In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 438 No matter how time changes, I will stand alone at the top

New Year, New Atmosphere.

When 1049 arrived, Zhao Zhen did not change the reign title to Huangyou as in history.

Instead, he continued the reign title of Qingli.

From the first day of the Lunar New Year, Bianliang gradually became lively.

Shops opened one after another.

Some migrant workers in Bianliang did not go home for the New Year, but started to work early to find work.

Even on vacation, you can still do some odd jobs at the dock.

By the end of January, the city had regained its former prosperity.

The streets and alleys were crowded with people.

There were all kinds of headlines in the newspapers every day, and all kinds of magazines and popular science books were also sold one by one.

Bianliang will even build a huge library this year.

Whether you are a street worker, a small shop owner, or even a prostitute, you can get a library card to read books.

What is more interesting is that since there are many foreigners in Bianliang, and Chinese people are very curious about the situation abroad, foreigners have published articles about the situation abroad in some magazines.

First, to cheat for the manuscript fee, and second, to cater to people's curiosity about foreign situations.

Some people describe America as a land full of gold; some people describe Southeast Asia as a country of spices; and some people describe the Middle East as a land full of black water with a hoe.

As for Europe.

Europe, which was in the Middle Ages, was poor, dirty, and had poor public security, becoming a negative example of barbarism and backwardness.

Although the content was definitely distorted.

But these magazines also added a bit of novelty to the people of the Song Dynasty.

Many people only then realized that in addition to the countries around the Song Dynasty, there were many countries in the distant West that were countless times more backward than the Song Dynasty.

Many people read this information and also inspired the idea of ​​going south to Guangzhou or Zhejiang and other places to go to sea.

For a time, in the past two years, there were many people who went to the South Seas, Korea, and Japan, and even those who were not afraid of death participated in the third and fourth ocean-going fleets formed by the court and set off for America.

By early February, after rushing to finish work at the end of last year and from late January to early February, the Statistics Department also submitted the data for November and December last year.

The data were indeed satisfactory. The fiscal revenue reached 200 million guan, and the GDP reached 3 billion as expected.

In this way, the Song Dynasty was thriving. By this year, the national strength had doubled compared to before the Qingli period.

From the national GDP of about 1.5 billion guan, it increased to 3 billion guan, and the development was in full swing.

Although there must be a lot of water in it, such as the increase in the area of ​​newly produced grain, in addition to the growth rate of staple grains such as wheat and rice from the construction of water conservancy and the reclamation of wasteland.

Most of them are sweet potatoes, corn, potatoes and other foods that ordinary people do not eat, which are also counted in the grain output, greatly increasing GDP.

But these foods are often made into livestock food, feeding chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, pigs and fish, and providing meat, eggs and milk to the people of the Song Dynasty, so the water content is not too much.

In contrast, the situation in other neighboring countries is not so good.

Xixia was destroyed, Japan and Yue Dynasty became semi-colonies of the Song Dynasty, Liao Dynasty was unable to take care of itself, and only Dali and Goryeo were slightly better.

But it was not much better.

The Song Dynasty was lacking in virtue. Due to the iteration of cold weapons in the country, the weapons used by the 800,000 imperial guards and 400,000 garrison troops were piled up like mountains.

In order to get rid of these weapons, the Song Dynasty sold them all to foreign countries.

For a time, the surrounding countries were in chaos.

The surrounding countries were naturally not united, but had different degrees of opposition forces.

Those opposition forces bought weapons from the Song Dynasty and their strength increased greatly.

When the surrounding countries saw that this was definitely not possible, they could only buy weapons from the Song Dynasty and arm their own armies to ensure the safety of the regime.

The result was that in just two years, many weapons and weapons originally stored by the Song Dynasty were quickly sold out.

You must know that Renzong had 1.259 million people at his peak, and the weapons and equipment of this army of more than 1.2 million were not as simple as just more than 1.2 million sets.

In order to ensure the war damage and daily training, weapons and military equipment such as swords, guns, bows, crossbows, and armor are consumed.

In addition to the soldiers' usual equipment, there are still a lot of accumulations in the warehouse.

This means that there are millions of ordinary cold weapons, and various types of armor, horse gear, arrows and other materials can be said to be piled up like mountains.

The Song Dynasty has to spend five-sixths of its fiscal revenue on military expenditures every year, of which soldiers' wages only account for a small part, and these weapons and equipment are the real big part.

Even if a large number of defective products and the reselling of weapons in the army are excluded, there are still a lot of weapons and equipment piled up.

Now selling to neighboring countries directly makes the political power and opposition power of Dali, Japan, Yue Dynasty, Goryeo, Jurchen, Bohai and other countries and nations more than one level higher.

But correspondingly, the cost of making cold weapons is relatively high, and the cost must be higher if they have to be transported abroad.

In this way, the price these countries and the opposition have to pay is also very high.

