In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 411: Bringing the Island Country to the Table of the Song Dynasty

Zhao Jun's words were thought-provoking.

In the Constitutional Court, everyone suddenly understood why Zhao Jun was so hostile to Japan.

It turned out that the national character of this country was so inferior.

They wanted to invade the enemy all the time, and they still kept disguise on the outside, which was simply hard to guard against.

The room fell into silence for a while.

Because Zhao Jun's reasoning was simple and vulgar, it was easy for them to understand.

So everyone was thinking about this passage.

After a long time, someone asked: "But now the Song Dynasty is strong, since the Japanese admire the strength, how dare they offend our Song Dynasty?"

Zhao Jun smiled and shook his head: "There is a very famous book in later generations, called "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword", which was written by an American cultural anthropologist commissioned by the US government."

"It aims to analyze the social and national characteristics of Japan, and uses the two symbolic elements of "chrysanthemum" and "sword" to reveal the contradictory character of the Japanese and the duality of Japanese culture.

"Such as love of beauty and militarism, respect for etiquette and aggressiveness, love of new things and stubbornness, obedience but not taming, etc. "

"To put it more directly, if their opponent is very strong, they will be polite and modest to you. But once you are weak, they will immediately show their fangs and pull out their blades to stab you."

"So this is the inferiority of this nation. Now that our Song Dynasty is strong, they will not offend us, but they will pretend to be respectful on the surface, but secretly harm our interests."

At the end, Zhao Jun tapped the table lightly and said: "This is the nature of this nation formed over thousands of years, and it is also a historical necessity. "

Although it takes a long time for the insiders in Japan to pass on the news, he asked Song Cai and Su Jian to understand Japan in depth and record their internal situation, and he had already figured out most of it.

Combined with his understanding of daily life in the previous life, by sending out secret agents from the Imperial City Bureau, he completely understood the inferiority of this nation.

No matter what era it is, wanting to escape and get rid of the island country with frequent earthquakes is always the biggest demand of this nation.

Just like Japan in later generations, before World War II, facing the shock of modernization of Western countries, it was submissive and willing to give up the closed-door policy and serve as a trade partner for Western countries. transit station.

But when they became strong through the Meiji Restoration, they immediately showed their ferocious claws and began to be on an equal footing with Western countries, and even thought they were strong and invaded the mainland to shake up the world pattern.

Therefore, after summarizing some of the news sent back by the Japanese traitors some time ago, Zhao Jun believed that as long as Xiaori saw the strength of the Song Dynasty today, there would be action.

And this action is very likely to be as he guessed, to remain respectful to the Song Dynasty on the surface, but actually want to take back the resources and interests, take the opportunity to steal technology and systems, innovate again, and covet the land of the mainland.

"Oh? Damage our interests?"

Hearing this, everyone's face became serious.

Yan Shu said in a deep voice: "If it infringes on the interests of my Song Dynasty, my Song Dynasty's navy will not agree."


Song Shou also said: "Now my Song Dynasty is strong and is not afraid of any challenge. They can try it."

"If this is true, then the plan to attack Japan must be brought forward. "

"We, the Song Dynasty, do not want to start a war, but we are not afraid of it. The Japanese have made mistakes and will soon die."

"We are all united on this point."

Several people also said.

Now Japan provides millions of taels of silver and tens of thousands of taels of gold to the Song Dynasty every year.

And this number is still growing. The top leaders of the Song Dynasty have already regarded it as a cake, and they naturally cannot afford to lose this part of the benefits.

"However, how will they harm our interests? Will they close the country and not allow us to trade?"

Yan Shu asked again.

"It shouldn't happen. They are not so bold now."

Zhao Jun smiled and said, "They still have to maintain a humble attitude towards us. They are stealing things from us. How dare they close the country?"

"That is?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"If I guess correctly, Japan will most likely choose to be humble to the outside world in exchange for our favorability. Internally, it will strike hard and quickly recover those gold and silver mines. "

Zhao Jun continued: "Only in this way can Japan master the financial resources, and then continue to deceive us, find ways to steal systems, knowledge, and technology from us, strengthen itself, and complete the reform. Once the reform is successful, hehe."

He sneered.

The Japanese nation is actually not very resistant to reform.

Just like they completed the Taika Reform before launching the war with the Tang Dynasty, which made the Japanese dare to invade Korea after they thought they were strong.

