In the Song Dynasty, there was no law or order.

Chapter 70 Island country? Do it!

Going overseas to find high-yielding crops was the first thing that came to Zhao Jun's mind.

Because productivity was limited in ancient times, the Song Dynasty's current population is close to 100 million, land annexation is serious, and a large number of landless farmers have become a powder keg.

However, it is difficult for him alone to carry out land reform immediately, allocate land to farmers and alleviate social conflicts.

Therefore, he could only come up with some practical and useful methods first, such as going to the Americas to look for potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and other high-yielding crops to first solve the people's food and clothing problems and then promote social progress.

This is also the development path of New China in the new era. “First eat enough to have the strength to work.”

After Zhao Jun finished the first point, he stopped and looked around.

Everyone's eyes were now focused on him, and everyone listened carefully, like students eager to learn.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lu Yijian asked, "Zhao Jun, why didn't you say anything?"

"I just want to know what everyone thinks about this."

Zhao Jun smiled.

"It's very well said. It's really amazing. I've been listening carefully."

Lu Yijian nodded repeatedly.

"Well, we have been exploring the relationship between productivity and production for a long time these days. Improving food production is indeed a top priority."

“I remember Zhao Jun once said, “Survive first, then develop.” ", this sentence is the best interpretation of the present."

"Zhao Jun's ideas on this point are really amazing. You are smart enough to be the prime minister of a country."

Several Pingzhang Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers were very satisfied with Zhao Jun's words.

It has even exceeded expectations, and I feel that the official family has really found a treasure this time.

Because the long-term nature of the country is that citizens must survive and meet basic material conditions before they can look to the future and seek a better quality of life.

You don’t even have enough to eat, so you just think about the industrial revolution?

Therefore, Zhao Jun can first grasp the main contradiction and then propose a solution to the main contradiction. This talent and thinking itself proves that he has the ability to govern the country.

"Yes, survival is the first priority, that's why I proposed to look for high-yielding crops. It's better to do this early."

Seeing that everyone was satisfied, Zhao Jun knew that he had passed this level, so he continued: "At this stage, we cannot improve productivity immediately, and I think it may not be feasible to carry out large-scale changes. I need to conduct research before We can start, so the second step is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.”

"Increase revenue and reduce expenditure?"

Sheng Du was the deputy prime minister in economics. He was an expert in this area, so he questioned: "How to increase revenue and reduce expenditure? This kind of thing still needs you to understand."

"Of course it's not to increase revenue and reduce expenditure on the existing basis, but to find a suitable direction. I remember you guys have been asking me about the tea method before, and I gave you the answer of Jiaozipu. Don't tell me, it's over. Two or three months and you still haven’t done anything.”

Zhao Jun looked at everyone with doubts. These guys couldn't have done nothing.

He saw a proud expression on Zhao Zhen's face and said: "Of course I have already started doing these things. Now that Bianliang Jiaozi has been launched, countless people have come to Jiaozi to make deposits. I have also defeated the tea merchants." conspiracy."

"Tea merchant's conspiracy?"

Zhao Jun was confused. It seemed that many interesting things happened in the Song Dynasty during the period when he was blind.

Zhao Zhen briefly explained the situation, and finally said triumphantly: "If it hadn't been for the great help of many ministers, I'm afraid they would have succeeded."

"The officials are ridiculously praising me. They are all sharing your Majesty's worries."

"This is all due to His Majesty's strategic planning. I dare not take credit for it."

"The officials have already prepared countermeasures, and the ministers have only done a little bit."

Several ministers were modest and put the credit on Zhao Zhen.

In fact, the struggle among the scholar-bureaucrats in the early Renzong Dynasty was particularly interesting.

When Li Di and Lu Yijian were fighting for power, they would tell each other small stories. Then in the memorial, they praised Zhao Zhen for his wisdom while belittling his opponent for causing harm to the country and the people.

When Wang Zeng and Lu Yijian fought for power, they also snitched on each other. Lu Yijian said that Wang Zeng formed a party for personal gain, and Wang Zeng said that Lu Yijian was corrupt.

Zhao Zhen hesitated and asked Sheng Du. Sheng Du set a trap for two people and gave Zhao Zhen an idea. In the end, Lu Yijian and Wang Zeng were dismissed from the prime minister at the same time, and then he became prime minister.

Therefore, later generations think of the ancient court struggle as a battle of wits and courage between the two sides, with frequent conspiracies and tricks on both sides. In the end, one side missed a move and lost the whole game.

The actual struggle in the court - bragging about the emperor's wisdom and wisdom, bringing the relationship between oneself and the emperor closer, and then taking the opportunity to report on the opponent, making the emperor hate his opponent, and finally driving the opponent out of the court.

This is exactly the same as the real business struggle of later generations, which is actually a grab for official seal.

This phenomenon lasted until the middle and late periods of the Renzong Dynasty. Due to Zhao Zhen's relatively soft character and his poor health in the middle and later periods, he had a very short time to handle government affairs. As a result, the power of the prime ministers in the court became more and more powerful.

Later, Fu Bi, Bao Zheng, Wen Yanbo, Han Qi, Ouyang Xiu and others all used to follow Song Renzong's example. For example, Bao Zheng made Zhao Zhen spit on Zhang Yaozuo, and Ouyang Xiu even criticized the sky and the ground, saying that Song Renzong was fatuous.

The reason for these two completely different situations is that the early prime ministers of the Renzong Dynasty were basically from the Zongzhen Dynasty, and they were better at doing one thing on the surface and another on the other.

