In the universe online game, I can specify the drop

Chapter 646 The giant beast that masters the power of law

Lu Kong smiled and said, "I'll go in and take a look."

Ha Liye nodded, "I'll keep an eye on him outside to prevent Dylan from running away."

Yan Luo, Ye Tianming and others looked at Ha Liye strangely.

Such a strong desire for revenge.

Dylan was unlucky to meet the two of them.

Lu Kong stepped into the magic circle and quickly turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Seeing Lu Kong go in, everyone in the inheritance area was refreshed.

They had seen Lu Kong's strength in killing Xue Lan outside before.

Everyone was curious about how many levels Lu Kong could pass.

Lu Kong's eyes were covered by white light. When the white light disappeared, he appeared on a huge arena. The outside of the arena and the sky were covered by hazy void.

As Lu Kong appeared, a cold system prompt sounded in the sky.

"Player Lu Kong has entered the test. The test will start in ten seconds. Please be prepared."

Listening to the countdown of the system, Lu Kong raised his eyebrows.

He didn't have anything to prepare.

After waiting for ten seconds, the system prompted the start of the first level.

Not far from Lu Kong, there was a light flowing, and then it turned into a huge black magic wolf.

Lu Kong had seen this magic wolf outside before, it was a kind of giant beast.

Lu Kong scanned it with his detection technique and found that this magic wolf was just a template of a low-level creature, with the same level as him, and its strength was quite average.

After the magic wolf appeared, it roared and pounced on Lu Kong.

The next moment, a scarlet sword light flashed, and the blood bar of the magic wolf was emptied, turning into white light and disappearing.

"Ding, player Lu Kong passed the first level test, and entered the second level test in 30 seconds. Please be prepared."

Thirty seconds later, the opponent of the second level appeared.

It was a mid-level holy spirit, which was also a matter of seconds for Lu Kong.

In the third level, it was a high-level holy spirit, which was also killed instantly.

The template of the fourth level became a low-level demigod.

It was also a kill for Lu Kong.

The fifth level, the mid-level demigod.

The sixth level, the high-level demigod.

At the seventh level, the opponent became a giant beast of the lower-level god template.

The giant beast happened to be the black-armored giant ape that Lu Kong had encountered before, and its level was the same as his.

Before, Lu Kong encountered the fifth-level black-armored giant ape king, whose strength was naturally much stronger than this guy.

The lower-level god of the same level, or the warrior-type giant beast like him, had no special life-saving skills. Facing Lu Kong, it could only hold on for a few breaths.

When the black-armored giant ape turned into white light and disappeared, Lu Kong got ten minutes to prepare.

He sat on the ground a little bored waiting for the next level to start, feeling a little speechless.

This level of opponent was just a warm-up for him, what was there to prepare for?

When Lu Kong complained, the inheritance area exploded.

Lu Kong's ranking on the stone tablet rose too fast.

What many geniuses could not accept was that Lu Kong only spent a few seconds to pass the seventh level.

"That guy, is he a mid-level god template?"

"A fourth-level mid-level god template... is it true?"

"Check who that guy is? Does anyone know people from the Dark Night Clan, Wind Wing Clan, and Mad Blood Clan? Go ask. He was very close to people from these races just now."


For a while, everyone began to ask about Lu Kong's information.

Ten minutes later, the test of the eighth level began.

This time, the test opponents were three black-armored giant apes at the lower god level.

The attack power of the three black-armored giant apes of the same level was quite strong.

Under the premise that Lu Kong did not use other defensive skills and did not dodge attacks, they almost caught up with the speed of his shield stacking.

This was actually a good thing for Lu Kong.

Lu Kong directly faced the attacks of the three black-armored giant apes and hit one of them.

After being attacked by the three black-armored giant apes for a few seconds, Lu Kong directly counterattacked with an extreme state and killed the other black-armored giant ape with full blood in a second.

Of the remaining two, only one was still at low health, so it was easy for Lu Kong to kill.

The last one didn't take a few seconds.

In total, it only took about ten seconds for Lu Kong to kill three black-armored giant apes of the same level.

The ninth level started fifteen minutes later.

The opponents were five black-armored giant apes, the same level as Lu Kong, and all of them were lower-level god templates.

For such opponents, even Lu Kong had to use other skills.

Defensive skills such as Holy Blood Shield.

This ensures that his shield will not be broken when he is not defending.

Lu Kong used the same tactics as before, rushing up and waiting for a few seconds.

When the extreme counterattack was stacked to a sufficient number of layers, he would kill a full-health one first.

After killing one, Lu Kong's pressure was naturally less, and the other four black-armored giant apes also lost their threat.

Tens of seconds later, with two consecutive extreme counterattacks and the cooperation of various skills, the other four black-armored giant apes were killed.

Overall, it was pretty easy.

After passing the ninth level, the system prompted that it would take half an hour to open the tenth level.

Lu Kong could only continue to wait.

When the people outside saw that Lu Kong had passed the ninth level so quickly, they were all shocked.

"He must be a middle-level god template!"

"He must be, and he is an extremely strong middle-level god template. Whether it is in terms of attributes or skills, he is very powerful!"

Yewu and Haliye, who had not yet entered the inheritance assessment, looked at each other with flashing eyes, and saw a hint of hostility in each other's eyes.

It would be best if a genius like Lu Kong could join their alliance.

Although Lu Kong has connections with many divine races, to be fair, the most powerful in the entire Galaxy City are the Wind Wing Clan and the Dark Night Clan.

The possibility of Lu Kong joining these two alliances is naturally the greatest.

Therefore, they are competitors.

Haliye smiled and said, "Why don't you go in to take the assessment? The assessment of the demigod template should be over soon, right?"

Yewu's expression was calm: "The innate gods are indeed strong, but in the later stages, they may not necessarily go further than other templates. There is a long way to go."

Haliye smiled and said nothing more.

She glanced at the place where Dylan was before, and he was no longer there.

After Xuelan died, Dylan had already entered the inheritance assessment, obviously intending to get the inheritance first.

She stayed outside to prevent Dylan from sneaking away after completing the assessment.

She was a little curious now, if Dylan saw Lu Kong's performance, what would he feel now?


Assessment in progress.

The tenth level began, and the stage was shining.

A white jade fox that was more than fifty meters tall appeared in front of Lu Kong, emitting an extremely powerful aura.

[Light Spirit Giant Fox (Middle Level God)]

Level: 43

Life: 3200 billion

Attack: 43 billion

Law: Light

Introduction: The Light Spirit Giant Fox has the blood of the starry sky giant beast, the light nine-tailed fox, and is born with a trace of the power of the law of light. It is the top tribe on the giant beast planet.

As he thought, the tenth level is a monster of the middle level god.

However, what Lu Kong didn't expect was that this guy actually mastered the power of the law? !

It turns out that a normal fourth level can also master the power of the law?

Lu Kong suddenly remembered that he still had a law treasure chest that he hadn't opened.

Then couldn't he open the treasure chest and gain the power of the law?

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