In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 449 Arresting people as soon as entering Youyan

Zhao Jun actually knew that the superstitious and feudal ideas of the people could not be changed in a short time.

Just like technology cannot be iterated in just a few years or decades.

But just as the Song Dynasty used the whole country's strength to first develop cutting-edge technologies such as steam and electricity, and then slowly popularize the basics and accumulate other technologies.

Some things you have to do first, and only by doing them can you have a future.

If you think "Oh, it's too difficult to do this, I'd better not do it, let it go."

Then even if the Liao Kingdom and Xixia were defeated, the Song Dynasty would only be a feudal society that was no different from other dynasties, and it would never be able to move towards civilization.

So Zhao Jun's idea is very simple. He doesn't want to talk about how difficult it is to do this, nor does he want to know how many disadvantages there are.

He only cares about doing it, how to do it, and how to formulate a relatively complete plan to solve various problems and disadvantages.

Because no matter how many disadvantages there are and how much resistance there is, the benefits must outweigh the disadvantages.

Therefore, this is not only responsible for national development, but also for the Chinese Han people of the Song Dynasty!

Of course.

In addition to this, there is another factor, which is to strengthen the control over the grassroots.

In addition to the well-known conditions such as economy, military, and education, there are four other factors to measure national strength in later generations.

In 1993, the state issued a report called "China Capacity Report".

This report pointed out that China's development is inseparable from national capacity, and national capacity includes "financial extraction capacity", "macro-control capacity", "legalization capacity" and "coercive capacity".

Based on the theoretical basis of this report, my country has improved many reforms such as tax-sharing reform, social security system and strengthening macro-control capacity.

Many policies in it have been extended to after 2020.

Think about it again. As early as 1992, Mr. Qian had already written to the state to suggest that my country's automobile industry should skip gasoline and diesel and directly develop new energy.

It can be imagined that since the 1990s, my country's future development planning has been very long-term, considering things decades later.

In essence, the so-called national capacity is the ability of the country to transform its will and goals into reality.

Among them, the ability to extract finance, the ability to legalize and the ability to coerce are inseparable from the grasp of the grassroots.

Then, taking advantage of this opportunity, breaking the monopoly of feudal landlords and gentry on rural areas step by step and further strengthening central power is the best choice.

Therefore, in general, what Zhao Jun has to do is, first, to have a long-term vision and regard the development of science and technology, the popularization of basic education, and the change of people's ideas as a century-long plan for the future.

Second, to establish the Farmers' Association, an organization that is the opposite of the landlord and gentry class, and strengthen the Farmers' Association's control over rural areas through the support and help of the government. The court will then use the Farmers' Association to let the Farmers' Association implement the will of the court.

In this way, the grassroots of the people who were once far away from the central control and the so-called imperial power not going to the countryside can be connected with the upper class.

The only issue to be considered in the middle is whether the government can be closely connected with the Farmers' Association, rather than the government being bribed by the landlords and gentry, causing the Farmers' Association to be in name only.

This is a test of the supervision.

Zhao Jun is not worried about this, because the strength of supervision often depends on the highest authority.

The supervision during the Zhu Yuanzhang period of the Ming Dynasty was extremely strong, and the emperors who followed gradually began to relax, which led to political corruption in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

Zhao Jun is only 35 years old now. If nothing unexpected happens, he can still rule for at least 30-40 years, or even 50 years.

Such a long time is enough for him to improve political supervision and normalize it. It is also enough to cultivate several successors who can always implement his will and pass on his ideas.

So Zhao Jun is still very optimistic about the future development of the Song Dynasty.

He left Lincheng on March 29th and continued to go north. Every time he arrived at a place, he would first make a secret visit in the local area for one day. If he found corrupt officials, bandits and bullies, and oppressive habits, he would punish them severely.

If local officials did a good job, he would praise them. Then he would summon local officials and members of the farmers' association to explain the idea of ​​breaking old conventions and bad habits one by one.

Although he could also return to the central government and issue decrees directly later, there were many layers between them. The central government's will might not be implemented in place, and the effect would be much worse than Zhao Jun's personal explanation.

The only problem is that since ideological work in this regard had to be carried out in each place, it took a lot of time.

The original plan was to go directly north to Youyan, crossing the entire Hebei Plain at an average speed of 20-30 kilometers per day, with a journey of about 600 kilometers, and it would arrive within a month.

But now it would take one more day in each county, and the journey would naturally be much slower. By the time he arrived in Youyan, it would basically be late April.

On April 22, Zhao Jun arrived in Rongcheng.

Cui Yi, the pacification envoy of Youyan Road, Yang Ting, the transport envoy and the prefect of Beiping, Wang Si, the chief criminal officer, Zhou Hang, the envoy of Changping, Tang Jie, the censor, Wei Guan, the prefect of Zhuozhou, and Wu Kui, the judge, came to see him.

Now that the Sixteen Prefectures of Youyun have returned, the court has made administrative planning for the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and some areas of Liaodong.

