Before dawn the next day, Jiang Dalang took his men and brothers to the dock.

The last time we negotiated according to the rules, he didn't bring any money with him. Liu Huitou didn't dare to break the rules of the world. After all, Jiang Dalang was from Guifanlou. The two sides were secretly competing but they also insisted on not violating the rules of the river.

But this time is different. Because he has a huge sum of money with him, there is the possibility of someone taking advantage of the enemy. Therefore, manpower must be gathered, and both parties must not lose their momentum.

In fact, in general, both sides bring people for the sake of momentum. Under normal circumstances, they will definitely not be able to fight, but this kind of momentum cannot be eliminated. Otherwise, if there are too few people to lead, if they encounter a master who is evil and evil, there will be no place to cry.

This can be regarded as another part of the rules of the world, so Zhao Jun can lead his men there openly.

The time was chosen at the third quarter of the Yin hour, that is, around four o'clock in the morning, and the location was the Wuyoudong branch. Jiang Dalang deliberately wanted to choose the location at the pier.

But Liu Huitou was not stupid. He would naturally feel more at ease doing this kind of business in his own land. After bargaining, the two parties negotiated the ransom back to 60 yuan, and the transaction location must be within the Wuyoudong branch.

In the early morning, Zhao Jun and his men met Jiang Dalang at the dock. There were more than a hundred people in total, and they all walked out of Datong Gate with their guys in their arms.

There were people waiting in Biandi for a long time. When the people outside the thatched cottage saw them coming, they came up to negotiate for a few words, and then led them all the way into the sewer and deeper into the sewer.

Zhao Jun was protected in the middle of the crowd. When he got off the embankment, he saw a huge circular drainage pipe, which was more than two meters high. Groundwater was slowly flowing out of it. There were steps on both sides to go all the way. Passage.

The person in front held a torch to lead the way. After walking for maybe forty or fifty meters, there were other maze-like passages. Every ten meters or so, there were pillars made of stone bricks to support the passages, and the ground was paved with thick green paving. Slate tiles, the walls covered with moss.

There was a slight turbid stench unique to the sewer, and the color of the flowing sewage was green. All kinds of remaining domestic garbage could be seen everywhere, and some broken porcelain, clothes, bones and other things could be vaguely seen. .

After walking for about a hundred meters, a living area appeared. There were countless pairs of eyes staring at them from the secret doors on both sides. There was a large cave dwelling directly in front and on the right side, and a hundred and ten people came out of it. .

There were torches and candles lit inside the cave, so the environment was not too dark.

The key is that this project is beyond imagination. I originally thought that the underground of Bianliang was small and cramped, but unexpectedly it turned out to be wide and smooth, comparable to the super-large underground pipelines used in the construction of large cities in later generations.

The leader of the Wuyou Cave was about forty, tall and round-waisted, with a fierce face. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Dalang, and shouted: "Jiang Dalang, you have brought so many people here."

Jiang Dalang smiled and said: "This is to remind Liu Huitou to abide by the rules. You Wuyou Cave is not easy to mess with, is it possible that our Ghost Fan Tower is easy to mess with?"

"Young master used the ghost Fan Lou to scare me."

Liu Huitou cursed.


Not to be outdone, Jiang Dalang scolded him back.

Taking advantage of the two sides' fighting spirit, Zhao Jun looked around.

The originally wide cave entrance became narrower due to the influx of so many people at once, and the two groups of people shouted and made a fuss.

There was a small passage on the right side of Zhao Jun. There seemed to be vague figures of people in it. He greeted Di Qing and others from behind the crowd and walked straight in.

After walking about twenty meters inside, there is a secret door. There is no one guarding the secret door. If you open the secret door and walk in, you will go all the way deep.

A distance of more than 20 meters to their left was the place where Jiang Dalang and Liu Huitou were negotiating. Going deeper was the branch's home base in Wuyou Cave.

There was only one torch lit in this passage, the ground could feel damp, and there was a fishy wind blowing.


