The next morning, Zhao Jun was ready to go.

This time he changed his clothes.

He wore modern clothes yesterday and attracted a lot of attention.

Although there were envoys from various countries in Bianliang, and it was not uncommon to see envoys wearing strange clothes, I had never seen anyone wearing short-sleeved shirts and big shorts and flip-flops.

His hair was washed clean, and among the ancient people who all tied their hair, his bangs looked weird.

This was the least noticeable thing, because many foreigners did not keep their hair like the Han people, and there were even many with short hair. For example, the Jews shaved their hair and left two long braids on both sides of their temples.

After changing into an ordinary long gown, Zhao Jun looked at it with the camera on his laptop and felt that it fit him well.

These clothes were sent by Cao Xiu yesterday. It seems that he had measured his height and weight before, and he was quite thoughtful.

After changing into this outfit and going out, I really didn't feel the same sense of disobedience as yesterday. There were fewer people peeking at me from time to time on the street, and I seemed to have really integrated into the Song Dynasty.

Today, he still visited the inner city of Bianliang and looked at every corner of the inner city. There were towering 72 buildings, more than ten large-scale theaters, and more than fifty brothels. Although he did not go in, he looked around for a long time.

No one made trouble in the inner city. Sometimes, he saw quarrels between guests in the restaurant, but basically, if a whistle was blown on the street, the yamen runners would come to deal with the situation immediately. There were no arrogant and domineering yamen. All this seemed to indicate that the Song Dynasty that Zhao Jun thought of might not be so unbearable.

By the fifth day, Zhao Jun had already traveled all over the inner city of Bianliang. In his spare time, he would go to the teahouse to drink tea and listen to what happened recently in Bianliang City, such as the interesting things in the home of which senior official, which poet had written a new good poem, and which brothel had a new powder head.

Everything seemed to be peaceful and good, without oppression or exploitation, everyone was happy, and everyone had their own good life. Even though he could sometimes hear some complaints and sighs, those who could eat in high-end restaurants would not be bad even if they complained about their wealth.

By the sixth day, Zhao Jun had learned the format of policy essays, the rhythm of poetry and songs, and was proficient in calligraphy. He could also write a policy essay with slightly strange content, and he had almost memorized the "Book of Filial Piety".

Although he spent most of the day shopping and studied from 4 pm to 9 or 10 pm, he didn't have much to learn, and he remembered a lot of things in his mind. In addition, he was not bad at rote memorization for being admitted to Renmin University, so he made rapid progress.

The people who came to teach these days were all senior officials who had passed the imperial examinations, such as Wang Zeng, Lu Yijian, Yan Shu, Cai Qi, Sheng Du, and Song Shou. They had a very deep understanding of the imperial examinations, and with their assistance, Zhao Jun's learning progress was very fast.

It's just that every time they were tutoring, they would inadvertently talk about something, such as asking him to study hard and strive for a good ranking in the imperial examination, or saying that they also had their own difficulties and hoped that after he entered the officialdom in the future, he would first learn more, listen more, and then draw conclusions.

Zhao Jun always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

Because what the other party said seemed to make sense. Without investigation, there is no right to speak. If you want to change the officialdom, you must have a deep understanding of the officialdom. And to have a deep understanding of the officialdom, taking the path of the imperial examination is the inevitable way to go, so it seems that I can only waste my time like this for the time being.

On the morning of the sixth day, Zhao Jun got up early and put on a new set of clothes, and even put on a futou on his head. After all, he hadn't cut his hair for more than three months. Although his hair was not enough to tie a braid, it was already very dark.

When he walked out of the door, Zhou Xin and other inspectors from the Imperial City Department hurried over to greet him.

Zhao Jun's house was guarded by three shifts every day, with 24-hour surveillance. When he went out, in addition to Di Qing and his companions' personal protection, there were at least 20 to 30 inspectors secretly following him, and another battalion was stationed in the right wing waiting for dispatch.

After nodding to Zhou Xin and his companions, Zhao Jun walked out of the house.

Di Qing and his companions had been waiting for a long time. After saying good morning to each other, he had a breakfast at Li Ji Snack Shop on Qingtai Street, and then left Qingtai Street and headed towards Liangmen in the outer city.

Bianliang was like a cage. The outermost city had a wall, and the inner city inside also had a wall. After that was the imperial palace, which enclosed the emperor in a circle.

Liangmen was a high wall between the inner city and the outer city, locking up the difference in prosperity between the inner city and the outer city.

However, when Zhao Jun and his companions walked out, they found that the prosperity of the market outside Liangmen was slightly worse than that of the inner city, but it didn't seem to be much worse, except that the house style was slightly worse.

The inner city is full of high-rise buildings and courtyards with white walls and gray tiles, while the outer city is mostly white walls and gray tiles courtyards with fewer high-rise buildings. Obviously, the inner city has a stronger commercial atmosphere, mainly for entertainment and life. If you have money, you will live very comfortably in the inner city.

