In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 67: Are you worthy of the Song Dynasty? (Seventh update)

Lu Yijian regretted it at this moment. He hadn't thought that deeply just now and just made a joke, but he didn't expect it to become so complicated.

Zhao Jun stiffened his neck and refused to give in. Zhao Zhen is the emperor and his face is not up to the mark. What should he do?

The venue became extremely silent for a while.

It seemed like the sound of a pin dropping became audible.

Zhao Zhen's face became increasingly ugly.

After a while, Yan Shu hurriedly advised: "What nonsense, Zhao Jun, you couldn't see before and didn't know that this was the Song Dynasty. You talked nonsense and made it a joke. Now that you have met His Majesty, how can you still be so lawless!"

"I'm not lawless!"

Zhao Jun argued forcefully: "But I have said before that if the Song Dynasty is not good, it is not good. I am not the only one who thinks it is not good. Thousands of people in later generations think it is not good. This is a final conclusion, and it cannot be because I traveled to the Song Dynasty. , just change my words immediately, not to mention things that will be recognized by future generations, which I can’t change.”

"Spring and Autumn" says: "It is a taboo for the venerable, a taboo for the relatives, and a taboo for the wise." Even if it is recognized by later generations, it cannot change the fact that the Zhao family of the Song Dynasty is your ancestor. Can't you protect the face of your ancestors? And be patient?"

Lu Yijian frowned, why is this kid so stubborn? But it's nothing like the kind from the old Zhao family.

"Face? Da Song's face was already lost in the Jingkang scandal."

Zhao Jun said coldly: "Besides, if your words and deeds are inconsistent, you will be looked down upon by others if you are so spineless. Ask yourself, if I kneel down and give you a rainbow fart right away, you are happy now, will you still think highly of me afterwards?"


Everyone looked at each other again, because they found that Zhao Jun was right.

Zhao Jun has been belittling the Song Dynasty these days, almost trampling all the emperors and ministers of the Song Dynasty to the ground. Except for Taizu Zhao Kuangyin and Renzong Zhao Zhen who could barely hear one or two good words from his mouth, the other emperors were basically brain-dead, mentally retarded, etc. adjective.

If only Zhao Jun, after his eyes regained their sight, had immediately understood the situation, immediately knelt on the ground, praised the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty, and at the same time repented of his previous remarks that disparaged the Song Dynasty.

Most people just laughed it off at the moment, but in retrospect, they couldn't help but feel that Zhao Jun's character might not be good enough, and they looked down upon him for a while.

So after Lu Yijian exposed Zhao Jun's gag and laughed and cursed just to get over the matter, things became different.

Zhao Jun couldn't give in. Giving in would mean that everything he said before was false, and he himself was a weakling.

Zhao Zhen cannot give in, because he is the emperor, representing the face of the royal family and the majesty of the emperor.

Both sides must be tough, otherwise they cannot afford to lose their integrity or face.

For a moment, Lu Yijian felt regretful. She wished she could slap herself twice. Why did she talk so much?

"Zhao Jun!"

Wang Zeng saw that Zhao Zhen was furious and said quickly: "What nonsense are you talking about? You've made the officials so angry that you still haven't apologized to them?"

"Yes, Zhao Jun, it's just an apology, we won't look down on you."

"Being young and energetic is a good thing, don't make a mistake about it."

"We all know who you are, and we also know that you are outspoken, but the Zhao family is your ancestor, and the Song Dynasty is the foundation founded by your ancestors. It is not against your heart to say something nice."

Fan Zhongyan, Wang Sui, Cai Qi, Song Shou, Sheng Du and others also came to the battle to persuade.

They couldn't make Zhao Zhen give in, they could only force Zhao Jun to give in.

However, the more they pushed Zhao Jun, the more he gritted his teeth and held on. He said: "I can't apologize, and I won't change anything I said before. The Song Dynasty is a rubbish dynasty, a eunuch dynasty! It is not worthy of being the leader of China. The orthodox dynasties of the nation are not worthy of me praising their virtues! Otherwise, you will kill me. You have no backbone, I must have backbone!”


Zhao Zhen was so angry that he was trembling all over and shouted angrily: "You unworthy descendants, how come we, the great Song Dynasty, are not worthy of being the orthodox dynasty of the Chinese nation!"

"If you don't deserve it, you don't deserve it!"

Zhao Jun's face was solemn, and he stiffened his neck and looked directly at Zhao Zhen: "Ancestor, you are my ancestor and the only three wise kings in the Northern Song Dynasty, so I respect you. If Zhao Gou and Zhao Ji are like him, I will treat it as a dog , even considered an insult to the dog, treating it as a piece of shit, I wish I could chop off Zhao Gou and Zhao Ji's dog head with a knife. But even today, it is you, Song Renzong, who is in charge of the Song Dynasty, and I still feel that the Song Dynasty is not worthy of it!"

Yan Shu was shocked and said: "Zhao Jun, don't say any more. When you were blind, you didn't know you were in the Song Dynasty. We could still pretend that you didn't know. But now you know clearly that you are in the Song Dynasty. Don't insult us." state system."

