"The palace is going to be expanded? Is it true?"

"This, this, this is great."

"And we've also built a palace so we can go outside and play."

"I already know that Chiuin is a good person."

"Sisters, please thank Zhiyuan."

"Thank you, Zhiyuan."

Many concubines never expected that the harvest far exceeded their expectations and they were ecstatic.

Although he is still just a big pie now, as the governor of the Constitutional Yuan, Zhao Jun must be true to his word.

In the future, the expansion of the palace and the construction of palaces in other places will naturally be put on the agenda.

The sisters finally had some hope, and they were all very happy, and then they all knelt down slightly and saluted Zhao Jun to express their gratitude.

"Okay, let's all go. It's not embarrassing for many of our husbands to be here."

Zhao Zhen finally regained his composure for a while.

In the past, I would have never dared to talk to my concubines like this.

"It's an official family."

"I know that the official family treats us best."

"The officials, retainers, concubines, etc. will retire first."

The many concubines were not unruly and willful masters. When they saw their goals achieved, they naturally left happily one by one.

After they left, Zhao Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile: "Alas, although I am rich in the world, I am actually no different from a prisoner."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Okay, brother, don't worry. In the countries that still have monarchy in later generations, which emperor is not running around? Visiting everywhere? It is also a good thing for you to go out and have a look and understand the people's livelihood."


Zhao Zhen hesitated and said: "Now is the time when the country is developing. Isn't it a little bit extravagant and wasteful and carrying out large-scale construction projects?"

"That's wrong. I definitely didn't make this decision on the fly. Of course I had to consider it."

Zhao Jun looked at everyone and said: "First of all, by planning so many palaces, we can accumulate experience in modern city construction and prevent insufficient urban reserved space, environmental problems, aesthetic problems, etc. Secondly, if a world-class war breaks out in the future, we can rely on the palaces The backup system can quickly rebuild the political power, continue to preserve the central command of operations, and can also be used as a disaster relief command center to store and circulate disaster relief materials. Doing so now can boost the economy and vigorously stimulate the first industry. The development of the revolution.”

"Is that so?"

Zhao Zhen was confused and said: "But I only heard from the ministers that large-scale construction projects will harm the country and the people."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "That's what they said to prevent you from building a palace to deceive you. If you don't believe me, just ask Lao Fan whether large-scale construction projects can boost the economy."

Lao Fan said seriously: "Yes."


Zhao Zhen scratched his head.

It's not like he never thought about repairing the palace before.

However, the officials always used various reasons to admonish him, saying that large-scale construction projects would harm the people.

He was a soft-spoken person, and he was kind-hearted. Thinking that it would harm the people, he gradually gave up the idea of ​​expanding the palace.

He just moved out of the poisonous palace instead of tearing it down and rebuilding it. This was the reason.

If it weren't for the fact that these buildings in the back garden were necessary, such as bedrooms, laboratories and other places that had to be built, and Zhao Jun approved the money for him, I'm afraid he, as an emperor, would have to live in the wooden house in the back garden.

But now someone told him that large-scale construction projects would not only harm the people, but would also boost economic development.

What exactly is going on?

Seeing Zhao Zhen's confusion, Zhao Jun asked, "Do you know why large-scale construction projects in ancient times brought burdens to the people, but in modern times, large-scale construction projects can increase economic growth?"


Many prime ministers looked at each other. In fact, they understood this truth, but they still pretended not to understand and asked questions pretending to be confused.

no way.

They used to have to deceive the emperor that he was lame, but now if it is revealed that they understand these things, wouldn't it be a crime of deceiving the emperor?

"It's simple."

Zhao Jun said: "In ancient times, the imperial power was supreme. To build palaces, all localities had to donate money, and there was no such thing as buying anything. The emperor wanted your things because he valued you, and it didn't cost anything at all. Even if it was money, it would be nothing. Most of them will be corrupted."

"For example, when Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty wanted to build a palace, he directly forced all counties in the world to donate wood and stone. Wouldn't the local governments only be able to squeeze the common people? They would not give them money, and they would also exploit their labor force."

"Imagine that I am an ordinary citizen, and my life is already very difficult. I have to work in the fields every day just to have enough to eat."

"But the government forcibly confiscated you and made you do hard labor. They asked you to dig rocks and chop wood in the mountains without paying wages. Some of the evil-hearted people didn't even give you food, and asked you to bring your own food."

"You don't have time to work in the fields, and you don't have a few grains of rice at home to cook. The whole family is waiting for you to work in the fields and cultivate enough food for them."

"However, you, the main labor force, were expropriated, and the remaining rice at home was also taken away by you. In the end, the government did not care about your life or death, and the whole family eventually starved to death. If it were you here, would you rebel?"

He looked around at everyone and tortured his soul.