Someone at the end of the passage asked quickly.

The Dutou who followed Jiang Dalang in before said, "He's here to look after the child."

"No one will take you"

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Qing and Shi Yu moved forward, covering their mouths respectively, pressing them to the ground and stabbing them in the back.

Before Zhao Jun came in, he ordered not to hold back when facing the enemy, but to kill when necessary.

The two men fell to the ground with a groan. When they got out of the passage, they found a huge cave dwelling. The ceiling was dripping and the ground was filthy. On the left was the passage leading to the outside. From there, you could still vaguely hear the noise outside. .

They obviously went around the criss-crossing underground passages to the back of the Worry-free Cave branch's lair. On the right side, there were several large rooms with densely packed bunks, where those people slept.

Zhao Jun looked around. The entire cave was probably four to five hundred square meters wide. There were torches hanging on the surrounding walls. He could see a large number of tables and chairs inside. There were wine, meat, dice and leaf cards on the tables. There was no one in the cave. After staying behind, most of the people went out to build momentum for Liu Huitou.

"Chisi, over there!"

Du pointed to the passage deep in the cave.

Zhao Jun took a deep breath and walked inside.

The moment I walked into the underground passage, I was greeted by a fishy smell.

After walking about seven or eight meters further in, the two sides opened up, and torches were lit on both sides, so we could see clearly what was going on inside.

On the right is a row of dungeons. There are seven or eight children in the cells. The skin and flesh on their bodies have been beaten to pieces. The rotting meat is stinky and seems to be covered with maggots. They are all dressed like a group of beggars.

Seeing someone coming in, the children huddled together and looked at them with extremely frightened eyes.

There are also children in the second row of cells. Different from the cells in the first row, the only difference is that they were beaten. There are three children in this cell. Their legs were broken. Tingdu Tou said that this was because they were delusional while begging. Running away is what you will end up with.

The third cell held four people. They seemed to be no longer human. Their bodies were covered with a layer of skin such as snake scales and monkey hair. The four people looked like a snake clinging to three monkeys, shivering.

Zhao Jun's face was already ugly. He looked deeper into the cells at the back. There were women and children, all hiding in the corners. There was even a dungeon in the deepest part where three children were imprisoned. They were all ten years old. On the left and right, the eyes were red, the faces were fierce, and there were human bones on the ground.

They all leaned over and whispered: "The brothers who were monitoring the entrance of this cave before said that they would only take these people out at night. Some of them were taken to beg, some to play jugglers, and some were sent to the outer city to have their skins made with half-open doors. For business, the Imperial Guards have been patrolling the outer city during the day, and the inspections have been intensive, so they have become active at night and are here during the day. "


Zhao Jun endured the strong discomfort and turned his head to look to the left.

Different from the prison on the right, there is a row of rooms on the left. The first room contains a lot of food and water, as well as daily necessities such as firewood, rice, oil, and salt.

In the second room were some beggars' clothes, which smelled bad. Although Wuyoudong and Beggar Gang were two gangs, they also had the same means of making a living, such as begging, juggling, and stealing.

The difference is that if a beggar gang encounters a child, some will break their legs and force them to beg for food. However, most members of the beggar gang cannot survive, so they huddle together for warmth and survive. It is generally difficult for real beggars to marry a wife, and they often regard young beggars as their sons. They do such unscrupulous things not as many as Wuyoudong.

The third room contains props used for juggling, such as monkey whips, suona instruments, gongs, special guns, hammers, and stones. There was a curtain at the end of the room, and there seemed to be some clothes placed behind it.

Di Qing went in with a torch in his hand and lit up the whole house.

Zhao Jun took a glance and saw that there was nothing unusual in the room and was about to leave. Suddenly he saw that the curtain in the room seemed to be moving. He was a little suspicious, so he walked over and gently opened the curtain.

Under the light of the fire, a long table half as tall as a man was revealed. On the table was a small, panic-stricken face, looking at them timidly.

