In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 151 Refined Equipment and Goblins

Just when Lu Kong was walking on the road, his private message suddenly rang.

Lu Kong took a look and saw that it was from Wang Bing.

Wang Bing: "By the way, godfather, are you ready to trade the anti-gravity technology?"

Wang Bing was so concerned about the attribute stones and skill stones that he forgot about the anti-gravity technology for a while.

It was not until the third princess reminded him that Wang Bing remembered it.

He immediately sent a private message to Lu Kong.

Lu Kong slapped his forehead. He had forgotten about it because he wanted to come to Dawu City as soon as possible.

Lu Kong: "It's still the same as the previous controlled nuclear fusion. Give it to Daxia."

After a while, Wang Bing hadn't replied yet.

Just when Lu Kong was confused, Wang Bing sent a message.

Wang Bing: "...Foster father, you are simply a god. You can give away such precious things just by saying so! I just talked to the Third Princess, and she said she would go and talk to His Majesty about this right now. In addition, the princess said that she would trade with you in person for the controlled nuclear fusion and anti-gravity technologies when she goes to Dawu City."

Regarding the trade of controlled nuclear fusion, Lu Kong had already made an agreement with Xia Yan before, and they would trade in Dawu City.

After all, this thing is too precious, and Xia Yan would only feel relieved if she got it in person.

Now that there is an anti-gravity technology, of course it is the same.

Lu Kong had no objection: "No problem."

Lu Kong had already walked out of the square at this moment, and the streets were crowded with people.

Bizarre beast mounts and hovercrafts danced together. Pedestrians passed by in an orderly manner on both sides of the street, and there were all kinds of shops on both sides.

Lu Kong observed carefully, there were pharmacies, armor shops, cloth armor shops, scroll shops, blacksmith shops, etc.

At this time, Lu Kong suddenly saw a very strange shop.

[Green Coast Equipment Refining Shop]

Equipment Refining? What is this?

Lu Kong was a little curious.

There was no such thing in the Novice Village before.

He stepped in.

Inside the shop, a short goblin was standing in front of a strange instrument.

Seeing Lu Kong coming in, he immediately showed a warm smile.

"Ah~ Welcome! You are the number one player in Orion, Mr. Lu Kong, right? I am the owner of this shop, Green Coast."

Lu Kong: 6.

I have to say, this goblin speaks very nicely.

But those little eyes keep turning around, which makes people feel a little wretched.

Lu Kong smiled and said, "Hello, store manager, what does equipment refining mean?"

"Good question, Mr. Lu Kong. You also know that this broken game is created by the will of the universe, and the game equipment essentially has the power of the origin of the universe. The so-called equipment refining is to decompose the equipment you don't need, extract the essence of the origin, and then use this essence to strengthen the equipment you are wearing now."

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows. This familiar feeling... Isn't it just strengthening equipment?

But for Lu Kong, this is good news.

He really has a lot of equipment in his hands. If he can decompose the unnecessary equipment into essence, and then refine the equipment on his body.

Wouldn't his strength become stronger?

Lu Kong was a little interested and asked, "How does this refinement improve specifically?"

"Oh, Mr. Lu Kong, this cannot be accurately defined. After all, the quality and level of each piece of equipment are different, but the higher the quality of the equipment, the more times it can be refined. And the higher the quality of the essence, the higher the success rate of refining will be, and the greater the improvement after successful refining will be." Lu'an smiled and rubbed his hands: "Of course, the refining process requires effort, so I also need to charge a small handling fee."

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows: "How much is the handling fee?"

"For equipment from level 10 to level 20, the price of refining once is 10 silver coins." Lu'an smiled and said, "This is a very fair price, no deception!"

Lu Kong: "?"

From what this guy said, refining has a success rate just like strengthening, and a piece of equipment may be refined more than once.

It takes 10 silver coins each time, and the total money is not small.

This broken game is really expensive.

Lu Kong complained in his heart.

