor secretly told his family that they could prepare for the funeral.

However, as a politician, Lv Yijian naturally couldn't just stay at home and wait for death.

Just as Wang Zeng was thinking about his offspring before he died, Lv Yijian immediately asked his family to notify Zhao Zhen after he woke up.

Zhao Zhen couldn't leave the palace, so he could only ask Zhao Jun and others to come and see.

At this moment, the smell of medicine filled the room. Lv Yijian was supported by his family and leaned against the head of the bed. The five sons of Lv Gongchuo, Lv Gongyu, Lv Gongzhu, Lv Gongbi, and Lv Gongru were all in the room.

Each of them looked haggard and worried.

For a political family, if the next generation of politicians has not grown up yet, the old generation of the previous generation will die, which is definitely a disaster from heaven.

Without the political resources of the previous generation, the promotion of the next generation will inevitably be difficult.

So everyone understands that at present, Lv Yijian is quietly waiting for the arrival of many colleagues in the Political System Institute, which is to exert his remaining heat and burn the last bit of light for the Lv family.

"Zhiyuan, Yan Xiang, Cai Xiang, Song Xiang."

When the sons of the Lv family saw everyone coming, they hurried over to greet them one by one.

Zhao Jun and others nodded slightly, and then looked at the head of the bed.

"Lv Gong."

They walked to the bed.

Lü Yijian said to Lü Gongchuo and others, "You guys go out first."

Although his face looked okay, his voice was very weak, as if he had no strength left.


Lü Gongchuo and others walked out backwards and closed the door.

The room was dark, with only a bright lamp next to it still emitting light, and Lü Yijian's face was hidden in the shadow of the lamp.

"Lü Gong."

Yan Shu came to the bed and held his hand.

Lü Yijian smiled bitterly and said, "My death is coming soon."

He said this with some emotion, and gently patted Yan Shu's hand and said, "I fought with Wang Xiaoxian for the second half of my life. In history, I was dismissed from my position as prime minister together with him. I didn't expect that I would die with him in the same year now."

Li Di poked his head out and said, "Old man, didn't you fight with me in the first half of your life? I haven't left yet, why are you leaving first?"

Lü Yijian laughed and said, "Then have you fought with me in the first half of your life?"


Several prime ministers who knew their relationship laughed.

"You old man."

Li Di was speechless for a moment, and rolled his eyes in anger.

Although Wang Zeng had never fought with Lü Yijian, whether in history or now, he could at least be considered as a rival in the Constitutional Court.

Not only did Li Di fail to defeat Lü Yijian, he was also driven out of the court. He was indeed defeated.

"Okay, we are all this age, don't act like children."

Zhao Jun was still mature and steady, and said: "Taishigong said that everyone will die one day, some are lighter than a feather, some are heavier than Mount Tai. I won't comfort you that you can live a long and healthy life, but what I can say is that you have not lived in vain and can leave your name in history."

"If I can hear this from you, Hanlong, I will die without regrets."

Lv Yijian was not angry because Zhao Jun did not comfort him, but was a little happy.

After all, Zhao Jun's attitude towards him has not been very good over the years, and it is already very good to get such an evaluation.

Song Shou stepped forward and said: "Lv Gong, do you have any wishes?"

Lv Yijian sighed: "I have lived enough in this life. It has come to this point, and I only hope that the mountains and rivers are safe. It's a pity that I used to think that I had three great wishes before I died, but now only one has been fulfilled."

Everyone stood where they were and listened patiently.

Then I saw Lu Yijian continue to say: "My first wish is to ride that train. After the train from Bianliang to Weishi opened in March this year, I took a ride and was very satisfied."

"The second wish is to witness the arrival of the electrification era, but now the first industrial revolution has not been completed, so it seems difficult to achieve."

"The third wish is to see Yanyun return, but I have heard news many times that my Song Dynasty has not yet completed this."

After he finished speaking, he lay on the bed with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

For a person who has seen the only high-tech in the future - the notebook, he is very envious of the things recorded in the notebook, and he always wants to see what the world will be like in the future.

Just like a person in the 21st century, he will also be very curious about what kind of era technology will be in a few hundred years.

Can humans solve cancer, AIDS, and ALS.

Can humans achieve immortality.

Can humans go beyond the solar system and go to the more distant places in the Milky Way.

Only after seeing the mountains can you know how small you are. And if you stand on the top of the mountain, look at the sky above your head, and discover the boundless universe, you will understand the greatness and vastness of the world.

