In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 604 The boss with all question marks

Lu Kong found that according to the information displayed on the map, all the open dungeons are basically small and medium-sized dungeons.

Although there are large dungeons, the monster quality is not high.

The highest public dungeon Lu Kong saw was the [Storm Fortress] opened by the Wind Wing Clan.

But the target of the final boss of this dungeon is only the Holy Spirit level.

And the level of this dungeon even reached the sixth level!

The fourth and fifth level dungeons are suitable for Lu Kong's current level, but the highest template is only the Emperor level.

Lu Kong couldn't help frowning.

Lu Kong couldn't believe that there were so many divine races, and after so many years of development, there was not even a high-quality dungeon.

Obviously, these dungeons should be the exclusive resources of these races, and they would not be placed outside for all players to enter publicly!

Lu Kong guessed that he probably needed to join the alliance to be eligible to enter these dungeons.

It may even be necessary to meet other conditions after joining the alliance.

Lu Kong had a headache.

If there were no high-level dungeons, then his next equipment would be difficult.

Or go to the wilderness area outside of Galaxy City, which has not been explored yet or has a low degree of exploration?

Maybe there will be unexpected discoveries.

However, Lu Kong does not have so much time now.

The area outside Galaxy City is huge. Even with Lu Kong's speed, it is estimated that he will not be able to fly out of the sphere of influence of various gods and races in three days.

It seems that joining the alliance is inevitable.

Now he has many alliances to choose from. After these few days, he will choose one.

As for now...

Lu Kong thought about it and planned to brush all the public dungeons that can be played.

Although the monsters are of low grade and the dropped items are useless to Lu Kong, it is still good to brush experience.

At least there is no need to go to the wild to find monster areas.

Thinking of this, Lu Kong rode on his beloved Red Flame Fire Eagle and flew towards the nearest public dungeon.

[Lava Cave] The dungeon is located in the underground area of ​​Galaxy City.

The ownership of this dungeon is the Andean Night Spirits, a god-level race alliance.

The dungeon is a thousand-person dungeon, and the monster level is between level 40 and 50.

The highest-level boss is a lava earth dragon, whose template is a low-level emperor.

The others are all monsters of the king or even below the king.

Lu Kong passed through a path in the Galaxy City and soon came to the underground area of ​​the Galaxy City.

This area is different from the ground area. Because the internal passages are intertwined and complex, the environment is relatively harsh. Many native residents of the desperate gangs and even players who were expelled and hunted will hang out in this place.

In this underground area, there are four copies.

These four copies are all controlled by god-level races.

Lu Kong can understand it. After all, the Galaxy City is the main city of the entire Milky Way. You can imagine how high the flow of people is.

Even if the level of the copy is not high and the internal monster grade is not high, there are always many players who need it.

If these four copies are charged, it is estimated that they can make a lot of gold coins.

The semi-god-level race alliance cannot grasp this kind of resource at all.

Among these four copies, only two are open to the public.

They are [Lava Cave] and [Red Fire Cave].

The other two dungeons, [Heart of Flame] and [Shadow Cult], are unopened dungeons, controlled by the Red Flame Clan and the Dark Night Clan respectively.

Although there is no information in Lu Kong's map, he has learned from asking all the way that these two dungeons are super-large dungeons with more than 10,000 people.

Among them, the most powerful boss of the Heart of Flame is a low-level demigod, and the most powerful boss of the Shadow Cult even reaches the high-level demigod template!

It is conceivable how precious these two dungeons are.

When Lu Kong heard about the Shadow Cult dungeon, he wanted to join the Dark Night Clan on the spot.

As long as he can enter the Shadow Cult dungeon, it is equivalent to obtaining lower-level god-level items stably!

If he is lucky and triggers the quality improvement effect, he may have the hope of obtaining middle-level god-level items!

Came to a hollow area in the underground area. There are many buildings in this area, including shops, equipment stores and other shops, and even residential areas such as hotels.

At the end of this area, there is a space gate.

The stone walls around the space gate flashed with wisps of hot flames.

This is the entrance to the Lava Cave dungeon.

Outside the dungeon entrance, there is a stone tablet with many names engraved on it.

This is the team on the dungeon speed list.

Even in the dungeons of Orion Continent, there is actually this thing, but it doesn't mean anything to Lu Kong.

After all, he is the first in all the speed lists. Who in the entire Orion Continent can be faster than him?

Lu Kong looked at the list with some curiosity, and then he raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a hint of surprise.

The first place in the speed list took only 20 seconds to clear the dungeon, and there was only one person in the team, named Chi Huang.

You know, the condition for being on the dungeon speed list is that it cannot exceed the dungeon level.

In other words, only fourth-level players can be on the list, and high-level players coming to brush the dungeon do not meet the conditions.

This means that Chi Huang spent 20 seconds to clear a thousand-person dungeon.

Lu Kong thought thoughtfully, this kid is probably at least a Holy Spirit template, maybe a Demigod template.

Maybe he is here to show off?

After all, for players with the Holy Spirit Template or even the Demigod Template, the things dropped in this dungeon are no different from garbage.

There is a small square outside the dungeon. In the square, there are groups of players of various races with different looks calling for team formation.

"Level 45 King Template Flame Warrior, please form a team to clear the team quickly. If you want to clear it quickly, you need to clear it quickly. Get away from the bastards!"

"The level 40 lord template mechanical guard is asking for a wasteland reclamation team. You can only fight the old one!"

"The level 50 king boss leads the team to speed pass. It only costs 5,000 gold coins for the ticket, allowing you to experience the speed of passing the level as fast as possible!"

"Is there any brother who is willing to take care of his sister~ My sister is willing to give her life to me, only for humanoid races, and not for orcs!"

"What the hell!? What happened to the orcs?? Look down on the orcs?"


It has to be said that the scenes outside the dungeon are more lively than the vegetable market.

Lu Kong took a look and found that the female player who promised her body was quite beautiful, with long green hair, pointed ears, tall and hot figure, somewhat similar to an elf.

As Lu Kong walked over, he felt a lot of probing techniques coming towards him.

Obviously, a nearby team that is short of players wants to see the strength of Lukong. If there is strength, they will send out an invitation.

Lu Kong had seen this situation many times outside the Orion Continent dungeon.

But soon, the expressions of the players who wanted to check the land and air panel changed slightly.

They discovered that all the panels used to detect land and air were filled with question marks!

There is only one explanation for this situation, and that is that the strength of the person in front of them far exceeds theirs.

This also made them stand far away quickly, not daring to anger the big boss in front of them.

Lu Kong walked all the way into the space door. As his figure disappeared, everyone who had been shocked before breathed a sigh of relief and started talking with his teammates.

"Damn... a boss with all the question marks! Why would such a boss come to an open dungeon like Lava Caves?"

"Who knows? Fortunately, this big guy has a good temper and didn't care about us using probing techniques. Otherwise, we would probably be in trouble."

At this moment, the light on the racing list stone came on.

In the square at the entrance of the dungeon, the eyes of all the players were attracted.

"Someone refreshed the speedrunning ranking?!"

"Look who it is and what time it is!"

When they saw the message on the stone tablet, the entire square fell into silence.

The first place, Lukong, cleared the level in 3 seconds.

Everyone: "???????"

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