In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 407 It’s all because of Song State

After the new law was issued, in late August, the city of Bianliang became more and more lively.

In the streets and alleys, tea stalls and wine shops, many people were talking about it.

The people were watching the court change the country's name and add the national flag, national emblem and national anthem.

After all, there has never been such a thing before, and it seems that such a thing is still far away from them.

But for the departments of each government office, it is an important matter.

Under the new law, each government office and department must hang the national flag and national emblem, and each school must hold a flag-raising ceremony and sing the national anthem even if they don't have one.

These things are not special in themselves, but they represent different meanings. They symbolize the country.

So to some extent, the national flag, national emblem and national anthem are like "dragons", which are spiritual symbols.

Therefore, after the new law was issued, the Bianliang Weaving Bureau and the Smelting Bureau were very busy. They started to embroider the national flag and make the national emblem at full speed for use in various government offices.

However, it is unrealistic to expect such things to have an effect in a short period of time. It needs to be subtle and silent.

Including the change in the cognition of officials, it is not so easy to pull them out of the previous lofty thoughts and return to the original intention of serving the country and the people.

This requires cultivation in all aspects, such as ideological education, power supervision, reward and punishment measures, etc., so Zhao Jun was not in a hurry.

Even in such a situation, the new political system change only caused a little ripple among the people. The people listened to it as a new thing, and after listening, they did not continue to pay attention.

In early September, the wind of Yanyun blew across Hebei and touched Bianliang. Under the seven-story pagoda iron tower, on the bank of the Bian River, willows swayed gently in the wind.

Now this era is the best era of the Song Dynasty. The economy is rising, grain production has soared, and the people have food to eat when they are hungry, clothes to wear when they are cold, and jobs when they have no money. The court abolished all corvée systems and replaced them with employment systems.

Building dams, roads, reclaiming fertile land, and developing water conservancy must be paid.

In just over ten years, the people have gone from being poor and weak to a large amount of wealth pouring into the hands of the people, which has greatly promoted the development of economy and trade.

Shaanxi, which has been divided into Qinfeng Road and Yongxingjun Road, is now planting trees and afforestation. According to the policies formulated during the Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi periods, the ecological environment of Guanzhong is slowly restored and the situation of soil erosion is changed.

A railway is being built from Bianliang to Xiangyang. The railway from Bianliang to Weishi was already open to traffic at the end of last year. Now, ten months later, the railway has been built to Ye County.

And because it is being built simultaneously in the north and the south, the progress is very fast, with an average of more than 20 kilometers per month, and a total of about 50 kilometers of mileage being laid. Therefore, it is expected that by the beginning of next year, the first railway, the Beijing-Xiangyang Railway, will be officially opened to traffic.

This railway is the first step of the railway around the country as envisioned by Zhao Jun. That is, it connects Hubei to Bianliang, so that Sichuan no longer needs to go to Zhejiang and then go to Kaifeng from Huainan after going to Hubei via the Yangtze River.

As long as this railway is built, the connection between Sichuan and Bianliang will be further strengthened, and it will also greatly improve the canal trade that is currently overwhelmed.

In the School of Chemistry, according to the instructions of the court, chemists boiled cotton and flax fibers into paste, added appropriate amounts of petroleum and rubber extracts, and finally produced materials suitable for making paper money.

In the case of extremely prosperous private commerce, even if copper ore is imported in large quantities from abroad and continues to be mined domestically, the gap in copper coins is still very large, and small and medium-sized transactions are also very inconvenient.

The emergence of paper money is to solve this problem. It is expected that by the beginning of next year, the printing factory will be able to officially print the first edition of the Song Dynasty paper money, thus allowing business to enter the era of paper money.

The School of Physics has been studying electricity recently. Electricity has been invented, but how to regulate and transmit electricity is still a problem.

I believe that when these technologies can be solved, it will be time to build thermal power and hydropower.

In terms of education, more than 200 schools have been built across the country, including more than 100 primary schools, dozens of junior high schools, and more than 20 high schools, gradually improving the basic education of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Bianliang University did not recruit students from outside before, only outstanding graduates from Bianliang high schools and imperial examinations. Next year, it will officially recruit students from outside through examinations.

Although the target of recruitment is still outstanding high school graduates from all walks of life, and they must take the examination and pass the assessment before they can enter.

But compared with the past, it is already a very big improvement.

After all, the education in the Song Dynasty is still very poor. Not to mention the nearly 150,000 primary schools in later generations, the number of 15,000 high schools alone is a number that the Song Dynasty cannot match.

However, everything is difficult at the beginning. The reason why there are few schools now is that there are few science talents and even fewer teachers. It does not mean that the court cannot build schools.

Now that the war is over, we will focus on developing the economy and education. Education will be an important development direction in the next few decades. When basic talents are cultivated, schools will naturally grow like a gusher.

In terms of national transportation roads, the Song Dynasty has been preparing for the repair of national basic roads since the second year of the Qingli period.

