In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 398 Great achievements, shared with the world

In the early morning of January 27, the seventh year of Qingli in the Song Dynasty.

At the end of the morning, at dawn, Xianfeng Gate, one of the north gates of Bianliang, became busy.

The spring sun is shining brightly, and people outside the city carry all kinds of things into the city to sell, including rice, live fish, woven fabrics, furs, livestock, etc.

There were endless hawking sounds in the streets, and there were even people driving fat pigs into the city to be slaughtered on the spot for the morning market.

The air is filled with various smells.

At this time, after eleven years of development, Bianliang Kaifeng Mansion had already changed its appearance.

Let’s talk about urban changes first.

Tube buildings are rising from the ground one after another, and small coal stoves are placed inside and outside every house. The piles of briquettes are piled up like mountains, which dispelled a lot of the chill of last winter.

The population is increasing, and factories are opening one after another outside the city. There are countless steel factories, textile factories, cement factories, and brick factories of various types.

Migrant workers who came to Bianliang to look for work came to the factory one after another, adding to the prosperity of Bianliang and taking it to a higher level.

At the same time, as the construction of the Fourth Ring Road accelerates, the urbanization progress in the periphery is also higher. Reinforced concrete houses are mainly concentrated outside the city. There are relatively few in the outer city and the inner city, and they still maintain their antique charm.

Only after leaving the city, it was no longer the willow bank with dawn and wind and moon as Liu Yong said. Instead, it was a row of high-rise buildings, busy with traffic and crowded with people, and the excitement was a hundred times more than before.

Then there are the food changes.

Nowadays, the dining table of Bianliang people has not changed much. It is still mainly rice and wheat, and the main increase is meat.

Except for the very poor who choose to eat the newly imported potatoes, corn, and sweet potatoes, most of them are actually used as livestock feed.

This is the same as when corn was introduced to Italy.

In the early years, Western colonists brought corn from the Americas, but Europeans didn't like it very much, so they always used it as livestock feed.

It was not until the great famine occurred in Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries that corn became the staple food, and the food polenta, which is polenta made from corn, was derived.

Therefore, when there is no shortage of staple food in the Song Dynasty and the grain reserves are relatively abundant, newly introduced crops rarely become the main food. Either used as livestock feed, or used as a condiment in cooking like chili.

But it's a good thing anyway.

After all, although the introduction of new crops was not used as staple food, it actually increased the development of animal husbandry. Moreover, Zhao Zhen had already invented castrated pigs to make the pork meat more delicious, thereby enriching the dining tables of the Song people.

In addition, clothes have also changed a lot. For example, military coats are very popular in winter, and Song people's clothing has gradually become looser and more comfortable.

With the development of the textile industry, cotton, wool and other products have flowed in in large quantities, and clothing styles are constantly changing.

From the original robes to the present spring and summer, the emergence of trousers, short shirts, and even the button industry has greatly changed the clothes of the people in the Song Dynasty and made the lives of the Song people colorful.

It is even said that there are rumors in the palace of some kind of black silk dyed with silk. Now it is circulating on the market in a very small market. However, even if the price of a piece of black silk is extremely high, the supply exceeds the demand...

As for travel, there is not much to say.

As Zhao Zhen invented better rubber, rubber tires slowly entered the market, and bicycles already appeared, but they were not yet popular.

It is expected that within five years, the heavy traffic on the streets of the Song Dynasty will no longer be dominated by wooden tire carts, horse-drawn carriages, donkey carts, and ox carts, but will be dominated by rubber tire carts, horse carts, donkey carts, Ox carts and bicycles.

Moreover, sedan chairs are also very popular, and it will only be a matter of time before rickshaws and even cars appear in the future.

"Eight hundred miles urgent!"

In the midst of this commotion, a horse galloped from outside Xianfeng Gate and rushed into the busy city, causing commotion in the market within a short period of time.

People screamed and ran away.

Some pedestrians even knocked over nearby stalls to avoid the fast horses, making the already noisy market even more chaotic.

But in the face of this situation, the city guards, Kaifeng government officials, and the Imperial City guards, detectives, and officers who were patrolling the city, who were supposed to maintain order, not only did not stop it, but instead shouted at the people and told them to avoid it.

Tea drinking has always been popular in Bianliang morning market, and the tea stalls were full of customers. After the galloping knights ran past, the tea stalls almost overturned.

