In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 132: Price of Level 10 Legendary Set

When they arrived in front of the massacre and saw the exaggerated HP and attack of the Black Tooth General, the players who had never seen the Black Tooth Chief before were dumbfounded.

"Is it true?! More than 120,000 HP, more than 500 attack, how can a human fight this?"

"If this thing hits me, I might die on the spot."


All the warrior players who are the main tanks of the team discussed it.

The priest players who had seen the Black Tooth Lord before showed disdain and a sense of superiority.

"What are you making a fuss about? This is just a low-level lord. Wait until you see the Black Tooth Patriarch before you cheer, okay?"

"That's right, that's a mid-level lord! He has more than 230,000 HP and 900 attacks! This general makes you cry for your parents, how can you not be embarrassed when you meet the Patriarch?"

"That's right! You are all warriors like my godfather, can you not embarrass my godfather? My godfather always played this kind of thing alone! Look at yourself! Embarrassing things!"


The priests were furious when they thought about adding blood to these things.

Look at my godfather, he can even withstand a mid-level lord!

What about them?

Even beating a level 7 boss is like asking for their lives!

They are all warriors, why is the gap so big?

Hearing this, the warrior players were depressed.

Can they compare with Lu Kong? !

Especially when they heard that Lu Kong could actually single-handedly kill such a terrifying boss, the warrior players looked at Lu Kong with eyes that were no different from looking at God.

This is simply a god!

Lu Kong smiled with a reserved smile on his face, and said: "Everyone, keep a low profile. It was still difficult for me to single-handedly kill. As long as you work hard, you can be like me in the future."

Seeing Lu Kong's Versailles look, Wang Bing's eyes turned green.

So jealous.

As a warrior, he also wanted to be Versailles like this.

After that, Lu Kong didn't say much, and he charged directly into the face of Tu Tu.

When he first fought Tu Tu, Lu Kong's profession had not yet advanced, and his equipment was far inferior to what it is now.

At that time, he barely beat it with a few scrolls.

Now, Lu Kong's strength has greatly improved, and of course there is not much pressure to fight Tu Tu.

Hundreds and thousands of damages kept floating from Tu Tu's head.

On the contrary, the damage caused by Tu Tu to Lu Kong was not as good as before.

When the damage was enough, Lu Kong counterattacked.

Over 20,000 high damages floated out from the head of Massacre, making all the players numb.

This is a low-level lord of level 10!

It is difficult for ordinary players to even break the defense!

Even with the attributes of Heizi, the damage he dealt was only in the double digits.

Lu Kong was better, and he directly dealt five-digit damage.

How could they not be numb?

In the end, Lu Kong easily emptied the blood volume of Massacre in less than a minute.

As for the drops.

Lu Kong had naturally checked the drop list before.

Just like before, after becoming a copy, the items in the drop list of Massacre became much worse.

They were basically legendary items, and there was only one epic item, which was the advanced skill stone.

Lu Kong of course chose the advanced skill stone.

As for the rest, because Lu Kong himself was wearing the six-piece Black Tooth Elite Set, which was a legendary set, he would definitely not change it unless he encountered epic equipment.

For other parts, Lu Kong basically has legendary and epic equipment. If he wants to change, he can either change to level 10 legendary equipment or epic equipment. There is not much room for improvement.

So Lu Kong himself has no demand.

He chose two parts of the Black Tooth Elite Set and a scroll.

[Magic Impact (Legendary)]: After use, the target will be impacted with magic energy, causing 20,000 damage!

This thing is a scroll to make up for damage.

In fact, for Lu Kong, the damage may not be as good as Lu Kong's counterattack.

But Lu Kong considered that he would prepare for the advanced task next, and it would be better if he had more trump cards.

Lu Kong also chose this thing, intending to use it in the advanced task later.

Picking up the dropped items, Lu Kong first used the advanced skill stone.

Of course, it was used on the Warrior's Heart, which was upgraded to level 6.

[Warrior's Heart (Level 6)]: Passive skill. You have comprehended the essence of the warrior's way. All attributes are increased by 60%, damage caused is increased by 60%, movement speed is increased by 30%, and damage received is reduced by 18%.

