At this moment, the system prompt also sounded in Lu Kong's ears.

"Ding! The army of unicorn red demons is about to pass through the black wilderness. Players are requested to destroy this army!"

Lu Kong: "6."

Although this advanced task does not ask you to deal with emperor-level monsters.

But this is a demon army of tens of millions!

Let a player destroy all the demon armies? !

Is this something a human can do? !

However, Lu Kong was a little surprised.

For ordinary players, it may be impossible to deal with so many demon armies.

After all, there are ten kings, thousands of lords, tens of thousands of leaders, and tens of millions of elites.

How can a player fight?

If it is a mage, even if the blue bar is empty, it may not be able to kill so many demons.

If it is a warrior profession, it may have been besieged to death.

But for Lu Kong, there is hope.

Lu Kong's sweeping skill special effect has a 1% chance of resetting the skill cooldown time.

Coupled with his own powerful blood-sucking attribute, this gives Lu Kong the possibility of mowing down enemies unparalleled.

Level 10 bosses can basically not lose blood when they attack Lu Kong now.

Now Lu Kong needs to focus on the thousands of lords and the ten kings.

As long as he can block the attacks of these high-level unicorn red demons, he will definitely be able to destroy the entire demon army.

Although this will take a lot of time!

But as long as there is hope, you can try it!

Lu Kong took a deep breath and went to meet the demon army.

He found a problem, that is, these demons have no drop list.

This means that these demons will not drop anything.

Lu Kong guessed that it might be because this is an advanced task.

After all, the old phantoms of the bloody blade encountered in the previous holy-level task also have no drop list.

It may also be that only the old phantoms of this type of monster will not drop items.

Lu Kong felt a little pity. If items can be dropped, I wonder what good things will drop when killing the king-level monsters?

Lu Kong no longer thought about it.

At this moment, the demon army has approached Lu Kong.

There is a lord leading the team every few hundred meters in front.

One of the lords roared: "Crush this ant!"

The next moment, all the one-horned red demons roared and rushed towards Lu Kong.

Lu Kong's expression was calm, and he charged directly at the lord-level one-horned red demon.

All the one-horned red demons around attacked Lu Kong.




One by one, 0 damage numbers floated out.

These elite monsters and boss-level monsters can't break Lu Kong's defense now!

The level 8 one-horned red demon lord shouted, and the jagged giant blade in his hand slashed towards Lu Kong.

Lu Kong blocked with his giant sword.



A very low damage floated out from Lu Kong's head.

Lu Kong's current equipment is basically epic equipment, plus the improvement of various skills, and the 20% damage reduction after the greatsword mastery of blocking, you can imagine how tough Lu Kong is now!

Even the lord, the threat to Lu Kong is very small.

Lu Kong waved the sword in his hand repeatedly.

One after another, high damage floated out from the lord's head.

Each one has eight or nine thousand or even more than ten thousand!

Among them, the sweep skill was swung out, a black sword light flashed, and dozens of one-horned red demons in front were torn to pieces.

These one-horned red demons did not leave corpses like other monsters, but turned into ashes and disappeared directly.

This may be due to the special reason of the old phantom.

At the same time, Lu Kong's sweep skill was reset!

His eyes lit up.

Sure enough! The full-level special effect of the sweep skill is really strong.

The area that was killed by the sweep was soon filled with other one-horned red demons.

There are too many one-horned red demons here, and the dozens of one-horned red demons killed by Lu Kong are like a drop of water in the ocean.

In just a few breaths, Lu Kong directly killed the unicorn red devil lord in front of him.

Lu Kong's expression did not show any surprise. After all, there were thousands of such lords!

At the same time, in the unicorn red devil army, the king-level unicorn red devil closest to Lu Kong also discovered Lu Kong's existence.

The unicorn red devil king growled: "Kill him!"

The nearby lord-level unicorn red devil immediately pushed away the surrounding army and rushed towards Lu Kong.

Lu Kong also looked at the unicorn red devil king.

He had an idea in his mind.

That is, the threat posed by the unicorn red devil lord to him did not seem to be great.

But the unicorn red devil king was different and would definitely cause him high damage.

The unicorn red devils around now were completely blood banks for Lu Kong.

After all, although his sweeping skill was not as damaging as the counterattack, there were too many monsters here, and the total damage was definitely far greater than the counterattack.

