In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 436: Seeing Buddha in Songshan, Buddha is in my heart

The ninth year of Qingli in the Song Dynasty arrived as promised. This was the thirteenth year that Zhao Jun came to the Song Dynasty.

From AD 1036 to now AD 1049.

In these thirteen years, the changes in the Song Dynasty could not be said to be earth-shaking.

Science and engineering are booming, but only in Bianliang.

The technology industry exists, but it is only spread on a small scale and has not yet benefited the general public.

Commercial prosperity has greatly increased, but only in border, coastal or traditional commercial cities such as Kaifeng, Chengdu, Hangzhou and Quanzhou.

The commercial prosperity of ordinary small counties has improved, but it is not a leap forward. At most, it is just stronger than before.

But this is normal.

If even ordinary small counties take off, then the GDP of the Song Dynasty will not only be 3 billion yuan, but 30 billion, 300 billion yuan.

Therefore, there is a long way to go. If we want to develop in an all-round way, we still need time to settle and improve in all aspects.

After the New Year, we entered a period of decadence.

It’s impossible not to be decadent.

There are seven days of annual leave from the first day of the Lunar New Year to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

Then comes the seven-day holiday for the Tiansheng Festival.

I only have to work on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, and the ninth to the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year are all holidays.

But on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, it seamlessly connected with the Lantern Festival.

Leave directly until the twenty-first day of the first lunar month.

This is because the holiday on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month coincides with the Lantern Festival, otherwise it would have to be off until the twenty-second day of the first lunar month.

Now a new seven-day National Day holiday has been added in February. If daily rest is included, the total number of holidays is more than 130 days, which is more than 115 days in later generations.

Zhao Jun took advantage of his rest to take his wife and children to climb Songshan Mountain.

Surprisingly, while he was exhausted, his wife and children were full of energy and climbed faster than him, walking at the front of the team.

Especially when Zhao Qingyun was at an age where cats disliked dogs, she would dare to chase monkeys when she saw them from a distance.

You must know that Songshan Mountain at this time is not a tourist attraction in later generations.

Although there are often literati and poets who come to give advice on the country and leave behind gorgeous words and poems, there are really wild beasts such as tigers, wolves, and wild boars in the mountains.

If Zhao Jun, as the leader of the Song Dynasty, had not been surrounded by hundreds of guards, he would have been seeking death by climbing the mountain alone.

From here, you can see how powerful this little girl is, and she has quite a bit of the general style inherited from the old Cao family.

After climbing the mountain, they also went to the Songshan Shaolin Temple.

The abbot of Shaolin Temple warmly received them and introduced them to the glorious history of Shaolin Temple.

The monks thought that Zhao Jun came to practice Zen and worship Buddha.

Little did he know that when Zhao Jun saw that the Shaolin Temple had more than 14,000 acres of land, a temple base of 540 acres, more than 5,000 pavilions and pavilions, and more than 2,000 monks, his face turned a little ugly.

On the 13th day of the first lunar month, Zhao Jun came to Songshan on the 9th day of the lunar month. He arrived on the 10th day of the lunar month and wandered around the mountain for a day. He stayed at the Shaolin Temple yesterday and was preparing to leave today.

But Zhao Jun changed his itinerary and planned to stay one more day and continue walking around Shaoshi Mountain to see the scenery here.

In the early morning, the evening drums and morning bells are played, and the monks start to get up very early to chant sutras.

There are martial monks who practice martial arts, and Zen monks who practice Buddhism.

The mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, the trees are green, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Surrounded by a forest, along the Shaoshi Mountain from top to bottom, the palace stretches continuously, with sandalwood scent, and countless pilgrims gathering, full of a sense of vitality.

Zhao Jun put his hands behind his back and stood on a cliff on the mountainside overlooking the entire mountain, accompanied by an old monk.

He is the abbot of Shaolin Temple of this generation.

"Master, what do you think is the meaning of practicing Buddhism?"

Zhao Jun suddenly asked: "In other words, why do people want to study and understand Buddhism?"

Ji Xiu was slightly surprised, but then he said: "Although each school has different teachings, I believe that everyone has the same purpose. The purpose of practicing Buddhism is to become a Buddha."