In the late period of Zhenzong, he was ignorant and incompetent, and made the court a mess. If he did not follow his wishes, he would be demoted. Therefore, these prime ministers were accustomed to passing the credit to the emperor and touting the emperor's wisdom.

In the middle and later periods of the Renzong Dynasty, those who came up were all the young men of the early Renzong Dynasty. This group had become accustomed to Zhao Zhen's weak character. Zhao Zhen was in poor health and had less time to manage the court. As a result, after this group of prime ministers came to power, they were quite It feels a bit like "monkey reigns supreme".

So there is this big difference.

But for Zhao Jun now, this is a good thing.

Because at least the early prime ministers of the Renzong Dynasty had struggles, but they were still more afraid of Zhao Zhen and did not dare to go too far.

Even if he wanted to make a small move, Lu Yijian would only do it as a last resort, and was stopped by Yan Shu in the end.

If they had traveled back in time to the late Renzong period, once Zhao Jun said something that harmed their interests, I am afraid that with the temperament of Wen Yanbo, Han Qi, and Fu Bi, they would have jumped up to fight back against him.

So now he can speak freely without worrying about being led astray by these scholar-bureaucrats' fallacies. He is really grateful that the time of time travel is not in the later period of Renzong.

It's just that Zhao Jun still felt unhappy when he heard everyone praising Zhao Zhen, but he took Zhao Zhen's face into consideration and didn't have an attack.

After they finished boasting, they endured their disdain and discomfort and said: "Although they have accomplished these things, it is not enough. In essence, Jiaozi only speeds up the circulation of goods and money and revitalizes the economy, rather than making the cake bigger. If we want to develop national strength, we must take a multi-pronged approach.”

"Any good ideas?"

Fan Zhongyan asked hurriedly.

Everyone is also looking forward to it, hoping that he can come up with more good suggestions.

"There are three things I can think of right now."

Zhao Jun stretched out three fingers: "The first is to continue to open Jiaozi shops in various major commercial cities to make the economy more active. The second is to go to Japan immediately, to Shimane Prefecture, oh no, it should be called Iwami area at this time Carry out exploration and excavation. The third is to cast brass to reduce the loss of coins in circulation."

They already understand the principles of Jiaozipu, but what are the Ishimi area and brass?

"Can you tell me more about it?"

Zhao Zhen said.

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "There is no need to say more about Jiaozipu. Let's talk about casting copper coins first. Copper coins are easily corroded during the circulation process because bronze and red copper will undergo oxidation reactions. And brass It is stable and will not corrode too badly even if it is left in water for hundreds of years.”

"So as long as brass is cast and brass coins replace bronze and red copper coins, the loss of copper coins in the circulation process can be reduced, and the risk of being buried underground or exposed to moisture and corrosion can be reduced, thereby improving the economy. Grow rapidly and expand the business pie.”

"As for how to make it, it's easy. Brass became the main currency casting material in the middle and late Ming Dynasty. The alloy was made by melting copper and zinc in a certain proportion. I remember that the proportion was about 60% copper and 40% zinc. , it would be better if a little more silicon could be added.”

"But you may not know that zinc has a low boiling point. It can easily turn into steam and be lost in smoke. It is not easily detected by ancient people, so it was not discovered until the Ming Dynasty."

"I remember that the earliest zinc smelting technology in the world was recorded in "Tiangong Kaiwu" written by Song Yingxing. The production process is simple. Fill calamine in a clay pot, seal it, pile it into a cone, and fill the pot with charcoal. By breaking the gaps between the cans, you can get the extracted zinc metal ingots.”

"With zinc, you add copper, and you can make brass."

“Then there’s the Iwami Silver Mine.”

"This mine is an extremely rich open-pit mine. The deposit is very shallow and the silver storage inside is extremely amazing. In the 17th century, the silver production here accounted for one-third of the world's total silver production. It took more than four hundred years of mining to exhausted."

"At present, the coins of the Song Dynasty are still in the copper coin system. This system is too backward and not suitable for large-scale commodity circulation. If you want to revitalize the entire economy, you must carry out currency upgrades."

"If a large inflow of silver could be obtained from Japan, the Song Dynasty could implement a tripartite currency standard system of copper coins, silver taels and banknotes."

"At that time, copper coins will be suitable for small transactions, such as trade between ordinary people, the purchase and sale of daily necessities, etc. Silver coins will be suitable for small and medium-sized commercial transactions, such as trading of valuables, consumption in high-end places, etc. Jiaozi can be used for The circulation of bulk commodities, such as grain, tea, salt, oil, etc.”

"At the same time, the government must store a certain amount of gold, silver, silk and other items as anchors for Jiaozi's credit to alleviate the inflation caused by Guangfa Jiaozi. In this way, the essence of Jiaozi became a large-scale transaction during the Ming and Qing Dynasties Banknotes, and later bank checks.”

"Once the three-party currency standard is implemented, it will greatly increase the speed of commodity circulation and economic growth in the Song Dynasty. If we can continue to expand overseas and actively increase foreign trade at this time, it will bring a steady stream of wealth to the Song Dynasty."

"To achieve this, more gold, silver and bronze must flow in. Our country's gold mines and reserves are not low, but many of them are buried deep underground and it is not easy to mine. And try not to mine your country if you can. Minerals, everything is based on obtaining minerals from the outside world.”

"In this era of low productivity, mineral needs are mainly shallow open-pit mines, and the closest and largest gold and silver mines I can think of are Japan's Iwami Silver Mine and Sado Gold Mine, as well as their large number of associated copper mines, sulfur mines, and saltpeter mines, which are what we will need in the future."

"So it is urgent to capture Japan and seize its resources."

At the end, Zhao Jun's tone was already very stern.

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