A customer was hit with hot tea, but he didn't have time to cry out in pain. Instead, he rolled and crawled to avoid it. He got up from the ground and immediately said in shock: "Oh my god, it's actually the 800-mile express. It's better." Haven’t seen him in years.”

"Yeah, what could cause such a big fight?"

The friend next to him helped him and pulled him aside. When they stood up again, the knight had already dived into the busy city in the distance, heading towards the imperial city.

"Don't worry, the war in the north must have come to an end."

Another person said: "Only in this way can there be an eight-hundred-mile emergency. Otherwise, there is no important news that requires running so desperately."

The eight-hundred-mile rush is a really life-threatening race. You have to change horses and people 24 hours a day to cover a distance of eight hundred miles in just one day.

And this is only running 800 miles in one day. If the destination exceeds 800 miles, it will be 1,600 miles in two days.

This is not only an extreme test for people, but also for horses. Even if there are stations on the road to change people and horses, many horses are just running, foaming at the mouth and dying of exhaustion.

Therefore, if there is an accident on the road, if you are not careful, you may be overturned, and the casualty rate is very high. As a result, the court stipulated that such extreme measures would not be adopted unless absolutely necessary.

Now there is an eight-hundred-mile emergency, which shows the seriousness of the situation.

"I guess so. Tell me, did Mr. Fan win or lose?"

"Of course he won. Didn't the newspapers say it a few days ago? Mr. Fan surrounded Xi Jin."

"Oh, I really hope I win, but I always feel like it's like a dream. Once upon a time, the Liao people were so powerful that I don't even dare to dream about it."

"Will the Song Dynasty still be afraid of the Liao Kingdom now? We have become stronger!"

Some Bianliang citizens said.

"Yes, we have become stronger."

An old man from Bianliang muttered to himself.

I still remember that during the Battle of Chanzhou, the Liao soldiers came to the city, less than 200 miles away from Bianliang.

But now, it is our soldiers and horses from the Song Dynasty who have arrived at the Liao people's city.

"How is the river water pollution control problem in Bianliang City now? I will inform Kaifeng Mansion later and I will go take a look."

At this moment in the early morning political institution, Zhao Jun was processing today's official documents.

When he saw last year's industrial and commercial development report sent by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Zhao Jun saw the emergence of so many factories and thought of environmental governance issues.

The main reason is that his home is right next to the Imperial City. He is so busy with official duties on weekdays that he doesn't even have time to check out the river conditions in the city.

The increasing number of factories will inevitably be accompanied by environmental pollution. Although deteriorating environmental problems will inevitably occur during the process of industrialization, it is inevitable.

But if we prepare early and take precautions in advance, we can also develop and manage at the same time. Instead of waiting until it develops and then managing it, the cost will be much higher than managing it now before it deteriorates.

"I have paid attention to this issue."

Li Di took off his reading glasses and said to Zhao Jun: "Before the factory was established, the rivers in the city had serious pollution problems. It was a historical legacy of the original dyeing and weaving industry and the ink-making industry. Now these highly polluting industries have been The organization moved out of town.”

“And not only the dyeing and weaving industry and the ink-making industry, but also the residents’ domestic garbage and excrement in the city itself have to be transported away by rivers, so that Xincaomen, Northeast Watergate, Xinsongmen, Datongmen, and Xuanhuamen are The water quality near the city gate in the lower reaches of the river has always been bad and the smell is very bad.”

Yan Shu also turned his head and said: "Kaifeng Mansion has been carrying out rectification in this area recently, prohibiting people from urinating and throwing garbage into the river at will. It has strengthened the treatment of feces. These feces are chemical fertilizers and cannot be wasted in the river. "

"Well, that's good. I have designated the industrial zone before, and it can only be placed outside Dongcheng. In this way, even if there is industrial wastewater, it will only be discharged downstream. We must ensure the water quality of the Bianliang River and ensure water for residents. We cannot allow problems with the water quality in the upper reaches of the Bian River.”

Zhao Jun nodded and said: "This water is for people's daily life. The Minamata disease in Japan in later generations is a lesson written in our own history textbooks. We must not commit it."

"Don't worry, there are strict requirements for industrial water now, and Kaifeng Prefecture also publicizes every day that people must boil drinking water and open windows when burning coal in winter. Now the publicity is so strong, people Don’t know anything.”

Cai Qi sighed: "That means we don't have the ability to treat sewage now, otherwise it would be so troublesome."

Industrialization is a process, but it is also a trouble.

In the past, although there was river pollution in Bianliang, it was not much.