"What is Buddha?"

"Buddha is a state that cannot be described. I have not yet reached that state, so I dare not speak nonsense."

"If that's the case, how do you become a Buddha?"

"The Sixth Patriarch once said: Good Knowledge, the nature of Bodhi is originally pure, but with this mind, you can become a Buddha."

"Does that mean that to cultivate Buddhism, one needs to understand one's mind and see one's true nature?"

Zhao Jun asked, pointing to his chest.

"Zhiyuan is quite close to Buddhism."

Ji Xiu smiled and said: "I entered the Shaolin Temple when I was very young, and it took many years for me to understand this truth."

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "I just understand another truth."

"What's the point?"

"Look beyond the surface."

"Look beyond the surface?"

If Yi Xiu has some enlightenment.

Zhao Jun nodded and said: "It can also be called the epistemology of materialist dialectics."

Jixiu said with a smile: "Zhiyuan has unique wisdom, which is beyond my reach."

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Allow me to ask the master a few more questions."

"President, please tell me."

"Do you think Buddha is good or bad?"

"The Buddha advises people to do good, which is naturally good."

"I agree with this, but some people say that the Buddha is transcendent and has no desires or pursuits?"


Jixiu shook his head and said, "I am not a Buddha, so I don't know if that is the case."

"Since you are not transcendent and have no desires or pursuits, how can you be a Buddha?"

"As I said just now, I don't know whether the Buddha is like this. People in the world say so, maybe the Buddha is like this. The Buddha is in people's hearts."

"There is a good Buddha in people's hearts."

Zhao Jun laughed and said: "Master is indeed a highly qualified monk. His words are impeccable and I can't find any flaws."

Jixiu clasped his hands together, his gray goatee swaying in the wind, and said softly: "Zhiyuan's words contain Buddhist principles, which is also difficult for me to understand."

"Then I won't make any detours like Master."

Zhao Jun said frankly: "Since the Buddha is in people's hearts, why do people worship the Buddha? Let the Buddha have this golden body, such mansions all over the mountain, and so many fields?"

Jixiu's face remained as usual and he replied: "The Buddha doesn't care about the golden body, it's just the disciples who build the golden body for the Buddha. The Buddha doesn't care about the mansion, it's just the disciples who make a place for the Buddha statue. The Buddha doesn't care about the extravagant life, it's just Disciples need fields. Therefore, the Buddha’s golden body is brought here to worship the Buddha by the disciples and pilgrims. The mansion is also built by the disciples and pilgrims to worship the Buddha. The fields are so that the disciples can have food and clothing, so that they can promote Buddhism and pass on wisdom. , so that the Buddha’s teachings can remain in the world.”

"It makes sense. There are eminent monks in Shaolin Temple, and this is not a place for fake Buddhas and filthy monks."

Zhao Jun nodded and said: "It's just Master, do you know why the Song Dynasty made everyone in the world pay taxes? Even the powerful, even the scholar-bureaucrats, are still contributing to the country, but monks are the only ones who don't have to pay taxes?"

Jixiu said: "The imperial court pities me as a monk, which is a blessing to the monks and a kindness to the country. Shaolin Temple is willing to pray for the Song Dynasty and wish the country prosperity."

"You can climb up the pole."

Zhao Jun smiled.

Yi Xiu clasped his hands together and performed the Buddhist salute: "Amitabha, this poor monk is just speaking from the bottom of his heart."

"The imperial court does not require monks to pay taxes because the imperial court respects every citizen's free belief and respect for Buddhism and Taoism, so it allows the common people to make offerings to Buddhism and Taoism without paying taxes."

Zhao Jun said: "But the master should also understand that if there are too many monks and Taoist priests, and no one cultivates the fields and pays taxes, the country will definitely decline. Therefore, the imperial court also strictly examines the qualifications of monks to ensure that they are correct." After that, the ultimatum will be issued.”

Yi Xiu said: "The poor monks know the good intentions of the imperial court, so every time someone comes to the temple to become a monk, they think carefully and do not dare to do anything rashly."

"Does Master know why after Wuzong destroyed Buddhism, other sects declined, but only Zen sect could continue into the Song Dynasty and become more and more powerful? Today, out of ten Buddhist temples, at least eight or nine belong to Zen sect?"

