As for the professional skill treasure chest.

Lu Kong had already acquired the scarlet messenger's most powerful scarlet combat skill before, although he hasn't learned it yet.

That is the only holy-level skill of the Scarlet Messenger, and there are still a few legendary-level skills left.

One of them is the scarlet battle energy that Lukong had obtained before.

Now Lukong can choose another legendary skill.

After choosing and choosing, Lu Kong finally chose a skill called [Scarlet Eyes].

[Scarlet Eyes (Level 1)]: After turning on the Scarlet Eyes, you can see through the enemy's weaknesses, the critical hit probability is +5%, the critical hit damage is +30%, and 1 fighting spirit point is consumed every minute.

Learning conditions: Scarlet Messenger, level 11, scarlet fighting spirit level 1.

As a legendary skill, Scarlet Eyes has lower learning requirements than the Saint-level skill Scarlet Body.

However, as an advanced skill of the Scarlet Messenger, you still need the skill of Scarlet War Qi to learn.

Fortunately, Lukong has now met the conditions.

He learned this skill straight away.

Scarlet Eye is an active skill, similar to the active mode of Scarlet Fighting Spirit and Scarlet Fighting Body. It requires fighting spirit to be used, and the critical hit probability is increased, and the critical hit damage is increased.

With Lu Kong's current critical hit probability, this skill will greatly improve his output.

This is only level 1. If it reaches the full level, the improvement will be even greater!

Lu Kong has no extra high-level skill stones and top-level skill stones in his hand. He cannot upgrade them now. He plans to upgrade them after the high-level skill stones fall.

In addition to the treasure chest, a total of 500 free attribute points were also awarded for setting up a guild before.

Lu and Kong all added strength.

Now, Lukong's basic strength attributes have reached more than 1,400.

The upper limit of basic attributes is not far away from 1800... Oh, because Lu Kong established a legendary guild before, the upper limit of basic attributes has been increased by 50 points.

Now the upper limit of Lukong's basic attributes is 1850.

Although Lukong's strength attribute has been greatly improved, other three-dimensional attributes are still a long way from the upper limit of basic attributes.

However, Lu Kong is not in a hurry now. He is only level 13 now and there is still a long way to go before reaching level 20.

Even if he is level 20, he can stop doing advanced tasks and raise his basic attributes to the upper limit first.

After using all his gains, Lu Kong went offline with satisfaction.


Lu Kong did not go out after breakfast today, but stayed at home to rest.

Even if you are going out to find a girlfriend, you still have to give yourself time to rest, right?

Of course, Lu Kong stayed at home not for this reason.

When the time came to noon, the system prompt of the universe server sounded again in the sky above Yuanxing.

It is the 50 million public beta quota previously awarded.

Lu Kong looked at Du Xuefei expectantly.

The reason why he was waiting at home was to see if his mother could get a place in the public beta.

After all, with the addition of 50 million public beta quotas, the total number of public beta quotas for Yuanxing is already 120 million!

Maybe Du Xuefei was lucky enough to enter the open beta this time?

When the universe server announced that the open beta quotas had been distributed, Lu Kong saw Du Xuefei shaking her head with disappointment: "No."

Lu Kong couldn't help but rub his head.

From this point of view, it seems that my mother's luck is not very good.

But it’s okay, it’s only been open beta for a few days, and the number of open beta places has been continuously increased.

Judging from the current situation, it may not take a few months for everyone in the entire Yuanxing to enter the open beta of the game.

Even though it started a little slower than other players.

But as long as he is here, he will most likely go back to upgrade Du Xuefei, or prepare some low-level, high-quality equipment for Du Xuefei.

In this case, she will definitely be very relaxed in the early stage, and she will definitely upgrade much faster than ordinary players.

Thinking of this, Lu Kong felt relieved, and comforted him: "It's okay, there will be more opportunities in the future."

Du Xuefei nodded helplessly: "Yes."

If possible, she would certainly like to be a public beta player.

After all, the invasion of demonic energy has continued to intensify in the past few days, and Du Xuefei can see the losses caused by the invasion of demonic energy from the news every day.

She also hopes that she can become a public beta player, so that she will have certain strength.

So that if something happens in the future, I would drag my son down.

Unfortunately, her luck didn't seem to be very good.

Now that it has passed, there is nothing Du Xuefei can do.

She could only accept Lu Kong's comfort.

Lu Kong clicked on the game's official website and looked at it, and found that all the posts were discussing the public beta quota.

When Lu Kong looked at the game forum in the morning, all they talked about was the Great Xia Guild established by Lu Kong, and countless players hoped to join it.

I didn’t expect this post to become popular so quickly.

However, because Daxia Guild is also Daxia's official guild, there is a recruiting GG at the top of the official website.

The minimum requirement is to have soul talent, and it must not be a useless soul talent.

This is most likely Xia Yan's request.

Lu Kong looked at the post and saw that a new player had appeared once, which was not a rare thing.

He glanced at it for a moment and stopped paying attention.

At night, Lukong entered the game again.

He went downstairs and saw Xia Yan and Liu Yuexin sitting in the living room. In front of them were various documents.

Apparently, they were discussing guild matters.

Hearing the movement, both of them looked up.

Seeing it was Lu Kong, both of them smiled.

"Lu Kong, are you online?"

"Hello, Brother Lu."

The two of them greeted Lu Kong with a smile, and Lu Kong also smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

At this point, Lu Kong paused and said, "Don't let your level drop because of the guild. Your own strength is the key."

Both Xia Yan and Liu Yuexin have strong soul talents, and Lu Kong doesn't want to see the two of them being dragged down by the guild and eventually disappearing from the public.

Xia Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, we know it. We are just sorting out the information we learned yesterday, and we will fight monsters and upgrade soon."

Liu Yuexin nodded slightly: "Yeah, brother Lu, don't worry."

Lu Kong didn't say any more. He left the villa, rode on his beloved Lanlin Unicorn, and ran towards the Caddo Rift Valley.

He has a lot to do today.

We need to investigate the Caddo Rift Valley first.

I wonder if that Ankos is in Caddo Rift?

If so, Lu Kong would actually feel a little guilty.

Although he now thinks that he is not weaker than the emperor-level monsters of the same level, Russell's secret letter said before that Ankes seems to be at the second level.

Within the first level, the level gap is huge, and there is level suppression, let alone the gap between the first level and the second level.

When he met the second-level emperor, he felt that he had no confidence at all.

However, you won’t suffer any loss if you try it first. Understand the difference between the first level and the second level, and you will have an idea when the time comes.

After all, he already had a mission to find Ankes, and he would have to confront that guy sooner or later.

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