According to data from the Ministry of Statistics last year, after the reform in the second year of the Qingli period, a road construction boom swept across the country. In the first year after the reform, a total of more than 2,000 kilometers of township and county roads were repaired across the country, with remarkable results.

By last year, after more than four years of development, the total mileage of the original basic township roads, county roads, and state roads that had been repaired had reached more than 13,000 kilometers.

This was just the repair of the original official roads.

In addition, about 4,000 kilometers of new roads were opened, which greatly improved the previous problems of potholes, inconvenience in walking, and transportation difficulties.

Although only the rammed earth road surface is being repaired now, after the major infrastructure construction, it is expected that these roads will be rebuilt in the next few decades to make them concrete roads.

It can be said that the current repair work is to prepare for the future construction of national roads.

Other measures such as reclaiming fertile land, building water conservancy, widening rivers, etc. are also too numerous to mention. The whole country has entered a period of rapid development and construction.

The only thing that may be hurt is the finance.

With the major infrastructure construction, the money spent is like water. Thanks to Zhao Jun's reform of the military system, he cut more than half of the troops, and under great pressure, he investigated all the corruption and empty salary problems in the army to fill the fiscal deficit.

Otherwise, if the situation of 5 out of 6 soldiers in the world is still the same as before, the Song Dynasty will have difficulty in building and even feeding the people now.

However, the financial situation will be much better in two years, because the current business development of the Song Dynasty is not limited by the size. In fact, as a country with a population of 100 million, the current business cannot meet the domestic market.

External raw materials are pouring in continuously, and wealth is also flowing into the people under the promotion of the new policy. The consumption capacity and purchasing power of the people are increasing day by day, and food, clothing, housing and transportation are affordable for most people.

So now the domestic market of the Song Dynasty is more than enough for internal digestion.

The old problem is still hindering the development of the Song Dynasty.

Lack of money.

Or lack of easily liquid funds.

Even if the mints in the whole world of the Song Dynasty are running at full capacity, it is difficult to meet the growing domestic demand.

Therefore, the circulation of paper money is urgent. While driving consumption, it can also guarantee the fiscal revenue of the court-as long as the paper money can be recycled, exchanged for gold, silver and copper, and used for taxation, it can fully bear the credit currency.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Zhao Jun's every step was far-sighted. When the Song Dynasty lacked something, he could make up for it immediately, so as to avoid stagnation in development.

While the development of the Song Dynasty was on the right track and the GDP was growing at a high double-digit rate every year, the situation in Japan was very bad.

The Song Dynasty was thriving, while the domestic economy in Japan was close to collapse.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, Japan gradually recovered from its closed-door policy and began to have official exchanges with the Central Plains dynasty, vigorously promoting the development of private trade.

As a result, due to the large influx of Song Dynasty handicrafts, the domestic handicraft industry was almost destroyed, and Japan's native currency "Qianyuan Dabao" was also replaced by the Song Dynasty currency, and the entire country's economy was controlled by the Southern Song Dynasty.

In later generations, more than 3.5 million Southern Song copper coins were unearthed in Japan, and there were many unearthed and disappeared in the long river of history. It can be seen that the economic situation in Japan at that time.

For this reason, the ruling Taira clan was very troubled and almost thought of closing the country again, but eventually gave up the idea.

The current Japanese economy is even more exaggerated than that of the Southern Song Dynasty.

The domestic handicraft manufacturing industry has completely lost its competitiveness and is completely monopolized by the goods of the Song Dynasty.

Japanese people now have only a few choices for practitioners. One is to work as farmers, the second is to engage in business and buy goods from the Song Dynasty from the ports in the Iwami area and transport them to other places for sale, and the third is to work as manual laborers.

For example, mining, transportation, escorting and other jobs, a large number of women work as prostitutes, maids, and hostesses at the Iwami port dock, and the population of the country also flows to the Iwami area in large numbers.

You should know that the national population of Japan in 1047 AD was only about five or six million, and now there are hundreds of thousands in the Iwami area alone, more than the capital.

The economic environment in other places is very bad. Gold, silver and copper from all over the country are transported to Iwami, and then loaded onto the ships of the Song people, and transported to the country by the Song people in exchange for food, tea, silk, ink, books, brushes, etc.

This situation makes the current ruling regent Fujiwara family and the current emperor, Emperor Reizei, very worried.

However, due to the complicated relationship within the Fujiwara family and the fact that Emperor Go-Reizei currently has no real power, they have been unable to come together to discuss countermeasures, so now the country is completely in a situation of laissez-faire.

It was not until recent years that many local nobles gradually stopped paying tribute to the court, and recruited soldiers and horses, tending to be independent, that they attracted the attention of the Fujiwara family and the emperor.

In September of the seventh year of the Qingli period of the Song Dynasty and the second year of the Eishō period in Japan, Heian-kyō, the current capital of Japan, in the imperial palace.