As for the outer city, the commercial atmosphere is not bad, but it is a little scattered, not as concentrated as the inner city.

Zhao Jun walked out of the inner city and wandered around the outer city. He even went to Daguan Lane to see Fan Zhongyan's mansion. The house in Fan's mansion is much larger than Zhao Jun's, but he asked about the price and found that it was cheaper than Zhao Jun's house, only 8,000 strings of cash.

After leaving Daguan Lane, he went to the direction of Kaiyuan Gate. As he got farther away from the center of Bianliang, the quality of the houses he saw became worse. The outermost part of the outer city was close to Kaiyuan Gate, and it was basically some dilapidated wooden houses.

There are actually a lot of people coming and going. When you just leave the inner city, the ground is still paved with bluestone, but when you get to the outer city, it is basically rammed earth. Pedestrians are no longer as leisurely as those in the inner city, but are in a hurry, and their pace is much faster.

When Zhao Jun left Yiqiufang and entered Shuimen Street, he saw something completely different.

At this moment, he was standing on the bridge between Shuimen Street and Yiqiufang in Bianliang, Xicheng. The arch bridge connected the two banks. On the right bank, there was a small bridge with flowing water, willows swaying, white walls and gray tiles, which seemed to be a small wealthy family. The ground was paved with bluestone and was relatively clean. Only a few houses were slightly dilapidated.

The left bank seemed to be withered, with rows of small wooden houses, clothes washed white and full of patches, and passers-by with pale faces everywhere. The ground was very dirty, sewage was rampant, and the stench was overwhelming.

There were also a lot of people doing business. The crowded downtown sold basically the cheapest items, and the most of them were not the prosperous cakes, but the basic rice and flour.

A large pancake costs four or five coins, which is much cheaper than the inner city. The color of the salt is not snow-white, but brown and yellow, almost black. Even the tea and soup are not like those in the inner city, but rotten old tea and vegetable leaf soup, with almost no oil or water in them.

The flow of people on each street here is much larger than that in the inner city and the outer city near the inner city. Zhao Jun saw many coolies carrying sacks, porters at the riverside docks, groups of beggars wandering on the streets, and countless poor people in ragged clothes.

"Make way, make way."

"Tanghulu, big and sweet Tanghulu."

"Hey, what's wrong with you!"

"Selling pancakes, delicious and cheap, come and buy them."

"Thief, stealing things."

"Caught, dare to steal our things? Beat him to death."

"Don't beat him, don't beat him, the officials are coming."

"Brothers, let's go!"

The originally chaotic streets quickly returned to calm with the arrival of the officials.

What is completely different from the inner city is that there are no yamen patrols on every street, only a few Kaifeng Prefecture officers on duty at the end of the street.

After all, the entire Kaifeng Prefecture of Bianliang has a population of more than 1.5 million, and the inner city is already large enough, covering at least 10 square kilometers. The outer city is several times the inner city, with a total area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers and a population density of about 30,000 people per square kilometer.

In the later generations, the capital of Beijing, with a total population of more than 20 million, has a population density of only 10,000 people per square kilometer, which shows how crowded the outer city of Bianliang is.

Let alone Kaifeng Prefecture, even if the Imperial City Department is added, it is difficult to manage.

Zhao Jun frowned as he watched this scene.

He did not make any move. At this time, he was more like a spectator, understanding the situation in Bianliang and going deep into the people to understand their sufferings.

Sure enough, after staying in the inner city for a long time, you will feel that the world is full of peace and prosperity.

But just leaving the inner city and going to the periphery of the outer city, you can quickly feel the huge gap between the rich and the poor.

Across the river, there is singing and dancing, and the years are quiet. This is the world of mortals, with all kinds of things.

However, Zhao Jun did not say much. There are gaps between the rich and the poor in any country. All he can do is to look at everything in this world, figure out all the situations, and then make his own summary.

This is research work.

He can see many poor people, but he can't help any of them now, because there are too many poor people in this world. Only by making changes can the majority be saved.

So he continued to walk on the street, not disdaining the sewage on the ground, but quietly watching everything in this world.

At the end of the morning, he saw six fights and thefts.

At three o'clock in the morning, he saw a team of donkey carts coming in from the outer city. When passing by the street, they were checked by the on-duty staff. The donkey cart owner took out half a string of copper coins from his arms and stuffed them into the staff's hands.

At the beginning of the afternoon, when eating in a small shop, several burly men walked into the shop. The boss smiled and gave the monthly tribute money.

A disabled beggar sat cross-legged on the street corner under the Kaiyuan Gate wall. He was in tattered clothes and begged passers-by. People carrying loads, walking, and standing nearby would at most look at him with sympathy. Only the rich people from other places who had just entered the city, or the wealthy Confucian scholars, would give him a few copper coins.

