Except for the collective demonization incident that caused some waves, the rest are normal posts.

Such as which player has obtained what good things, which master has reached what level, where there is a demon invasion, the player management bureau's pervasive recruitment of GG, etc., there are all kinds of things.

The game has been around for a while, and now players are almost used to general things.

In addition, there is also a lot of intelligence about foreign countries.

For example, the unrest in some small countries is more serious, and some players have even established themselves as kings and want to split them out.

Even in some small countries, because the players are not strong enough, there is a demon invasion phenomenon, and they have to use large weapons such as missiles to attack, causing considerable damage in the city.

Except for some relatively powerful countries, many small countries on Yuanxing are already in chaos at this moment.

Lu Kong finished reading today's intelligence and just finished his meal.

Without waiting for Du Xuefei to speak, Lu Kong smiled and said, "Mom, I'm going out to find a partner."

Du Xuefei was startled, then nodded with a teachable expression, "Okay, go ahead, don't be too stingy with girls, be generous!"

"Okay! I'm going out!"

Lu Kong ran out of the room and came to the coffee shop yesterday.

The damage caused by the demon invasion yesterday was not great, and the coffee shop was not affected and was still open as usual.

Lu Kong sat in the corner and ordered a cup of coffee, then picked up his phone to play games and watch short videos.

Sitting there for a whole day, it was wonderful.


A flash of light.

In Yuexi Town, Lu Kong appeared again.

He rode his beloved demonized wild wolf and ran towards the Cuilan Mountains.

More than an hour later, a mountain range covered with dense forests appeared in front of Lu Kong.

This mountain range stretches endlessly to the end of Lu Kong's sight.

The peaks are high and low, the high ones are probably more than 3,000 meters, and the low ones are about a few hundred meters.

You can imagine how big this mountain range is.

Lu Kong rubbed his forehead. Fortunately, the guard officer Luo Ke told him the place where the guards lost their news. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to find them.

Looking for people aimlessly in such a large place is undoubtedly like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lu Kong pulled the reins and ran towards the mountain range.

Because the Cuilan Mountains are not too far from Dawu City, the monsters here are of low level.

In the outermost area, the monsters are only level twelve. As you go deeper into the mountains, the level of the monsters gradually increases.

Along the way, Lu Kong was too lazy to get off his mount. When he encountered a monster rushing up, he directly got rid of it with his speed.

After all, these are ordinary monsters with little experience. There are only one or two monsters, and there are only four or five monsters gathered together.

It may be just right for ordinary players to spawn monsters, but for Lu Kong, these monsters are not enough to fill his teeth.

It would be a waste of time to get off and fight.

If he could attack while sitting on the mount, Lu Kong would not mind a sword.

Unfortunately, you need to dismount to attack.

After shaking off a series of monsters, Lu Kong ran in the mountains for more than two hours and finally came to the last area where the guards disappeared as pointed out by Luo Ke.

Lu Kong couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the place.

This is a valley.

What surprised him was that the Green Blue Mountains were full of green trees and dense forests.

But the area where this valley was located was actually very desolate, with only some withered weeds and shriveled tree trunks standing.

Even in the areas farther away from the valley, the trees showed a withered and decayed scene.

Lu Kong narrowed his eyes, which reminded him of the area near the Silver Moon Tomb.

Is this probably the power of death?

Is there a necromancer nearby?

No wonder the guards lost contact nearby.

It seems that they should have met the guys from the Pale Cult here.

Lu Kong rode the demonized wild wolf and went deep into the valley.

As he entered the valley, he saw dense undead.

[Pale Skeleton Warrior (Elite)]

Level: 13

Life: 3350

Attack: 94

Introduction: These poor creatures who were awakened from their sleep by the Pale Cult's Undead Mage are now wandering aimlessly.

They are indeed the Pale Cult's people!

Seeing the introduction, Lu Kong smiled.

He had not forgotten the Pale Cult's mark. As long as he got the mark, he could get various rewards.

He looked at these monsters. In addition to the skeleton warriors, there were also shooters, frost mages, fire mages, priests, etc.

To be honest, the skeleton priest was a bit outrageous.

They were already dead, but they were still using divine power?

Or is it that the power of death for the undead is actually the same as the divine power for the living?

Lu Kong muttered to himself, rushed up and started to pull monsters.

The area inside the valley is not small, about hundreds of meters in radius, and there are quite a few skeleton monsters in it, definitely thousands, and all of them are elites.

Although the level is not as good as the murlocs in the Moonlight Lake Cave, it is barely enough.

Lu Kong, like before, pulled monsters while selecting the drops, and after pulling a wave, he dismounted and used the sweep to harvest.

Because Lu Kong needed to pick up things and disassemble equipment, he spent a lot of time on this.

In the end, it took several hours for Lu Kong to free all the undead wandering in the valley.

In addition to the elite undead, there were also several bosses and high-level bosses, all of which Lu Kong killed.

Seven legendary equipment even dropped!

In addition to the legendary equipment that was left yesterday, and the various essences that had been decomposed, Lu Kong's backpack was only five slots away from being full!

This made Lu Kong's expression tangled.

Should I decompose the legendary equipment as well?

Lu Kong quickly shook his head.

It's okay for ordinary equipment, but legendary equipment has powerful attributes and sells at a high price.

If it is decomposed into essences, it's really a loss!

Lu Kong regretted it a little. He should have gone back to Dawu City first.

There is a safe in the rented house, with a full thousand slots, which can hold a lot of things.

Moreover, when Lu Kong was shopping in Dawu City, he seemed to have seen a bank, which might also be able to hold things.

Now that he has been running for so long, do he have to go back?

Lu Kong thought about it and felt that he should look for the missing guards first and go back after completing the task.

Just as Lu Kong was looking around, searching for possible traces of the guards, a voice suddenly rang out from a gap in the distance: "Dear friend! I'm here!"

Lu Kong was startled, looked over, and then saw a short young man squeezed out of a very small gap.

The young man was very thin, wearing leather armor, his eyes rolled around, and he looked like a human goblin.

However, Lu Kong recognized the leather armor on his body, which was the standard equipment of the guards of Dawu City!

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows and walked over: "Hello, are you the guard of Dawu City? This time you were sent to investigate the members of the Pale Cult?"

The young man nodded, his expression a little bitter: "Yes, I am! My name is Dongge, I am an assassin, and finally someone came to save me! Thank God, these undead are really terrible!"

As he said, he looked at Lu Kong with unimaginable shock in his eyes, and said: "And you, my friend, I saw your heroic posture in the battle just now. It's like a god of war!!"

"By the way, your drop rate also makes me think that you may be the god of luck?"

When Lu Kong saw the young man's face full of doubts about life, he knew that the boy was hiding in the gap just now.

Lu Kong felt a little awkward, although it was also a show of strength in front of others.

But he was not ready yet, it felt a bit like being forced to do business?

Forget it.

Daily show of strength in front of others +1

Lu Kong frowned and asked: "So, what happened, where are your companions? Why are you the only one?"

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