In the past two years, the state-owned enterprises of the Song Dynasty have been selling weapons in neighboring countries. What should the neighboring countries do if they have no money?

Easy to do.

If you don't have money, don't you have mines?

Even if you don't have mines, don't you still have a lot of land?

So under such circumstances, the state-owned enterprises of the Song Dynasty owned a lot of minerals and land in neighboring countries.

A large amount of state-owned resources were controlled by the Song Dynasty, just like the invasion of Western capital in later generations. In countries like Argentina, national resources were controlled by the capital of the Bad Emperor.

Through this silent invasion, many gold and silver mines in countries like Japan and Vietnam were firmly controlled by the Song Dynasty, almost becoming a semi-colony.

In just over ten years, the Song Dynasty once again became the most powerful country in East Asia and even the world after the Tang Dynasty, and its achievements were world-famous.

However, Zhao Jun, the president of the Political Academy of the Song Dynasty and the top leader of the imperial court, knew that under this prosperity, many problems were bound to be hidden.

In order to prevent the slightest glitches, and for the country to achieve better development, he must always conduct research at the grassroots level, so as to ensure that there will be no large-scale darkness, corruption, and parasites at the grassroots level.

February 27th is the National Day of the Song Dynasty, which is another seven-day holiday.

But Zhao Jun has to go to work.

Because the Constitutional Yuan stipulates that in order to deal with emergencies, all court departments across the country must adopt a rotation system when they encounter holidays.

Each department must retain at least one-third of its manpower and two capable officers.

Therefore, many prime ministers of the Constitutional Yuan must also keep two people.

For example, during the Chinese New Year holiday this year, it was the new prime ministers Du Yan and Zheng Jian who were admitted to the hospital last time.

During the Tiansheng Festival and Shangyuan Festival holidays, they were replaced by Cai Qi, Jia Changchao, Xia Song and Jiang Tang.

Basically, except for Zhang Shixun and Li Di, two old men in their 70s and 80s who were exempted from rotation by Zhao Zhen, everyone else had to take turns to observe the holidays.

This National Day, naturally it will be Zhao Jun and Fan Zhongyan, and next time it will be Yan Shu and Song Shou.

It is Zhao Jun's privilege to put himself and Fan Zhongyan in the same class.

In the final analysis, although many prime ministers obeyed his words, they basically did not oppose the things and policies he proposed.

But in terms of political stance and close relationship, even if he has a good relationship with Yan Shu and calls him Uncle Ri, after all, Fan Zhongyan is the one who understands Zhao Jun's philosophy.

Therefore, when it comes to policy adjustments and reforms, he still likes to chat with Fan Zhongyan.

It's spring rain outside today.

Originally, Zhao Zhen planned to celebrate the National Day yesterday in a big way and hold a celebration or something.

But mid-spring in February is when everything comes to life and the spring rain moistens everything silently. It rains lightly for a few days from time to time, which is not suitable for holding celebrations.

This made Zhao Zhen call him a miscalculation. He should not have put the National Day in February, which made it more difficult to hold activities.

But Zhao Jun likes it very much, so it would be better to do less activities.

Every large-scale sacrifice is very troublesome. You have to wear grand court clothes and stand there for a long time. It's like going to jail. It's very torturous.

The hall was unusually empty. Apart from Zhao Jun and Fan Zhongyan, there were only a few officials on duty outside.

"Hanlong, when do you plan to leave Beijing?"

Fan Zhongyan asked casually while reviewing official documents.

"I originally planned to leave in early February, but the officials insisted that I go after the National Day, saying there would be some kind of celebration."

Zhao Jun glanced at the drizzle outside and said, "As a result, the celebration has not been completed yet. People haven't set off yet. Now we plan to leave in a few days in early March."

Fan Zhongyan asked: "Has the route been planned? When do you plan to come back?"

"It's hard to say when we will come back. As for the route, we will first go to Youzhou Prefecture to inspect the situation in Peiping, and then go all the way along Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Huaibei, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and finally go north from Sichuan to Guanzhong and go to the northwest."

Zhao Jun said: "Basically, it's just a circle around the country. Anyway, it will be much more convenient if there are trains in places like Nanyang and Hubei. The main thing is to go to places with inconvenient transportation."

"That's it."

Fan Zhongyan frowned, stopped writing and said: "Then you should be more careful along the way, and pay more attention to rest, so as not to get sick like last time."

Zhao Jun's health has not been too bad these years, but he is not immune to all kinds of illnesses.

The last time I traveled around the world and did research across the country, I got sick once in Hunan, and I also caught a cold some time ago.

Although there is no one who does not get sick.

But Zhao Jun was responsible for the rise of the Song Dynasty, and Zhao Zhen regarded him as more valuable than himself. He kept talking about his grandson's body when he caught a cold last time, and he was afraid of such an accident when traveling.

