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Chapter 380 Are you a descendant of the gods? !

Other emperor-level rot claw demons also approached Lu Kong, and each used their skills to attack Lu Kong.

They all knew that Lu Kong was very powerful, so they used their best skills at the beginning.

A green light flashed on Lu Kong's body, and Lu Kong was poisoned, his speed slowed down by 50%, and his defense ability reduced by 50%.

A series of green light arrows shot at Lu Kong, and the light arrows corroded the air, and a foul smell came out.

A rot claw demon walked out of Lu Kong's shadow, with two giant claws carrying a wisp of evil breath, grabbing Lu Kong's back.


Various attacks fell on Lu Kong's body, and Lu Kong was immediately affected by ten negative effects, and at the same time, a series of damage floated out from Lu Kong's head.





All the damage added up to more than 10,000 points.

For a level 30 emperor, Lu Kong's defense can be considered invincible.

This is the case when Lu Kong's defense is reduced.

Otherwise, these emperor-level bosses might not be able to break the defense.

Seeing the damage floating above Lu Kong's head, the emperor-level rot claws almost popped their eyes out.


"This is impossible!!"

Even if the opponent is a holy spirit, he is at least 5 levels higher than him!

It shouldn't cause this much damage, right? ?

This damage is like a joke.

But Fuzhi was not surprised at all. He said in a low voice: "You use negative skills such as curses to control and interfere with him! Leave the frontal battle to me!"

Hearing this, the other rot claws came back to their senses.

Although the damage caused by himself is a bit low, as an emperor-level monster, who doesn't have a few control and curse type skills?

As long as stable control is formed, even if he can't cause too much damage, it can play a key role.

Cooperating with the general, they can completely control this human to death!

Thinking of this, the rot claws grinned and used various control skills on Lu Kong.

In Lu Kong's ears, the system seemed to be convulsing, and a series of prompts sounded.

Reduced treatment, slowdown, reduced defense, dizziness, blindness, etc.

Various negative states floated on Lu Kong's body.

In just a moment, Lu Kong accumulated hundreds of negative states.

Even if Lu Kong has the full level of Iron Will, the skill quality of Iron Will is only legendary after all. Facing the emperor-level monsters, few can be completely immune.

Most negative states still have an effect on Lu Kong.

It's just that under Iron Will, these effects will be weakened.

Even if it is weakened, hundreds of negative states make Lu Kong's current combat ability less than 10% of his heyday!

This is the danger of facing multiple monsters with similar strengths.

Now Lu Kong's strength is so strong, and he was forced to this point just facing 9 emperor-level monsters.

If it was before, he would probably not be a match for several lord-level and king-level monsters at the same time.

Seeing that Lu Kong's state was weakened to this extent, Fuzhi's face showed a grim smile.

"Arrogant fellow! Now is your death!"

Although Lu Kong was extremely powerful in his heyday, even Fuzhi felt that he might not be able to defeat him.

But now, with his state weakened to this extent, what threat can he pose?

At this moment, a strange smile appeared on Lu Kong's face.

Heart of the Slayer!

The level 7 Heart of the Slayer will increase the damage by 80% for each negative effect removed, and the duration is a full 13 seconds!

Hundreds of negative states were removed in an instant.

A violent blood-colored aura entangled Lu Kong's body.

His damage increased by more than 80 times!

That's not all.

Lu Kong roared and used War Roar.

He also used various burst skills such as Rage and Starlight.

At this moment, Lu Kong's aura was so powerful that it made people tremble.

The entire Fuzhao Demon's Lair was slightly shaken by the aura emitted by Lu Kong.

The pupils of the Corrupted Claw Demon Emperors who were rushing towards Lu Kong dilated and felt cold all over.

They felt that Lu Kong was invincible at this moment!

They retreated without thinking.

However, it was too late.

Lu Kong raised his heavy sword and dropped it heavily on the ground.


The earth shook, and violent air waves swept across.

Almost instantly, the entire Corrupted Claw Demon lair was submerged.

The green pool water was shaken up to the sky and turned into mist, and hideous cracks appeared on the stone walls of the cave in the lair.

Extremely exaggerated damage floated above the heads of the Corrupted Claw Demons.

-1163420356! (Earthquake)

The high damage of more than 1.1 billion emptied the health bars of all the Corrupted Claw Demons except Corrupted Finger!

After all, the Corrupted Claw Demons are not stone lumps with Titan blood like the Stone Giant.

Even the stone giant, the 30th level high-level emperor clan leader, only has more than 500 million HP.

And the health of the Corrupted Claw Demon Emperor is of course even less, not even more than 500 million!

1.1 billion damage can kill them more than twice!

Even if they use the strongest defense skills, it is impossible to block such an attack.

Not to mention those below the high-level emperor.

This attack almost wiped out all the Corrupted Claw Demons in the Corrupted Claw Demon Lair.

The remaining Corrupted Fingers have stronger defenses, but they also lost nearly 500 million HP.

Fuzhi was stunned.

What's wrong with this monster? !

Killed all the tribesmen in their nest at once? ?

He looked at Lu Kong in horror and shouted: "Are you the descendant of the gods?!"

A level 25 Holy Spirit can do this, he chopped off his head!

Only demigods or even stronger templates can do this, right?

He thought of the guard who led this bastard into the nest before, and wanted to tear him into pieces!

Unfortunately, the guard had already died under the attack just now.

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that this guy didn't faint under the earthquake?

It seems that he has his own skills.

He smiled: "I'm just an ordinary Holy Spirit."

Believe you!

Fuzhi roared in his heart, and then he turned into a residual image and rushed out of the bronze gate.

Can't beat it!

Can't beat it at all!

Since he can't beat it, he must stay alive. Only in this way can he continue the arrangement of the Rot Claw Demon Clan!

However, although this Rot Claw Demon is not slow, Lu Kong is faster.

His basic agility is now over 10,000, not counting the improvements brought by equipment, skills, and other aspects.

Not to mention, Lu Kong also has titles, equipment, backpacks, etc. that directly improve speed.

Even though the speed of the third-level emperor is not slow, it is still a little behind Lu Kong.

In just a moment, Lu Kong caught up with Fu Zhi.

Starlight flashed on Lu Kong's heavy sword.

The next moment, it passed through Fu Zhi's body.

A high blood volume of more than 700 million floated out, and Fu Zhi's blood volume was only the last bit.

Lu Kong's heavy sword swung again, counterattacked, thunderous fury...

Just a few skills, Fu Zhi's blood volume was emptied.

He didn't even have time to fight back.

Fu Zhi's eyes widened, with a trace of disbelief and unwillingness in his eyes, and his body slowly fell down.

Lu Kong was about to pick up the fallen on the ground, at this time, the system prompts sounded one after another.

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