When Lu Kong walked out of the room, he saw Xia Yan and the other girls and Liu Qiang and others coming over.

Their expressions were all very serious.

Lu Kong smiled: "Don't be so nervous, it's just a first-level monster tide, not that exaggerated."

Seeing Lu Kong so calm, everyone's originally nervous mood also relaxed a little.

Lu Kong seemed to be a magic needle that stabilizes the sea. In everyone's mind, he is an invincible existence.

As long as he is not worried, others don't seem to have anything to worry about.

Xia Yan smiled: "Then I will arrange for other guild members to deploy defenses."

Lin Yingying said: "I'll let the people from the Player Management Bureau do it."

Wang Bing also said: "I'll let the people from the Xuanniao Army help."

Liu Qiang, Wang Lin, Fu Yu and others spoke up and said that they would let the members of their guild deploy defenses.

Soon, everyone left, and Lu Kong stayed alone.

Before the war, everyone else seemed to be very busy, and he was the only one who was quite free.

This made him a little embarrassed.

He didn't seem to need to do anything about the things in the guild.

He simply wandered around.

Because of the limitation of the guild level, the territory can only build this level of garrison now.

The town does not have a tall wall like Dawu City, and it is impossible to stand on the wall for defense.

In this way, the defense difficulty will certainly be greater.

However, relatively speaking, their guild has a holy-level totem pole, which brings too much improvement.

Lu Kong used the power of the president to modify it, and the target of the holy deer protection of the totem pole became all players in the entire territory!

Suddenly, the players in the territory exclaimed.

"What the hell?! What happened?? My all attributes suddenly increased by 200%!"

"Me too, I got a buff called 'Sacred Deer Protection', what is this thing? It's too outrageous, right??"

Only the members of the Daxia Guild had enjoyed this enhanced attribute as early as when they came to the guild territory.

Seeing the shocked look of others, they were full of pride and explained one after another.

"What a fuss, this is just a benefit of our guild."

"That's right, this thing is just average, it can only be used in the territory, it's too cheap. There are some benefits that can be used outside the territory, that's cool!"

"Look at your ignorant looks... Look, do you see the big pillar in the center? Holy relics! Do you think the buff brought by this holy relic is strong?" A tall player from the Daxia Guild pointed at the Moonlight Sacred Deer Totem Pole to the others.

When the players next to them heard this, their eyes almost popped out.

They all looked at the totem pole.

"What the hell?! Holy relic?? Is it true or not??"

"I just think there seems to be something wrong with this pillar, it actually glows! But it's actually a holy relic??"

One by one, the players never thought that a big holy relic would fall in front of them.

At this moment, the players who were reminded, while the monster tide had not started yet, they all went to the central square and explored the Moonlight Sacred Deer Totem Pole.

After seeing the attributes of the totem pole, all the players were stunned.

"Fuck! Fuck?! What the hell is this attribute??"

"Fuck, the protection of the holy deer is fine, but what the hell is this blessing??"

"I said it was no wonder that you players of the Daxia Guild leveled up so fast, so many of you are already level 12. I thought it was because your godfather led you to brush the dungeon, but I didn't expect that you guys actually had double experience for four hours?!"

A Daxia Guild player with a wretched look waved his hand: "Hey, you calculated it wrong, this is just the benefit of the holy relic. Our Legend Guild's own benefits also have a 50% experience bonus. Oh, by the way, my godfather has a title that can increase all the benefits of our guild by 50%, that is, 75%, which is a permanent experience bonus. To me, the buff of this holy relic is actually just like that."

Lu Kong heard what this person said and couldn't help but look at him.

This guy is so annoying, isn't he afraid of being beaten?

On a glance, I found out that it was Jiang Ming.

He suddenly realized that he was a relatively cool person in the guild group.

Only a few people like Li Xiaobo and Wang Yi could compete with him.

When other players heard Jiang Ming's words, their eyes turned red.

They were ready to eat people.

"Damn, is this broken game still playable?? So, the experience of others killing one monster is equivalent to our experience of killing three monsters?"

"Wow, where is my godfather? Where is my godfather? I can't get up from my knees in front of him now. I also want to join the Daxia Guild!"

When Lu Kong heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly turned into a residual image and disappeared.

His speed was almost at its limit.

However, after listening to Jiang Ming's calculation, the welfare of the Daxia Guild was indeed very good.

Unfortunately, there were too few people.

Now Xia Yan is assigning guild tasks every day, just to upgrade the guild quickly.

However, even if the guild tasks are done every day, it is not that easy to upgrade.

Lu Kong shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, he couldn't help much.


An hour passed quickly.

On the plain outside the town, a large number of monsters suddenly appeared.

These monsters almost formed a black tide and rushed towards the town.

The town of Daxia was backed by a towering mountain wall, and faced the plain in three directions.

And there are waves of monsters rushing over from these three directions.

Seeing so many monsters, everyone frowned and looked grim.

They knew that the monster tide would be very powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

How many monsters are there in this number?

Hundreds of thousands? Millions? Tens of millions?

Too many to count!

At the top of the guild hall, Lu Kong looked at the monster tide and smiled: "I'll guard the gate, and you can do whatever you want in other directions."

Xia Yan nodded, and then said: "The Xuanniao Army guards the left side, Tianyue Guild and other guilds guard the right side, and the Player Management Bureau... Yingying, you take other players to support, and you go wherever you are needed."

Others nodded.

And Lu Kong smiled: "I'll go first."

After speaking, Lu Kong turned into a residual image and disappeared.

Others also left.

The next moment, the system prompt sounded.

[Sunset Plains Area Announcement]: "The first wave of monsters of the Daxia Guild has begun!"

As soon as the voice fell, a thunderous roar sounded.

The black tide that had been staying in the distance began to advance towards the town.

Such a large number of monsters made the earth tremble!

The levels of these monsters ranged from level 11 to level 13, most of them were ordinary monsters, with a few elite monsters mixed in.

If it was just one-on-one, it would be fine.

But with this number, there were tens of thousands of monsters attacking in any direction!

All the players present, except the Xuanniao Army, were originally ordinary people, and had never seen such a scene.

The murderous aura brought by the monsters' charge made many players pale and even weak in the legs.

Especially many female players, who were originally soft-hearted, screamed at this moment.

At this moment, a 30-meter-long scarlet sword light swept across the main gate.

In an instant, all the monsters in front were killed and fell to the ground.

Lu Kong's body was burning with scarlet flames, and a calm voice sounded: "These are just monsters in the game, what's there to be afraid of? If you are afraid now, will you be afraid of the invasion of demonic energy in the future?"

The next moment, Lu Kong turned into a residual image and rushed into the group of monsters in an instant.

Bloody sprint!


Hundreds of monsters died.

The cooldown of the two skills was reset at the same time.

Lu Kong activated the two skills again.

All of a sudden, in the eyes of all players, they could only see a red light flashing in the group of monsters, and the scarlet giant sword light swept across again and again.

All the monsters fell down in groups like wheat.

In just a few breaths, all the first wave of monsters in the direction of the main gate died.

Lu Kong burned with scarlet flames, holding a sword, and slowly walked back between the monster corpses.

The entire direction of the main gate was silent.

Everyone stared with wide eyes.

In their eyes, it seemed that at this moment, there was only this figure burning with scarlet flames in the world.

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