Before launching the war with the Ming Dynasty, they also completed the transformation from cold weapons to hot weapons. In addition to the muskets, Toyotomi Hideyoshi had the confidence to clamor for the unification of the Three Kingdoms.

There is no need to say more about the Meiji Restoration in later generations. Once their national strength is strong, they will not conceal their ambition to invade the outside world.

Therefore, now that there is such an opportunity in front of the Japanese, I don’t believe they will not be tempted.

"Well. "

Everyone nodded in silence, thinking that although Zhao Jun might have been overthinking, it was not completely unreasonable.

If they were in that position, they might also think of taking the things back and then using them to exchange for technology, rather than a bunch of useless Song Dynasty crafts.

But the problem is that the current prosperity of the Song Dynasty makes it difficult for them to make such a decision, unless the Japanese nation is really like Zhao Jun's analysis.

"As I said before, first of all, Tsushima is in our hands."

Zhao Jun continued his talk and carefully analyzed: "The unique geographical location of Tsushima Island. Once you control this place, you will not only control the lifeline of Japan, but also control the trade between Song, Gao, and Japan and the only way for Japan to invade North Korea." ”

"Although the increasingly developed trade in the Iwami area has brought benefits to Japan, such as the influx of a large number of handicrafts, as well as grain, ironware, tea, silk, porcelain, etc., making the lives of Japanese high-level officials more comfortable, they have more than just thoughts. These are the ones.”

"Their long-standing desire is to invade the mainland. Their most obvious ambition is the Korean Peninsula. Even the Central Plains is their coveted target."

"And by taking control of Tsushima, we directly cut off their Mingmen, which is the channel between them and the Korean Peninsula. It will definitely feel uncomfortable to have Mingmen controlled by others, so they will definitely find ways to take back Tsushima. "

"But what should we do if the enemy is strong and we are weak?"

"It's very simple. Many gold and silver mines have been discovered in Japan recently. Most of the minerals produced by these gold and silver mines have flowed into the Song Dynasty. This is definitely intolerable to them."

"So if I were a senior executive in Japan, I would definitely attack the local wealthy families who control the mining areas and take the minerals back into national ownership."

"Then use the money produced from these minerals to come to the Song Dynasty to purchase various technologies and knowledge. By the way, you can also secretly learn from our system and carry out in-depth innovation."

"Anyway, Japan has no shortage of sulfur. Once they possess gunpowder technology, their national power will be greatly improved. Then the Korean Peninsula will become their primary target, and they will encroach step by step, trying to reach the mainland from the island."

This theory is indeed what Japan has wanted to do for thousands of years, including the battles in later generations and during the Tang Dynasty, which also proved this.

As a time traveler from later generations, Zhao Jun has never forgotten the country of Japan.

Therefore, he secretly conducted many investigations into this country over the years. He found that Japan's superficial compliments to the Tang Dynasty actually harbored evil intentions.

He found that Japan was always coveting the Korean Peninsula and even coveted the land of China.

The long and narrow island gave them an extreme sense of insecurity, and getting out of the island became their lifelong hope.

"Well, what Han Long means is that the existence of the Song Dynasty blocked their way north?"

Yan Shu understood what he meant.


Zhao Jun nodded and said: "To put it simply, the battle between us and Japan is about the fate of the country. If they want to come out, we will stand in front of them. Therefore, in the future between us and them, the only way to go is to fight to the death."


Everyone showed solemn expressions and nodded slightly.

"I just finished talking about Tsushima Island, let me continue to talk about the second one, which is actual benefits."

Zhao Jun continued: "In addition to Tsushima Island, I, the Song Dynasty, also control many minerals in Japan. These minerals were marked by me and were discovered by us. Although they are on their land, we also paid It cost a lot.”

"In the early stages of investment, we hired local people to mine, exchanged interests with their local wealthy families, and exchanged our specialties from the Song Dynasty for the minerals in their hands. It would have been the most benevolent thing not to rob it directly."

"But for those in power in Japan, they definitely don't want their own resources to be taken away by us, so they will definitely find ways to take the resources back."

"This is the second conflict of interest relationship between us and them. Therefore, all things considered, as long as the Japanese authorities are not fools, they will definitely choose the method I just mentioned, which is to flatter them on the surface, secretly seek minerals, strengthen themselves, and then covet them. North Korea’s national policy.”

"If my predictions are correct, they are probably sending people to our Song Dynasty at this time. It is estimated that within two months at most, we may be able to see the one that appeared in the Tang Dynasty but has never been seen in our Song Dynasty. I sent an envoy to the Tang Dynasty."