Among them, the area from Beijing to Shenyang is about 120,000 square kilometers, which is called Youyan Road. In later generations, Shuozhou, Datong, Zhangjiakou and the surrounding areas are about 90,000 square kilometers, which is called Yunshuo Road.

Since the Liao and Song Dynasties were still in a state of war theoretically, the Song Dynasty only accepted the Liao Kingdom's peace negotiations, but it did not mean that it would withdraw its troops from the border.

Therefore, the army that was previously deployed on Hebei Road has now moved north. There are also pacifiers responsible for leading the troops there, as well as other senior generals such as the general commander of troops and horses, the deputy commander-in-chief of troops and horses, and so on.

The current border between the Liao and Song Dynasties is bounded by the Yu River, Daling River, Jin River and other rivers. On the Youyan Road side, the Song Dynasty occupies Bei'an Prefecture, Zezhou, Yuzhou, Jinzhou and other places.

The specific location is almost to the south of Longhua County, Lingyuan City, Jianping County, and Chaoyang City in later generations. Large areas such as Chengde City, Jinzhou City, and Fuxin City are all Song soil.

On the other side of Yunshuo Road, it reaches Zhangjiakou in the east and Hohhot in the west. The main areas are Datong City and Shuozhou City in Shanxi Province, and Ulanqab City in Inner Mongolia.

As a city at the junction of Youyan Road and Hebei Road, Rongcheng once prospered briefly due to the trade between Song and Liao. Now that Yanyun has returned, the trade between the two places no longer has barriers and tariffs, and it has gradually fallen into the ordinary.

It's noon, and the weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently.

It has not rained in Yanyun for more than 20 days, and the local government is organizing manpower to dig canals to deal with possible drought.

At this moment, a motorcade came slowly in the wilderness. In the distance, beside the official road pavilion, there were many officials from Youyan Road.

The carriage stopped, Zhao Jun opened the curtain, and a gentle breeze came, but what hit his face was a heat wave and turbid air, which made his whole body feel uncomfortable.

"It's only late April, it's not even the height of May yet, and the weather in Youyan is already so hot."

Yang Cha, Yang Gao and others came over.

Zhao Jun walked down the carriageway: "Youyan's climate is indeed a bit unusual, but the local government seems to be taking preventive measures."

His eyes swept across the fields. The farmland on both sides of the road was slightly dry. Many farmers were digging ditches on the banks of the Yishui River in the distance. Because the water flow in Yishui had also dropped significantly, the previous ditches could no longer divert water.

"Your Majesty, please pay your respects to the Governor!"

The carriage stopped by the pavilion. Cui Yi and other officials stepped forward, and dozens of people bowed their hands to him and saluted.

In addition to the main officials of the fifth division along the way, there are also local deputies, local county officials, and border generals guarding Youyan Road. Their ranks range from Cui Yi, the fourth rank, to the eighth rank county captain.

Zhao Jun glanced at it, judged the leader by his official uniform and position, and said, "Are you Cui Yi?"

"That's right, your official."

Cui Yi said with a smile.

"Where's Tang Jie?"

Zhao Jun asked again.

Tang Jie, the head of the Censorship Department, stood up and said, "I'm here."


Zhao Jun nodded, waved his hand and said: "Get them two first! Don't be violent, the matter has not been decided yet, we are just going to isolate them for review first!"

Behind him, the Imperial Guards led by Jiang Dalang surged over like wolves and tigers, taking Cui Yi and Tang Jie under control.

Tang Jie's expression was calm, without any resistance.

Cui Yize was shocked and shouted loudly: "Zhiyuan, Zhiyuan, what's going on? Why are you arresting me? How can you arrest a court official for no reason?"



Many officials present were also shocked and looked at each other in confusion.

No one expected that when Zhao Jun first arrived in Youyan, he would arrest the two highest-ranking local officials, and one of them was a pacifier.

You must know that although Cui Yi's rank is the same as that of Yang Wei, Wang Si, Zhou Hang, Tang Jie and others, he is always above the other divisions and has always been the head of the four divisions. He is called " Shuai Si".

The reason is that in the past, the full name of the pacifier was "Jinglue pacifier", which covered the responsibilities of "Jinglue" and "pacification". Locally, the pacifier, Changping envoy, and Tixing officer were collectively referred to as the four divisions.

Among them, the transshipment officer is in charge of material transportation, the Changping officer is in charge of warehouse storage, and the criminal officer is in charge of prison proceedings. The economic and strategic pacification envoy is in charge of civil affairs and military affairs, and can be said to be the highest military and political official along the way.

It was not until later that the imperial court wanted to decentralize power. From the Zhenzong period of the Song Dynasty, the economic and strategic envoys and the pacifying envoys were separated. There were no permanent economic and strategic envoys. They only had permanent pacifying envoys at the border and handed over the civil power to the transfer envoys. Falling off the altar.

