Chapter 5 Text messages from strangers

“The territories with higher safety factor outside the safety zone, in addition to the territories surrounding the safety zone, include: 2, 15, 68, 113, and 166. The Tang family intends to receive three of them.”

 Because Xia Qing has been paying attention to the information about the territories, he knows that the five territories listed in this text message are indeed relatively safe, with flat farmland and thick soil. The credibility of this news is very high.

Xia Qing has been secretly paying attention to the Tang family and knew that they were planning to gain territory, so she went to the mission hall early to queue up and wait for people from the Tang family to come.

In order to speed up the utilization of cultivated land outside the safety zone and solve the problem of food shortage as soon as possible, the country's top department requires the military and the government of all large and small bases to work together to promote territorial work pilots as soon as possible.

Under the supervision of the military at Huisan Base, the Tang family did not dare to blatantly occupy good land. They had to do a good job in appearance.

 No matter how well you do it, there are still loopholes in the superficial work. Xia Qing just wanted to seize the loophole and take the opportunity to get land No. 3. Because this land contains important resources for her survival.

After this person sent her a text message to a number that was publicly used in the safe zone, he quickly used the communication satellite to send the same text message to a number that she had not used for seven years. Unfortunately, Xia Qing had turned off her phone and did not notice it.

It can be said that Xia Qing was able to successfully receive Land No. 3, to a certain extent, thanks to the person who sent this text message. As for who this person is and whether he sent the text message out of good intentions or for other purposes, Xia Qing couldn't tell because there was too little information.

Xia Qing deleted the text message again, yawned and got into her sleeping bag. She wants to nourish her spirit and start a new life.


Xia Qing got up early the next day, cleared away the grass and shrubs in the yard, then left the village with a piece of rations in his mouth, heading north through a large area of ​​scorched farmland, bypassing a long and narrow reservoir, and climbing up a hillside.

In order to ensure that the territory will not be invaded and destroyed by evolved organisms, the base sent people to clear an isolation zone of at least fifty meters wide as a transition zone between the uncleared evolutionary forest and the territory.

 The isolation zone is regularly patrolled and sprayed with insect repellent to prevent evolved insects and beasts in the evolutionary forest from entering the territorial area.

 In order to protect the safety of the territory and the lord, there is a buffer forest area between the isolation zone of the mountain territory and the cultivated land, which is called the buffer forest.

The three thousand acres of cleared mountain forest on the northwest sides of No. 3 Territory belong to the buffer zone, and this buffer zone has also been included in the scope of No. 3 Territory.

 Including the more than 2,000 acres of cultivated land in the territory, the total area of ​​Territory No. 3 reaches an astonishing 5,500 acres, which is much larger than the territory without mountains and no buffer forest in the territory. This division is also to increase the enthusiasm of the marginal territorial lords.

The buffer forest area has only been cleared of harmful evolved organisms, and the vegetation in the forest is still dense, which contrasts sharply with the color of the charred farmland that has been completely cleared and burned.

Xia Qing came out from home, used a wooden stick to push through the shrubs and grass in the buffer forest, and climbed up until he reached his destination—a small stone cave with a spring in the northern buffer forest of the territory.

 This spring was accidentally discovered by Xia Qing when he followed the team to clean up the territory last winter. The water gushes from the spring slowly seeps out from the inside of the narrow stone cave that is half a meter deep and 30 centimeters high, and then seeps into the ground along the cracks in the stone, silently.

If it weren't for a speed-evolved red squirrel that suddenly jumped out of the cave, Xia Qing wouldn't have discovered this spring.

 In order to solve the drinking water problem, Huisan Base drilled three deep water wells in the safety zone. The water drilled out was contaminated and must be purified before drinking.

Because the cost of purifying polluted water is high, the mission card of the base has the task of searching for unpolluted water sources all year round. No matter what mission the team takes out of the safe zone, they will look for unpolluted water sources along the way.