Warrior's Heart is indeed an epic skill, and it is also the most powerful core skill of the warrior profession.

The increase brought by level 6 is simply terrifying.

Lu Kong is very satisfied with this.

If every lord can drop high-level skill stones in the future, Lu Kong can upgrade the Warrior's Heart again. In this way, the probability of passing the God-level advanced task will be greater.

As for the magic impact, Lu Kong saved it.

Lu Kong posted the remaining parts of the Black Tooth Elite Set in the trading group.

"Legendary Set, or?"

Seeing the descriptions of these two pieces of equipment, Liu Qiang, Wang Bing and Lin Yingying all widened their eyes, and shock appeared in their eyes.

Lu Kong chose the cloth armor set.

It was mainly because Lu Kong was a little selfish.

He found that he could not defeat all monsters alone. If he had a priest with powerful equipment to heal him, it would be much easier for him to fight some high-level bosses.

In this way, if it is not for personal use, the cloth armor set is obviously the most suitable choice.

"Legendary set! It is actually a legendary set?! This equipment is too strong, isn't it?" Wang Bing muttered to himself, his eyes full of envy.

It's a pity that it is not a chain mail!

Otherwise, he would have to buy this set even if he sold himself!

However, he himself has no demand, but the Third Princess has a demand!

Wang Bing forwarded this equipment to the Third Princess as soon as possible.

Then, just like Wang Bing thought, the Third Princess also replied as soon as possible: "Fight for it! Fight for it no matter how much money it costs!"

Because Lu Kong talked about the level 10 advanced task, Xia Yan was very concerned about the level 10 equipment.

Level 10 legendary equipment, and it is a set, is enough for players to perform well in the advanced task!

According to Lu Kong, the advanced task is obviously an extremely important part of the game, affecting one's own future.

This kind of thing must be fought for.

Liu Qiang has the same idea as Xia Yan.

However, he is fighting for his daughter.

Liu Yuexin is a priest!

Although Lin Yingying wanted to fight for it, she also understood that although she had a little money, she was not a rich woman. Her monthly salary was only 100,000 yuan. How could she fight for this?

Even if she was sold, it would not be enough!

If she wanted to sell it, of course she would sell it to her adoptive father.

But her adoptive father would not accept it.

Thinking of this, Lin Yingying could not help but puffed up her lips.

This was very angry.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Liu Qiang said with a serious expression: "Good son-in-law, two pieces for 10,000 gold coins!"

Lin Yingying: "?"

She was dumbfounded. This is what a rich man is!

Two pieces of equipment for 100 million!

Who can afford this?

Not to mention Lin Yingying, Lu Kong was also a little surprised: "Isn't this price a bit too much?"

Although this is a level 10 legendary equipment, and it is a set, it is much higher than the legendary equipment sold before.

Two pieces cost 100 million.

This set has a total of six pieces, so wouldn't it be 300 million?

Good man, I thought that buying a large apartment of more than 500 square meters was luxurious enough, but it would cost more than 100 million.

This set of equipment can buy two large apartments for myself and more!

Lu Kong was a little dumbfounded.

Who in the family understands, this is a bit exaggerated.

Wang Bing smiled bitterly and said: "Godfather, you also said that the advanced task is very important. This legendary suit must be very useful during the advanced task, right?"

Liu Qiang nodded and said: "This is too important, we have to fight for it."

For people at their level, it is completely worth spending hundreds of millions to buy a better future.

Especially, this future involves the development of the times, which is of course more worthwhile.

After all, level 10 equipment is not useless after one use. It can be kept as an heirloom. When someone in the family reaches level 10 in the future, it can also be used for advancement.

Hearing what the two said, Lu Kong suddenly realized.

It turned out to be because of this reason.

Lu Kong was thoughtful, and what Wang Bing and Liu Qiang said was right.

After all, level 10 equipment is related to the advancement task, so the price will obviously be much higher than other levels of equipment.

Thinking about the advancement issue, Lu Kong suddenly had an idea.

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