After all, feces is very important. Unless you can't help it on the street and run to the river to defecate, most people use the toilet at home.

The rest is mostly pollution from the dyeing and weaving industry and the ink-making industry, which makes the lower reaches of the river colorful and colorful.

But the same cannot be said for industrialization, which could have serious consequences.

So one has to be cautious.

Only by moving all industries outside the city so that the water used in upstream residential areas does not contaminate any industrial wastewater is the basis for development.

"Well, the other issue is environmental development. Now the Yellow River has been temporarily controlled, but only afforestation is needed."

Zhao Jun was planning to continue talking about environmental issues.

At this moment, officials who entered the memorial hall suddenly rushed into the courtyard and shouted: "Report, Fan Xianggong is urgently playing eight hundred miles away!"

Eight hundred miles of rapid music?

All the prime ministers in the Political Yuan stopped what they were doing and focused their gazes.

"Read it."

Zhao Jun did not ask anyone to send the official document over.

"Our troops defeated the Liao army in one battle. Yelu Zong fled north in panic. The army has recovered Yanyun!"

The official who entered the memorial hall read.

This short sentence immediately caused huge waves.

In an instant, the room that had been relatively quiet suddenly became lively.

"Lao Fan did a great job."

Yan Shu said with great joy: "Yan Yun has been recovered!"

"Great, these are the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun, the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun that has been lost for hundreds of years!"

"We have to inform the officials of this news quickly."

"Yes, yes, we must go to Chongzheng Hall immediately to inform the officials of this great event."

Many prime ministers were crazy with joy, and they were all smiling and in high spirits.

You must know that it has been too long since the Song Dynasty lost the sixteen states of Yanyun.

Many people even think that it is impossible to get it back in this life, which can only be a luxury hope.

However, it is exciting when the dream actually comes true.


Zhao Jun was also very happy, stood up and said: "Go to Chongzheng Hall."

Then he said to the eunuch on duty at the door: "Go and inform Lao Wang immediately and let Lao Wang report to the officials."


The eunuch hurriedly ran to the harem.

Everyone did not set off immediately, but tidied their clothes a little before slowly heading towards Chongzheng Hall.

At this time, Zhao Zhen was not in Chongzheng Hall, but doing experiments in the Houyuan.

He only occasionally turns on the computer in Chongzheng Hall in the morning to use it. After all, the computer may break if it is not used for too long.

But the computer can't be used all the time, so most of the time, he plays in his own laboratory in the back garden.

The eunuch rushed to the back garden, where Wang Shouzhong was waiting outside Zhao Zhen's physics palace.

Because he is very interested in electrification and wants to promote the second industrial revolution, Zhao Zhen has been studying electricity recently.

After hearing the eunuch's report, Wang Shouzhong hurried to the door, knocked on the door, and whispered: "Guan's family, Guan's family?"

"What's the matter?"

After a while, Zhao Zhen opened the door and asked, "What happened?"

He knew that if nothing serious happened, Wang Shouzhong would not disturb his experiments easily.

"Fan Gong reported urgently that we defeated the Liao army in one fell swoop. Yelu Zong fled north in panic and has recaptured Yanyun!"

Wang Shouzhong reported the news to Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen was stunned for a moment, and a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face and said: "Hahahahahaha, Yanyun Sixteenth State, Yanyun Sixteenth State, cough cough cough"

I started coughing when I was excited.

"Official family, official family."

Wang Shouzhong quickly patted Zhao Zhen on the back and waved to the palace maid not far away.

The palace maid immediately came over with tea.

"I'm fine. I'm so happy."

Zhao Zhen took the tea and drank it in one gulp. He breathed a sigh of relief before saying excitedly: "That's great. During my reign, I actually conquered the Sixteenth Prefecture of Yanyun. This is a great achievement that even Taizu and Taizong have not completed. ”

The smile on his face could hardly be suppressed.

He accomplished what Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi failed to accomplish. This achievement was already greater than that of his grandfather Zhao Guangyi.

If he could destroy Liao and Xixia in the future, and then occupy their territory, I'm afraid Taizu Zhao Kuangyin's achievements would not be comparable to his.

"Guan Jia, all your ministers are already waiting for Guan Jia at Chongzheng Hall."

Wang Shouzhong said quickly.

"Okay, then hurry up and go."

Zhao Zhen urged: "Let's go, let's go, I want to amnesty the world, I want to reduce taxes again, I want to be happy with the people!"

What is the point of this great achievement if it is not shared with the world?

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