But there was silence in the house.

Zhao Jun's words were met with silence from everyone.

Because their class position is not that of the victim, or even that of the perpetrator.

So they can't answer the question.

Only Zhao Zhen said with a serious expression: "Of course we will rebel!"

"now it's right."

Zhao Jun nodded and said: "And it's not just the emperor. The government will also use various privileges to harm the people, making the people unconditionally work for the government, build mansions, and do chores. They are squeezed and exploited layer by layer, and ultimately they suffer. Naturally, it’s the common people.”

"Well, things are hard."

Fan Zhongyan sighed.

"If a dynasty becomes darker and darker, and the imperial power, government, and landlords exploit and oppress the people more and more, then the country's demise will be inevitable sooner or later."

Zhao Jun continued: "The Song Dynasty was like this in the past. It was poor and weak. It seemed that the court had money, but in fact it was obtained by squeezing the people."

"We are walking a tightrope every time, and there is always a danger of capsizing. Our lives depend on three redundant problems."

"It's ridiculous that many people don't understand such a superficial truth and think that the Song Dynasty was rich."

"But it's different now, now we're here."

He pressed his chest with both hands, then looked at the crowd and said: "We must change our position and stand on the side of the people. Any behavior that bullies and exploits the people must be defeated, and any bureaucrat who enslaves and exploits the people must be executed."

"Not only should we fight against corruption, but we should also fight against those ugly bureaucracies. We should take off their lofty hats and crush them under their feet. We must stand up for the common people in the world."

"Because only in this way will the people stand on our side, and only in this way will such a great dynasty not collapse overnight."

By the end, Zhao Jun was looking at them seriously.

This is not just a speech, but a warning.

Warn them to position themselves well.

Warn them to behave themselves.

Warn them not to tilt their butts.

We must stand firmly on the side of the people.

Because only in this way can the foundation of the dynasty be stabilized.

Only then can their regime gain the support of the people.

Only the development of the country can continue to sail forward.

It can be said that Zhao Jun is trying to maintain the power in his hands.

But the two do not conflict.

Being kind to the people can safeguard one's own political power and benefit the people of the world.

Isn’t it a win-win situation?

"Yes, Not Bad."

Zhao Zhen nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "I believe everyone understands the truth that Mencius explained more than a thousand years ago. I am here to express my position and I will always stand on the side of the people."

"Han Long's words make me ashamed."

"Please rest assured, officials. I only care about the people and the country of the Song Dynasty. I will never sit down and eat nothing. People will be superfluous. They will definitely benefit the people."

"It is better to talk than to do more. People have a steelyard in their hearts. It is clear to everyone who has more and who has more harm than others. Naturally, what we have to do is to let the people understand that the country will always consider the people and never muddle along. Perfunctory.”

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, which is why they can sit here.

Because the existence of the Constitutional Yuan is to change the position of officials. Even if you still have the idea that your position will remain unchanged, you must change your position in words and actual actions.

Once Zhao Jun discovers that you are talking about doctrine but thinking about other things, there will be only one outcome - get out of the Constitutional Yuan.

"Okay, grandson."

Seeing that everyone had expressed their determination, Zhao Zhencai looked at Zhao Jun again and said, "Continue talking."

"In ancient times, large-scale construction projects easily destroyed a country, but in modern times, large-scale construction projects can rejuvenate a country. I have never told you this truth, but it has been done before."

Zhao Jun said again.


Zhao Zhen wondered: "When did you do it?"

"The fifth round of Qingli New Deal."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "The major infrastructure construction lies here. I believe you have already found the difference, brother."

"Well, one will be paid, and the other will not be paid?"

Zhao Zhen suddenly understood.


Zhao Jun nodded: "If you give money, you are not exploiting the people, but the people have worked hard and received the rewards they deserve. This is a win-win situation."

He looked at Fan Zhongyan and said: "In later generations, there is a theory called "Roosevelt's New Deal" in our history textbooks, but in fact, in our Song Dynasty, there was already a "Fan Zhongyan New Deal." How about it, Lao Fan, do you remember it?"

"Remember, you told me before that I did it when I served as the governor of Hangzhou after the Qingli New Deal failed and I was kicked out of the court. It should be three years later in history."

Fan Zhongyan nodded.

In fact, this matter has not happened yet. It was not until 1050 AD that a famine broke out in Hangzhou. He used work-for-relief and deliberately raised grain prices to induce grain merchants from other places to transport grain to Hangzhou. Instead, grain prices plummeted to save hundreds of thousands of people. Thousands of victims.

However, although this did not happen, since the fifth round of major infrastructure construction under the Qingli New Deal was essentially a work-for-relief strategy, Zhao Jun later mentioned this matter to him.

In addition, Fan Zhongyan himself understood these principles, so he naturally understood what Zhao Jun was talking about.