More than a dozen barefoot and ragged children sat in groups on the roadside. Seeing Zhao Jun and his friends dressed neatly and Di Qing and his friends hanging knives on their waists, they showed a look of fear. After they left, they suddenly rushed to beg for money from two scholars who had just entered the city and were dressed gorgeously. In the chaos, the two scholars' purses disappeared.

A woman with a numb expression, a skinny figure, dirty clothes, and disheveled hair walked on the street. As she walked, she suddenly went crazy, banged her head against the wall, and cried continuously. She was caught by the neighbors next to her and sent back.

I heard from others that the child disappeared a few days ago, and the husband had to go out to work to earn money to support the family. The woman cried every day, and finally got hysterical and often ran away.

Zhao Jun still looked like a passerby, but sometimes he frowned, sometimes he sighed, and sometimes he stood on the Bianliang Bridge in a daze, which made Di Qing and others confused.

In the afternoon, Zhao Jun went back on time.

Today, Wang Zeng came to teach again. He taught him the knowledge of the imperial examination as seriously as usual, and seemed to be teaching him without reservation.

After a while, Wang Zeng seemed to see that Zhao Jun was absent-minded, so he asked casually: "What's wrong?"

"I went to the outer city."

Zhao Jun said.

Wang Zeng was stunned for a moment, then pretended to be casual and said: "How do you feel?"

"It's like another world."

Zhao Jun raised his head and looked at Wang Zeng and said, "I wonder what Mr. Wang thinks of these?"

He used the word "Xiangong Wang" very seriously, which was quite mocking.

Wang Zeng shook his head: "Are you blaming me?"

"The Grand Prime Minister lives in a mansion with dozens of acres of land, and the people outside the city don't even have a place to stand."

Zhao Jun said: "Isn't this your problem?"

"Zhao Jun."


"Do you think that since you are so powerful, why do you still need to take the imperial examination?"

"Yes, I can't figure it out."

"It's very simple. As I said before, you have to understand everything."

What Wang Zeng was holding was a policy paper written by Zhao Jun yesterday. While reading it, he said: "You don't know anything about officialdom. Do you know that if the restructuring is carried out as you say, officials all over the world will oppose it?" If they suspend power for one day, the Song Dynasty will face disaster. Only by going deep into the officialdom can we make a difference."

"is that so?"

Zhao Jun frowned and thought.

Again, he had just traveled through time. Although he was full of theories and learned a lot from books, he still had no idea about reality.

He didn't know how corrupt and dark the officialdom and darkness of the Song Dynasty were in the books.

He didn't know what the so-called "officials did not do their duty to the public affairs, or acted in detours when dispatching, or harmed their own people when doing evil".

He also doesn't know how the people at the bottom live their lives.

Therefore, he can make compromises and follow their arrangements. He first enters the officialdom, then understands the situation, goes deep into the grassroots, and conducts research everywhere.

But is this really the right path?

In the future, even if you get the top prize and become an official, you will still have to be promoted step by step according to the rules of the officialdom. When you take charge of power in the future, you will probably be in your thirties or forties. Isn't this a waste of time?


Wang Zeng replied: "You have only been to the outer city for one day, and you have so many complaints. But if you really understand the situation in the officialdom, you will find that these things are not worth mentioning."

"Doesn't that mean that the order of the officialdom should be changed?"

Zhao Jun said.

Wang Zeng smiled and said: "I found out how you always think of problems very simply. If the order of the officialdom could be changed at will, the Song Dynasty would not be what it is now. You are still young, settle down step by step, and you can be in the officialdom while Understand the situation and make firearms and flintlock guns as you said before to strengthen the country. "

"Oh well."

Zhao Jun responded as if he was clicked.

Wang Zeng seemed very satisfied with his thoughts and attitude and continued to explain the topic to him.

But he didn't know that after he left, Zhao Jun thought about it for a long time in his room that night.

Let me remind you that my background here is the Song Dynasty, not the early Ming Dynasty.

In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di killed whenever they wanted and did whatever they wanted.

What is the background of Song Renzong?

It was an official who was corrupt, perverted the law, and killed innocent people indiscriminately. The evidence was conclusive. Bao Zheng requested that this official be severely punished. Zhao Zhen just laughed and passed. If he couldn't be fooled, he was dismissed first and then promoted.

This corrupt official is called Wang Kui.

And there are countless such examples.

If the protagonist is given great power right after he comes over, and then takes drastic measures, it would be too illogical. It would not be called a historical novel, but a cool novel that uses brainless wisdom.

So he was deceived by the civil service group including Zhao Zhen. After that, Longchang realized the truth and started to flip the table. There is a process of sublimation before it is called normal.

Stop talking nonsense in the comments. Reading the comments can easily make the author's brain bleed.

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