However, there are no pacification envoys in the interior, but there are permanent ones at the border gates. Since the economic envoys are not permanent and focus more on military affairs, the pacification envoys pay more attention to disasters and civil unrest, and they also have certain military powers. As a result, the border pacification envoys have more powerful powers.

Unless the imperial court temporarily establishes this position in charge of military and political power along the way, just like Fan Zhongyan first went to the northwest to serve as the Shaanxi Road Economic Envoy, the pacification envoy will have the highest rank.

Youyan Road was a newly established border road in the Song Dynasty. As a semi-military chief, Cui Yi had great influence although he could not directly intervene in the place.

Zhao Jun immediately arrested him, as well as Tang Jie, the chief officer of the Yushi Department, who was equivalent to the highest-level supervisory official along the way. Two senior fourth-rank officials were arrested directly in front of everyone, regardless of the information given or the The reasons are all puzzling.

"On my way here, before I arrived at Youyan, I received an official document from the Constitutional Yuan, saying that someone had reported with a real name that you were involved in corruption. No one in the world knows that, and I have no tolerance for official corruption."

Zhao Jun said calmly: "But I will never arrest people for no reason. To catch corruption, we need evidence. So today we are not arresting you formally. Instead, as usual, you will be isolated and examined first. After the investigation is completed, you will be proven." You are innocent, and the Constitutional Yuan will publicly clarify it for you, so that the court will personally clear your suspicions, but if there are any problems with the investigation."

As he spoke, his eyes showed a cold light, and he glanced at Cui Yi sideways. The expressionless look on his face made Cui Yi shiver, and his legs seemed to start to tremble.

Historical records record that those who become corrupt are more likely to benefit from corruption than those who are old. In Fengxiang, Xue Xiang was in a hurry and had to go to the river. Ask the old man to serve as the minister of the Ministry of punishment.

It means that Cui Yi is greedy and cunning wherever he goes, and he will become even more powerful when he gets old. When he was in Fengxiang, the transshipment envoy Xue Xiang severely investigated him and he had no choice but to go to the river. Requested to retire as Minister of Justice.

Zhao Jun naturally didn't know, but before he arrived at Youyan, he did receive an official document from the Political Yuan. It was the censor from Youyan Road who reported to the central censorship station, and then the censorship station reported it to the central censorship station. Official documents are submitted to the Constitutional Yuan, who then forwards them to him.

Since the imperial court now does not allow the impeachment to be carried out without any reason, if the censor and admonishers report for impeachment, there must be certain evidence. Therefore, this means that the whistleblower will most likely have evidence of Cui Yi's crime, so he will naturally have to be arrested.

However, procedures still have to be followed. Now when the court catches corrupt officials, they do not arrest them directly. Instead, they first isolate and examine them, which is later called "shuanggui" in the secular world. After the investigation is clear, they will then be convicted according to their guilt. In the end, they still have to follow the procedures.

"Is Wang Shougui here?"

Zhao Jun asked again.

A middle-aged man with a white face and no beard came out from the crowd and said respectfully: "I'm here."

"I'll stay in Rongcheng today, and I'll come over later."


"Okay, let's talk about it after we get into the city."

Zhao Jun waved his hand: "The weather is so hot now, don't stay outside the city for a long time."


Everyone bowed their hands.

Zhao Jun returned to the carriage and the team slowly entered the city.

Soon the group entered the city.

Zhao Jun did not settle in Rongcheng County Yamen, but settled in Rongcheng Post House, which is also a guest house.

Except for Cui Yi and Tang Jie, many officials were isolated and detained in the backyard. The other officials rested in the front yard and waited for Zhao Jun to summon them.

It was noon, and the first person Zhao Jun wanted to see was Wang Shougui.

He is the general manager of Youyan Road, and his official name is relatively complicated. He is generally called "Zuoma takes over" and is commonly known as the supervisor of the army. He is in the positions of transfer envoy, deputy envoy, judge, tiandian prison, academic scholar, and Changping. Below the officials and above the state officials, they are the fifth rank, which is of inferior position and power.

Moreover, Wang Shougui also had another identity, that is, he was a chamberlain. In layman's terms, Wang Shougui was the eunuch sent by the imperial court to supervise the army at Youyan Road.

Although Zhao Jun previously reformed the army and abolished the military supervisory system, he only abolished the military supervisory authority during daily periods and the command authority of the military supervisory authority during wartime. In wartime, the military command authority was handed over to the generals and the supervisory troops were not allowed to interfere.

However, the position of military supervisor still existed. For example, when Fan Zhongyan regained Youyan, the imperial court sent Wang Su and Zhu Yunzhong as supervisors. In theory, the war in Liao and Song Dynasties was not over yet, so although Fan Zhongyan returned to the court with his troops, the court still sent eunuchs to oversee the army and stay in Youyan.

At this moment, in Rongcheng Post House, Zhao Jun was in the middle hall. He had just entered the room to change his clothes, and washed his face to remove the dust from his body. Then he went to the hall and asked Wang Shougui to be called in.

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