Emperor Go-Reizei, Regent Kanpaku and Left Minister Fujiwara Yorimichi, Right Minister Fujiwara Kyomitsu, Minister of the Interior Fujiwara Yorimune, Grand Minister Fujiwara Nobunobu, and Middle Minister Fujiwara Nagaie sat cross-legged.

In the ancient Japanese political system, the main positions were left minister, right minister, minister of the interior, Grand Minister, Middle Minister, and Councillor.

The Fujiwara family almost encompassed all the high-ranking positions in Japan, which shows how powerful they are.

However, due to the considerable conflicts between the brothers Left Minister and Regent Fujiwara no Yorimichi and Right Minister Fujiwara no Norimichi, the Fujiwara family had been engaged in internal strife in recent years and had no intention of governing the country, allowing local warlords to gradually become stronger and the prestige of the Japanese court to plummet.

The conflict stems from the fact that Fujiwara Noriichi's eldest son, Fujiwara Tsubobo, died of illness three years ago.

Since Fujiwara Yorimichi's second biological son, Fujiwara Shimai, is only five years old, Fujiwara Yumichi wants his eldest son, Fujiwara Nobuie, to inherit the power of the Fujiwara family.

To put it simply, the eldest son's heir is too young, and the second eldest son wants his eldest son to inherit the family. The eldest son naturally refuses, which makes the brothers at odds. In the past few years, they have been fighting openly and secretly, allowing the place to gradually grow.

However, as external threats become more serious, the brothers naturally have to abandon their prejudices for the benefit of the family, work together again, and discuss current countermeasures.

"The Abe family thinks that now that they are powerful, they can challenge the authority of the imperial court. This is really intolerable."

Interior Minister Fujiwara Yorimune said: "Besides the Abe family, the Nakamura family of Hitachi Kingdom also seems to have a disobedient heart."

"The tribute rents are becoming increasingly scarce in various places, and the Abe family has even cut off the tribute rents directly. If this continues, the country will not be able to survive."

Dai Nagon Fujiwara Nonobu also said: "I feel that Mr. Abe must be severely punished."

Right Minister Fujiwara Yudong said: "There is an old saying in China, which is to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. Only by eliminating the Abe family can we deter the other Xiaoxiao. I also suggest sending troops to fight."

"We must send troops, but who do you think is better to send?"

"Let Kunimori Fujiwara take over."

"His military strength is insufficient, so it's hard to say whether he can wipe out the Abe clan."

"You can try it out first."

Everyone said.

Fujiwara Gyoutong asked Emperor Goreizumi: "Your Majesty, will you send someone to question and test Mr. Abe?"

"Well, what does Da Taizheng mean?"

Emperor Goreizumi sat cross-legged on the main seat, wearing a "yellow-dyed royal robe", holding a wooden board in his hand, and looking at Fujiwara Yorimichi next to him.

The Fujiwara family was able to stay in power not only because the family held high-ranking officials, but also through the manor system.

At present, Japan is somewhat like the Jin Dynasty, when wealthy families from all over the country raised serfs, opened up manors, and cultivated food.

In peacetime, these serfs were the family's tenant farmers, but in time of war, they became soldiers.

Therefore, wealthy families all over Japan have soldiers and horses in their hands. For example, the Abe family who rebelled this time is a powerful family in the Mutsu Kingdom in Northeastern Japan. They have thousands of serfs under their command, which means they have thousands of soldiers and horses.

Historically, when the Abe clan rebelled, Fujiwara, the governor of Mutsu Province, took office and sent troops to attack, but was defeated by the Abe clan. So the imperial court sent Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, the general of the Kawachi Genji clan, to suppress it.

Afterwards, Minamoto no Yoriyi defeated the Abe family and occupied the Mutsu Kingdom, laying the foundation for the growth of the Minamoto family. His grandson's great-grandson Minamoto Yoritomo eventually defeated the ruling Taira clan and established the Kamakura shogunate.

Therefore, it can be said that this Abe rebellion will still have a great impact on Japan later.

But now Japan is said to have a population of several million, but in fact most of the population is occupied by wealthy families from all over the country. There are more than 60 countries, hundreds of wealthy families, each family has hundreds of thousands of people, and the land and population are quite scattered.

The Fujiwara family is a fairly large manor owner, with over 10,000 soldiers and horses under their command, so the power is naturally controlled by them. Even the emperor has to look at the Fujiwara family's face.

At this moment, Fujiwara Yorimichi remained silent, and after a moment he said softly: "I think you still haven't seen the essence of this matter."

"What's the meaning?"

Fujiwara Gyotong frowned and said: "There are many wealthy families in various places who are lawless. If they don't obey the king's rule, shouldn't they send troops?"


Fujiwara Yorimichi shook his head and said: "It's time to send troops, but what I want to remind you is why things are like this."

"Tell me something."

Fujiwara Yumichi said.

"All this is because of the Song Dynasty!"

Fujiwara Yoritsu's words were not surprising and he would not stop dying, which made the hairs on the back of several people around him stand on end.

Song Dynasty?

Is that something they can discuss?

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