It can be said that Lu Kong's sweeping caused more than 100,000 damage!

With Lu Kong's current blood-sucking attribute, as long as he survives, he can restore his health to full with a sweep!

This means that Lu Kong can now try to deal with the king-level unicorn red devil directly.

If the blood volume is not enough, he can restore blood through the sweep skill!

In this way, Lu Kong's fault tolerance rate is very high.

The more Lu Kong thought about it, the brighter his eyes became.

This idea is obviously feasible!

He also swept all the way and killed the one-horned red devil king who issued the order.

The one-horned red devil king saw that Lu Kong dared to approach him, and immediately showed a cold and fierce smile: "A mere ant, dare to challenge me?!"

He stepped on the ground, like a bulldozer, rushing through the army, directly pushing away the surrounding one-horned red devils.

Soon, the one-horned red devil king came to Lu Kong.

This is a one-horned red devil holding a battle axe.

He growled: "Ant, I will fulfill your wish and let you die in my hands!"

He held the battle axe in both hands and chopped it down fiercely at Lu Kong!

The huge body of five meters tall, the battle axe in his hand was more than four meters, huge.

Such a fierce attack naturally brought a great sense of oppression.

The wind was whistling, and Lu Kong's black hair was dancing.

However, his expression was calm, and he did not dodge, but directly raised his sword to block.

He wanted to see how strong the king-level monster was!

This would also give him an idea, letting him know whether he could deal with monsters of this level!


A high amount of damage floated out from Lu Kong's head, and Lu Kong's blood volume was directly reduced by a large amount.

However, this damage made Lu Kong's eyes light up.

It was only more than 3,000!

He still had various trump cards in his hand, plus so many blood banks here, he had every hope of dealing with these kings!

He sneered, then swung his sword directly and attacked the one-horned red devil king.

-6898! (Thunderbolt)

-4309! (Savage Heavy Strike Critical Hit)

-2783! (Sweep Critical Hit)

-1275! (Heavy Strike Critical Hit)

-1244! (Clack)

-832! (Normal Attack Critical Hit)

It must be said that the one-horned red devil king is worthy of being a king-level monster, with extremely strong defense.

The damage caused by Lu Kong's attack was far less than that caused by the lord monster before.

But even so, after a round of attacks, Lu Kong still caused more than 15,000 high damage!

You know, the health of a king is only more than 500,000, so this damage is already very strong.

The damage caused by Lu Kong made the one-horned red devil king feel extremely painful.

He roared angrily and also waved his battle axe, wanting to fight back.

Lu Kong and the one-horned red devil king dodged each other's attacks and fought back.

The battle axe and the sword crossed, and the clanging sound was endless.

The attack speed of the one-horned red devil king was extremely fast, and Lu Kong's health continued to decrease.

But Lu Kong only needed to use sweeping, counterattacks and bloodthirsty strikes to instantly restore his health.

In just a few minutes, the one-horned red devil king's health was only half.

He roared, and a scarlet light emanated from his horn.

The next moment, a beam of light shot towards Lu Kong.

The beam of light was so fast that Lu Kong couldn't even dodge it. It hit Lu Kong's chest hard.

The terrifying force caused Lu Kong's body to fly backwards, killing a large number of unicorn demons.

A high amount of damage also floated above Lu Kong's head.


Lu Kong's pupils dilated slightly, and he was a little scared.

Fortunately, he used the sweep before this skill to restore his health directly.

If his health was not enough, the previous attack would be very dangerous.

Lu Kong took out various scrolls and used them.

Including the Lava Armor Scroll, the Wild Roar Scroll, the Strong Life Scroll and other scrolls that can improve himself, Lu Kong used them one by one.

These scrolls were obtained by Lu Kong from three copies, just for today's task!

Now it's time to use them.

As for the Sky Crystal Guardian Scroll and some powerful scrolls with shorter duration effects, Lu Kong did not use them immediately.

After all, these are Lu Kong's biggest trump cards. If he uses them at the beginning, if something unexpected happens later, he may not be able to resist.

Even so, Lu Kong's health is still over 30,000 at this moment, and his damage has increased by more than 30%!

At this moment, Lu Kong feels stronger than ever!

Perhaps, he has a chance to pass the emperor difficulty mission!

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