In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 140 The Terrifying Holy Spirit


Lu Kong is not the kind of person who hesitates after making a decision.

Now that you have made a decision, just do it well.

Lukong determined the difficulty of the task.

Suddenly, the space was distorted, and a red light door appeared in the old village chief's courtyard.

When the old village chief saw the red light door, his expression was a little complicated for a moment.

The quality represented by red is the holy level.

This kid... is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He actually chose the holy level difficulty.

The old village chief looked at Lu Kong and said: "If you fail the advanced mission, you will randomly lose attributes, skills or equipment. However, because this is a first-level advanced mission, the loss will be very small. You don't have to worry about it. Worry, now that you have chosen, go for it!”

It was also the first time for the old village chief to see a player with such powerful talent as Lu Kong, and Lu Kong helped Silver Moon Village deal with the invasion of little devils.

From the bottom of his heart, the old village chief hoped that Lu Kong could pass the mission.

But the rationality in the old village chief's heart also reminded him that for ordinary races, it would be almost impossible to pass the saint-level difficulty for the first time.

Lu Kong nodded slightly and smiled at the old village chief: "Thank you, old village chief, I'm in!"

Lu Kong turned around and entered the light door.

The next moment, red light enveloped the land and sky.

When the light returned to Lu Kong's eyes, he found that he appeared in a city.

This is an ancient city. The buildings are all made of black rocks. They look extremely mottled and bear the traces of time.

The interior of the city is quite prosperous, with pedestrians everywhere on both sides of the streets.

These pedestrians all look like humans, but unlike Yuanxing humans, these humans have dark red skin and a circle of black lines around their eyes, as if they were born with tattoos.

The Yuanxing humans, with their yellow skin and black hair, seemed to be an alien among them.

Pedestrians passing by nearby did look at Lu Kong with strange eyes.

Lu Kong's expression was calm, but his heart was very wary.

He still doesn't know what the mission is.

He threw it away with a probing technique.

[Old Phantom of the Clark Humanity]: This is the phantom of the inhabitants of Clark’s planet before its destruction.

Lu Kong was startled, feeling a little shocked.

These seemingly living humans are not real people? Are they all phantoms? !

And these apparitions seemed to be able to see him and react to his presence?

The map for this advanced mission is too outrageous.

However, Lu Kong felt relieved when he thought that this was a space game after all.

It is a game played by powerful races in the entire universe, no matter how exaggerated it is, it is normal.

Lukong continued to use probing techniques to investigate.

Everything around him is an phantom of Clark's past.

Nothing else exists.

This made Lu Kong frown.

So what does this advanced mission require him to do?

Could it be to prevent the destruction of Planet Clark?

If that's the case, then he should just give up the mission.

No matter how strong Lukong is now, he cannot be strong enough to fight against beings that can destroy planets.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the distance.

Fire and black mist raged, and Lukong saw many residents fleeing in panic, and screams could not be heard.

Lu Kong's eyes lit up.

He finally received the system prompt.

"Ding! The Blade Demon army has invaded Annuo City. Please help Prince Annuo repel the Blade Demon army!"

On the panel, the advanced mission has also changed, becoming to assist Prince Anno and repel the Blade Demon army.

Lu Kong immediately ran towards the area where the sounds of fighting were heard.

Lukong's current agility attribute, coupled with the increase in warrior's heart and fighting spirit, has exceeded 300 points, and his speed is far faster than that of ordinary humans.

His body turned into an afterimage, soared into the air, and jumped onto the roof more than ten meters high.

The ground was overcrowded by the chaotic Clark residents, and Lu and Kong could not walk on the ground.

Although these are just phantoms, with Lu Kong's current strength, if he rushes over with force, he can completely knock these phantoms into blood foam.

But Lu Kong couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart.

He jumped from rooftop to rooftop at breakneck speed, the wind howling in his ears.

Standing at a high place, Lukong saw battles taking place in one area after another, and the roar was endless.

The land and air forces went to the areas where the fighting was most intense.

In that area, nearby houses had collapsed, and strong winds were raging, as if missiles were falling to the ground.

As they got closer, Lukong discovered the tragic situation in this area.

There are ruins everywhere, and on the ground are the remains of Clark's humans.

Many demons with a height of two meters and slender bodies, with ferocious barbs, and black blades on their arms are killing the Clark humans.

There seem to be players among these Clark humans, and these players are barely resisting.

The civilians, on the other hand, were like cattle and sheep, with no power to resist under the slaughter of the Blade Demon.

Lu Kong's expression was calm, but his heart gradually became turbulent.

He seemed to have seen the future of Yuan Xing.

If Yuan Xing's strength is not strong enough, then when the demon army invades, Yuan Xing humans will probably end up like Clark humans.

Like ants!

Wherever the demon army passes, it is hell on earth!

This kind of thing will not be allowed to happen on land and air!

"Despicable devil! There is no way you will succeed!" An extremely angry roar sounded.

Lu Kong saw a tall Clark man in the center of the ruins. He was wearing a dark purple robe and was surrounded by thunder.

Opposite him, there was a Blade Demon wearing black leather armor and a blood-red blade.

Lu Kong threw a detection spell over.

[Prince Anno's Old Phantom (Low-level Holy Spirit)]

Level: 1

Life: 2700000

Attack: 9800

Introduction: A genius warrior of the Clark clan, the old phantom of the eldest prince Anno, he has devoted his life to protecting the Clark people and the people.

[Old Phantom of the Bloody Blade (Mid-level Holy Spirit)]

Level: 1

Life: 3550000

Attack: 11500

Introduction: The Bloody Blade is the executioner and vanguard general of the Blade Demon clan. His blade has turned blood red because it has absorbed too much blood from creatures.

Lu Kong: “?”

What the hell is this?

Level 1 monsters have over 2 million and 3 million HP? !

This is the Holy Spirit? !

Normally, the Holy Spirit's endurance should not be much higher than his.

Since the endurance is not much higher, it means that the life bonus brought by endurance far exceeds Lu Kong!

Not only that, these two guys probably have extremely powerful skills!

Lu Kong guessed that the two Holy Spirits in front of him were probably very high in the real world.

It's just because this is Lu Kong's mission world, so these two Holy Spirits are level 1.

The reason why they are level 1, Lu Kong guessed, may be related to Lu Kong's own race.

Lu Kong had heard from the old village chief that the difficulty of the advanced task is also related to the race.

If Lu Kong's race is stronger and the upper limit of the basic attributes is higher, then he may not be facing a level 1 Holy Spirit, but a level 10 or even higher level Holy Spirit.

Of course, all this is just Lu Kong's guess, and Lu Kong himself doesn't know what the specific situation is.

And now is not the time to think about these problems.

It's just a level 1 Holy Spirit, but it has such an exaggerated amount of health and such a terrifying attack. How can he beat it? !

There's no way he can beat it, right? !

No wonder the old village chief's son could only pass the boss level before.

The higher the quality of the monster, the greater the difference in attributes!

Lu Kong felt very heavy in his heart, and he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

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