In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 630 Projection of Giant Beast Paradise

Because brushing the dungeons also requires dealing with drops, although there are only a few dungeons, it takes a long time.

By the time Lukong finished finishing several copies of Dark Night Alliance, it was almost time for the secret realm of Behemoth Paradise to open.

During this period, Ye Wu started an advanced mission again. This time she chose the advanced mission of demigod difficulty. Naturally, she successfully completed the advanced mission and reached the fourth level.

After reaching the fourth level, Ye Wu originally wanted to invite Lu Kong to the Monster Paradise, but thinking that Lu Kong and Hariya were cooperating, he didn't invite him.

Lu Kong himself also received a private message from Harriet, asking when he would go to Windwing Alliance City.

At this moment, Lu Kong has finished all the non-public copies of the Dark Night Alliance. Although there are still some public copies, there is no time now.

After saying goodbye to Ye Wu and Ye Yue, he left Dark Night Alliance City and went directly to Windwing Alliance City.


Windwing Alliance City.

Sword and rose bar.

As soon as Lu Kong entered the bar, he saw Xue Qing walking over: "Mr. Lu, are you here? The boss is already waiting for you."

Lu Kong nodded and said with a smile: "Senior Xueqing, I haven't seen you for a few days. It seems that you are doing well."

Xue Qing's face was a little less sad than before, with a smile on her face.

He seemed to be in much better spirits than before.

Xue Qing smiled: "Thanks to Mr. Lu, the South Dou Ape Man came to the door before and was driven away by the boss."

Lu Kong nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Ms. Harriet made a promise, so it seems that you don't need to worry about the threat of the South Dou Ape Man here."


Xue Qing nodded: "I'll take Mr. Lu to see the boss."

Xue Qing took Lu Kong to the office on the top floor. When Harrie saw the two people coming in, she smiled and stood up to greet them.

"Lu Kong, you came so late. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to catch up."

Lu Kong smiled apologetically: "There have been a lot of things recently, but since I agreed, I will definitely not be late."

Harrie looked at Lu Kong with a half-smile but said: "Lu Kong, you are a very busy man now. I heard that you helped the Mad Blood Clan defeat the natural god-level genius of the Red Flame Tribe in the Mad Blood Alliance, and won the resource allocation war for the Mad Blood Clan. ? And you also went to the Dark Night Alliance and cooperated with the Dark Night Clan to clear a few undisclosed dungeons. As far as I know, your racing record exceeds that of the Goddess. "

The corners of Lu Kong's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, as a natural god of the Wind Wing tribe, Harriet was very well-informed.

Harriet could understand the battle in Stormwind City, but Lu Kong was not surprised at all.

But she also knew the racing records of the Dark Night Alliance, which meant that there might also be spies from the Wind Wing clan within the Dark Night Alliance.

After all, it is one of the only two top forces.

While listening to Harriet's talk, Xue Qing next to her opened her eyes wide with a look of shock.

"Mr. Lu actually surpassed that goddess in the dungeon race?!"

Things about Mad Blood City are not secret to begin with, and now the entire Galaxy City is discussing the emergence of the genius Lu Kong in the city.

However, there is no word about the Dark Night Alliance's dungeon racing.

This is also the first time Xue Qing has heard of this matter.

From Xue Qing's point of view, it was much more difficult to surpass the Dark Night Goddess Temple in a land and air dungeon than to defeat a natural god-level genius who had been hiding in the snow for a long time.

After all, the goddess in the temple is now a high-ranking god!

Just think about it and realize how amazing and talented she was back then.

Lu Kong actually surpassed her, wouldn't there be great hope of reaching the upper god level in the future?

Lu Kong smiled: "Miss Harriet is still very well-informed. I am just lucky. The Goddess Temple is now a high-ranking god, and I am still a small fourth-level player. This can't be compared to ”

When Harriet first heard the news, she was equally shocked.

If this is the case, then Lu Kong's strength may be even stronger than hers.

But as a natural god of the Wind Wing tribe, Harriet naturally has her own pride.

Even though he is not as good as Lu Kong now, everyone is still only at level four.

The future holds endless possibilities.

In addition, Lu Kong had no support from the forces behind her, and the entire Wind Wing clan stood behind her.

In the future, she thinks she can catch up with Lu Kong.

Of course, even so, Harriet valued Lukong even more because of this incident.

As far as she knew, even the top leaders of the clan had planned to contact him.

Harriet's thoughts were racing, and she smiled and said: "You are too humble. You can kill a lower-level god-level fourth-level peak boss in a short time. This in itself is proof of your strength."

After the two chatted for a while, Harriet glanced at the time and said, "Okay, the door to the secret realm is about to open, and we have to leave."

Lu Kong nodded: "Okay."

The two left the Sword and Rose Bar and went directly to the Central Square.

There are a large number of teleportation arrays in the central square. Players and indigenous people enter and exit through the teleportation arrays, and the light of the arrays shines.

Harriet explained: "These magic circles have been arranged little by little by our Wind Wing clan over the years. The largest one leads to Galaxy City, and the others lead to other places that have good relations with our Wind Wing Alliance. Several alliance forces, and others lead to several garrison fortresses and the outer defense line of the Demonic Domain."

Lu Kong nodded thoughtfully and glanced at the magic circle.

There is actually a teleportation circle that leads to the outside of the Demon Realm.

From this point of view, the players and aborigines in the Wind Wing Alliance will probably go to the Demon Realm to fight.

But think about it, it is not very useful for low-level players and aborigines to go to the Demon Battlefield.

If it is an ordinary person, it is fine, but if it is a genius, going there may be targeted and there is a great danger.

At this time, the inner Demon Realm is a very good place for them to practice.

Lu Kong thought of his mentor Kanna. After the secret realm of the Giant Beast Paradise, he will go to find mentor Kanna and go to the Demon Realm to see the situation.

Maybe he can get some divinity and lay a foundation for himself to upgrade to the god level.

After all, his divinity is still too little now, only more than fifty points.

"The secret realm of the Giant Beast Paradise is located in the Giant Beast Wilderness. There is a Giant Beast City outside the secret realm. It is a city jointly established by all the major forces near the Galaxy City and the official Galaxy City. It was born specifically for the Giant Beast Paradise. We have a teleportation array here, so we can go there. Let's go!"

Lu Kong nodded and followed Ha Liye to one of the arrays.

There are many natives and players coming and going in this magic circle, most of them are level 4, and some are higher level, perhaps they are here to keep the peace.

After seeing Haliye, some players and natives with higher templates greeted each other with respectful expressions.

Of course, many people looked at Lu Kong curiously.

After standing on the magic circle, the magic circle started, the light flashed, and Lu Kong found himself in an empty square.


As soon as he appeared, Lu Kong heard a wild roar.

The roar shook the air, and some weaker players and natives covered their ears and frowned.

Lu Kong looked up, and the sky seemed to be reflecting another world.

In that world, there were giant trees taller than mountains, volcanoes spewing flames, and terrifying beasts taller than giant beasts.

One of the huge black dragons was crawling on a towering mountain, looking up and roaring.

The roar Lu Kong heard came from another world.

Lu Kong understood that that world was probably the so-called Giant Beast Paradise.

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