In addition to the three legendary items, Russell also dropped two epic items.

In addition to the scarlet crystal, there is also a unique special item [Secret Letter of Ankos (unique)].

Lu Kong took out the letter, opened it, and then looked confused.

Lu Kong didn't recognize any of the words on it.

It didn't seem to be the Yuanxing characters.

This made Lu Kong a little distressed. What should he do if he didn't recognize the words on it?

After thinking about it, he thought that maybe he could ask the city lord or the guard officer to translate it?

He still had research materials on necromancy in his hand, and maybe he could show them to the city lord or the guard officer.

In addition, Lu Kong is now a little hesitant about whether to sell the transfer items of the necromancer to the player.

He wants to ask first whether the player will be maliciously targeted by Dawu City if he transfers to the necromancer.

As for now, he can sell some of the things in his hand first.

Lu Kong opened the chat interface.

From before, there has been a beeping of private messages.

After all, the players of the entire Orion Continent heard the previous two system announcements.

Including Liu Qiang, Wang Bing, Lin Yingying and others, all sent congratulations to Lu Kong.

In the trading group, the three people also sent a lot of messages.

Wang Bing: "Godfather has developed a new dungeon again! Woohoo, I want to fight!"

Liu Qiang: "There is a king-level boss in it? You are worthy of being my good son-in-law. You can even play it alone."

Lin Yingying: "Godfather, Godfather, is there any good stuff this time? Our Player Management Bureau has a lot of gold coins now, and we can buy a lot of good things! (smile proudly.jpg)"

Lu Kong smiled slightly: "The dungeon of Dawu City is very large, and there are tens of thousands of monsters in it. You must be mentally prepared when you play dungeons in the future."

Wang Bing: "Tens of thousands?! No wonder I just saw the introduction of the dungeon, it turned out to be a team dungeon for a thousand people! And it's the kind that refreshes once a week."

Lu Kong was stunned. He didn't see the dungeon introduction before.

I didn't expect the dungeon that appeared this time to be so big?

And it is no longer refreshed once a day, but once a week?

This made Lu Kong a little distressed.

He originally thought that he could beat the king every day and get a legendary equipment every day.

Now it seems that this is just a dream.

What a pity.

But think about it carefully, only Lu Kong can refresh so fast. For other players, even if they can beat the boss, it is estimated that they can't complete the entire underground base in one day.

If it really refreshes once a day, they may not even beat a few bosses before they all refresh.

Lu Kong: "Among the high-end players you know, how many are about to advance to the novice village? I can wait for you and take you to refresh once then."

After all, there are considerable rewards for clearing the dungeon for the first time.

These are all good things for Lu Kong, not to mention for other players.

If it is convenient, Lu Kong doesn't mind taking others with him.

Anyway, he still has a lot of things to do now.

Lu Kong's words made the trading group fall into silence.

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows: "Why are you suddenly silent?"

Wang Bing: "Woo woo woo! Godfather, I am so touched! I have confirmed with the third princess that they can advance tomorrow at the latest!"

Liu Qiang: "Good son-in-law is worthy of being the Supreme Pillar State. My two precious daughters can advance tomorrow at the latest. I will let them go to Dawu City to find you tomorrow!"

Lin Yingying: "Godfather, Godfather, I can also advance tomorrow at the latest! Wait for me, wait for me~"

Lu Kong didn't expect that they were so fast.

"Except for you guys? I will wait until the day after tomorrow. If you can advance before the day after tomorrow, you can come."

He still has Angus's task and the task of the Gnoll King to do.

He can finish these tasks first, and then go to brush the dungeon. It's no big deal to wait for two more days.

Hearing this, the three people's eyes were red.

Wang Bing and Liu Qiang probably won't be able to advance tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow, they will definitely be able to advance!

They had all given up, but they didn't expect Lu Kong to think so much for them.

Wang Bing immediately cried out: "Godfather, wait for me! I will advance soon!"

Liu Qiang: "I should be able to catch up too!"

Lu Kong: "Don't just choose a difficulty for the sake of advancement. Try to complete the advanced tasks as much as possible."

Lin Yingying: "Hehehe, godfather, don't worry~ I will definitely complete the lord difficulty advanced tasks!"

Liu Qiang and Wang Bing also said that they would definitely not choose randomly.

Lu Kong was relieved and smiled: "Okay, next are some of the things we harvested this time. Lin Yingying, this is yours."

Lu Kong sent the epic equipment drawings to the trading group.

Suddenly, Liu Qiang and Wang Bing's eyes almost popped out.

Wang Bing: "What the hell?! What the hell?! Epic equipment blueprint?! There is such a treasure?! Godfather, please don't, we want it too!!"

Liu Qiang: "Good son-in-law, can't we bid for this thing?"

Lin Yingying: "What do you two want to do?! There is no player with forging talent in your family, and our uncle Zeng is the most suitable to use this blueprint."

In fact, for Lu Kong, it doesn't matter who he sells it to, but it is definitely the most suitable for the player who can use it now.

"If you have a player with forging talent, I can also let you bid. Apart from anything else, you can take a look at the learning conditions. Does your forger meet the requirements?"

This silenced Liu Qiang and Wang Bing on the spot.

Obviously, if they really had such a powerful player with secondary professional talent, they would have said it long ago.

After all, several drawings have been issued before.

Lu Kong: "Lin Yingying, can your forger learn now?"

Lin Yingying saw the learning conditions at this time, her eyes widened, a little confused.

She didn't know whether Uncle Zeng met the requirements.

"I'll ask."

Lin Yingying sent the drawings to Uncle Zeng.

In a blacksmith shop in a novice village, a middle-aged man with a weathered face and a thin body was swinging a hammer.

Next to him, there was an aboriginal blacksmith forging with him.

Zeng Daming glanced at the private message. When he saw the golden equipment blueprint, the blacksmith hammer in Zeng Daming's hand fell out of his hand and almost hit the head of the aboriginal next to him.

Aboriginal blacksmith: "????"

He looked at the hammer that was almost as big as his head, looked at Zeng Daming, and said in disbelief: "No, Daming, what good will it do you to kill me?"

Zeng Daming smiled awkwardly: "Brother, no, I just read the private message and saw something that surprised me."

Brother shook his arm: "What surprised you so much?"

"Epic equipment blueprint."

"Oh...ah?!" Brother widened his eyes and looked at Zeng Daming with a look of "are you kidding me": "What the hell?!"

"Epic equipment blueprint." Zeng Daming said it again.

Brother couldn't believe it: "The private message sent to you by your faction?! Impossible! Absolutely impossible! You are just apprentices now, how can you get epic items!? Not to mention epic equipment blueprints."

Brother shook his head repeatedly, indicating that he could not accept it.

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