Sewers of Xinghe City.

Lu Kong destroyed all the resistance of the undead army with his unstoppable might. The pale cult and the powerful rotten claw demons he encountered were killed by Lu Kong before they even had time to speak.

With Lu Kong's current strength, the only difference between the enemies in front of him is whether he kills them with one skill or two skills.

As for the items dropped by these monsters, they were collected by Xia Yan and others, and even started trading with Hou Huang and others on the spot.

The sewer is very long. Even with Lu Kong's killing speed, it took almost twenty minutes to find a very secret space.

The environment of Xinghe City is different from that of Wuyuan City. There is no natural space formed by a large number of tree roots below.

The space in the sewer of Xinghe City is a hole dug out on the rock wall, and the passage inside leads to a huge cave.

In the center of the cave, there is a magic circle like the one in the lair of the rotten claw demon in Wuyuan City.

At this moment, the magic circle is running, and there is a gray-white space door on it.

Undeads rushed out of the space gate, rushing towards the exit and entering the sewer.

Although the speed of these undead support was extremely fast, they could not kill them as fast as Lu Kong.

When Lu Kong entered the cave, the three Pale Cultists and a Rotten Claw Demon near the magic circle looked very ugly.

Of course they knew they had encountered a powerful enemy. After all, the disappearance of the breath of a large number of undead was too obvious for the members of the Pale Cult.

As Lu Kong approached, they could even feel an unimaginable and terrible force approaching.

They had already notified the headquarters and were waiting for reinforcements.

But they did not expect that the enemy would be so powerful that hundreds of thousands or even millions of undead were killed so quickly by him? ?

They did not even wait for reinforcements!

After seeing Lu Kong's appearance, whether it was the Rotten Claw Demon or the high-level of the Pale Cult, they all had an expression of "as expected".

According to their intelligence, the only one who might have such strength in the Orion Novice Continent now is Lu Kong.

Seeing Lu Kong approaching quickly with scarlet flames burning in his body, the four fourth-order Holy Spirit-level Pale Cult and Corrupted Claw Demon warriors retreated one after another.

However, their speed was no match for Lu Kong. In just one breath, Lu Kong turned into scarlet lightning and passed by the side of one of the Pale Cult warriors.

High damages floated out from his head, his health bar was directly emptied, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

The other two Pale Cult members and Corrupted Claw Demon warriors saw this scene, and their souls were all gone.

They kept using various defensive skills, hoping to resist Lu Kong's attack.

The Corrupted Claw Demon warrior roared with a ferocious face: "Damn human, don't be complacent! Soon, a big man from my clan will come to suppress you!"

Hearing this, Lu Kong was startled, and then his eyes gradually brightened.

Big man?

Could it be a demigod?

He said calmly: "With my strength, even if you are a high-level Holy Spirit, you are not my opponent, don't waste your energy!"

"High-level Holy Spirit?" The powerful Corrupted Claw Demon smiled coldly, and said with some disdain: "Don't worry, the big man of my clan will definitely make you feel the taste of fear!"

Looking at this... Lu Kong's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

It's really a demigod!

Well, well, last time in Wuyuan City, it seems that a demigod appeared on the other side of the magic circle.

But because the magic circle was destroyed by him at that time, the demigod could not come.

He regretted it for a long time. If he had known earlier, he would have used less effort.

I didn't expect that there would be a chance to meet a demigod now?

It seems that there is hope for divinity and god-level skill stones.

This is a good thing!

The two high-ranking members of the Pale Cult on the side were almost vomiting blood when they heard the words of the powerful Corrupted Claw Demon.

The support hasn't arrived yet!

You just told us our trump card directly, what if Lu Kong runs away? ?

In fact, their Pale Cult also has the support of demigod-level power. If they act together with the demigod-level power of the Corrupted Claw Demon, they will definitely be able to contain this damn human player in this place.

As long as this hard bone is removed, their next action will be much easier.

Otherwise, they will not use the demigod-level foundation.

After all, they are not sure whether there are other demigod-level existences hidden in the Orion Novice Continent.

This foundation was originally reserved for the demigod-level hermits that may exist in the Orion Novice Continent.

At this moment, the two Pale Cult strongmen looked at Lu Kong nervously.

They were afraid that Lu Kong would evacuate as soon as he heard the demigod-level foundation from the Corrupted Claw Demon.

If this is true, they can't stop it at all!

Of course, this is not the worst result. The worst result is that Lu Kong ignores everything else and directly destroys the magic circle first.

If this is true, even if there is support, it can't come!

Under the gaze of the two Pale Cult masters, Lu Kong smiled: "I am also a demigod-level template. How can I be afraid of demigod-level monsters? Come on if you have the guts."

Seeing Lu Kong say this, the two were pleasantly surprised.

Yes, yes, that's how it should be!

The Rotten Claw Demon master became even more angry when he heard Lu Kong say this, and roared: "Just wait, your death is coming!"

The two Pale Cult masters stared at the Rotten Claw Demon with wide eyes, and they were thinking that Lu Kong could kill him directly.

In order to prevent this guy from saying such nonsense again.

Fortunately, Lu Kong did not disappoint them. Scarlet lightning flashed by, and the health bar of the powerful Rotten Claw Demon was immediately emptied.

Lu Kong looked at his body and smiled: "Okay, I'll wait."

Then Lu Kong turned his head and looked at the remaining two high-ranking members of the Pale Cult.

The two members of the Pale Cult turned pale.

If I had let that bastard say a few more words, maybe I could have delayed until the reinforcements arrived!

Thinking of this, the two strong men of the Pale Cult suddenly realized something.

So that's what the Rotten Claw Demon meant?

They quickly summoned their undead servants and ran away again.

Just when Lu Kong was about to kill the two high-ranking members of the Pale Cult and then quietly wait for the support of the demigod level, the gray-white space gate suddenly fluctuated again.

There were not many reinforcements this time, only four high-ranking members of the Pale Cult and two Rotten Claw Demons.

The leading member of the Pale Cult turned out to be a lich, covered with skeletons.

The aura of this skeleton lich is quite powerful. It is the most powerful guy Lu Kong has encountered so far. It is much more powerful than several city lords of large main cities.

Not only him, there is also a person with a similar aura among the rotten claw demons.

However, although the auras of these two guys are powerful, they have not reached the level of demigods.

Lu Kong threw out a detection spell and found that these two guys were actually high-level holy spirits at the peak of the fourth level.

This is the first time Lu Kong has seen a high-level holy spirit of this level.

In the Orion Novice Continent, as long as there is no fourth-level demigod, it should be an invincible existence.

The identities of these two guys are also quite bluffing. One is the archbishop of the Novice Continent, and the other is the great lord.

However, Lu Kong was a little disappointed.

That's it? It's not the demigod he imagined.

There is a feeling of being deceived.

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