“The essence of the economy is the circulation of commodities and resources, whether they are human resources or material resources, and the exchange of excess resources and commodities at equal value through labor production.”

Zhao Jun said: "Now our country has money, productivity, and food. Then these things should be taken out in exchange for people's labor, so that the people have money, food, and a better life. And the country also In exchange for better infrastructure, better economic development, and better overall national strength.”

"With the money in the hands of ordinary people, the country can collect more taxes and use more taxes to benefit more people. If this virtuous cycle continues, the country will always be prosperous and strong. Therefore, large-scale construction projects have always been the cornerstone of national development. rather than a hindrance to the country.”

"The simplest one is real estate. Before the founding of the People's Republic of my country, many places were remote areas. But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the pace of industrialization increased, and large-scale construction began all over the country in an instant."

"In just a few decades, countless high-rise buildings have gone up, and countless roads are crisscrossing each other. This is the result of the mutual success and common development of the construction industry and the steel industry with the infrastructure and real estate industries. Construction is not just about building roads; It is also important to build a house and build a city.”

"Because in this way, steel bars, cement, and masonry will have a market. With a market, they can support the workers in the steel factory, cement factory, and brick factory. If the workers have money, they will buy other commodities, and other commodities can be produced, and the economy Only then can the cycle continue.”

"In the future, my country's real estate industry will make many people hate it with itch."

"But it is undeniable that from an economic perspective, it has driven the economic development of construction, steel, cement and other related industries. Countless migrant workers rely on it to support themselves. It has also driven many other industries and is a very important part of the economy. ring."

"The same is true for countries such as the United States and Japan from the 1950s and 1960s to the 2000s. For example, Roosevelt's New Deal in the United States and the subsequent national real estate construction. Japan's post-war reconstruction and the climax of Olympic construction."

"So the development of the construction industry is a trend and the only way forward in the future. Although the Song Dynasty has certain infrastructure stimulation, urban construction should also be put on the agenda."

Zhao Jun looked around and said: "I didn't plan to carry out urban reform before because it wasn't time yet. But now that the Liao Kingdom has been defeated, no country around can threaten us, so we must take action against it."

"After all, more than 90 percent of the cities in our country are now made of wood, rammed earth, and masonry structures, and wooden structures account for the vast majority. This is very dangerous. A fire can destroy a city."

"In addition, there are many bungalows, which will lead to low space utilization and sparse population, which is not conducive to urban development."

“So starting to change urbanization is the path that must be taken.”

"Although the current industrial capacity may only be able to build a six- or seven-story tube building at most, and forget about high-rise buildings with more than ten floors, in seventy or eighty years' time, the industrial capacity will be improved again, and demolition and demolition can continue. Build a house.”

"When the time comes, it can eliminate the problem of overcapacity and solve the employment problem. It will be perfect."

He spread his hands and said: "To sum up, my Da Song Dynasty wins."

Zhao Jun's proposal to expand the palace was certainly not a decision he made just because he saw the concubines in the harem causing trouble, but because he had his own thoughts and considerations.

I just happened to encounter this incident, so I just told it at the reception banquet for Fan Zhongyan.

The first is the development issue of Bianliang.

Now Bianliang's development cannot be said to have reached a bottleneck, because even if the inner city and outer city cannot grow anymore, they can still continue to extend outward.

But the changes in the inner city and the outer city are not very big.

It can't be that there is a modern city outside the city, while the inside of the city is still antique.

Let’s not talk about the problem of low space utilization.

What should I do if I encounter a fire?

So it is better to demolish it.

Secondly, there is the current issue of the development of the entire Song Dynasty.

In the past, when there was external pressure and the army had to be taken care of, more military expenditures would have to be invested.

But now that the Liao Kingdom has been defeated, it cannot be said that the world is invincible and there is no need to worry about the invasion of foreign invaders. The swords and guns are immediately put into storage and the horses are released in Nanshan, but it also buys the Song Dynasty valuable development time.

While the value of force was crushing the world, the Song Dynasty could go all out to develop the economy. After the economy surged, it could have money to develop force.

If force continues to crush the world, it will continue to develop its economy.

If the economy is good, continue researching weapons and equipment.

One step ahead, every step ahead.

The advantage of being a first-mover country, with the size of the Song Dynasty, is it not a thousand times stronger than that of the leader?

Therefore, in summary, infrastructure and building construction will rapidly increase the production capacity of steel, cement, bricks and other industries.

Once these production capacities are increased, they can immediately drive the development of other industries.

First, change the city and carry out urbanization reform.

Secondly, it just stimulated the continued progress of the first industrial revolution.

Third, to promote the development of private economy.

It's like Qin Shihuang played cloning twice, winning three times, and the Song Dynasty won.

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