Zhao Jun asked again.

Jixiu thought for a moment and replied: "Because my Zen Buddhism directly points to the human heart, I can become a Buddha by seeing my nature."

"This is just one aspect, the other aspect is because you are close to the people!"

"Friendly to the people?"


Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Other sects often follow the upper-level route, relying on the powerful, not doing production themselves, but only providing services for the powerful. Zen Buddhism has always been unafraid of production and does not rely on luxurious palaces, sutras, statues, or religious objects. , even many of the founding fathers worked in the fields themselves, so there is a saying in Zen Buddhism that "a day without doing anything is a day without food."

"Since Xiao Yan and Empress Wu Zetian, Zen Buddhism has gradually added people-friendly duties such as sales, providing care for the elderly, treating illnesses, and resting, and is friendly to the people. This is a move praised by the court. Therefore, Zen Buddhism was able to gain rapid growth after Emperor Wuzong of the Tang Dynasty exterminated Buddhism. develop."

He said: "To put it simply, the teachings and routes of Zen Buddhism are popular routes. Let the people of the world accept your teachings and ideas, so that you can stand out."

Yi Xiu didn't understand some of the words and their meanings, but he made a pretty good guess. After thinking about Zhao Jun's words carefully, he was a little shocked for a moment. He looked at Zhao Jun and looked him up and down for a moment, and finally said with emotion: "I know. The hospital has made it clear."

"It's just seeing the essence through the phenomenon."

Zhao Jun smiled.

Jixiu's attitude became more respectful and he said: "Zhiyuan has a deep connection with Buddhism, which makes me ashamed. Compared with Zhiyuan, I am far inferior in practicing Buddhism."

"Master, you are too modest. Your Dharma is very profound."

Zhao Jun asked again: "But master, do you know why I am standing here today to discuss this with you?"

Ji Xiu was silent for a moment and whispered: "Please let me know."

"Because I can't see you having so much land, but not paying tribute. I can't see you having so many young men, but not working hard. I can't see you enjoying the incense and offerings from the world, but just meditating and chanting sutras in the temple."

Zhao Jun said calmly.

But every word he said made Ji Xiu tremble all over, and he started to tremble a little in the end.

The old man no longer had the same calm expression as before. Tang Wuzong's extermination of Buddhism was still vivid in his mind. Even a monk would find it difficult to compete with the power of the secular court.

"Okay, don't worry too much."

Zhao Jun raised his head and said: "Since ancient times, some courts have worshiped Buddhism and suppressed Taoism, and some have destroyed Buddhism and promoted Taoism. We, the Song Dynasty, are fair. A bowl of water will not restrict the development of religion, and naturally it will not To destroy the Buddha and destroy the Tao."

Jixiu finally breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Zhiyuan is compassionate!"

"But if you want the court to truly support the development of Buddhism and Taoism, I think the practices of Buddhism and Taoism need to change to a certain extent."

"Please ask the court to clarify your doubts."

"It's simple."

Zhao Jun put his hands behind his back, his robe fluttering in the wind, and said solemnly: "Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, justice and kindness must be promoted. You must not do anything that violates morality or the law, and you must not overly promote the theory of ghosts and gods. To intimidate people.”

"The true Buddhist way should cultivate the mind. What you cultivate is to understand your mind and see your nature. What you cultivate is wisdom. It is a summary of the principles of heaven and earth. It is not about superstitious people with the theory of ghosts and gods, or even deceiving the people to achieve their own goals."

He said: "Although Zhang Jiao's act was a righteous act, it is undeniable that he used the magic of ghosts and gods to deceive the people's trust and make countless people follow him in rebellion. He also killed countless people. This is also true. It violates morality.”

Zhang Jiao's behavior is naturally worthy of recognition, because at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the court was extortionate and exploited, the powerful were amassing money to excess, and the people were living in dire straits.

No matter what his motive is, whether it is for the common people in the world, or to rebel against himself and become the emperor.

They are all an unwilling roar against the corrupt and dark Eastern Han Dynasty court and those powerful men who only know how to exploit and oppress the people.

This is obviously in line with the theorem that history is created by the people.