After he finished speaking, he touched the tea cup next to him and took a sip.

In fact, Zhao Jun still has something to say.

The reason why he took a roundabout way to obtain the mining rights of the Iwami Silver Mine and the Sado Gold Mine from Japan instead of grabbing them directly was because he found that it was not easy to grab them.

At that time, although the Song Dynasty's national power was strong, its military force was low. It was bullied by the Liao Kingdom and Xixia, and it was really impossible to expedition to Japan.

Even if we forcefully attack Japan at this time, it may not be worth the gain.

Therefore, the correct approach should not be to rob, but to propose cooperation.

However, it is not cooperating with Japanese high-level officials, but with local wealthy families in Japan.

Going down and up has always been a traditional performance in childhood.

The small island country can be divided into dozens of countries, local powerful families emerge in endlessly, and various rebellions are naturally endless.

For example, it is already the late period of the Fujiwara family's rule, and there have been rebellions such as the Battle of the First Nine Years and the Battle of the Last Three Years, which are enough to prove that Japan was experiencing constant internal conflicts at that time.

Therefore, the best strategy is to take advantage of this contradiction to ensure the Song Dynasty's own interests, then divide Japan, and annex it once the time is right in the future.


Knowing that Japan might send people over in the near future, Fan Zhongyan said: "What are you going to do, Hanlong?"

"Just do whatever you want."

Zhao Jun smiled and said, "We don't give them what they want, but give them Confucian books and educate them severely."

"Why don't you give them gunpowder? Just like the Liao Kingdom, it will consume their national strength?"

Someone asked.

"We don't restrict the Liao Kingdom from developing firearms because the Liao Kingdom must obtain raw materials through us. We make a lot of money indirectly, and we also drag down their national strength. The reserves are completely controlled by us, so there is no need to worry at all."

Zhao Jun shook his head and said, "But Japan is a producer of raw materials for gunpowder. They don't lack saltpeter, sulfur and charcoal. If we give them gunpowder, they can produce it themselves, and the reserves are unlimited. They won't be strangled by us. It is a threat to us."

"Is that so?"

Fan Zhongyan frowned and said, "But even if we don't provide gunpowder counts, they may find the Liao Kingdom."

Zhao Jun put down the teacup, smiled and looked at everyone and said, "So I sent the Ninghai Navy to Japan, to deter, Let them open their eyes and see the strength of our Song Dynasty. Secondly, we can guarantee our own interests and prevent them from pretending to obey but secretly disobeying. "

"If things really develop in the direction I suspect, the appearance of the Ning Navy will surely deal a heavy blow to Japan. Even if they bought the technology of the Liao people, they will be vulnerable to our artillery. Even if the situation I think does not happen, that's just right."

He said with a brighter smile: "The Song Dynasty's navy will be stationed in the port of Japan for a period of time, just as a visit abroad to accumulate ocean-going experience. Anyway, we will go to Southeast Asia, even to Africa, and go around the Cape of Good Hope to Europe in the future. We can't just stroll in the coastal waters."

Everyone looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, Hanlong is far-sighted."

"Although it costs a lot of manpower and material resources for a 5,000-man army to go to sea once, but listening to Hanlong, these expenses are worth it."

"Hanlong will not be aimless. In this case, let's just wait for good news."

Many prime ministers were happy.

Before, they thought that Zhao Jun suddenly sent the Ninghai Navy to Japan because of his personal resentment towards Japan. Now it seems that he still has such a long-term vision.

Only Zhao Jun took another sip of the teacup and smiled.

This time, the Ninghai Navy went out, with 5,000 people eating and eating, plus it took several months to go, the cost must be not a small amount.

But compared with the huge interests of the Song Dynasty in Japan, it is naturally nothing.

It is a matter of spending a small amount of money to do a big thing.

And the most important thing is that the Ninghai Navy will be like a wise son, blocking Japan's technology and provoking their own internal strife.

By then, Japan will be in civil strife for a long time and it will be impossible to develop.

When the technological level of the Song Dynasty is improved again in the future, all the ships of the navy will be replaced with steam power, or even internal combustion engines and oil power.

Then Japan, a country that has been kept in captivity, will naturally be served on the table of the Song Dynasty and become a not-so-delicious food.

This day may take a long time in the future.

But now.

It is not far away.

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