Zhao Jun looked around and saw an angry Zhao Zhen, a frowning Wang Zeng of Lu Yijian, as well as Yan Shu, Fan Zhongyan and others looking at him with worried expressions.

He knew that if he bowed his head and admitted his mistake now, nothing would happen.

Although Zhao Zhen may feel uncomfortable afterwards, he is useful in his own way. Even if he spoils a lot of future events, there are too many shortcomings in the Song Dynasty that he needs to help solve. At the same time, he needs to teach mathematics, physics and chemistry, and technology needs to be solved. He came to develop, and the Song Dynasty also wanted him to grow strong.

So as long as he admits his mistake, everything will be fine, and he will be promoted and rich, and live a comfortable life. Anyway, with the Emperor of the Song Dynasty supporting him, it is not impossible to be a highly respected minister.


Zhao Jun really couldn't say anything to praise the Song Dynasty or the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

Because he cannot violate his conscience.

Except for Zhao Kuangyin, Zhao Zhen and Zhao Xu, everyone else is really not worthy of praise!

If I kneel down, I will really kneel down. What is the backbone of the Han people and the martial spirit?

What is the difference between that and Qin Hui?

In his early years, Qin Hui advocated resistance against the Jin army, used troops to fight the Northern Expedition, and strongly opposed the payment of compensation by various places. He was the leader of the war faction.

As a result, after the Jingkang Shame, he was captured by the Jin army and tortured. In a blink of an eye, he betrayed the revolution and joined the peace faction, becoming an object of scorn.

No matter how much Zhao Jun wanted to live, he couldn't learn from the people he despised!

So he had to be tough.

Either he stood up and made money, or he stood up and had his head chopped off.

There was no third way to go.

He looked at everyone, and everyone looked at him.

Everyone was waiting for him to speak.

Zhao Jun was silent for a long time before he looked around at everyone and said, "Speaking of which, except for Uncle Lari who is Yan Shu, Uncle Nima who is Fan Zhongyan, and Wazamuguo who is the emperor, I still don't know you all."

This sentence broke the silence. Lü Yijian hesitated slightly and whispered, "I am Lü Yijian, also Malegbi."

"I am Wang Zeng, also Aergumu."

"I am Wang Sui, also Jiasiyot."

"I am Cai Qi."

Everyone introduced themselves, giving their names and aliases.

It was at this moment that Zhao Jun looked a little dazed again.

These were the three ministers and three counselors in the third year of Jingyou in the reign of Emperor Renzong, representing the people with the highest power level in the Song Dynasty.

I didn't expect that these people had been fooling him all the time. No wonder he didn't realize it for so long. Compared with a group of political elites, he was still too young.

After listening to their introductions, Zhao Jun said with a little self-mockery, "You all really tried hard to deceive me."

Everyone had to smile awkwardly.

There was no way.

At the beginning, he was about to be discovered, so he could only pretend to be a villager, so that he could come to the class openly, killing two birds with one stone.

After getting to know everyone, Zhao Jun took a deep breath, looked around at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, what I am going to say next may not be pleasant to hear, but sometimes, honest advice is unpleasant to the ear, so even if it is unpleasant, good medicine is bitter, I still have to say it."

After speaking, he glanced at everyone and saw that no one spoke, as if they were waiting for the next words, so he slowly said: "I have told you about the history of the Song Dynasty, and you all know it. Then I want to ask, how can the Song Dynasty deserve respect and admiration? Lu Gong."


Lü Yijian said: "You say."

Zhao Jun turned his head, looked at him, and said: "You are the prime minister, the chief minister of the dynasty. In the Zhou Dynasty, "All under heaven is the king's land; all the people are the king's subjects!" Is the history of the Song Dynasty worthy of being compared with the eight hundred years of the Zhou Dynasty?"

Lü Yijian was silent.

He knew about the Jingkang Shame, and also knew about all the things that would happen in the future of the Song Dynasty. He couldn't go against his conscience in front of so many people.

People say that literati are shameless and are used to confusing right and wrong.

But at least even when Liu E was at the peak of power, Lü Yijian did not violate the code of conduct.

Otherwise, if he was a person of low character, how could he be remembered in history? Even political enemies like Wang Zeng and Fan Zhongyan could not attack him on the basis of character?

"Wang Gong!"

Seeing that he was silent, Zhao Jun looked at Wang Zeng again and asked, "You are also a prime minister. During the Qin Dynasty, you wiped out the six kingdoms and unified the country. You created the imperial system, unified the writing system, the wheels, and the weights and measures. The first emperor was the only emperor in history. Are the achievements of the Song Dynasty comparable to those of the Qin Dynasty that unified China?"

Wang Zeng put his hands in his sleeves, lowered his head, and said nothing.

The first emperor unified China, and this achievement has been highly praised by all dynasties. The biggest flaw of the Song Dynasty was that it had not recovered the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, and Zhao Yuanhao in the northwest also wanted to rebel. How could the achievement of unifying China be compared with that of the first emperor?

"Mr. Fan!"