But Zhang Jiao himself used talisman water and talisman to pretend to be a ghost, deceiving the people that drinking the talisman water would make him healthy, and wearing the talisman would make him invulnerable.

This caused many sick people to die from the illness. Many Yellow Turban soldiers thought they had magical powers to protect their bodies, but they quickly died on the battlefield.

So in summary, Zhang Jiao's act of rebellion is understandable, but his method of deceiving the people is not agreeable.

Otherwise, if everyone is doing things that are harmful to nature and justice under the guise of justice, wouldn’t the world be in chaos?

This is to look at the problem dialectically. Some things cannot be beaten to death with a stick, nor can they be praised blindly.

Zhao Jun continued: "What the court hopes is that Buddhism and Taoism can play a more positive role on the basis of maintaining their own practice."

"For example, we should promote correct moral values ​​such as patriotism, justice, kindness, optimism, filial piety, loyalty, hard work, and self-improvement. We should also set a good example for the people and lead by example."

"Since you enjoy the offerings of all people, you must know how to give back to the common people in times of famine. Since you encourage others to do good, you must first be kind to others. Since you must "do nothing for a day, eat for a day", you must practice it."

“Only in this way can we have a beginning and an end.”

"I think this is also the original intention of Buddha and Taoism. It is also why Buddhism and Taoism can become a sect supported by the people, and it is also something that the court should support."

At the end, Zhao Jun looked at Ji Xiu meaningfully and said: "If you can achieve these, whether you are a Buddha or a Taoist, you will be able to "directly become a Buddha" by practicing the "Bodhi Nature", isn't it? ?"

"The words of the magistrate make the poor monk ashamed."

Jixiu said with emotion: "Persuading people to do good is the true meaning of Buddhism, and it is also the reason why the Buddha is supported by the world. If it is true as Zhiyuan said, I think this is the way to become a Buddha."

"Master, it's good if you understand."

Zhao Jun looked into the distance with his profound eyes and said calmly: "This year I hope that some highly respected Buddhist and Taoist teachers will go to Bianliang to give lectures. I wonder if the masters are interested?"

Ji Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then said hurriedly: "I don't dare to neglect the Imperial Academy's invitation."

Promoting Buddhism is certainly a good thing.

Especially now that Bianliang has a large population and countless faithful men and women. In addition, this is an invitation from the imperial court, which is bound to greatly increase the influence of Buddhism.

Zhao Jun said with a smile: "The imperial court will send someone to notify you in advance, agree on a date, and invite everyone to go together. And it will not be for you to debate each other or slander each other, but to negotiate together and make progress together."

"I will obey the order of the Imperial Academy."

"Of course, in addition to promoting Buddhism and Taoism, there are some other requirements."

"Please let me know clearly."

Jixiu said.

"The imperial court hopes that you will establish a Buddhist association and a Taoist association, set some rules, and let everyone discuss together to discuss the true future of Buddhism and Taoism."

Zhao Jun said: "I think the religious community should unite together, regardless of Buddhism or Taoism, stand with the country, contribute to the country, and contribute to the people. This is the only way to interpret morality and understand one's mind."

"Otherwise, if you can achieve Buddhahood and enlightenment just by sitting in the mountains and chanting sutras, then what else do you need to do to promote Buddhism? What do you need countless pilgrims to do for you? Just have a bowl of tea and a bowl of rice, stay in the temple and chant sutras, and wait for Buddhahood and enlightenment. ”

He finally looked at the series of temples at the foot of the mountain, pointed into the distance with his right index finger and said: "I think the real way to become a Buddha is not only in this mountain, but also outside the mountain. Escaping from the world is practice, and joining the world is not practice."

Jixiu was already convinced, and he bowed his hands to Zhao Jun seriously and said, "If this poor monk had such wisdom as Zhiyuan, he would have become a Buddha long ago."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zhao Jun laughed and said: "I can't become a Buddha, and I don't want to become a Buddha. If the world is living well, I will be content."

Jixiu said: "Although Zhiyuan does not want to become a Buddha, how is this different from a Buddha?"

The Buddha advises people to be kind and hopes that the world will be truly beautiful.

If someone can reach such a state, even if he is not a Buddha, he is no different from a Buddha.

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