In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 119 Reality Technology Rewards

Soon, Man Liao's health dropped to about 80%.

He roared: "Mortal, let me show you my true power!"

After the roar, the magic flames on his warhammer burned several meters high.

He raised the warhammer in his hand and smashed it heavily towards Lu Kong.

Lu Kong dodged sideways, but the warhammer hit the ground, and the whole cave shook. A deep pit of about one meter in radius was smashed on the ground, and spider-web-like cracks spread in all directions.

And the black magic flames splashed out, like a black tide.

Even if Lu Kong dodged, he was still swept by the Qi and black magic flames.

High damage floated out from Lu Kong's head.


A large part of Lu Kong's health bar disappeared directly!

This scared the priest players in the distance.

"What the hell!? What kind of skill is this?? More than 6,000 damage at once?!"

"That's more than 6,000 damage from my godfather. For other players, it should be several times more, right?"

Fortunately, these priest players are all high-end players, and their skills are still good.

As early as when Man Liao made a move, they had already started to pre-read the healing spell.

Soon, one healing spell after another fell on Lu Kong, and Lu Kong's lost blood volume recovered at a very fast speed.

After a while, Lu Kong's blood volume was directly restored.

This made Lu Kong's mouth rise, and he was in a good mood.

This is the benefit of having someone behind him.

If he was fighting alone, how could he withstand such damage?

After Man Liao used the skill, he resumed his original attack state again.

For Lu Kong, it was even easier.

After a while, Man Liao's blood volume was only about half, and he suddenly stepped on the ground, and violent energy surged.

Lu Kong was stunned on the spot, unable to move.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

When he was stunned, Man Liao's hammer fell heavily on Lu Kong again and again.

Because he couldn't dodge or block, Lu Kong's damage increased significantly.

In just two seconds, Lu Kong's health dropped by more than 10,000!

When he woke up, even with the priest's blood, his health was only about 3,000!

This made Lu Kong tremble in his heart.

Fortunately, he found a priest to fight. If he was alone, he couldn't fight with just this skill.

When he was stunned, he couldn't do anything!

If there was no priest to add blood, his blood would have been emptied long ago!

Lu Kong originally thought that he was very comprehensive now, but now it seems that there are still many shortcomings.

At least, when facing control, he couldn't get rid of the control.

This is very fatal.

Lu Kong quickly used bloodthirsty strikes to restore some of his blood, and at the same time took a bottle of fine healing potion to increase his blood to nearly 6,000, which is considered to be the safety line.

Next, Lu Kong relied on his own blood sucking and the priest's blood addition to increase his health back little by little.

After a while, when Man Liao's health was only 80,000, he looked ferocious: "Now, let me show you the potential of the little devil!"

A bottle of blue potion appeared in his hand at some point.

Seeing this potion, Lu Kong's face changed suddenly.

Isn't this the potion that Kai Luoman used before?

Thinking about it carefully, as a witch doctor of the Black Tooth tribe, it is reasonable for Kai Luoman to give the potion to his patriarch.

However, Lu Kong was deeply impressed by this skill. The strength of the little devil will be greatly improved after it grows bigger!

Seeing Man Liao inject the potion into his neck, Lu Kong's mouth twitched.

The next moment, he saw Man Liao's body grow bigger, and the black armor couldn't even support his body, and it broke apart directly.

Soon, Man Liao became four meters tall.

Although not as tall as Kairoman, the aura exuded by the giant Man Liao made Lu Kong feel even colder.

Even Lu Kong felt cold in his heart, not to mention other players.

Each priest seemed to feel like an unarmed person facing a hungry tiger!

The fear engraved in the human gene instinct made their bodies tremble slightly.

This fear comes from the suppression of the prey by the superior predator!

After the giantization, the long-handled war hammer that was originally held with both hands was swung with one hand.

The strong wind between the swings of the war hammer made Lu Kong even feel a stinging pain in his skin!

After the giantization, the strength of the Man Liao was greatly increased!

Lu Kong dodged repeatedly, but he couldn't dodge it. After blocking it, Lu Kong flew out.

The damage he received reached three thousand directly!

However, like the previous Kairoman, the giant Man Liao lacked flexibility. Lu Kong moved around him at a very fast speed, making it a little easier to dodge his attacks.

Lu Kong could even make some counterattacks!

He found that perhaps because Man Liao's armor was stretched, his defense seemed to have weakened a lot.

The damage caused by Lu Kong was improved. Even if the full damage counterattack was blocked, it still had 20,000 damage!

However, although Man Liao's defense was weakened, his attack was much stronger.

Even though Lu Kong had 15,000 HP, his HP bar still jumped up and down under such a powerful attack.

The priests were sweating profusely.

All their efforts were focused on Lu Kong's health bar, and they dared not carry it at all.

They were afraid that if they slacked off, Lu Kong's health would be directly emptied!

In a few seconds, Man Liao's health dropped again, leaving only the last 30,000 or so.

At this moment, Man Liao's skin turned red, and his attacks became more violent.

He had even given up defense, as if he wanted to tear Lu Kong into pieces in the most brutal manner.




One after another high damage floated out from Lu Kong's head, and Lu Kong barely dodged the attack, and was even unable to fight back.

He even used the blood and qi strengthening, otherwise, he might be directly killed by Man Liao with the most terrifying offensive!

A few seconds passed very slowly.

Knowing that Lu Kong's skills were cooling down, he smiled.

Savage heavy attack!

After the violent attack, Man Liao had given up defense and blocking.

Lu Kong's savage heavy attack directly made him dizzy for a second.

After that, Lu Kong swung his sword.

Counterattack, sweep, heavy attack, normal attack...

One after another, damage floated out from Man Liao's head.

Man Liao was in a dizzy state, unable to dodge or block, and high damage appeared one after another.

When Man Liao's dizziness disappeared, his blood volume had been emptied.

Man Liao's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of bloodshot: "This... This is impossible... A mere level 10 human..."

He roared unwillingly, his huge body shook, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

The whole cave trembled slightly when his huge body fell to the ground.

Man Liao's body gradually became smaller and returned to its original appearance.

Lu Kong was sweating profusely and smiled.

What a close call!

At the last moment, even if he used blood and qi enhancement, the remaining blood volume was only a little over 2,000 points.

This blood volume can even only resist one more attack from Man Liao!

If the skill had not been cooled down just now, he would probably be dead again.

Other players were also exhausted and gasping for breath.

Some priests even ignored their image and sat down on the ground.

Wang Bing, Liu Qiang and a few others were unable to join the battle.

But watching from a distance still made them tremble with fear and their spirits were also tense.

Now that they have calmed down, they also feel tired.

At this moment, someone said, "Fuck! Look at the drop!"

Many players looked at the corpse.

Four golden light balls floated out of the corpse!

All the players stared at this moment, their eyes full of confusion.

Gold? !

What quality is this?

Most players don't even know what quality gold is!

They only know that the things dropped this time must be very good!

Before they had time to say more, a series of system prompts rang.

[Orion Continent Area Announcement]: "Ding, congratulations to Yuanxing player Lu Kong for leading the players to kill the little devil patriarch, destroy the little devil's nest, and contribute to the universe! Reward real technology "Controllable Nuclear Fusion and Related Technologies"."

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