 In the past ten years, all four unpolluted water sources found within the Huisan base are spring water gushes from the mountains. However, because the amount of water is too small, it can only be supplied to hospitals, research institutes, planting centers and a few important people for drinking.

Xia Qing, who survives by selling his strength, is certainly not among the few.

Of course, not all mountain springs are unpolluted. So when Xia Qing used the detector she carried with her to test and found that the spring water showed a green light, she immediately made this land her first choice.

 Pollution-free water is the source of life.

Now, this spring water that can be drunk directly belongs to her alone. After Xia Qing took half a bowl of water and drank it all, a slogan from a certain water brand echoed repeatedly in her heart.

 It’s so cool!

 Such a clean spring water, she could drink as much as she wanted. Not only did she drink it, she also used it to wash her face. She was so proud!

Xia Qing washed her face and cleaned and enlarged the cave with a silly smile. Because Xia Qing has been living in a safe zone where people are crowded and cannibalistic for nearly ten years, she can no longer smile. Her expression at the moment is a bit ferocious.

 But this is her territory. She doesn’t have to be tense anymore. She can talk, laugh, roar, and jump. It feels so comfortable.

 Cleaning the stone cave is a trivial matter for the power evolved people.

The sound of spring water flowing into the bucket along the clean bamboo slices sounded like the sound of nature to Xia Qing.

 It took time to collect the water. Xia Qing stood up and looked down at his territory.

 Ten years of natural disasters, no volcanoes have emerged here, and no major earthquakes have occurred, so the landscape here is no different from before the disaster. Even so, there are still many evolved creatures hidden in the dense mountain forests and grass that can easily kill people.

The mountains, forests and cultivated land in Xia Qing’s territory were also occupied by them three months ago. The pits several meters deep that remain on the ground are the traces of fierce battles between humans and evolved creatures for this land.

After filling the two 20-liter drinking buckets, Xia Qing tightened the lids, stuffed them into an oversized backpack and hid them, and then blocked the small holes with rocks and branches to avoid being discovered.

After putting the water home, Xia Qing went to the canteen in the deserted village, dug through the ruins that smelled of decay, and took out a flattened stainless steel vertical solar water storage tank.

Xia Qing discovered this when she was cleaning up the village with her team. She didn't take it back to the safe area, but buried it directly in the territory and kept it as her own spare supplies.

 After restoring the water tank to its original state, Xia Qing used it to collect water from the reservoir.

As soon as he arrived at the reservoir, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the water and rushed towards Xia Qing's face. Xia Qing, who was wearing a protective mask, slapped it five meters away and hit it on the rocks beside the reservoir.

 After the black shadow rolled a few times and became silent, Xia Qing was happy. Because what attacked her was an evolved catfish that was thicker than an arm.

Like many carnivorous evolved creatures, the evolved catfish has also included humans in its diet and will actively attack humans who approach. If Xia Qing had been bitten by its rasp-like teeth just now, he would definitely have lost a large piece of flesh.


Xia Qing cut off a small piece of fish with a knife and put it into the small chlorine element detector she carried with her. The green light quickly turned on.

 This evolved catfish is edible!

Xia Qing immediately stuffed the catfish into a basin and hid it to prevent the evolved raptors flying in the sky from swooping down and snatching it away.

After carefully filling the water, Xia Qing carried the 400-kilogram water tank home and made a simple filter device using fine sand, fine stones and several layers of gauze to purify the water for the first time, and then installed the primary purification filter element from Jifa. , perform secondary purification of water.

While the water was slowly filtering, Xia Qing found a handy tool and removed all the moldy and yellowed mottled walls of the two-story house. He also cleaned the floor to reduce pollutants and bacteria in the house.

 Then, she cleaned the big rusty iron pot at home, heated the filtered water, and took a long hot bath.

After drinking a glass of mountain spring water, Xia Qing, whose stomach was growling with hunger, picked up the knife and headed straight for the big catfish.

 She wants to eat meat for her first meal after moving into the territory.

 (End of this chapter)

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