However, Lu Kong felt that since he was already at the first level, the materials obtained from killing monsters should be more valuable when sold in the store, and the gold coins dropped by humanoid monsters should also be more.

If you think about it this way, 10 silver coins are not particularly much?

Lu Kong, an ordinary player, doesn't know, anyway, for Lu Kong himself, this money is not much.

"Mr. Lu Kong, do you want to try it once?"

Lu Kong looked at his backpack. He had sold all the equipment that had dropped before.

If there is nothing to decompose, of course, there is no way to refine it.

Lu Kong shook his head: "Next time."

Lu An shrugged: "Okay, you decide."

He knew that with Lu Kong's strength, he would come to refine the equipment sooner or later.

Lu An was not in a hurry.

Lu Kong nodded, then he thought of something and asked: "By the way, do you know where the guard officer of Dawu City is?"

Lu'an was startled, and looked up at Lu Kong with some doubt: "Mr. Lu Kong, what do you want to see the guard officer for? The guard officer is very busy on weekdays and will not see civilians."

Lu Kong took out the mark of the Pale Cult: "This thing needs to be shown to the guard officer."

After seeing the mark, Lu'an jumped up and looked at the mark in Lu Kong's hand with horror.

"This, this, this is... the mark of the Pale Cult?"

Lu Kong was a little confused: "Why are you so scared?"

Midoriya slowly calmed down his mood, and then said: "Of course I'm afraid, the Pale Order represents death, respected Mr. Lukong! Every time where the Pale Order appears, there are corpses, undead, and endless The torture and pain. Many villages near Dawucheng have been attacked by the Pale Cult, and there are even followers in the city. This mark will certainly make people afraid!"

Lu Kong was a little shocked when he heard this.

Didn't you expect that the Pale Cult would be so awesome in Dawucheng?

Lu'an kept chattering: "Not long ago, there was a great mage in the mage area who secretly studied corpses, studied death, and believed in the God of Death. When he was finally surrounded and suppressed, dozens of twisted corpses were found in his mage tower."

Lu Kong was even more surprised.

Archmages are usually relatively high-level guys, right?

Did even this kind of guy join the Pale Order?

"What happened next? Did the Archmage die?" Lu Kong was a little curious.

Midoriya shook his head: "No, he ran away. In addition to him, one of his apprentices who followed him and believed in death also ran away. There are still wanted posters for them in the Adventurer's Guild and various taverns. The archmage's name is Ankes, and the apprentice's name is... oh, it seems to be Mudu. They are both extremely cruel lunatics, no better than the devil! It is said that the Pale Order is the same as the devil! They are all in the same group!"

Lu Kong: "???"

Mudu, wasn't the one he killed the same Mudu?

Lu Kong thought again about the introduction of Mudu's emblem, which seemed to say that Mudu was a wanted criminal in Dawucheng.

So this is how that guy was wanted?

I just don’t know why Mudu went to Silver Moon Village to advance alone. I don’t know where his mentor, the guy named Ankes, is?

Maybe you can ask the guard officer about this question.

Lu Kong interrupted Midori's chatter and said, "I have the mark of the Pale Order. Can I see the guard officer?"

Midoriya came back to his senses, and he looked at Lu Kong with a hint of awe in his eyes: "Of course, respected Mr. Lu Kong! You can already kill the bad guys of the Pale Cult before you enter Dawu City. You want me to Said, you will definitely accomplish great things in the future!”

If you can speak, speak more.

Lu Kong felt pleased with himself, and then smiled and said: "Then can you tell me where the guard officer is?"

"He usually works in the guard hall in the center of Dawucheng. As long as you bring the mark of the Pale Order, the guards will definitely let you see him." Midoriya said.

Lu Kong smiled and nodded: "Thank you very much. I will take care of your business next time."

When Lu An heard this, his face burst into laughter: "Okay, dear Mr. Lu Kong, welcome to your next visit!"

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