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Don't worry. In fact, the most fearful thing about going to the south is contracting malaria, but now that I have cinchona, I don't have to be afraid anymore. As for other diseases, I will bring a box of penicillin with me. Can handle it.”

Penicillin Zhao Zhen has been developed, but it cannot be mass-produced due to high cost and difficulty in extraction. However, there is no problem in doing it on a smaller scale.

"That's good."

Fan Zhongyan nodded, and then said: "I see that you sent someone to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to transfer some documents a few days ago. Are you planning to make personnel changes below?"

"You know, I usually don't get involved in personnel transfers. I just brought a few officials' information."

Zhao Jun said.


Fan Zhongyan became interested and said with a smile: "Why, who are you planning to promote?"

"It's not about promoting, it's about cultivating."

Zhao Jun said.

"How to say?"

"I have to take a few people with me when I leave Beijing this time."

"You are planning to take on a disciple."

"That's pretty much it."

"What, you want to find a successor?"

"We are looking for a successor."


Fan Zhongyan was surprised and said, "It's too early for you now."

Zhao Jun looked at him meaningfully and said, "It's not my successor, it's yours."

Fan Zhongyan was stunned, then smiled bitterly and said, "That's right."

Zhao Jun came from 2023. He was born on February 15th and just turned 23 years old.

The date he came from was April 1036 AD, and now it is February 1049 AD.

He just celebrated his birthday on the 15th of this month, and he is only 36 years old.

If nothing unexpected happens, assuming he can only live to 70 years old, there are still 34 years in the future.

If he is lucky, he can live to 80 or even 90 years old, and it is not a problem to toss for half a century.

And what about Fan Zhongyan and others?

Old Fan will be 60 years old in October this year, and he died of illness 3 years later in history.

Yan Shu just turned 58 at the end of last year, but he also died of illness 6 years later in history.

The rest, Li Di and Zhang Shixun, were 79 and 85 years old respectively, and they died around these two years in history.

Cai Qi and Song Shou were about the same age as Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan, but they both died young in history, in their early 50s, and the grass on their graves should be three feet high at that time.

Even if Zhao Jun appeared and changed history, allowing them to live a few more years.

But the question is how long can they live longer?

In ancient times when medical conditions were relatively poor, when people were over 60 years old, they really lived one more day, and no one could tell when they would die, just like Lü Yijian and Wang Zeng.

In addition, the term of office of the Political System Council was normally only ten years, and Cai Qi and Song Shou were specially granted by Zhao Zhen, which made it clear that the next term would not be able to continue to be re-elected.

Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan were the first prime ministers who were not co-governors of the Council, but alternate co-governors.

They did not enter the court until the second term in 1041. Now it is the third year of the third term in 1046. Normally, they should step down after two years. Even if Zhao Zhen still grants them special permission, they can only serve for another seven years at most.

So if nothing unexpected happens, most of the familiar faces of the current prime ministers will be replaced in the next seven years.

Including Zhang Shixun and Li Di, who are old.

There are also Jiang Tang and Jia Changchao who entered the court in the second term. They are basically impossible to be in the fourth term.

When the Constitutional Court is re-elected in October 1051, if Zhao Jun does not intend to kick anyone out, then including Zhao Zhen's special permission for Yan Shu and Fan Zhongyan, there will only be six people left: Zhao Jun, Yan Shu, Fan Zhongyan, Xia Song, Zheng Jian, and Du Yan.

By the fifth term in 1056, there will only be Zhao Jun alone, and new people will have to come up.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that there is not much time left for Fan Zhongyan and others.

Fan Zhongyan sighed, "I didn't expect that 13 years have passed in a flash."

"Be content."

Zhao Jun smiled and said, "You have been prime minister for eight years now, and you have also fulfilled your long-cherished wish of reform. It is much better than the history that you only served as deputy prime minister for more than a year, and then the Qingli New Deal failed, and finally was demoted out of the capital, and died in depression."

"That's true."

Fan Zhongyan laughed and shook his head and said, "People should still learn to be content."

"Be content with what you have, cherish the last few years."

Zhao Jun also smiled.

After saying that, he was a little dazed and emotional for a while.

Time flies, and years change.

Thirteen years have passed in a hurry, and he has sent too many people away.

Lü Yijian, Wang Zeng, Sheng Du, Wang Sui, etc.

Although it is good for them to be prime ministers for so many years in their last careers.

But the regime changes, and the prime minister is still like flowing water. Even if Zhao Zhen grants it, it will not be more than fifteen years at most.

The pinnacle of power will eventually succumb to term and time.

But he.

He never changed.

The five-year term was never a constraint on him.

The prime ministers came and went, but the chancellor remained.

No one could shake his position, not even Zhao Zhen!

No matter how many prime ministers changed.

No matter who the emperor was.

In the end, he was the only one standing at the pinnacle of power, until his death!

When he died, he was the supreme ruler.

What's the difference between him and the emperor?

Think about it carefully.

It's pretty cool.

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