If the Song Dynasty is likened to the bottom of a mountain, the 21st century is the top of a mountain, and future technology is the sky, then Zhao Jun has at least stood on the top of the mountain and looked up at the starry sky. Even if he is still an ant, he is no longer an ignorant ant.

But for Lü Yijian and others, they have lived at the bottom of the mountain for decades and have never had the opportunity to see the top of the mountain.

Because they never knew that they lived at the bottom of the mountain, and never knew that there was a mountain top and an endless starry sky above their heads. They were only in the world they knew.

When one day a person who came down from the mountain broke this cognition, then no matter who it was, they would involuntarily raise their heads and look up at that piece of heaven and earth.

I was old and weak, and I couldn't climb to the top of the mountain, and fell on the way to climb the mountain. This is not only Lü Yijian's regret, but also Wang Sui, Sheng Du, Wang Zeng and others' regret. In the future, it may also become Yan Shu, Cai Qi, Song Shou and others' regret.

Zhao Jun knew what he meant.

Yan Shu and others also understood Lü Yijian's thoughts.

Because they felt the same as him.

"You want to witness the electrification era, and I want to go back to the future information age. It's a pity that you can't see the electrical age, and it's also difficult for me to see the information age. As for other wishes."

Zhao Jun blinked and said humorously: "Originally, these three wishes should have realized two of them, but it's a pity that Lao Fan's luck is a bit bad. It's snowing heavily in Yanyun now, and it's not easy for him to force the attack on the city. Otherwise, you can ask the King of Hell for a leave and wait until next year?"

Everyone was stunned.

Then they all laughed.

"Hahaha, ask the King of Hell for a leave?"

"Yes, Lu Gong, how about asking someone to talk to the people below and add a little more life?"

"I think it's okay, maybe Lu Gong can see the birth of his great-grandson during this leave."

Everyone laughed.

Everyone in the room smiled.

For a while, the solemnity and grief brought by Lu Yijian's impending death were diluted a lot.

Lu Yijian also laughed.

In fact, at this point, people basically let it go.

No matter how much you fear death or don't want to die, the aging of the body is inevitable, and it will eventually come to this point.

If others just comfort you, saying that you are only 68 years old, as long as you take good care of yourself, your body will definitely recover, it will make people feel hypocritical.

Because Lu Yijian was not just ill, but was already in a state of terminal illness and about to die.

You know your own body, and such comfort is meaningless.

So sometimes less hypocrisy, more sincerity or humor may be more comforting.

"Okay, I'm a dying man, and you are still joking with me, not to mention that you are all in your 50s and 60s, cough cough cough."

Lu Yijian was about to say something to his colleagues, but suddenly he coughed violently.

"Mr. Lu."

"Mr. Lu Xu."

"Old Lu, how are you?"

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly came forward to ask.

Lü Yijian covered his mouth, then waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I can still live for a while."

He raised his head, looked around at everyone, and first looked at Yan Shu, and smiled, "Uncle Tong, you are also much older."

Yan Shu smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, after all, I have reached this age."

"Take care of your health, don't be like me, and help me take care of the emperor. I am worried about him."

Lü Yijian's eyes became slightly cloudy.

It can't be said that Zhao Zhen was brought up by him, but since the emperor succeeded to the throne at the age of thirteen, the power in the court has always been controlled by Empress Dowager Liu.

At that time, there were countless ministers in the court who flattered the empress dowager, and some even clamored about Wu Zetian's past. For example, Cheng Lin, the then Chief Censor, gave Liu E a picture of "Empress Wu in the Court" to hint.

If it weren't for the ministers headed by Lü Yijian who argued with Empress Dowager Liu and protected the little emperor all the way up, I'm afraid no one would know what the future would be like.

So it can be said that in the first half of Zhao Zhen's life, Lü Yijian was not only his minister and teacher, but also his most important support.

In history, when Lü Yijian died of illness, Zhao Zhen stopped court for three days. He not only ordered all civil and military officials to go to pay their respects, but also wore mourning clothes in the back garden and mourned for Lü Yijian in person. This shows how deep their relationship was.

"Well, I know. I will advise the emperor from time to time."

Yan Shu patted his hand gently.

Lü Yijian then looked at Song Shou and forced a smile, saying, "Gongchui, I have relied on your support in the Political Affairs Hall and the Political System Council over the years, otherwise I would not be able to do it alone."