That face is quite clean, much better than the little beggars outside. She looks like a girl, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, with a pair of braids and an O-shaped mouth. She seemed bored just now. Only when the curtains were blown did the door curtains flutter.

Everyone who opened the curtain looked at the girl in front of them, first with a shocked expression, and then with irrepressible anger on their face. Di Qing gritted his teeth and his whole body was trembling, as if his endurance had reached its limit.

They see.

Under the face is a bottle.

This girl's entire body was shrunk into a bottle that was only two feet high, with her head exposed from the bottle mouth.


Zhao Jun took a long breath.

Then he turned around and said to Di Qing and the others: "Kill those who resist, capture those alive if you can, and escort them back to the Imperial City Division. They will be executed in Lingchi!"


Di Qing could no longer hold back his anger, picked up the knife at his waist and walked out angrily.

Except for Shi Yu and four or five other people who were left behind to protect Zhao Jun, the rest all went out, almost running towards the outside.

Less than a minute later, there was chaos outside, followed by various sounds of fighting, roars, and the clash of blades. The entire underground passage of the Worry-free Cave branch was in chaos.

There was still noisy outside, but Zhao Jun stared at the girl's face in silence.

Even though he traveled back in time and came into contact with a lot of things on the Internet in later generations, Zhao Jun was born in a country where the people at the bottom had food to eat, books to study, and a ladder for advancement. This kind of thing is already old history. It was difficult to see and hear about it in his time.

So even in the Song Dynasty, he had witnessed some things with his own eyes and met some people who were clamoring to change the Song Dynasty and do something. But in fact, Zhao Jun still rarely sympathized with the bottom and rarely really to think about what the people at the bottom are thinking.

It's not that he doesn't want to think about it, it's that the people he comes into contact with are all the people at the bottom of the new era. He has met some people at the bottom of the Song Dynasty, but his contact is not deep. According to the plan, this should be something that goes deep into the grassroots level after leaving Bianliang in the future.

But now that I see everything in front of me, many things about Zhao Jun are no longer what they appear in history books and what I see now.

The so-called prosperous age of Renzong is really a irony.


When the girl saw a stranger standing in front of her and various noises coming from outside, she hesitated and spoke.

Zhao Jun said silently: "What's your name?"

"My name is Ping'er."

Ping'er smiled, her pure white face full of innocence.

"Where are you from?"

"have no idea."

"Where is your home?"

"The bottle is my home."

"Why do you live in this little bottle?"

"My mother-in-law said that I had lost my hands and feet since I was a child and could only be kept in a bottle."

"Who is mother-in-law?"

"My mother-in-law is my mother-in-law. She said she raised me and was my savior."

"Do you remember what happened before?"

Zhao Jun remained silent for a long time before he spoke with difficulty and asked again: "When did you get here?"

"I don't know how long it has been."

Ping'er still kept smiling, as if she was born like this, keeping an innocent face.

She didn't even need to think about answering these questions.

"Zhi Si."

A policeman who knew a little about this came over and whispered: "This is the person in the bottle. I heard that those people would cut off the girls' hands and feet, keep them in the bottle since childhood, and then use special methods to make them lose their memories. Some of them were beaten, and some were drugged, forcing them to forget their life experience. They also had to teach them to speak over and over again. Every time they went to the exhibition outside, she would answer like this when others asked her."

Zhao Jun couldn't listen to the end. He suddenly felt a little dizzy, unconsciously supported the wall, and then sat down.

What happened afterwards, he only heard the voices of "Zhi Si" and "Zhi Si" in his ears.

I didn't know anything afterwards.

I also felt tortured when I was writing these foreshadowings, but they must be there. Some people feel depressed after the book is put on the shelves, that's because this is set in the Song Dynasty, and many things are helpless. But don't worry, it won't take long. At most, you will feel depressed in the first few chapters, and you will feel relieved soon.

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