Zhao Jun turned the gun and pointed it at Fan Zhongyan, saying: "You have said in history that "worry about the worries of the world first, and enjoy the happiness of the world later", which is admirable. Then I want to ask you. In the Han Dynasty, "wherever the sun and the moon shine, wherever the rivers flow, they are all the territory of our great Han!" "Those who offend our powerful Han will be punished even if they are far away!" "If the enemy can go, I can go too!" The heroic spirit of Emperor Wu of Han was far away in the northern frontier. Is the martial virtue of the Song Dynasty comparable to that of the great Han Dynasty?"

Fan Zhongyan had a stern face and remained silent.

"Duke Yan, during the Sui Dynasty, "Any barbarian who dares to invade will have his country destroyed, his race exterminated, and his descendants exterminated." Can the majesty of the Song Dynasty be compared with that of the Sui Dynasty?"

"Duke Song, during the Tang Dynasty, "The nine-day gates of the palace were opened, and people from all over the world bowed to the emperor." "I will wear golden armor after a hundred battles in the yellow sand, and I will not return until I conquer Loulan." "All the barbarians inside and outside the country who dare to call for war will be killed!" Can the power of the Song Dynasty be compared with that of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Duke Sheng, during the Yuan Dynasty, "Everywhere covered with green grass is my horse-grazing land." "How broad your mind is, how far your warhorse can gallop." Can the territory of the Song Dynasty be compared with that of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Duke Cai, during the Ming Dynasty, "Expel the barbarians and restore China." "The righteous and military are vigorous, and those who jump out of the beams will be killed and withdraw from the Great Wall, and your body will be intact." "No marriage, no tribute, no annual tribute. "The emperor guards the country's gates, and the king dies for the country." Is the integrity of the Song Dynasty comparable to that of the Ming Dynasty?"

"Officials? Emperor! My ancestor! Finally, I want to ask you, my great Chinese nation has unified the country, driven out the Japanese invaders, and suppressed the traitors at home. We have established a great foundation for the people to be the masters of the country, so that the people have enough food and clothing, and have fed 140 million people, ensuring that more than 99% of the people no longer have to worry about food and clothing. Did the people of the Song Dynasty live better than the new era?"

Zhao Jun looked at the crowd and spoke slowly, like a bell like a bell, turning each word into a sword, striking everyone's hearts.

Murder and heart-wrenching!

There was an indescribable expression on everyone's face.

Some of them opened their mouths to refute, but found that except for being able to talk about it economically, they were completely unable to produce any evidence that the Song Dynasty was stronger than other dynasties in other aspects.

Some people remained silent because they knew very well that Da Song was indeed extremely aggrieved.

Others have nothing but embarrassment or incompetent rage on their faces.

Zhao Jun looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on the face of Zhao Zhen, who was still very angry but now dumbfounded, and said in a deep voice: "Ancestor, there are some things, you have to admit that the Northern and Southern Song Dynasty combined, the Song Dynasty is useless. In three hundred years, it has not been unified from beginning to end, which is incomparable with those unified dynasties! "

"Our future generations are not like now. You only value your own power and the position under your butt. You feel that you have given up your dignity. You can kneel down and prostrate yourself externally, suppress cruelly internally, and kneel down to beg for mercy from Liao, Jin, and Mongolia. Continue to be your emperor and your high official."

"But in later generations, the dignity of the country is above all else. Because we have experienced too many things that have humiliated the country and lost power. Starting from the late Qing Dynasty, a series of unequal treaties turned our country into a foreign colonial land."

"The Japanese invaders were rampant and the mountains and rivers were shattered. If the 40 million Chinese compatriots had not united as one and finally defeated Japan, I am afraid that the Han people would have perished long ago."

"China has never lacked people with an unyielding spirit, and great men emerged from nowhere. They made the final decision by launching a campaign to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, defeating the arrogant Americans. Otherwise, where would the international status of New China be in future generations?"

"So we, future generations, can build a country by relying on force and unyielding spirit. Are there any ischemic men in the Song Dynasty? There is no shortage at all. What is lacking is bloody emperors!"

"Those emperors of the Zhao family basically have their souls in the ancestral halls in our village, but they just burn incense during festivals and pay respect to you before calling you ancestors. If they don't respect you, they point at your head and call you wimps. !”

"A few decades ago, the Liao people were so powerful that even if they lost the war, they would force the Song Dynasty to pay annual tribute. A few decades later, the Jin troops marched on Bianliang, rushed into the city, captured two emperors of the Song Dynasty, and raped countless women of the Song Dynasty. , trampling Da Song’s face on the ground!”

"Zhao Zhen! You are a typical shameless person. If you are still a man, you should think about how to change the useless situation of the Song Dynasty, and think about how to change the style of the Song Dynasty that has been sealed for future generations."

"Rather than here, yelling at one of your descendants and forcing him to kneel down and apologize to you. This is just a treacherous thing. Even if I beheaded, in my heart, countless people in future generations will In my heart, you are still worse than a beast!"

Zhao Jun's last words, his eyes were red, his face was extremely excited, he almost shouted!

Vent your anger!

between fields.

There was silence.

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