Song Shou said sternly, "Gong Lu's heart for the country and the people is witnessed by heaven and earth. Since I am the Vice Minister of State Affairs, I should do my best to help you, which is also my duty."


Lü Yijian responded, then looked at Cai Qi and said, "Zisi, although Xiaoxian and I have different political views, we have never had any grudges. When I was the Vice Minister of State Affairs, it was Xiaoxian who strongly recommended me to be the prime minister, but in the end we lost our friendship because of our different political views. Please don't take this to heart."

Cai Qi shook his head and said, "Since we have different political views, it's just a difference in political views. How can we lose our friendship?"

When a man is about to die, his words are also good.

Although Wang Zeng and Cai Qi's team had many disputes with Lv Yijian and Song Shou's team, and even once it reached a point where it was either me or him.

But now that Wang Zeng has passed away and Lv Yijian is about to leave, all these are like the dust of the past, and will naturally dissipate.

Lv Yijian looked at him gratefully, then looked at Li Di and said the same thing to him.

There are also Zhang Shixun, Jia Changchao, Jiang Tang, Xia Song, Du Yan, etc.

There are several people who have grudges against Lv Yijian, such as Li Di was driven out of the court by Lv Yijian, and Xia Song had a dispute with Lv Yijian and was suppressed by Lv Yijian.

But all this naturally disappeared in the face of death.

Even if everyone here knows that Lv Yijian is actually paving the way for his descendants, hoping that the resentment will disappear after his death, and that his descendants will not be implicated because of him.

After all, it is true that people are forgotten when they leave. Even if Lü Yijian is friendly with many prime ministers here, as long as one of them has a grudge against him and wants to suppress the descendants of the Lü family, the other prime ministers will have to think twice about offending the living for the sake of a dead person.

So why is politics cruel? Human relationships are useful in many cases, but not necessarily in politics. The power of prime ministers varies. It costs too much to fight to the death with a living person of the same level for a dead person.

Soon Lü Yijian finished talking to everyone here, as if he was telling his last words. At the end, his eyes were on Zhao Jun.

He whispered, "Hanlong, can I talk to you alone?"

This is a request.

It is unimaginable that Lü Yijian, who used to be arbitrary and liked to have the final say, used a tone of request.

Zhao Jun was a little surprised, but he turned around and said to everyone: "Okay, don't gather around. The court still has a lot of government affairs to deal with. Let's leave it at that for today. I'll talk to Prime Minister Lu alone."

Yan Shu glanced at the two of them, and then said: "Okay, we'll go back first."

"Mr. Lu, take care."

"I'll visit Mr. Lu again tomorrow."

"Then I'll take my leave first."

The prime ministers didn't stay, and they naturally knew that Lu Yijian had something to say to Zhao Jun.

After a while, everyone went out and the door was closed. For a moment, the air in the room, which was originally a little turbid because of the crowd, seemed to be a little fresher.

"Cough cough cough."

Lu Yijian coughed a few times.

Zhao Jun pulled a chair over from the side, sat on the bed and said: "Old Lu, what do you want to say to me? If you want me to take care of your descendants, then forget it. Let's not talk about the three generations of prime ministers. I can't do it. Just say that your son Lu Gongzhu will also be a prime minister in the future. What do you have to worry about?"

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Compared with Wang Xiaoxian's descendants who are mediocre, I still have an outstanding son who can be a prime minister in the future. I have nothing to worry about."

Lv Yijian smiled bitterly and shook his head, then raised his head, looked at Zhao Jun seriously and said: "In fact, I just want to see you and tell you something from my heart. You have been in the Song Dynasty for eleven years, and I think you have never been so open with me."

"You are a bad old man. You are thinking about harming me all day long. I don't want to be open with you."

Zhao Jun pretended to be disgusted.

In fact, his mood is more complicated now.

He really doesn't like Lu Yijian.

But after all, they have worked together for many years, and he was the first to surrender.

If Lü Yijian had not been the leader and decided to establish the Political System Council, he probably would not have seized power so early.

So he could not say how much he hated Lü Yijian.

It can only be said that people's hearts are indeed complex and changeable. At least he could not simply judge whether Lü Yijian was good or bad.

Just like Lü Yijian excluded dissidents and suppressed political enemies in politics, he was one of the members of the conservative interest group that resisted Fan Zhongyan's Qingli New Deal.

