In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 269: Mission involving reality

After everything was dealt with, Lukong also went offline.

After all, after fighting for a day, even if I am not tired, I still want to be lazy.

Back to reality, it was not yet early morning.

There was no movement outside the door, and even my mother hadn't gotten up yet.

He got out of bed, stretched, went to the floor-to-ceiling window, opened the curtains, and admired the night view outside.

Outside the window, you can see the bustling lights and feasting of Xuanhai City, as well as the office buildings in the financial district that stay up all night.

Although the invasion of demonic energy is gradually appearing now, it is because Daxia has two major forces, the Player Management Bureau and the Black Bird Army.

Even if there is an invasion of demonic energy, it can be easily suppressed.

This has not affected the lives of ordinary people much.

Compared with the tranquility of Daxia, many weak and sparsely populated countries are now almost in chaos because there are not enough players to resist the invasion of demonic energy!

You can often see news about this in game forums.

Lu Kong's attributes are now extremely high. As long as he is willing, he can see clearly even an ant on the street dozens of meters below.

Even the darkness could not block his view.

He could easily see the men and women who had just walked out of the bar late at night and were planning to renew their bar.

You can see the tired middle-aged people coming home after working overtime all night.

You can also see takeaway guys riding electric bikes, rushing to deliver food.

Vicissitudes of life.

The corners of his mouth raised with a hint of a smile.

It's not that he is boasting, he must have contributed a lot to this peace.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked at the roof of a tall building in the distance.

There seemed to be nothing there.

But Lu Kong's current mental power is too strong, and his perception is astonishing.

For ordinary players, even if they use the invisibility ability, they are still like fireflies in the dark, unable to hide.

There are people there.


And there’s more than one!

If it was just like this, Lu Kong didn't care much.

After all, who can stipulate that players cannot hide on the rooftop and do private things?

But what worried Lu Kong was that he actually felt a trace of demonic movement in that direction!

After all, Lu Kong had dealt with demons several times, and he felt the demonic energy too deeply.

There are obviously players there, how can there be demonic energy?

This made Lu Kong a little confused.

He thought for a moment, quietly left the room and exited the door.

After that, he went directly to the roof.

The houses in Jintingyuan have a maximum height of forty stories.

It is surrounded by community greenery and streets, and there are no buildings within 100 meters.

But it is not a problem for land and air.

He jumped casually, and his entire body disappeared immediately.

He rose into the air, crossed about three hundred meters, and landed on the roof of a building, making no sound.

Then, he jumped repeatedly and flashed on the top of the tall building.

In just a few breaths, he arrived at the top of the tall building where he sensed the demonic energy.

Lu Kong glanced at the tall building and did not jump over directly.

With his current attributes, he is enough to see clearly what the other party is doing here, and even hear what they are saying!

Lu Kong saw three players wearing leather armor hiding in the corner of the rooftop, and they were communicating in low voices.

All three players are wearing helmets and their faces cannot be seen clearly.

But the figure can be seen.

One of them is a woman with a slim figure.

The other two, one is tall and slightly fat, and looks like a man.

The last one is thin and also a man.

The woman's voice was gentle as she said, "How is it? Have you made up your mind?"

The fat man hesitated: "...Is this really no problem? The Black Bird Army is too strong, with more than a thousand first-level players! If we are discovered, we will be dead!"

The thin man sneered: "What are you afraid of? Wouldn't it be better not to be discovered? You don't want the reward for completing this task, right?"

The thin man's words silenced the slightly fat man.

After a moment of silence, the slightly fat man gritted his teeth and said: "It's done! Damn it, if it's completed, we might be able to advance to the boss level! That's the boss leveling up! I heard that person say that it will be completed in one level. With this level of advanced mission, I have great hope of becoming a demigod in the future!”

Hearing the fat man's words, Lu Kong raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

What the hell?

Can you advance to the boss level by completing a mission?

What mission has such generous rewards?

As far as he knew, for ordinary people without talent, the difficulty of advancing to the boss level was as difficult as climbing to the sky!

After all, this is equivalent to letting an ordinary player fight the boss alone!

Although there are a lot of equipment dropped by land and air, there are also many legendary equipment and the like.

But there are not many legendary equipment suitable for advancement, even for land and air.

These equipments are all placed in Tianjiao Foundation.

Only by applying can you hope to get it.

The three in front of me obviously do not have such qualifications.

So the question is, how to let them advance to the boss level?

What surprised Lukong the most was that this was a mission!

The mission location is actually the real world? !

Are you kidding me?

Shouldn't the mission be in the game?

How could there be a real world mission?

Lu Kong is already considered the leading player in the game.

Even he has never encountered a mission involving the real world. How did these three guys meet?

What exactly is this mission?

Moreover, the devilish aura on that woman made Lu Kong even more concerned.

Lu Kong frowned, but didn't go out. He planned to continue listening to what they were saying.

"Hey~ I don't need to say more, it must have been done! An Yue, is the thing on you? Let's put it now?"

The woman named An Yue nodded and smiled: "It's on you. If you really decide, then I'll put it away? If we put it away, the three of us can't turn back."

"What are you afraid of? The demons give a lot, so we can join the demons. Become a demigod. I heard that demigods can travel in the universe. At worst, we can escape from Yuanxing in the future!"

"That's fine!" The woman named An Yue nodded.

Then, she took out a piece of black crystal.

On the crystal, a trace of demonic energy escaped.

Under the demonic energy, the expressions of the three people were set off a little gloomy.

The woman named An Yue spread her hands, and the black crystal suddenly seemed to be out of gravity and slowly floated up.

The crystal floated about one meter in the sky.

Then, a wisp of black demonic energy flowed.

Something seemed to be brewing.

The three looked at the black crystal with a hint of expectation in their eyes.

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind the three: "What is this thing used for?"

Hearing this, the three assassins trembled all over.

They were so scared that their faces turned pale.

They were no longer ordinary people, but extraordinary people!

With their strength, they didn't even notice someone approaching! !

How did the other party approach?

The woman didn't have time to think about it, and immediately wanted to reach out and take the crystal.

At this moment, a flash of energy passed by.

The woman's hand was separated from her body on the spot, and blood gushed out.

Reality is not a game!

In the game, you will only lose blood if you are attacked.

But in reality, if your hand is cut off, if your defense is not enough, it will really break!

The woman didn't expect that her hand would leave her like this.

She was stunned for a moment, and then the severe pain made her scream.

She fell to the ground and looked in the direction of the energy with fear.

The other two men were also pale.

An Yue was the strongest among the three of them!

And her hand was broken just like that! ?

How did it break?

They didn't even see it clearly!

The two men also fell to the ground in fear.

They turned their heads and looked behind them, and then they saw a figure standing not far away in the moonlight.

Because they were facing away from the moonlight, they couldn't see the other person's appearance clearly.

They just felt that the other person was like a demon... No, even more terrifying than a demon!

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