In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 170: Decomposition also has a drop rate

Anlina smiled and said, "You should know about equipment refining, right?"

Lu Kong nodded: "I know this, I have seen equipment refining shops in Dawucheng.

The expressions on the three people's faces were a little strange, and they seemed to be gritting their teeth: "That goblin's shop?"

Lu Kong nodded, a little confused: "What's wrong?"

Mono snorted coldly: "It's nothing. Every time we go to refine equipment, that guy can make us go out without a single gold coin!"

"Um..." Lu Kong felt a little numb: "Is the goblin so cheating?"

Mono and the three looked at each other.

"It can't be said about the goblin pit. It's just that equipment refining is a money trap." Anlina obviously had deep resentment towards equipment refining. When she said this, her expression was a little distorted.

"After all, when refining, there is really no way to guarantee the success rate." Even Rutgers was a little helpless.

After listening to their words, Lu Kong understood the situation somewhat: "So this decomposer has something to do with equipment refining?"

Anlina nodded and said: "Since you know about equipment refining, you should also know that the original essence required for refining is obtained by decomposing the equipment. And you can take the equipment to the refining shop to decompose it, and the damn goblins will accept you. There is a handling fee, and there is no guarantee of the essence quality of the decomposition. If you have enough equipment to practice, it is best to learn a decomposer profession yourself. In this way, you can decompose it yourself and the essence quality of the decomposition may be. It will be better than that goblin, and there is no need to pay him a handling fee!”

When Lu Kong heard this, his expression became even weirder: "...How much is the handling fee?"

"It costs five silver coins to decompose a piece of first-level equipment, and then ten silver coins to refine it once."

Lu Kong's eyes turned green.

What the hell, he has more than a thousand pieces of equipment here. If he breaks it down, then he has to spend more than fifty gold coins? !

This is more than half a million!

Lu Kong coughed dryly and said, "What about refining? Can we also refine it ourselves?"

If you can refine it yourself, you can save ten silver coins!


Anlina and the three of them looked at each other helplessly.

"No, refining requires special equipment. We can't get this equipment. It can only be found in the refining shop. It is not for sale and can only be refined in the refining shop."

Lu Kong was a little disappointed.

Then he said: "Then where should I learn the secondary profession of analyst?"

He felt that he still had to learn it, after all, the handling fee was indeed quite high.

You must know that Lu Kong only fought monsters once, and he had so much equipment. It was impossible for him to fight only once a day.

Equipment disassembly is a huge expense.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, the equipment takes up too much space.

If it can be broken down, then if no one helps him get the equipment, he can consider breaking down the equipment first.

As a consumable item, Essence of Origin should be superimposed.

In this way, Lukong does not need to worry about insufficient backpacks in a short period of time.

Hearing Lu Kong's question, An Linna raised the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "You can learn from me. I am the mage consultant in Yuexi Town and the only decomposer in Yuexi Town."

Lu Kong's eyes lit up, he looked at Anlina and smiled: "Miss Anlina, how can I learn your decomposer sub-profession?"

Anlina thought for a while and said: "Originally, you should be required to do tasks, but if you can deal with the fishman lord this time, you will be a big help to our Yuexi Town. So I won't I’ve given you a mission.”

Lu Kong breathed a sigh of relief. The learning tasks for sub-professions are generally very cumbersome, and the experience is not high.

Lukong is really not very happy to do these tasks.

Lu Kong smiled and said: "Thank you very much, Miss Anlina."

"But..." Anlina changed the subject: "I need to add some money."

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows: "How much?"

Anlina stretched out a finger and pointed at Lu Kong, smiling and saying nothing.

Lu Kong hesitated: "...a thousand gold coins?"

Mono and Luo Gesi were choked and coughed repeatedly.

Even Anlina was confused: "...One thousand gold coins? Do you have so much money?"

Lu Kong glanced at the hundreds of thousands of gold coins in his backpack: "...Is there almost enough?"

All three people's eyes turned green.

It’s just the first level! This guy is so rich!

But if you think about what this guy has lost, it’s not surprising that he has so much money.

Thinking of this, the three of them even wanted to rob.

However, when they thought of Lukong's combat power, they still extinguished their thoughts very rationally.

Anlina rolled her eyes: "Ten gold coins."

"So cheap?" Lu Kong was a little surprised.

Anlina is the only one in the entire town who knows the profession of decomposer, which shows that this profession is quite high-end.

Maybe it's a hidden sub-profession.

Tuition fees are so cheap?

Lu Kong's words made Anlina's face distorted: "If you want to pay more, of course I will be happy."

Lu Kong laughed dryly: "Then ten gold coins."

Lu Kong was not a fool. He could save money, so why spend more?

Then, Anlina waved her hand, and a panel appeared in front of Lu Kong.

The above is the decomposer profession.

A first-level decomposer can only decompose first-level equipment.

But for the current land and air, it is enough.

He chose to learn directly.

After learning, Lu Kong found that he had an extra skill.

[Decomposition]: You can decompose equipment into the most original essence.

Lu Kong got a new skill and wanted to try it out.

He randomly took a green piece of equipment from his backpack and clicked on decomposition.

Then, a drop list appeared in Lu Kong's sight.

Lu Kong: "????"

There can also be a drop list for decomposition?

He clicked on the list in confusion.

[Primary Strength Essence (Excellent)]: After refining equipment, you can increase strength by 2 points, and the success rate will be slightly increased.

Drop rate: 0.00000002%

[Primary Attack Essence (Excellent)]: After refining equipment, you can increase attack by 2 points, and the success rate will be slightly increased.

Drop rate: 0.00000002%

[Primary Endurance Essence (Excellent)]: After refining equipment, you can increase endurance by 2 points, and the success rate will be slightly increased.

Drop rate: 0.00000002%

The first ones in the drop list are all good quality essences, and the ones after that are green quality essences.

Lu Kong suddenly realized why there was a drop list.

Because the essences after decomposition appear randomly according to the attributes of the equipment itself.

This is similar to opening a box. Since there is a probability, there is naturally a drop probability.

This means that Lu Kong's talent can also play a role!

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