But he maintained the imperial power, was good at governing, was an honest official, and had remarkable achievements in governing the local areas.

Right and wrong, who can tell clearly?


Lü Yijian looked at Zhao Jun seriously and said, "The Song Dynasty is handed over to you."

Zhao Jun did not answer immediately after hearing this, but looked at him seriously.

After a moment, he asked back: "Are you serious?"


"Why do you say that? It's like the emperor is entrusting his son to someone else, and aren't you afraid that the person in the palace will know?"

"It's because I know the character of that person in the palace that I say that."

Lv Yijian sighed and said: "The emperor is too soft-hearted. The reason why I am so strong is because the emperor is too soft-hearted and indecisive. If he is not strong, the emperor will take a long time to make a decision on some trivial matters. How can he govern the Song Dynasty like this?"

As he spoke, he looked at Zhao Jun and said: "I blocked you at the beginning, wanting you to take the imperial examination first, and then slowly integrate into the scholar-bureaucrats. Do you think I was worried that your appearance would destroy the scholar-bureaucrat class and dissipate our interest groups?"

"Is not it?"

Zhao Jun asked back.


Lu Yijian admitted: "But I have another worry."

"you say."

Zhao Jun listened.

"The officials have a soft temper. You are just a young boy after all. Even if you come from a later generation, the national conditions are different, so you immediately started to carry out drastic reforms. What if you caused the Song Dynasty to perish early?"

Lu Yijian shook his head and said: "That's why I couldn't let you take power immediately after your eyes recovered. At least I wanted to see your ability."

If this was said eleven years ago, Zhao Jun would not believe it even if it matched every punctuation mark.

But now, he believes it.

Because he is now standing at this height and sitting in this position.

Put yourself in Lu Yijian's shoes, if he were not a descendant, but a native of the Song Dynasty, he would probably be obstructed if he were put in Lu Yijian's position.

After all, you can't just say what you say. Even if what you say is right, theory and practice are two different things.

There are too many scholars in this world who think they can guide the country and scold Fang Qiu. As a result, once I got started, I realized that he was just a person with high ambitions and low hands, who talked nicely.

In the five thousand years of Chinese history, there are only a handful of great men like Huo Qubing, Zhuge Liang, and others who shook the world as soon as they were born.

So at this moment, he understood Lu Yijian's thoughts.

"You yourself know what happened later. Although you were a little reckless at the time, you were not incompetent. You dared to fight and fight hard, which also made us ashamed."

Lu Yijian said in a long voice: "From that time on, we were naturally willing to give you this authority. In the eleven years since Yang Yang, you have not let us down, and you have finally made the Song Dynasty rise!"

"So at this moment, I just hope that you can sit in that position again and govern the Song Dynasty well. Don't let the weakness of the officials become the decline of the Song Dynasty. Don't let the glory of today be lost tomorrow." It collapsed in an instant.”

"I would like to thank you!"

Lu Yijian struggled to raise his hands and salute Zhao Jun.

But Zhao Jun gently put his hand on his and slowly pressed it down. This was the first time he took the initiative to grab Lu Yijian's hand, and it was also the first time he let go of this old man who he had never dealt with before.

He said softly: "I agreed."

"Thank you."

Lu Yijian responded softly, as if after saying these two words, his energy and energy had been drained, and he fell softly.

Zhao Jun saw that his chest was rising and falling and that he was still breathing, so he placed him on the bed and let him have a slightly comfortable position to rest. Then he stood up and said: "I will govern the Song Dynasty for you. This is My promise to you, old Mr. Lu.”

After that, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Lu Yijian's time is running out, and he needs his family to accompany him on his final journey.



"Da Song entrusted it to you."

"You have to work harder."

"More powerful."

"start running."

"You have to run."

"You want the Song Dynasty to stand on top of the world."

The sound has become weaker and weaker.

Almost unnoticeable.

Lu Yijian slowly stretched out his left hand, as if trying to grab Zhao Jun's back.

But after lifting it up just a little bit, it fell softly.

His eyes went from being sober at first to becoming increasingly cloudy, and finally, there was only a trace of murmuring left.

Perhaps Zhao Jun's appearance has brought them the last glimmer of hope for this group of old men who once only fought for power and tried every means to suppress their political opponents.

It allows them to find their own meaning in life during the rest of their lives.

And now, they will pass away.

This glimmer of dawn still supported them, allowing them to walk into the grave with peace of mind and return to dust.

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